Quin69 OUR NEW KITTEN! - games free

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019


  1. Abblebabbles: +WinMore Thanks so much for the advice! I've made note of some of the things that you mentioned :)  I've always owned dogs, so I'm still learning when it comes to cats!
  2. Chris's Ichaival: Dis kitty gunna be a monk like you one day Quin
  3. Pro Bass Campaign: Aww
  4. Sharpy NI: great blog mate, the quality, the edits, music etc all top notch. need a Ragnar meow as a sub sound!
  5. ExxxoticHD: meow meow :D so cute
  6. AssassinsKing: new zealand looks so awesome! i think i really need to move there
  7. Schuhey: +TheFatesBack Thats what we call "correct" ;)
  8. Jack Boss: This was a awesome vlog dude!
  9. Sebolonius: +Валера Денисенко LMAO good one
  10. ThePaull3d: thats what she said 0:12... luittarely
  11. KafkaIs Chaznable: Seeing your new pet made me curious about something. Do pets ( I mean the DLC ones, or seasonal) attack in Diablo 3? Or, they're there simply as decorations?
  12. Oxim2100: whats wrong with meowing cat? he miss mother and his buds. give him some love.
  13. TigerBloodMan: I would say corn based litter is best, they find the granuals less irratating if that is too pricey then Manx clumping clay is fine; my expensive Ragdoll had no issues but really any clumping style litter is the way to go.  Put a layer of newspaper down, then the litter that way its easier to clean (also the surface of the litter pan doesn't get eroded away).  I would disagree with not keeping kibble out at all hours, I've yet to meet any cat that will eat an entire bowl of it in a sitting.  They prefer to nibble at it.  Helps their digestion keep moving also cats are nocturnal so if you're sleeping and there is no kibble out thats an issue.  Wet food should be portion controlled half tin in morning half tin at night, kitten product of course (more calories for those growing bodies).  But every cat is different, adjust portion to the activities of your cat.  An indoor cat needs not as much food typically as an outdoor however a kitten needs more food so better to overfeed than underfeed.  Having strategically placed water will help your cat be more comfortable around the house.  Water should be separated from food by some distance (so that again, a cat does not form the idea that water is associated with food - its not).  Than again, every cat is different these are some things you can try and see what works best.  I would leave kibble out all the time, if you find your guy is hungry then put out a little more.  If eating too much (doubtful as a kitten) scale it back.  I leave about 3-4 days of kibble out for my guy, had cats for 20 yrs its what I've always done they've never had issues with it.  I think it makes them comfortable knowing they have food and water.  My guy gets excitable when supplies are low.  (its when I notice o food needs to be topped up or water etc.).  Good luck!
  14. Pablo: quin fast guide to buy in a market pls¿
  15. TheAndrewc5120: aww what a beautiful cat.
  16. Mutu: Tried the build myself, kinda struggle to get the last ancient cat but already can solo 80+ grifts fairly consistantly
  17. Filip Ohlsson: quin you're driving on the wrong side of the road! xD
  18. Butter Cow: Yo quin, Are you going to main a cat in Legion?
  19. Triccio: That cat food is the equivalent of junk food. go buy the little guys some holistic cat food.
  20. Dennis Lundgren: super cute!
  21. сентенция-супер-Саян: Does it pick gold?
  22. AJJ_Howtorot: hahaha nice. dont talk to it, dont make vlogs in the middle of the night, just ignore it and it will eventually learn that night time is quiet\boring time and choose to sleep instead on a more serious note, looking forward to seeing some interesting builds on this lil fella!
  23. Cameron Carson: he just needs time to get used to the new environment
  24. 최영진: cute!
  25. Dhara Sinhal: Was that the Kelston Countdown in Auckland?!?
  26. Brice MAINGE: Enorme! :-)
  27. ddarksiderr: Great editing, as usual! Really enjoyed the video
  28. Ibrahim Bin Mohammad: is the cat hardcore or softcore?
  29. TY Chong: rat king has gotten a kitten
  30. Lumaraf: +Ibrahim Bin Mohammad I think it is somewhere inbetween. It is like hardcore, but it can ressurect up to 9 times.
  31. Sephil: Wait, you guys have Citroën in New Zealand?
  32. Brian: <3 nice thx
  33. Severin Burkart: Landscape is fucking awesome! just saying...gotta visit Australia soon lol XD
  34. Friedrich von Uxküll: +Angryconsumernerd Anti-natalists begone, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  35. Armando Montero: 0:20 Mad Parking Skillz right there... Nice to see you embrace our cats overlords too! :D
  36. Grndragon26: it's the seperation... it'll pass in a few days, just used to having all the other cats around it to being alone... common
  37. Smo: Memories dude! I grew up with a Blue Point Siamese pure-bred. He made it to 19 years old, man. I miss his asian ass.
  38. chris giles: kittens are always like this the first few nights! I would say I hope you have child proof cupboards cause my 2 siamse can literally open every door and he munches are a lot of food he's allergic to lol
  39. Andreas Boström: You have 2 broken pixles on your camera. Freaked out when I saw it, thought it was on my new monitor!
  40. N3wton's apple: ❤️❤️
  41. Кирилл Алленов: Gj Nice Dobi cat (u like harry potter =)) )
  42. DeggTSK: BiS cat!
  43. Frosty: The trolley part was so good haha <3
  44. Ryno Boshoff: Looks like he got the pussy...
  45. 0xANIMAx0: 2 cats are better!
  46. caderly: One that shopping cart is so small!!! Two you are on the wrong side of the road!!!! three 26 bucks for fucking mcdonalds!!!!!!! Four i am american and all of this is weird
  47. Sándor Porkoláb: Abby hold dat mojo in the wrong hand xd
  48. Tagger: The Rat King, got a cat.. That's not a great fit, Quin :D
  49. THEANPHROPY: is Abbey ...Irish or Welsh???
  50. Thanatos The DH: 1:14 Duck Power on the shelf to the right. PogChamp New meta.
  51. Gloweye: "I'm a lot cooler on the Internet" I want that T-shirt so bad...
  52. Smuffinz: My god, New Zealand looks so nice.....
  53. Jonathan Wong: For a second there, be like why Quin driving pantsless
  54. Tommy Pham: That music when shopping for cat food lol. Nice edit man!
  55. Robincoffin: French car \o/
  56. Euphoria One: just put it in, that's what she said
  57. Raphael Rutka: Did you show the cat your huge deck!?
  58. Elliott Bohringer: +Simon Norris  nor do you for kids. unless you're in murica
  59. William Lau: Ayyyy Quins on that vlog game!
  60. Nenharm Gaming: +Nyd_Z no, but based on your typing I bet you are.
  61. Abblebabbles: He is litter trained, and makes a habit of covering his poop, so that's good! He also follows me around, and gets super excited when I sit in a chair and he knows that he can jump up and get cuddles! I'm trying to get him to play less aggressively, as sometimes when you are petting him (when he is on his side) he will roll on to his back and try to grab your hand (his claws are you) and he tries to "kick" you. Whenever he does this I pull my hand away and say "No" in a firm voice (never shouting or hitting) and he usually flinches, and after a couple of more iterations, he stops doing this. Is that a kitten thing, as I don't want him to do that when he is older? As for everything else he is a very sweet cat, and VERY talkative, and makes it known when he wants/needs something. 
  62. hans christian Aaskov: awesome little kitten you got yea there <3 Pro tip when its sleeping/relaxing in your lap cuddle his/hers paws then you'll get the best kind of cat i can say from exp :D
  63. Catman1337: Aww you got a little Kylo Ren
  64. SAVAGE!: Ich fuckin love these comments ahhahhahahahhaha
  65. SpiffyishGames: Stoked for y'all!!! Kitties are the best. And y'all seem super happy. Love it.
  66. Alasthors: Siamese cat... Prepare for a lot of talking ^^
  67. XFIRE IXXIK: the shopping cart part was my fav, omg, I love driving those things, voooooom
  68. Peteru Avertis: Oh my, those are very... erh... vocal. Prepare to be talked to, moaned at and protested against. You had to pick the most talkative cat breed, huh? They are amazing pets, though.
  69. Eden Lumbroso: that little rat
  70. Gillianne: Aww.. The cats are all so adorable!😄
  71. Tausgi: CoolCat
  72. Skeez: +prinniesforeveryone K
  73. Flor Pate: Hi! loved the video. please please change brands! that cat food is really really bad.
  74. Damingo54: Is this why you have been such a casual streamer lately? 4-5 hour rat streams? I want 20+ HOUR BREAK YOUR MIND STREAMS!!!!!!!!
  75. Maxim: +Nen harm Oh my gosh you are fucking dumb. He lives in an other state so he drives on the right side haha you dumbass.
  76. Stormik: Quin's Pussy Palace
  77. Сергей Грачёв: mimimimimim like 4 this! Ho touch dislike!?!?!?! What a bitch?!
  78. Sheev: i bet ya Quin the cat will shit or piss on the floor or on something of value
  79. brians48now: +Jack Standish paid
  80. Jesse Rietveld: nice push
  81. Draksis 45: The cats meowing cause he wants to steam some d3 with you :)
  82. Johnny Prates: This is serious u have a social life ? :O
  83. TheTekkenfanaat: +Filip Ohlsson Good thing everyone else is too!
  84. THEANPHROPY: +Abblebabbles    that was also a creeping suspicion that I just never voiced ...my bad o.O
  85. Germantas Macijauskas: Best VLOG so far BOIZ!
  86. Khian 87: Real life pet build guide on the way quin?
  87. Laylla's Locker: I assume you don't have cats and dogs at the streets. My city is full of them. :/ I ended adopting 3 cats. Animals are happiness. <3
  88. Neilendil: Nothing wrong with your kitty except that it's damn cute =) just needs lots of pats, kisses and play time until it's worn out and passes out. Lots of mews generally = kitty wants something, here it's probably the cats and owners it was used to. Kitty will adjust fast.
  89. Vercusgames: The cat is only a lvl 100 paragon! Needs more rifts.
  90. Tea S: Oh... so much product placement. lol well if your gunna sell out might as well be for a good cause.
  91. Xmenjade: Quin , its normal for cats to meow in the middle of the night , my cat does it to , they allert you to get Rimeheart ‎( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  92. Risom: Important sentence: "Abby, its not my cat. It's yours."
  93. TigerBloodMan: Couple things, Whiskas is actually pretty low quality cat food for breeder type pets you'd want Iams or perhaps Royal Canin expensive but more nutrient rich and less ash typically. Both dry and wet should be the same product. Some pets can be sensitive to dietary changes so do a gradual change if you are making a change (otherwise upset stomachs!). Keep water out always and kibble but only enough for 1 day (cats nibble) and separate the food from litter by at least 24 feet if not further (so that cat doesn't associate food with the toilet). Well good luck, keep talking to your new pet it will bond with you eventually and you will be the pack.
  94. Jay Hall: +Garrett Stombaugh instead of ordering a Big Mac get a McDouble or double cheesburger and add Big Mac sauce. Practically the same thing just alot cheaper
  95. gianluca p: +Minty Darjeeling My dog disagrees.
  96. Blacktiger323: +新一工藤 I would watch that show.
  97. DarkMagius: I have never seen such epic shopping!
  98. fnz382: will this cat fight the quinrats?
  99. Th3 JeFT: 2:51 looks good
  100. Xeepe: Abby has a great ass., dayum
  101. Carts: Ragnar Lothbrok?
  102. TheFatesBack: Wheel on the right, driving on the left, trippy~
  103. Vizar / Andaras: Outstanding!
  104. Mic Mac: Adorable! Enjoy your kitten ^^
  105. Alex Hunt: good old countdown
  106. Ra Fał: I can bet, that Kitty can make 90GR solo on hc...
  107. mallewax: dude you are drving on the wrong side :OO
  108. Tink: +James Craig Not if you train it to use the litter box, which is easy for most cats.
  109. pacos33s: First month with my cat was constant night meowing. Goooooooooooooood luck.
  110. TheParadox1010: Did the cat get nerfed?
  111. antonio carlos mendes filho: Quiin! I have 5 cats here, pls take care about sodium on the cat food! Look for low sodium foodss!
  112. Roma van Kempen: no its not its a good food and has a good prize what do you feed your cats then
  113. SinFFX: sweet!!
  114. Mike Smithisnotmyname: I can shut that cat up for you. You will never lose sleep again PAPA
  115. 12niets: Cutest ever !! upload " One Scratch Kitty" now !! lol
  116. Laylla's Locker: +Blacktiger323 I think you are talking about the old cat. That cat is long in that house, If I understood correctly.
  117. EnnoFtw: Did you guys name your cat Ragnar? l0l awesome
  118. Bilbo Baggins the Wise: Man you got lucky as hell when you had the cat out in the car! Every cat I've ever had got car sick. Looks like he's going to be a good little companion. :)
  119. wcfinest: +ctbram0627 with hot sauce?
  120. SomeNinja: why not get a rat?
  121. Pwznord: 2:55 KYLO REN! btw, what country is this?
  122. Abblebabbles: +THEANPHROPY Scottish!
  123. bling bling boy: +TormDemoniax Put a cushion over his head and apply pressure that should help
  124. Dhara Sinhal: I'm from New Zealand too!
  125. V: The Whiskas followed by the McDonalds is a pretty fair comparison. It might fill you up, but that's about it.
  126. Simon Norris: +Aristocles Invictus You don't need to put cats through University....
  127. Alex Noguera: oh boy! the rat king is getting a cat!! wtf! Well you know what they say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer XD Gratz
  128. Hagbard: You're driving on the wrong side of the road!
  129. cataria pega: the kitty probably miaus all night, because he got stolen away from his family :( u would be devastated too!
  130. Richardj: the cat just wants his buddies and he's alone, you'll become the pack after a while and it won't do that any more.
  131. Scrilian: Is this a PTR kitty or the real one ^_^ ?
  132. Dilan Rojas: Hi I'm new here, where's that accent from??
  133. neoism: quin your a lucky taint Kappa 😜
  134. Darknesiya Eins: What a beauty *.*
  135. alchemysolgod: I would personally love to see more cat videos or at the very least some appearances while you stream. I just love people interacting with their pets during their stream.
  136. Kil ban: Ugly ass alien cat on a mission to kill yo ass quin
  137. NativeBeing: Kippa
  138. Alexandru Juhasz: What build are you using for this video?
  139. [̲̅ƒɟ]·[̲̅L]·[̲̅0]·[̲̅ק]: +MonkeyKing959 12 indeed.
  140. Garrett Stombaugh: +Валера Денисенко A guide on how to order McD's proper would be equally nice
  141. Sebolonius: WOW that tiger looking cat as you enter the house is so bad ass :D
  142. Triccio: Purina is still junk food.
  143. Laturbo: so to calm the grill down, you bought a noisy kitty.. gg
  144. nssheepster: Oho, Quin so fan-cy.... No random mutt cat for the Guardian of Sanctuary, eh?
  145. Sean G: Nice cat, I personally prefer tabby or calico but good for you and abby!
  146. Stimme aus dem Off: I can tell you exactly why hes miauing all night. its because he is taken away from its family. It will stop. + u fed him with fucking whiskas garbage. Get the kitty some Royal Canin.
  147. ctbram0627: I love cats! Especially the white meat!
  148. Aion Heros: lol thought that cathome ws your home haha
  149. aziz kamoun: Citroën it's a french brand if i am not mistaken
  150. MrBradels1: ass
  151. Gabriel Caraballo: Should call it Mephisto
  152. bluethundermonkey: McDonalds™ sponsorship confirmed
  153. PotatoCast: https://gyazo.com/a84ba54e854e02bb14f4b6b2539270a7 quin you like 420 blaze it xD
  154. Joel Ellwood: I live in Wanganui as well :D
  155. chuNkedoodle: +Richardj what he said =)
  156. Anark: That feeling when you were driving on the left of the road.And then I realize it is normal in your contry ^^
  157. Triccio: Taste of the wild holistic food for my cats and dog.
  158. nottinghillad: Cuteness overload
  159. Sandro Maculan: He is going to eat you alive!
  160. xnoize: That cat food is pure poison for your cat,i got 3 siamese and feed them blue buffalo cat food or wellness cat food. They are more expensive but its for the good for the animal
  161. Dennis H.: +Валера Денисенко A new pet monk? :D
  162. Hermann: what a raaaat ! :D
  163. Sully Vapes: Your cat was meowing all night cause he's in a new home and also misses his brothers and sisters. That's why when you buy kittens buy two so they can play with each other and not be alone
  164. Scott Fuller: Nice vid Quin. Kitty is missing his brothers and sisters, but he should settle down as he explores his new home and gets comfortable with you and Abby.
  165. radi0n: Sweety!
  166. Pepe Lustig: hi, pretty cat but I drive on the wrong side
  167. Jolly Roger: +Aristocles Invictus Have you ever had a kid? Cats > children.
  168. TigerBloodMan: Wicked good news.  My Ragdoll did not cover his poop for some time, and sometimes when stressed out as an adult poops on couch or even bed.  This was caused by separation anxiety I didn't address also a very possessive personality (so when I travel he gets distressed).  Good news about litter box for your guy though.  You want that nice balance and ease of convenience, Mommy cat should have taught them enough to use the box properly.  As to 'kicking' well cats tend to grapple and mangle their prey to disable them so thats normal.  Just don't get them into that excited state with your hand.  A large ball of yarn or bally will do the same thing.  They'll either outgrow this behavior or they don't; be at ease and calm when giving instruction.  They'll learn quickly what is fun and what is not good.  Its great he's following you around!  Good news indeed.  Watch underfoot when doing chores!  Kitty is probably right there.  A broken kitten foot is over 2k to fix.  (this happened to my Mom actually, she paid it as she adored that kitten)
  169. Maxim: u dumb?
  170. Javier Salcedo: It came with a new portrait frame too?
  171. HaOziFy: We need moar kittens, foo' !!
  172. Kevin K-t: Waiting for Quin to step on it after getting rank 1
  173. Qtri Nity: Kitten solos GR 90 when Quin's asleep.
  174. Zomious: Man, middle earth sure is beautiful.
  175. Abblebabbles: we still have him, Quin had a siamese growing up, and Ragnar is such an amazing cat, and a key part of our little family!
  176. Deltargrey: Try to clear the Market rift in under 2 minutes Quin.
  177. Lars schimmelpfennig: 13*
  178. Av41anch3: +May Floydweather 8
  179. Deathlash111: The meowing will stop after a week or so once he knows his bro's and sisters are gone
  180. D RIP: I like the music bruh!
  181. Blacktiger323: It's miauing because he got seperated from his family. That stops after maybe 3-4 weeks. I had the same problem with my cat but they get used to it. If you are lucky it's going to stop after a few days. Also.... god damn abby.
  182. Arian Gulick: Don't give that cat an article of clothing, or it will gain its freedom from your service.
  183. victor lively: hey cute kitty we have 3 cats a good healthy choice in cat food just a suggestion we were told by our vet that the best choice in food is grain free they eat less and it's apparently better for them
  184. Kornik Clorel: Woooow, how did you manage to make soooo entertaining thing from shopping in a market. Congratz !!!!
  185. Attenoje: A blue point siamese! My favourite kind! I grew up with one and they are friggin awesome cats!
  186. H(CHB11Cl11): too smol
  187. Blazed Again: +prinniesforeveryone then why was this a cool vid to you? you contradict yourself in the same sentence m8.
  188. Justus Bacon: THE DREAM BEWWYYS
  189. Skeez: You could be such a vlog overlord if you wanted. WE WANT MORE! :D
  190. Pieter: i love those cats, have the same one at home. beautifull but a very strong will and very stuborn
  191. Commander Shepard: that whats she said
  192. Shin666: lol You drive a Citroën, didn't even know it was possible in your country ;)
  193. Rahul Sawant: The rat King gets a cat!
  194. Валерій Денисенко: can you make a guide for it?
  195. Garrett Stombaugh: +Jay Hall I'm actually quite familiar with this, but thanks boi. Very good info.
  196. Jack Standish: Did you get payed to show the brands when you were in the supermarket ?
  198. Phillipwnn: when will you post more vlogs man? screw those ppl who hate man you have ppl who really support you and enjoy the things you post.
  199. opvask: hvor er den evigt grim xD
  200. frodofraggins: that's not BK
  201. Cheryl Applegate-Tahtinen: Quin, I love your kitten. I also have 2 Modern Wedge Head Siamese. They are wonderful. Do feed your cat good quality food, not junk animal food. Blue is a good brand
  202. BinaryHodder: Little rat with a pet cat now I've seen everything
  203. TheLykanin: Awesom , i love cat, what race it is ?
  204. Dylan Koster: Really pretty cat the dad cat was wrapped around your neck! :-D
  205. JJDASACKMASTER: white meats are always the best
  206. Jan: Man the music in this, I got a nostalgic feeling when you added in the music with the speed up at the shop. 10/10
  207. tha123smash: Dude it aint even Ancient, hell no socket either. Taint, bro, taint.
  208. CJ_Incognito: I know that feel bro
  209. Shokkunin: Grats on the taint rat.
  210. Michael Mccauley: Great vlog, but wtf were you driving? XD
  211. demi: he's gonna no life grind gr99s in no time. i believe in this kitty
  212. Tim Zubair: nice))) cute kitten
  213. Friedrich von Uxküll: Cats are poor substitutes for kids Quin... just sayin.
  214. prinniesforeveryone: this was a cool vid but people thinking i give a fuck about them going to walmart is stupid.
  215. Reilly Miller: Quin is just legit good at making content, probably why he's such a fun streamer to watch.
  216. Uniquemovievault: +新一工藤 loled so hard mate!
  217. Omni Opus: I remember bringing my first cat home. It purred for 3 days straight and was so happy to be out of that humane society cage. Sorry yours isn't quite as thrilled lol. It'll get used to it soon enough.
  218. Abblebabbles: +Rickard Karlsson Siamese cat :)
  219. TigerBloodMan: +Abblebabbles Wicked I'm sure everything will turn out fine.  Your biggest concern right now is if this kitten is litter trained.  Does he cover his poop?  Typically this is done to cover scent (out in the wild) so instictively they do this in the litter pan.  If not, then, you have an issue.  Either Mommy cat didn't train this one well enough OR it's experiencing stress and trying to tell you.  He may poop outside his pan (to protest and bring attention to it).  They are like babies, they don't know any better.  A grown cat has the intelligence factor of about a 4yr old (but not the cognitive function obviously).  Cats can vocalize over 140 variations to their 'meow' while a dog can only 'bark' 12 or 14 different ways with some whining thrown in they can only communicate with us about 40 different barks or whines.  So cats, are pretty communicative.  I'd encourage you to talk to your baby, hopefully he follows you around.  Play string game with him, balls of twine or tin foil are great for playing 'fetch' (you can teach them to play fetch my guy will bring a tinfoil ball back from over 50 ft away and drop it at my feet - it took 6 months to train him to do this but I started him young).  Snake under the blanket is fun too.  Trim claws weekly (don't cut into the wik of the claw where the vein is just the sharp part if in doubt just trim a bit and go from there).  Don't encourage aggressive play with your kitten.  They will remember this and be aggressive as adults when they play.  This is the process of bonding and enjoying your pet.  Mold him into the animal you want him to be.  But cats are not dogs, so patience is key.  Be gentle.  Genuine.  Hold them often but let them go when the tail gets excited.  The tail means something.  Up is generally happy.  Down is sick or stressed.  Up can also mean angry when taking on an agressive pose but generally up and floopy is good.  Excited tail going back and forth means they are full of energy and engaged.  I like doing play time after nighttime feeding, that way you burn off that built up energy and they sleep better.  Good luck!  If I think of anything I'll let you know.
  220. TheDarkermanzz: No diablo 3, unsubbing.
  221. Rickard Karlsson: Cute, what kinda of cat is it ?
  222. kardszy: Quin you should teach him how to cat five.
  223. Liwyn: Hahaa! I suggested the name Ragnar on stream and I guess they liked it :D
  224. Blablablaballalala: Smooth roads! Without holes! Greetings from Russia! :D 2:14
  225. godofdun: KITTEH
  226. RaeDupre: @Quin69 I hope you still have your kitty (not saying you don't, cats are awesome). I'm sure someone may have already said this, and I do realize this video is from March. But as a Siamese cat, they are very vocal and will talk a lot. So don't be surprised if you hear him throughout the night. I know this as My mom had a siamese cat.
  227. Tyler Chrise: hes meowing for his family. give it a few days or so and hell think of u as his family and stop. then hell prolly sleep on u guys at night like my cat.
  228. Björn Lubetzki: As some people pointed out already, don't buy Whiskas!!! The most important thing, and the thing that pretty much rules out Whiskas an A LOT of other cat food, is that there should be no sugar in the cat food!
  229. VowlysOwlys: dat ass
  230. pakamov: Damn the scenery in New Zealand is amaaaaazing !!! Self note: Have to visit !
  231. Felipe Pellegrini Superti: There's a cat that when I saw him, I immediately thought "Kajeet has wares"...
  232. chris giles: Hopefully you don't enjoy a peaceful household!
  233. Euphytose: Dead pixel on your camera bro.
  234. Skek Six: Lovely siamese you have there. I have 2 orientals and soon a seal point siamese. As for the one post saying "hopefully the meowing will stop"... don't count on it lol. They are extremely vocal cats and will play well into old age.
  236. Doom Wizard: The breeder told you to get Whiskas? I did not expect that. His just missing his brothers and sisters, being kidnapped and all. It is actually kinda sad when you think about it, so don't. :D
  237. mike yorku: Real life paragons. What a strange world.
  238. Scott Hume: While you sleep the cat is thinking of ways to make you into food.
  239. Glenn Christensen: I enjoy this content from ya ! :)
  240. Adoarer: abby is t h i c c
  241. H4MBURGLAR _: You know Quin looks out for his boys when a good chunk of the video is booty shots haha
  242. Caynsen: It's always sad when we seperate them from their brothers and sisters but on the other side you get a pet with it's new home. Thats exciting!! I love them when they are so little. Pets are the best
  243. iamvezm: WHITE DOT!
  244. Cullen Rainey: congrats man!
  245. LOVENUKE: Papa, you've become a fatty!! Anyway, I love the vlog and when little Ragnar falls a sleep in his blanket. Aww :')
  246. Sebolonius: Did you name your Kat "ragnar" from Vikings..? haha Excellent.
  247. TheLoneWolfCz: "It does not go all the way in.." Thats what she said..
  248. May Floydweather: who dislikes a quin62 vlog about a kitten? satan does. satan has 6 youtube accounts.
  249. RealityHexor: I don't understand, Guide please?
  250. Nenharm Gaming: I was being facetious.
  251. Roma van Kempen: probably not a good breeder if they told them to get whiskas i give me cats purina one
  252. jowke12: y'all driving on the wrong side of the road m8
  253. 新一工藤: Keeping Up with the Kardashians69
  254. LazyCraft: Dil
  255. Dungeon Master: +caderly they also walk upside down, on their heads
  256. Peter Griffin: kinda looks like a rat with that face
  257. Greg: Why have you taken you car ? there was a speed pylon right behind you
  258. s3th: I didn't realize Quincy was a fat ass!
  259. Neliq: Need more vlogs! :)
  261. The Cardist: Cats are pretty simple. Hunt/Kill, Eat, Sleep - that's the cycle. If you want to sleep through the night then you need to exercise your cat through the use of toys and a great cat friendly environment that will wear down the cat. Play with the cat about an hour or two before you're going to to go bed. When the cat is exhausted then feed it and go to bed yourself. You'll sleep through the night as will the cat. If you're going to own a cat then you need to do some research on cat behavior and how to property meet their needs. Also, truth be told - cats should be on a raw meat diet.
  262. SetRips: Is he siamese? They're the best cats
  263. jimmygott: This video makes me happy, hope the kitty wasn't too bad driving home. You kinda feel bad for them when you're driving in the car and all they do is meow. But yea it'll happen they'll meow for quite a while when getting adjusted to their new home and missing their brothers/sisters/mum/dad etc.
  264. Kristian Ludvigsen: Dafug did i just watch ??
  265. Thuh Dullahan: Haha! This was great! 😂 Grats on the new addition to the rat family! RAT CAT! 🐭
  266. Alex Drolet: quin, make sure u carry dat kitten to the top of the leaderboards in Diablo 3
  267. facefirst123: Gotta train it to speed run GRs for you while you sleep. Quin confirmed cat-botting.
  268. TormDemoniax: The first night is always the hardest. The first night, my dog was barking like a monkey getting raped.
  269. DeanLecker: that a// doe
  270. Rickard Karlsson: +Abblebabbles aw :3 I have a turtle patterned farm cat ^^
  271. metalsharks: Forecast: you will miss a World First in D3 because the cat will jump on your keyboard.
  272. Guy Melissari: +KafkaIs Chaznable I believe they only pick up gold for you
  273. TheAudiience: Dat ass tho
  274. Elliawald: Poor pooper is missing his family. It will get better in the next days (it's actually worse with dogs)
  275. Xing Zhang: nice video
  276. Martin Skjøth: Love the music choice! ;)
  277. oasdfe: Cats usually do this on their first night. They meow since its a very new environment for them and they are on their own. Hes probs used to it now.
  278. vilieto: Congrats on the new family member! Abby napping with the cat is even more amazing than the gorgeous-by-default being that she is :3 Hopefully the meowing will stop soon, once the adjustment to the new strange place is done, and then you can move on to play time. Cheers from Finland!
  279. Maxx Tan: cat's gonna get rekt by quin's chair
  280. Abblebabbles: Just so that you all know, we only used that catfood for around 3-4 days until the Royal Canin "kitten" biscuits arrived! He was on those biscuits, and raw meat until he was a year, and then he got put on to the Royal Canin Siamese cat biscuits, and he's 10/10 healthy with no issues. The breeder only suggested Whiskas as she would mainly feed the kittens cooked chicken and brown rice, and occasionally fed them Whiskas, so she knew that Ragnar would eat those biscuits.
  281. Interfectio: If the cat doesnt stop meowing at night you can make a nice soup
  282. Glen acs: Say hi to wireless!
  283. Tommy Cyclope: cutyy <3
  284. carlos eduardo: Where is diablo fans link for guide
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Gaming Upload TimePublished on 3 Mar 2016

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