BFA Retribution paladin overhaul!? | Battle for Azeroth Alpha - games free

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 3, 2019

BFA Retribution paladin overhaul!? | Battle for Azeroth Alpha

  1. Apoxiosis: nobody complained that we didnt have inquisition. its a garbage spell.
  2. Nikola Jambrisko: I hope they change it more. Some spells should be base line. Divine purpose would be a nice passive. Exorcisam give that back. And change repentance a bit. Give us WOTLK blessings back :D I want to buff EVERYONE. :D My humbel opinion. I hope better ideas tho. :D Ret <3 Blizzard plz dont kill my bae. So basicly - dps- ret, helaer- shaman, tank -dk/pala. My sqad. :D EDiT: Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition... :D
  3. John Doe: B E T A B O Y R E T S
  4. Dumbuldir Bronzebeard: They could make consecration just like defile for unholy dk's.
  5. Shiryuu Rin: Are paladins alpha or beta player?
  6. Delta Actual: Brendan Braica Right...? Like, who at Blizz thought "you know what I think we need to do? Remove exorcism."
  7. jesse scheepmaker: ash > storm > strike > storm is still PRETTY good aoe dps
  8. Rezaar -: They should make HoW baseline and instead put a talent that greatly increase it s dmg potential
  9. Rewston: Beta class gets beta talents EleGiggle
  10. Ali Sar: we are going to be awful in m+ with no cleave whatsoever
  11. Bryce Petersen: Some of these changes make me think I might not want to main my Paladin anymore.
  12. eugkra33: So free Templars Verdict procs from divine purpose will now often do 25% less damage, because you can't use judgement often enough?
  13. Khandurian: Definitely not gonna be playing this calss anymore. I really loved ret for a while there... You'll be missed. Now to think what do I reroll to... MAN that's gonna be hard af.
  14. Merkin 101: I wish the mastery for classes was more unique ....stop trying to make WoW easier lol its plenty easy as it comes off really lazy too from a dev standpoint.....That being said I'm excited to see hammer of wrath again, I feel like they need exo back though, god forbid there's more than 3 buttons to push .....*cough STOP PRUNING SHIT LAZY FUCKS..
  15. christian siebelds: maybe you should look at his hands
  16. Sergio Castro: I need a new guide dude... come back to the vidz
  17. Sport/eSport And Much More: Lol, so gameplay is same as it was on Legion, unsubscribed wow for sure.
  18. Jirachi93: well I am excited aswell and I am halfway through mythic and am about 25 years old so neither fact applies to me.
  19. Peter Ziebell Runge: I love playing the paladin, as it's strong in both aoe and single target fights, if they change that so radically, Im gonna change :(
  20. Dario Miniello: lolret is back bois
  21. electron-space: WOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I can play my pally in BFA!!!
  22. theparadisesnare: LOL implying the ret skill cap was even remotely high
  23. Apoxiosis: yeah but consider the following: it didnt actually do anything, you were just drastically weaker if you didnt use it. the spec was balanced around 100% uptime.
  24. Tobias Nilsson: hammer of Pillows
  25. Adam: I hate that everyone QQed about the judgment mastery, if you have 30% haste then it stays up the entire time. It sucks when you change targets but that’s where strategy comes in
  26. Falken: what kind of fucking retard wanted inquisition back ?
  27. kush amnesia: c eh looks 10 times better as Legion
  28. eXORY: So now we have an execute that isnt really an execute, only ONE aoe spell (that consumes 3 HP), we have to decide between light burst or a light consistent damage and our fucking 3 sec movement spell has now a 1min cooldown, i'd call that a reeeeeevamp :D
  29. Stormrage: Troy Moore true, also you can go full monkey and pop bubble manual. It is not that hard to anticipate damage in raid fights, less so in mythic+.
  30. dorky shark: this is bad,but im gonna fight as a paladin,cause once paladins get buffed again I will feel like shit for not staying on its side
  31. Kaine Hall: LOL
  32. Ken Havens: Quin why did you stop streaming D3 ?
  33. Desmond Turcotte: can you judge, then build hp, then judge another target and ds them both?
  34. opvask: 18:55 retake the holy land DEUS VULT hahaha
  35. Le Septiéme Cercle: #SOLOQIUE
  36. Wrey: I don't understand why Hammer of Wrath is only usable on enemies below 20% health if it does less damage than all the other abilities. I say make it usable at 100% health ('cause I saw a lot of auto attacking going on so the extra ability would be really nice and probably make the rotation more fun) or make it do more damage damn it >:C
  37. ChrCOLTChr: Why's every youtuber that plays WoW has their camera waaaaay back? I understand that when you're TANKING and especially in a RAID, you HAVE to look at everything and everyone, I used to do that, but dude... YOU'RE IN TOWN SHOWING NEW STUFF! Bring the camera in the action! Just sayin.
  38. Crazy Steve: I. WANT. EXORCISM! SwiftRage
  39. Festivejelly: Show us the fucking talents instead of mumbling in your squeaky gay voice about why they are crap. You must be the shittest ret paladin around.
  40. Uriel Nino: Im gonna use this aaaaaaaaaand i miss.. LUL
  41. Mat Levesque: With all that bashing, you didnt even mention azurite gear once. Yeah, we get Azurite gear, that are going to change how a spec plays out. Who would of known.
  42. James Wilkinson: Oh god i would love exo to come back, thats the class fantasy spell we need.
  43. Kiwicuz: RIP wheelchair class
  44. Skimba: Totally agree with divine storm. If its not bursting line aoe storm it feels like handicapped low level :/ Which is pretty useless in my opinnion. Will prob be forced to drop lots of aoe that case :/
  45. Whatster87: Warriors need shattering throw back savix
  46. Pull em: God they nerfed the shit out of crusade. And for burst... jv was preferred with a build up of holy power, stun off trinket, jv, wake, jv, then regular rotation has the highest output of anything (other than if you have soul and can just spam TV off of procs...) but unfortunately I'm not that lucky, 10 legendaries in and no ring.
  47. djinux1: F@#$ Inquisition I hated it before guess ill not play ret anymore if it ends up penciling out the best..
  48. Stephen Sullivan: Wow, it looks like a bunch of people would rather just get rid of Inquisition than have it as a talent, and put Hammer of Wrath as baseline so it doesn't destroy Divine Hammer for cleave which would probably be very smart.
  49. Olo: fck Blizz where is Divine Tempest and Unbreakable Will ? ;/and they changed Icon Eye for an Eye ... + 1 min CD Divine Steed...
  50. Twisted fate: I dont like the current Hammer , i wish they would do as Quin mentions in the video , remove the one holy power gain and increase the damage so we want to click it above for example Judgment and it would be amazing , and i also agree with the Comments below , Please Bring Exorcism back , the ability was fun and amazing
  51. Dominic C: i want the guardian back... that was the coolest thing ever in the game, it was so iconically Ret
  53. Mat Levesque: And dont forget he did not mention Azurite gear once, that will act as legions 'artifact' weapons and drasticly change the playstyle. So yeah we are still missing a lot of information.
  54. IllustriousTV: welcome to wow its catterd to the casual scrubs who have no brains :D
  55. Orange Parsley: Did not see coverage on movement skills, which is still a significant weakness imo, (I want falling sword from crusaders)
  56. Bytemare77: Exactly how many times have paladin's been rewamped over the years? Like, every singel expansion.
  57. Abraham Jacob: Why the fck is this guy using raider dummy. Use a normal dummy and stop getting parried. Hammer of wrath need to be baseline and remove the HP mechanic.
  58. Spartan: SO u stack haste to as much as possible so you can have judgment alot to make +25% dmg on the holy spender ( templar's verdict ) which u care , mastery my ass. it's still complicated :p
  59. João Paulo Oliveira Viscaino: INQUISITIONNNNNN
  60. Alexandra Neiman: I'm realling annoyed. I mad a paladin two days ago, and i'm lvl 40. log into wow before it kicked me off and they made it so you can't have Consecration till 60! it's ridiculous! I didn't get the rest of what was changed. 8 hours later.. still can't log on.
  61. Rob Heller: A two hand weapon that doesn't cleave is pretty sad.
  62. Delta Actual: My favorite ret was Wrath ret. Wasn't super big on holy power but imo Warlords did holy power the best. Idk wtf they were thinking with Legion 😕
  63. Joel Taggart: LOL you are still a thing? Who fucking cares about WoW
  64. Kaine Hall: ret paladins have always been the most boring class in the game these changes are not bad
  65. chris keel: looks to me like depending on talent choices, you can spec for single target focused, or AoE focused rotations
  66. Raymond Ron: Always awesome to see another guide Alk keep up the good work I hope they never add soloqueue and let pvp die even more
  67. Thatshow ED: So if the game is shit untill you get azerite gear how will anyone know what to play? Do we really need to level every class up, gear every class up before we know how a class plays?
  68. Nikola Jambrisko: Kristian Matinko - True. I hope they think about what will go live. For me this is BS. I dont like it. :/
  69. Zeakon Z: We should have wrath or inq baseline.. not talents.. period. If u got alpha/ beta , u tell em ! Cheers a pally main
  70. Kogdzilla: Hey, how strong is ret compared to Legion?
  71. qik78u: hopefully the Azerite gear will gives us options for talents that will make judgement cleave etc
  72. John: bring MoP paladins back :DD
  73. Rodrigo Lins: #Soloqueue
  74. Tobias Nilsson: I want to remove all of this Aoe madness from the game, every class just has to much aoe atm, i want to get back some single target HARD hitting classes that do not have alot of aoe like back in the day, (Old fire mage with just situation aoe that had Cooldown<3)
  75. balistikcious: Some people are just plain stupid holy sht :))) just watch the god damn video for more than 5 seconds if you can't diferentiate a voice altering software ( soundboard ) from a normal voice .
  76. Cloudystroms: I miss the gameplay of WoD Paladin with the BRF tier set and divine purpose.  Everything proc'd off of everything
  77. Richard Jones: it seems to be a lot more like cataclysm dragon soul ret paladin. that's both good and bad. i wasn't that big of a fan with inquisition but i'm glad a lot of spells are back and the mastery isn't total trash. it looks like ret is headed into a better direction finally. 4:19 like seriously very dragon soul paladin lol... i'm getting so many flashbacks of playing ret in cataclysm. the judgement gaining holy power and not cleaving but AoE spells were for AoE. it's actually really good because it means on 2 targets with like bloodlust/hero or hasted effects you can still make use of it. there might be talents to cleave and or azerite armor that gives that passive back as azerite armor is literally just an extended talent system.
  78. Avionic: We need the range that paladins have always had, so I agree. Get rid of Blade of Justice and give us back Exorcism. It's essentially the same thing, just exo had range and no HP
  79. Seth and Camille: Just stopping in to hear your voice again. Loved all your Diablo videos. Keep up the good work.
  80. jmwintenn: i don't watch streams so i only see quinn in these videos. i forget how handsome he is.
  81. Brady Blackwell: so ret paladins are arms warriors now?
  82. mizuxsion: DAAAAMN QUIN!!!! Looking GOOD AF tell me why I wanna jump on your bones right now????
  83. Noah Koenig: I miss exo so much...
  84. c eh: electron-space why? It looks Trash tier. Like really really bad in all aspects of the game
  85. WhatAboutBingo: How’s AOE looking?
  86. Jarvis Faulkner: Straight up, just give consecration a Cleave to targets within consecration by X%
  87. Khamis1203: I really hope that ret paladins are at least middle of the barrel dps. I'm loving my ret and I only just picked it up at antorus for legion. It quickly became my favorite full artifact dps class with the 4 set piece from antorus. So it kinda sucks we are losing like 70% of our shiny dps things. On the bright side, paladins are always amazing duelists in PvP so with an expansion based around that PvP idea I'll always be okay in PvP.
  88. Savix: yesss give us some ret videos PogChamp P.s. I agree with the hammer dmg+/ ds range
  89. John Rudge: Bubble was good for pvp when there 10 people attacking u
  90. Patrik Liba: Range divine sTORM!
  91. Artun Ayata: thanks man ^^
  92. Stormrage: Steven Lake I expect Blizzard will troll us with a glyph making it visual pillow.
  93. re hash: Curb reference. 👌
  94. Sungo Ko: Jirachi93 you're just a moron then that enjoys boring gameplay gtfo
  95. Ashley Goggs: id love exo back and to have it reanimated like the cross from dantes inferno, it would be fucking sick.
  96. Stormrage: I never used auto bubble but this new talent may be slight buff in PvE. It reduces cd of shield of vengeance to and if you use that as offensive spell it gives you slightly more dps.
  97. DerSchmiedJ: Lol@12 times how on right action bar xd
  98. Whirlstorm Bladestorm: If you complain about getting abilities back you might lose them again your not a warrior you dont deserve a execute
  99. smokeandnoob: luksp96 yeah thats true man,because i think inquisition will be playable only on pure single and divine purpose on aoe
  100. zalomalo: ret is not easy in Legion, only who doesnt play it are that says it.
  101. Nikola Jambrisko: Hammer of wrath from WOTLK.... yea that one: ;) ;)
  102. LeJulles: It's good, that that "window dmg" is gone now, i hatet it so so much. We have Holy Light swinging warriors that criple themselfs constantly. But what i don't like @all, and the problem i have with paladins in general is, that they are so so boring in terms of movement. The other melees have such cool movement abilities and the horse in many times you only have 1 of it, is just so boring. A talent or a seal or something would be nice to increase movement speed or something. I liked the speed seal so much back in the times, only because we feeled like running arround. The Horse is not fun. A holy light charge like warriors charge or something would be cool >..<
  103. Spoteddy: I think youre forgettning you dont have Azerite yet and the numbers arent balanced.You should focus on playability of the talents in alpha, not numbers
  104. Imrejects: Wasn’t this basically the mastery in mop
  105. Thatshow ED: I just want wotlk retri back. This just looks like dog shit.
  106. Márk Arató: Subbed!
  107. Sungo Ko: electron-space if you get excited by these changes then you're either an old fucking man , or you're a casual and new to the game.
  108. NaqoyqatZ: Passive cleave was stupid. Glad it's gone.
  109. Jack Tulloch: did you watch more than 5 seconds in
  110. redundantinfo: Still seems slow as fuck, I was really hoping they'd pick up the pace of combat in BFA. I'm mainly a pvp player and the lack of class utility and the generally slow pace of Legion has made pvp really fucking boring imo.
  111. zalomalo: I hate (my main spec) retrib as is in beta; no mechanic aware, no DS fun anymore. Blizz is telling us: "ret must suck, reroll noobs".
  112. Synjinnzfate: btw your wall reads 6g
  113. Jirachi93: Since when is mythic raiding considered boring? I guess you're just another troll
  114. Alberto Moreno: You quit Diablo?
  115. Siriohasu: fuck double the cool down double the damage quadruple the cooldown remove the holy gen times the damage by like 5 remove the wings proc completely 9:09
  116. fuzzyguy90: its called splash damage not incidental cleave ya sperg
  117. Nuugart: I love the current ret pally, this looks horrible however, I may need to consider playing another class
  118. lolgreek123: Horrible sound quality. How could you upload this? Waiting for reupload before watching again. Jeez.
  119. Ertuğrul Akpınar: it is not even new mastery, it is just not old but quadruple-old master @ cataclysm
  120. Aoyoma Kenji: Le Monk guide plox
  121. off3nc3: Show us on the doll where the RET touched you ? :D
  122. Kysnar Gaming: I agree completely with the ranged Divine Storm. It would feel weird going back to they way it was without your artifact.
  123. Sungo Ko: Nah worse than warriors , warriors have leap and charge fear stun etc. Basically rets are still #1 slowest
  124. Ryan Castilla: Only thing I see is TURTLEDIN XD The damn horse again nice bliss nice
  125. KomaEU: Make hammer of Wrath baseline
  126. Zodiac L: Why remove DoT from wake of ash lol
  127. NiggBamma: Game is so casual nowadays, blade of wrath, wake of ashes and hammer of wrath MUST BE BASELINE ! STOP THE EFFIN PRUNE !!
  128. Qwimby: Zoom your camera in to avoid trees in your frame and give us a better look at the animations. Switch target dummies. Show the abilities in action - all of them.
  129. Andrius J.: Does JV benefit from Judgement or 1st row talents? Otherwise, the buffed TV might outperform the JV+DP combo
  130. Mike21Daisu: I just wanna say that I'm happy that they removed auto bubble... ret main for 10 years, that was the best and the worst thing they've ever done at the same time.
  131. Darth Lex: what you read sir, hammer of wrath is a spell intended to help you generate more holy power when the target is at 20%, so you can use your Templar's verdict more often. It works in the same way that Shadow Word: Death for priest. Hammer of wrath is not a spell designed as an "execute" ability, so its damage is more than fine in its current state, which is already high considering also that it has 30 yards range and a pretty short CD that can be lowered even more with haste. As I said before, stop bitching, you cant compare HoW with warrior's Execute, starting with that Execute has a cost and it's a pure melee ability. And I'll tell you more, if you have seen any other youtube content about the alpha, arms' warrior execute deals almost the same damage as HoW.
  132. Razel Razelovic: Really?I mean really? Is there any class which Blizz do not messed up in BfA. How should Palys leveling without a decent AoE ? How can they be usefull in Dungeons , clearing a trash ? Well , all i can do is have a faith that is not a final version of Retri. Paladin.Thanks for video Quin69 anyway.GJ.
  133. Spartan: pvp talents? please tell me sanctuary doesnt exist anymore
  134. SuperNaturaali s: U judge the hammers damage with shit gear u got on @ start of the expansion. Think what that will do with around 100-150% mastery + Wings + Execution sentence buffs.
  135. Tobias Nilsson: I want this paladin, but even more wotlk even. SIngle target Ramp up high dmg stuff so that you can stun and nuke kill in pvp again ^^
  136. Adam: Valehntyn true true
  137. Jotsky: "half as toxic" I giggled.
  138. John Rudge: It was good when u needed it in pvp
  139. Darth Lex: What "old hammer of wrath" are you talking about? The spell is exactly the same as it has always been. Stop bitching. If you want an execute ability go play a warrior
  140. Troy Moore: Stormrage but my gcd
  141. Naxxy: Oh no :( ret is going to be fucked sideways :(
  142. Ragebox85: I got access to BfA and yeah I know its very rudamentary and they are trying to test things... but ret pally atm. is terribly terribly boring... nothing new to master.. no challenge, no difference... just made easier and some cookies in the form of old spells to cater to the masses...
  143. Siriohasu: and fucking remove caviler and bring back long arm of the law
  144. Avionic: Retribution is awesome as a PvPer. Also, having someone die to give you a damage boost is ridiculous because a party member is always more valuable than a small buff for 10 seconds. Derp.
  145. Zach Oneal: Yar, free FoL's are coming back ftw.
  146. Byucknah The Red: I really, really, REALLY hope that they bake Divine Tempest into our class some how :T
  147. Brandoxic: Nobody cares about your PvE use of Retribution, the ideal place for it is in PvP which is obvious, as a lot of people die constantly, so it has pretty much 100% up time. You can't say remove an ability just because it doesn't flow well with cookie-cutter PvE fights.
  148. Hardkroner: Quinn what did you think about the final verdict talent im WoD?
  149. lolloda: BFA Hammer of Wrath is like rogue's Dispatch in WoD
  150. Troy Moore: People also used auto bubble to get more dps. You get to go full monkey until auto bubble gets popped.
  151. Despair: Ret Paladins have been arms warriors for the entirety of Legion already..
  152. unlockwall: holy power - inquisition = no sub till classic is out...
  153. Zach Oneal: Current talent calculators show Execution Sentence being 120% attack power (20% nerf) and Hammer of Wrath at 130% attack power, so it's kind of weird to me that HoW is hitting like a pillow on that Alpha build. For reference, Templar's Verdict is only 115% attack power, so HoW should be THE hard hitting ret ability rather than Execution Sentence. Also judgment of light is being replaced with selfless healer as a talent. I for one am excited.
  154. OniiChanYamete! Kyahh!!: WoD pallies was my favorite pally
  155. Valehntyn: That was literally the issue. When you have it up 100% of the time it is no longer a gameplay mechanic you have to make decisions about and plan around, its just a buff you maintain. I.e. fucking boring.
  156. boipu: So its faceroll
  157. 0321SHOOTER: Yeah hammer of wrath sucks....
  158. Nikola Jambrisko: Apoxiosis -I agree with you mate. Hate that garbage spell :D ...
  159. Lordofthings1: Love seeing quin back on yt I miss your greater rift freakouts and guides
  160. Steven Lake: Pillow of Wrath
  161. Iceblinkx: clicker
  162. luksp96: It does radiant damage, but you're right, the damage is not increased by mastery. But with wake having a 45 second cd it lines up with Inquisiton perfectly, and if you're not specced into Inq it's still 5 holy power on demand every 45 second which can be extremely powerful in some scenarios.
  163. alright ma'am: How do you keybind the different voice presets like you did during the intro?
  164. Elias: "old hammer of wrath" was in vanilla, where it had a 1 sec cast and youd destroy anybody below 20% that was such an awesome spell during that time. i mained a ret pally and no one survived being below 20% hp with hammer of wrath around. ah the memories.
  165. Nephilim: POGGERS
  166. smokeandnoob: I think consecration is better on a single target than wake of ashes because mastery also increase dmg of consecration but wake of ashes is fire dmg not holy and dmg of wake of ashes is increased by the weapon dmg
  167. Kristian Matinko: Im disappointed with last tier, they should totally remove inquisition from the game in my opinion.
  168. off3nc3: Level 69 Skeleton
  169. CTE label that pays me: Need the Devine storm ani back for sure
  170. wyalar: if they want to keep retribution, why not just keep the dmg reduction part and remove the dmg increase? Still seems to fit the flavor if that matters
  171. GULAG GACHIBASS: bring all old Hammer of wrath memes back
  172. Timstigation 96: Zach Oneal selfless healer? I like the sound of that
  173. louis campbell: if you played WoD Ret , hammer of wrath feels like that.
  174. Elias: Nikola Jambrisko Yes! That one. That was the best hammer of wrath. It's funny when these newer players say this spell has always been the same. They have no idea what they are talking about
  175. Kurti: God damit.. The trees are annoying, almost killed me.
  176. Turtlez: #queuesolo
  177. João Paulo Oliveira Viscaino: If you go with exec. Sentence you have to think more to do damage lol
  178. c eh: This looks horrible. Really gotta see what i am rerolling to. Dk Shaman and rogue look decent so far. .. where is all the stuff rets were asking for? I cant remember crying for Inquisition. It is boring and will always be. Where is long arm of the law? Every other Class has single and aoe baseline..Why isnt devine hammer baseline? No cleave?- yeh bruh...Why is retribution passive not something, we will benefit from all content long? Proccing by death is shit. Like lower that dmg. Give it a internal cd and.make that if a mate drops below a certain hp threshhold, it proccs..still weird but at least we can benefit from it in Arena or farming old raids/ low m+ . This looks bad. Great vid tho
  179. Vegard Kirkenær: dident know it was possible to make ret paladins more brainless
  180. thomas S.: San Solo
  181. Yokdemon: 6:29 I'm laughing my ass off hahahahahahaha
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BFA Retribution paladin overhaul!? | Battle for Azeroth Alpha

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World of Warcraft Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 23 Feb 2018

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