Quin69 Lost Ark - DIABLO KILLER!? My In-depth Review - games free

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019

Quin69 Lost Ark - DIABLO KILLER!? My In-depth Review

  1. ray donovan: i sat through this entire vid. this was very entertaining for me and look forward to seeing more content.
  2. Vincent Tse: you had me at wifu :)
  3. Schmidteren: Will probably have the same kind of endgame I'm used to seeing from Korea.. Oh and D3. Very little itemization, everyone hunting and using the same loot. This is why I love POE. 4.0 will help with the graphics a lot I hope. But I'll def check out the game, I just don't think it will have the longevity as a game like POE because of itemization. However with this many classes, def a lot of good playtime hopefully. Come to EU already!
  4. Blast Binary: How to derail your game review 101
  5. Troels Jeppesen: EU release when??? :O
  6. NotReallyABlessing: At this point, it cannot be called a killer.... perhaps 'desecrator of dead bodies''?
  7. Ben L: If they are gonna release it internationally, they need to not make the mistake of every other korean game where they wait for 10 years to do the EU/NA release when all the hype and interest in the game is already gone
  8. jellypopcorn: watched till the end, love your hilarious commentary and agree with you on alot of things. keep it up, happy holidays :)
  9. GamingTV: it would be a diablo killer if only it wasn't a chinese made game
  10. mickael Payet: Will Diablo 4 be playable for us befor this fucking game wait for 4 years right now they made a lot of promesse tell a lot of thing they just not do right now i dsenty have hype anymore for this game
  11. M1GH7YALN: Lost ark cant be a diablo killer because its a completely different game only thing similar is the camera stile.
  12. PatTV: fucking great video mate
  13. Rog Kim: Comon guys, smilegate spent 100 million dollars on production of this game. P2W is bad for the game, but essential items u would benefit greatly from buying, worth 30~50 USD would be necessary for the maintainance. Loot boxes are definitely p2w, but dont call it p2w for a company trying to make some profit if at all. They arent mother teresa volunteers dumping millions just for your little bit of entertainment, theyre a firm built for profit.
  14. Miguel Lopes: So, this means you cant stay focused for 57m? Got to love milenials
  15. Treejesus12: damn that was a long video but it was good to hear about pretty much every aspect of the game
  16. Major Spam: You can't kill what doesn't live.
  17. RawLu: "Inspired by the classic Diablo 2 game" - Wolcen website = LOVE :-)
  18. daniel moreno: we love you too man
  19. Ralppi: Good review. Didn't know anything about this game. The spirit bomb looked sick haha
  20. Shawn McLovin: DiFAPlo
  21. alboforlife18: +Lewis Yates hes like a D3 legend
  22. Jose Guerrero: Yeah, we fucking love you too <3
  23. Milo LaMar: Love you too, @Quin69. Is there a teleportation mechanic? Sometimes that long pathing is useful if you can't afford to teleport but want to go a long way. Just click, go get coffee, come back and you're there "instantly". I wondered also if there was any aspect of afk play?
  24. Watchme Struggle: you can't kill something that's already dead .....
  25. Agrolazer: Blizzard doesn't need help killing diablo
  26. theblackrabb1t: Today I learned, thick luscious eyebrows = no eyebrows
  27. Vanille Ins: Dig BIck!!!!
  28. d4rkh4l3: how to kill a already dead game?
  29. Kypris Dragonscale: Gender lock is the most stupid shit I've seen in a video game. this start with what? Bns ? the thing is with Korean game, its super fast pace gameplay but its always end with an infinite grind and a brain dead rotation ... next game plz
  30. Moist Von Lipwig: 9:57 "If it forces you to play a guy, when you want to play a big-titty girl, I can see why you would get mad." TRUTH
  31. 74Lokster: So when Diablo was fixed and not random, it was "boring". Now, random is "procedural bullshit" and fixed is better?
  32. Carlos Reano: Good looking game, but for me its too much, first thought of is its like Diablo meets Dynasty warriors meets world of warcraft with a heavy splash of anime
  33. ilikematches2: Those fuckin' eyes dude, I'm dying. subbed
  34. Tvotl: Lost Ark can't kill Diablo because Diablo already dead LuL
  35. HanK Chan: 23:00 that's a thing I really want on many other game
  36. UnownB: Um Diablo killer? Sure though that dosent take much... Path of Exile killer? Nope.
  37. Mico N: cant be a diablo killer if you cant fucking play it like a normal english speaking human being not having to translate it and do vpn shit.
  38. WAstateofmind: Yall have differing opinions on things, get the fuck over it and agree to disagree.
  39. stlsaint1: Great review! Somehow did simple and to the point yet in depth on what I was looking for! Job well done.
  40. RaVeNzRiGHTHaND: You can go real fetal alcohol lmaoooo!!!!
  41. Zerashadow: i don't miond sticking around 57 minutes for a review by you Quinn, then i know i can trust it and get some honoest feedback over a game i've been waiting for :) great job with this video.
  42. Ken: Diablo is the Diablo killer mate.
  43. Masura: Cabal online meets Diablo 3, yep I am definitely going to play this.
  44. pacha: so you think pvp should be about who invested the more time grinding rather than who is the most skilled player ?
  45. MadCowCrazy: Prancing around with their heads full of eyeballs!
  46. Abe Cedeefgee: I KNEW I wasn't the only one
  47. tom foolery: +Adam 86 i don't think they would do tribal africa, but i would bet on ancient egyptian for sure. people love that mysterious illuminati pyramid crap.
  48. J V: I am surprised that a company less than a quarter of the size of Blizztard managed to do a product 1000 times better than Diablo tbh
  49. Khutum Kat: I know you're probably not going to read this Quin, as a fellow kiwi who lives overseas now, I got into BDO and I got really burnt by it. I can't bring myself to trust Korean developers and how p2w/p2mandatoryconvenience incentive they are :( Do you think they'll follow the same route? I played maple story, and they aren't p2w at all, but it's basically a kids game, so it's kind of different..
  50. Hal shot first: Thank you for this review Quin, it helped me decide whether this game is for me or not.
  51. ZzBd1n: nice clickbait title. everybody know that diablo fucking 3 killed iself
  52. Nick Mionie: Shes got one hell of a set of tits.
  53. TWO EV: Path of Exile killed Diablo years ago. Amazes me that people pay to play a mediocre game when they could have an even better game for completely free.
  54. Flarex: Diablo Inmoral is the real Diablo killer. Lost Ark fill the hollow that creates.
  55. RaidPerspective: How do you kill that which is already dead?
  56. The Apothecary: Lost Ark. The game we'll never be able to play. Srsly, any Western release news? BTW good video Quinn.
  57. Jonas Eiben: +Te do it takes a time to get to knw, it had long time no hand holding with freshmans - witch build it reputation for first char is trash. Anyhow many pebs offer help to get into the game, hop on discord and meet em. If i mention league of retards the most heared of it - only some played it even fewer got knwldge. Even If millions play it, we got billions of people. Anyway the game isnt for anyone, it takes time to understand it and it has consistant changes. Not the world best movement, can feel clunky at begin and could need a graphic overhall. But the dev Team and comunity work looks for a evenworthy oponent tbh.
  58. Jerry Cotton: Nobody going to play this... It sadly has gender locked classes, and is p2w.
  59. Simca Hellraiser: well, it's not Diablo killer as no west release. While most here hating Diablo for mobile release, i hating Lost Ark for Korea only CH/JP in future lock. btw, knowing Koreans studios, mobile version would be next year lol
  60. Krunky: This sounds great, i wish it was in english : /
  61. dunke kunter: i like your content quin...and i would love it when lost ark seems a good game for me....but it isnt. not my stile. not that what i want to play. i love d2 d3 and poe kind of stuff.
  62. Paul Jeong: When you pause after saying you’re gonna do a “big dick” 😂😂😂😂😂
  63. pxelcss: Path of exile killed diablo long time ago
  64. Brian Goldstein: You can’t kill Diablo
  65. deretla: during your character creation, I thought I was watching the goonies
  66. Saul Ghim: +Aleksa Markovic Its not. Use it with impunity if you wish, but expect to be banned IF you stream or share media that identifies your account or character.
  67. Strefan11: I see next crap gen
  68. Taek Oh: Many of what you said, fortunately, Smilegate started fixing it. There made an announcement for updates and fixs for 5th Dec and also upcoming plans for griding parts and stuff. I quit playing after reaching at the full level but after seeing the notice I have hope again for this game. It seems like they are quite listening and trying to make the game better. Lets see.
  69. PacificDaneOfficial: I don't read moon runes, so i'll consider it, when and if it comes out with english support.
  70. Zyxer Zyxani: Great review*
  71. K Gee: Damn I want this to come to the NA, I'd play the shit out of this game too if the cash shop doesnt ruin it. But its Korea so it probably will
  72. DE GL: what a super dumb thumbmail, diablo was long time ago killed by poe.
  73. Calion: 13:45 axe = hammer PepeHands
  74. matyboy1986: Title should be poe killer?
  75. lekon Guardner: it's just another brain dead Korean's RPG game, and yes its look good because you compare it to Diablo
  76. Zekzgo ツ: what the hell, when you said that most people at the end of the video were probably already subscribed I was like 'yeah definitely' then i scrolled down and the button was red. Oops!
  77. Nyarlathotep Flagg: I do hate genderlock, but Diablo always had it aswell, as does POE. I'll handle it.
  78. phil: Let me know when it comes out in the united states. Go pick out another game that most of your audience wont be able to play. Yeah that makes sense.
  79. Im Typax: How is the song called at 2:00?
  80. Bradley D: Shit won't put a dent in PoE
  81. Shane LaBuff: Yeah this lands somewhere on the mmo side of the line. It does a good job of acting like an ARPG but its mostly MMO. Not close enough to replace Diablo. Different Games.
  82. Notoriousthief: these graphics remind me of ffxiv
  83. Scott Fuller: Nice video Quin, and very interesting - why wouldn't people watch the whole thing - great job. P.s. Sorry you missed a day of r if the game came out before you started playing than you are already behind so no big deal.
  84. ExcessCongruence: I am a good lad, father! Yes, I am!
  85. I See Sounds: Amazing review! Love it!
  86. Mumba Jumba: Run a translator on this: 현 로아는 딱 성향에 따라 구분됨 1. 하이스펙 지향 정말 답도없이 할게 많아집니다. 만랩, 만랩이후 에포나 일퀘, 주간퀘 하루 3번 레이드영혼수확 + 깡레이드 뺑이 + 카오스던전(1일3회) + 실리온지령서 카오스이벤던전 1회 (1일1회) + 보물지도파밍 + 항해 + 섬의마음 작업 모코코작업, 미술품작업, 심장작업, 고대마석작업, 모험의 서작업 등.... 끝도없습니다. 2. 차근차근 이건뭐 할만해요. 적당히 랩업하면서 모험의서+모코코만 같이 병행하고 하루 레이드3회, 카던3회, 카던이벤3회, 큐브or타워 딱 이정도 하고 즐기고 싶은 컨텐츠 하면됩니다. 채집쪽으로 파밍노선 잡던 섬의마음이나 원하시는 파밍루트 천천히 타면 ok 3. 유유자적 발길 닿는대로 하면됩니다. 카대배틀에 빠져서 실링을 카배에 쏟아 부어도 되고 대항해시대 하는거처럼 한량처럼 천천히 @_@
  87. Hernán Alfonsín: Three words: Modern Korean Game. Simply way too p2w, filled with ridiculous lootboxes and everything else implied with Korean games from this era, shitty and fucking lazy, taking everything from other games, no originality and never come up with new concepts unless it's a cash-grabbing concept
  88. Julian: 5:57 Brittany Venti OMEGALUL
  89. Cosmin Stanca: sunt un jucator de Metin2 si o sa incerc jocul asta
  90. Andrei Zhuk: Since when are asians "white people"? Did all western civilization go full retard with "political correctness" bullshit where you now actively discriminate all non-black people? Uneducated morons even call countries like Russia and China "homogeneous nations" ignoring the fact that they consist of 150+ nationalities each.
  91. Trevillus: Just based on player housing the NPCs you can buy the boating around and the combat animations alone make it look better than diablo, which is sad because i LOVE the franchise but hate the mobile rhetoric we're hearing about
  92. Danny: Elfezen .......all they do is copy !!!!! Unoriginal bullshit !
  93. Juse: Wyatt Cheng killer
  94. Sir-Red: 2:53 Is this Lord of the Rings: RotK but you play the other side?
  95. Moist Von Lipwig: The game really reminds me of a modernized Ragnarok Online (one of those old early 00's late 90's isometric anime MMOs). But this time, they amped up the action-RPG elements, while maintaining some of the MMO elements.
  96. Mohammed Hijazi: Always want to play it...but quick question, the game has no english version yet? Only korean????
  97. anpredictable: "waifu" "they thick af" "tits physics" u didnt hold back mate. i think these are the highlight of the video. 5/5 great review. how do u kill it when its already dead? double dead i guess? but isnt that overkill
  98. 2ez4tobi: Kim Jong Quin!
  99. Alberto Alonso: he thinks life skilling is in depth in lost ark, try bdo
  100. TheFall3n: Lol its at 666 likes!!
  101. Hellkite: Did i just missed the inventory at some point? What does it look like? Are you able to unlock additional inventory space by real cash or ingame money? Is there a weight system for your inventory so you cant just take 10 stacks of a material with you? (like in black dessert) Can you increase these weight limit through cash or ingame money? In addition to the inventory i have some questions about the skill system/tree: So there are 20 skills per character or you can pick 20 skills from a even bigger tree? Are the runes change the skill in a "complete different skill" manner or in a "this one do some more damage" manner? And then a question about the healer: So you mentioned that a healer is "nice to have but not mandatory". So the other classes have a weaker but effective way to heal themselfes? (Trough the mentioned pots maybe?) And when a healer is not mandatory then a tank is not mandatory as well? Is there even a "tank-class/build" because this wasnt mentioned?
  102. phantomdragonv2x: "Today, we're gonna do a big dick"... Ummm... What?
  103. Ray Tillman: Legal Lolies LOL, in the UK they are legal at 16.
  104. Joakim Persson: Ayy I'm on of the good lads!
  105. Adam 86: Also please no 4:40.. Korean games are free from that SJW crap of skin color diversity being a "MUST". It's a major PRO of the game IMO ontop of everything else you talked about. Otherwise great review!
  106. Ritosha: the real question is, when English
  107. Shout Born: This thing will make diablo 2 rise again!!.. cuz diablo fans are not pussy cat warriors. Koreans have no talented with new idea. Just copy and remix it with their sensless ideas.
  108. Brother Alaric: Diablo with tiddies . . . why that aroused me ? Does that game have been traducted in other language or it's just in korean , anyway that game make me think to Tera online in some way, so it's both good and bad .
  109. mr. Mazen: Indeed.
  110. deviantan021: this game looks like a japanese cartoon trying to look dark and gothic
  111. Astraea: Wow, so im part of the 1%, but i actually dont even know you, im not subscribed, i dont follow your stream, i dont follow your twitter, i just clicked this video that was in my recomended LUL
  112. Mücahit Duran: With all thoses sexuality themed outfits and models it certainly doesnt attract me. Man i hate that asian originated mmorpgs. Id rather playing dead ''Diablo'' than this kinda games. Some of us wants art in games not just mechanics.
  113. NewNecro: *Blizzard taps head* There can't be a Diablo killer if we kill it ourselves.
  114. A3C Blaster: +Reasonable Gump u need buy vpn service (korean ip+ better ping ~230 6$/month) And u need korean acc (20$/month)
  115. Matt Mckelvey: “Not on mobile phone.” I literally laughed out loud and instantly thumbs up’d this 😂
  116. Winston Rhock: Great vid watched the whole thing. I’ll definitely be going ham with this one on release
  117. Coman Costin: THICC as fuck ehh ? Kappa
  118. Omega Alpha: 54:25 dafuk bro you just spoil the whole thing.
  119. DJ See's through it: +Pentu Prager has hardcore mode if die ...you lose all your stuff ...awesome fun game...just dont play if got crappy internet you'll rage...
  120. Canny 7x: "... Let me unFck my character..." LOL You know someone going to try to recreate her when this game releases, right? Seriously I see chars like that in BDO regularly.
  121. Dota 2 TV Live: *Don't you guys have phones???!!!*
  122. Kevin Douglass: check out grim dawn. that beats diablo 3 hands down
  123. 0f392k49fg91h7fg893j: Africa? No. Fuck no... Please no...
  124. Salty Apple: I need this game!
  125. Kuzenbo: I want this Diabloli game now!
  126. rockorc42: ooh, the Advanced Slut Simulator
  127. wampatan9: 58 dungeons, WTF
  128. Eira Yu: Afaik the one mog you mention is the only 'paid' one. There's a bunch of cosmetic sets already available, just locked behind quests and achievements.
  129. Rage Wynne: I'd rather play Wolcen.
  130. Oxim2100: direct pathing
  131. jin kazama: All these butthurt diablo fans... this is kinda getting pathetic
  132. Chiro Hisuke: Not Subscribed, not followed, but i still made it to the end.
  133. justin phelps: Why am I subbed to this rat? 🤔
  134. blacksunaccounts: "i wish there was an african zone" lol
  135. Nadine Frey: wow the graphics looks awsome!!!
  136. Magascorada: made it to the end, nice wrap up. Thanks for the info!
  137. Black Shadow: Stfu maybe when will be in english will be diablo 3 killer
  138. paranidherc: You spelled Path of Exile funny.
  139. riotoverlord: I stick with diablo 2.
  140. Blurr: pretty sure poe is the diablo killer
  141. Mr.P-Fox: I finished it but i'm like Swiftskice :))
  142. Goodbrew84: Isn't Blizzard the Diablo Killer?
  143. Pgazs: You cant kill something that is already dead
  144. Wynrotar: game looks like shit hype will fail 2 hours after release
  145. Asdfer411: actually watched the whole thing, what is wrong with me. Looking forward to playing this game, seems awesome
  146. GemMine: Made it to the end, not subed tho lol
  147. Lukas Schneemann: mmh i heard they are making a torchlight game in that style, being arpg-ish mmo. but this really looks like itd be worth checking out, i hope they bring it to the west
  148. TheTravarotizr: +jd harms POE is garbage .
  149. konasake Trinh: Diablo hero’s never die.
  150. e1337prodigy: How did you understand the text/sounds? Or do you know Korean?
  151. jd harms: +AA AA 30million at 50 a pop.... dumbass..... math much?
  152. Mücahit Duran: Thx for correction.
  153. dumb cunt: wasnt poe the diablo killer like 5 years ago already
  154. De Code: 8:20 - you're welcome guys.
  155. Valentine Lin: that red velvet transition <3
  156. Pierson Gest: dude well indepth guide for sure...poe is the going to be the diablo killer ...just a slow death haha like poisoning the porridge or something haha love the guide excited to try this out when it becomes available in the west...you rock quin ya big dig'd sonofabitch!
  157. SchurkeMitGurke: I'm pretty sure they already stated that the game will stay F2P but it will have an ingame shop which will only use cosmetical items tho. And if those look good and if the game will be as successful as people are thinking this will be enough to make tons of money from it. Like LoL and Fortnite showed us. xD
  158. Allostasis: Meh, pass.
  159. Sergey Kuzerov: big boobs is what i need in my game
  160. MindGem: Quote of the day: "Some big ol tittie angel chick"-Quin69
  161. Braxx: LOL this game does not have cons xD Its good taht abilities are over the top. WoW abilities make you feel weak because they dont come with amazing effects. Gender lokc classes are not that bad. If you have 1 gender lock game like Black Desert Online, you wont mind it anymore. The Art style and animations are amazing. Gives off a more fantasy like vide, instead of realistic vibe.
  162. Dennis Jensen: Wolcen.... Just throwing it out there ;-) Far more hyped for that.
  163. Raphael Kozubal: Was it hard to get the game working? I mean getting the VPN is ok but I heard that you need Korean phone number or something (plus I cant read Korean so I guess it takes time to understand all the mechanics ^^)
  164. Xavier Lambert: Diablo killer..?Didn't Diablo kill itself ?
  165. 이민재: check it up, http://biz.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/09/17/2018091703343.html summary) they'll prepare to release NA/EU first, instead of china. I guess it will be released on 2019 certainly, hope it :))
  167. Cobrakay2003: +TheDeathflows ofc I'm a fanboy. I don't play games I hate. Why do you?
  168. Paulo Pedrosa: “Diablo meet WoW, sprinkled with big ol anime titties...” love it quin! 😂😂😂
  169. VIII Elstaroth PaganGrinder VIII: Love that thumbnail.
  170. ElPikacupacabra: Enough, when can I play?
  171. Clayton Johnson: The Diablo killer was Activison
  172. Cameron JOhnson: 17:27 That makes me moist.... lol
  173. Red: It's not a Diablo killer if no one outside of Korea can legally play the game...
  174. より佐々木: Talking about "white", it seems like that asian people (at least China, Korea and Japan) view white skin as a sign of beauty. That's probably why the people in the game is all white (I would say that the people in game may not necessarily be white people, but just asian with white skin).
  175. PongKnuckle: 9 out of 10 Korean cosmetic surgeons use this as a simulator for their clients' pre-procedure
  176. tek brick: Is there an English interface?
  177. Andre Lopes: hey quin i have a question, how much time does it take on average to get from level 1 into level 50?
  178. nzrock: Umm, they actually did nailed it when it comes to ingame story telling, the use of ingame cutscenes were done very well(it's one the main selling point after all), no koreans were complaining about that. They were saying that the story as a whole is pretty much generic fantasy, which feels a bit childish at this day and age... I can tell english is not your main language, so I dunno how to answer rest of your post, which looks like just random ramblings...like wtf do you mean check out the original story? lol
  179. Forced G+ Account: I do agree about the art style, chill the fuck out of the anime waifus and giant weapons. I'm ok with some elegance and glamour on the ladies or some ruggedness and muscles on guys but holy crap was that too much. I love mages/wizards but that stupid high-heels animation style is complete dogshit. :| Looks awesome, but i would definitely love some different customization to the animations. Mainly - no high heels and respectable animations, none of that waifu cutesy crap. And genderlock is just lame.
  180. Nikolai Atanasov: very nice review , thanks bro
  181. TVBUU: All mmos are Grindy what do you expect
  182. VVoude: Nope. F that weeb shit.
  184. Strat: Omg, did you just honestly complain because there isn't many black people in the game? Virtue signaling much?
  185. Andrey Kotov: Newzeland?? I thought Quin was Australian.... or did he move to Newzeland
  186. Simon Morris: great, keep us updated.
  187. Darrell Jenkins: Love you too! 56:53
  188. TsunTzu: Looks like TERA or Blade and Soul, but an ARPG... I'm pretty sold on that.
  189. K: Just because it’s an isometric arpg doesn’t mean that it’s trying to be Diablo. Not every game in that genre is trying to be like Diablo or has to be. Also you may not typically enjoy mmos but that doesn’t mean you should immediately dismiss the idea of at least trying it. Should it get an out of Korea release.
  190. Ronnie O: Yeah ok, by the time this is out in the west Diablo 4 will be be okay lmao
  191. VitrosPodium: Did you actual play it?
  192. Boyko Lazarov: Is there a game nowadays that is NOT a Diablo killer? :D
  193. jih-wen hsu: korean game always for people that have no sex life
  194. rocky liu: Mate at around 10:50 I think u clearly dont understand how this kind of game works in Asia. You get ripped try to customize your charactor. i.e. buy all the stupid "skins" so u look different. and they keep developing new costumes so you need keep up with this. And new expensive gears make u look "expensive". That is what asian players care. The idea of "skin" add on make so many billionaires. Not the game, not the dugeon, not the monster, but the useless skin. Using OZ as an example, unless u r in "upper class" nobody giveashit of what you wear or how expensive is ur bag or watch, it does not make sense to most OZ players. So this kind of idea doesnt work for most of western players. I guess.
  195. meme memee: Holy shit this looks good, will it come to the west? And if so when?
  196. Epicscore Eu: 13:55 naruto lol, full on anime
  197. Syph3R: Diablo jumped off a cliff itself
  198. M. vdB.: KimJongQUIN. That alone deserves a like
  199. AltyBagU: Korea does not give a shit about other races..... We should take down notes!
  200. Braxx: +Jonathan Tessier You opinion mate. I couldnt care less if someone is paying for an advatage. If you open your eyes you will see that every online game is like that. Its the norm nowadays. Lost ark is amazing.
  201. NixoNiiz: Love you too! :D
  202. Gamwreck Perkele: I hope there are dwarves in this fuxking game just like in sacred 1
  203. roqzilla: imho, animations are cool, abilities look really nice. gfx are nice - screen pollution is bullshit and kills the game for me. would be a great single player game tho
  204. Alexander Reiss: There's a lot of people out there wich top priority is gameplay over everything and that's fair
  205. Jeru3: 1:35 jokes on you, The prime evil diablo is supposed to have Leah's bobs.
  206. Dork Fish: Well, it is Quin. lol. Dude is a little off the rocker about details haha
  207. ChoJun: lmao, i actually chuckled loudly at 9:12 good finisher on describing your waifu quin
  208. Dark Thoughts: I can't deny it has some appeal, technically speaking it looks fucking dope, but gender locked classes kinda suck and monetization can look completely different in a Eu and / or US release, so I guess we'll have to wait and see when / if it is going to come over here. And like you said, these things can change over time, and have been in a lot of MMORPGs before as well, so I'm going to be extra skeptical towards unknown developers and publishers, especially from a market that is dominated by micro transactions.
  209. Varskar: This game is way too Asian for true Diablo fans' taste. I am not even touching it.
  210. Tensei Omen: I thought diablo was killed by diablo 3
  211. Mog D: Na Path of exile killed Diablo only fanboys like rhikker left and he loves him some acti-Blizzard dick..
  212. Phillip: 8:18 monkaS
  213. Joshua Kenney: Actually, not subscribed or follow your stream, personally i dont like most of your content, although i do recognize your an experienced ARPG player and i like ARPG games so i figured i would see it to the end to get your full opinion.
  214. Fang Qu: Junkrat ?
  215. Lord Blackout: +Pentu Prager xd ooooo a grammar nazi cry more and dont waste my time
  216. AffgaN: Diablo buried itself and the POE set a tombstone on it R.I.P XD Lost ark will be even in europe ?
  217. Tou Fong Lee: Diablo is killed constantly.
  218. Shadovvhex: LoL @ Quin's amazement of onscreen density. It's like he was abused by Diablo 3....uhh... sexually of course.
  219. kms myself: +Michael Hong of course I know. I was making a joke. I've met more Asians with lighter skin than caucasians.
  220. Felipe Ciarlini: Great review man, we can see you actually played the shit out of this game and you know what you're talking about.
  221. boris koblents: fetal alcohol syndrome lmao
  222. WAIT: what an idiot -- you kiss your mother with that mouth
  223. nzrock: +Scott Johnson I think they will stick to F2P, to allow as many people to play the game as possible...Lost Ark is trying to break the mold of decade of bad korean f2p games. Also right now there's actually barely any p2w elements, of course only time can tell, but the devs has said in the past they won't go full p2w.
  224. Daniel Peco: 3:40 to see Quin shoot a fireball out of his hand.
  225. nighter62: Hasn't Path of Exile already killed Diablo?
  226. Dreadd: You know they have no African island coz you can just look at the character creation options which also lacks "African" options.
  227. povang: Holy shit?! a Diablo style game with over 10 players on the screen at the same time?, SOLD!. I love the anime inspired art style. Better than a D3 Witch Doctor with a stick up its ass.
  228. Bradly Gomez: teaching asian's diversity the west is doomed indeed
  229. John Wick: Ogras Simpla you are so fucking stupid! If you played Poets pen zerphis you could get to 5 k as well. If you played the immortal scion you could get to 5k. You are so Fucking wrong it hurts. Thats not a challenge. Using cheese to get past certain depths because any normal solid build in mirror tier gear would be one shot even if they had 20k eHP isnt skill... its a defined cheese strat that works. Same with gluttony of elements. I know this because my team hit 3k and we got bored. The delves either worked or they didnt. No skill involved just cheese and luck. Stfu you fucking scrub, uninstall poe and slap yourself a couple hundred times until you break your own nose
  230. TearDownGenesis: So is it out in the US yet? Gender lock kinda sucks.
  231. Aleksa Markovic: Can someone explain to my dumb ass why using the english patch is such a big deal?
  232. Rogal Dorn: Why would i want to play a game that's not even in a language i can understand?
  233. Black Water: "Lost Ark - Diablo Killer" coming soon in 2030 NA.
  234. lazer tag: why would anyone bitch about the art style.. you want ugly ass D2 clones like poe?? that the west keep pumping out? this game is gorgeous , anyone who thinks its bad needs to check their fucking eyes
  235. el fanfarron: and path of exile?
  236. kramster20032: The only people that is going to kill Diablo is Blizzard, Not you not me not anyone else but Blizzard, they are well on there way of doing so.
  237. Raiju7: @3:40 Quin casts fireball.
  238. Omiionex: Diablo killer? lol Path of exile already did ages ago
  239. CPowell133: 11/10 review, quality content
  240. Ichigo Kurosaki: This game is sexist lol the classes
  241. Arcflare: Made it to the end of the video as the 1% but im not subbed nor a watcher of streams. How dare you not self plug you goddamn beast. Awesome in depth vid, was incredibly detailed and definitely worth the entire watch!
  242. Adam Whyrick: So how do you understand the Korean words?
  243. Z_Colo: Nothing will kill Diablo, because it already committed suicide
  244. Alexander Primel: POE was the Diablo killer already
  245. Mon San Sebastian: KIM JONG QUIN
  246. Akira NightFury: Quin is Dad
  247. Jules: Or maybe he just doesn't like POE? Instead of having to shit on him? Lol POE is overrated fucking garbage.
  248. MRSketch09: A thumbs up for a giant golden beetle mount. That's both cool & creative. 09:20
  249. Un Friki Random: Moron
  250. Not Implemented Yet: Love you too mate ;-)
  251. Aleksei Zaitcev: The character creation looks a lot like the first Guild Wars.
  252. ItsCharlieTV: 55:01 you're welcome.
  253. NightBringer Tenchy: I've seen a true Diablo killer, its called Diablo Immortal. Ironic, isn't it.
  254. spqninjapl: Needs rag doll annimations.
  255. Seven7swords: Yeah, this game looks Korean as hell. Seriously, nearly every game with "realistic" human character models looks the same coming from South Korea. SUPER DEEP character customization but they all look like K-Pop/Super Models. It's not really a bad thing but out side of Maple Story you could put a character from Dark Rising into Vindictus and never tell the difference.
  256. deszczu84: Diablo is already dead. POE kill it long time ago.
  257. Darkan Raiden: they will use transmogs for miscotransactions for sure
  258. Jack Mehoff: Of course D3 is dead, it came out in 2012. Once I play a game, I move on to something else. Something new. You don't grow up if you are stuck in the past. Right now I'm playing Path of Exile. It's better in some ways, but it is not so good as some people say. So, talking about arpg's, I have nowhere to go, right now. Lost Ark seems like a really good way to go in the future.
  259. DikkieDikism: I just wish this would come to the EU / NA already.. come on lol argh.
  260. James Gaisano: SHOOKT 8:30
  261. Cristian Andro: Korean games... 1 year farming = 0.1% lvl up
  262. Phantaminum: Thank you! Great Video!
  263. jack larsen: well it looks Cool and interesting , BUT the its in what chinese or something ??
  264. singularity xtriner: yes dude is DIABLO KILLER...!!
  265. Waggan: 69/69
  266. matthew green: My dude low-key just flicked a fireball from his hand at 3:40
  267. Joe Shmoe: how bout a guide to get through the menus lol i downloaded it but cant figure out where to go from there
  268. Serghei Tricolici: Great review, loved it all.. Thought that I will watch only 10-20 mins, but it was too engaging... thanks
  269. John Shepard: +ghouris 6969 How can it have an audience when you can't even play it in the West without jumping through a bunch of hoops, some of which are legally ambiguous?
  270. Polish Mob: I want a trans non-binary island
  271. ryan thai: Is this coming to the US?
  272. terraxptan: Diablo is dead for now. I would say , it `s maybe a path of exile killer? / opponent?
  273. edijs belinskis: le ya 2 ;)
  274. Aleksa Markovic: +Ivan MB well then, how fun is poe for you? Cause if you really like it, then you would probably still prefer poe. I personally find poe's combat system boring and that's like the biggest selling point for me, and I'm pretty sure it's a popular opinion
  275. Dylan Smith: no mention of the fact the game is in korean? how did that not factor in at all for a non-korean speaker? how did you know what abilities did? is this worth the trouble of VPN'ing and getting information from a Korean? otherwise, amazing video
  276. Archmage Alodi: Great Review , thanks!
  277. Chris P. Bacon: I love the cooldown on the big damage skills.
  278. oplix: Buddy, Diablo has been dead. It didn't need any help from a Korean only MMO.
  279. Leo Humbarelly: I actually like the pathing, its convenient for longer travels and challenging for boss fights. Just always direct guide your char in these cases. And problems with hitboxes i had neither. But great Video, lots of work. Beautiful game as well.
  280. bohicagaming: GGG has the answer to that.
  281. TorMentAr: Great review, really detailed and unbiased
  282. Articus Prime: Why isn’t this in USA already wtf
  283. Taek Oh: Even the devs don't know. They released it in Korea like a few weeks ago as open beta, which means they need a long period to see how people play just to balance game features and fix unnecessary or broken parts. They are really doing it now, on 30 Nov they made a first patch and announced upcoming patch plans. With that being said, their main goal for now is if they can make it in the Korean market within some months or even years.
  284. emptyforrest: these asian RPG games always nail the the character creation/customization. not always agree with the artstyle but fuck me you can go deep into the creation.
  285. Aaron: its a diablo style game but yet the gear sets are that limited??? that seems like quite con imo for a game like that.
  286. Carter Romanofsky: This game looks sick. Would b dope if we get it localized!
  287. C: Blizzard is the real Diablo killer
  288. Enfirnity: i need this ASAP
  289. erik harring: Diablo killer? I thought Lost Ark was on PC?
  290. Ridalia: When Lost Ark will be on mobile?
  291. A_ Lundgaard: Nothing like the voice of a 12 year old shouting "big dick". Truly inspiring.
  292. Losky Man: Mex Max watch the video the whole things in Korean :)
  293. Mäx Wonderland: Wow, informative and entertaining review! Thanks for missing out on one day worth of loot ;) Btw nonsubscriber here, who watched every second and enjoyed it! :)
  294. artemis142: The game cannot be played without Korean account, this will hardly kill anything in west
  295. Domonic Ramos: I don't play Diablo as much as other folks, but Lost Ark being a Diablo killer? Let's not get ahead of ourselves now. Lost Ark is still only in Korea at the moment.
  296. John Wick: Felix Turcanu you are a fucking idiot if it takes you more than 1-2 weeks to be done with a league. My team is done in 3 days. Headhunter, zerphis heart, 6links white socket pariahs and then we meta craft a bow in the coming days to be done done. It takes 3 hours 45 mins to beat the story if your fast. 4 hours 30 mins if you are autistic. So explain to me how you doubt this even got to the end game when hes obviously a much more efficient player than you. Fuck kids like you make me want to cut my cock off. Solely because you speak before you are educated. You are the equivalent of dumb.
  297. Not Troll just Noob: Kiaora mate, I am Korean educated in NZ! good to see kiwi here. or should I say pakeha XD
  298. Shadowlurkering: Looks interesting but after Devilian and MU Legend I'm not getting my hopes up yet.
  299. Fuggen Wat: Looks like so many reused assets from BDO though :(
  300. Cinomod6066: To be honest Poe is decently fun to play but it does look like complete shit graphics wise
  301. skywise8: made it to the end of video good lads club Ark does look interesting though, and I appreciate the video discussing it, I will wait for a north america release. :)
  302. MrMaelstorm: Diabo doesn't need anybody else to kill itself. Whats wrong diablo ? Take a seat and talk.
  303. Mr. your videos help my depression jk lol kys: clickbait is awesome
  304. Jpeg: I honestly pissed myself during the eye customization
  305. The Jony: Nice try whitewashing pay to win. Pay for convenience is pay to win, it is just developers marketing ploy to tell you otherwise.
  306. Dan Duke: Made it to the end of the video, but if i can know the music you used in between the segments of explanation , i would sub instantly ! great vid btw
  307. woollimy: Lol it doesn't make sense for anybody to carry weapon that size anyway. Also what weird world men can't use magic but women can. Why can't i be a male bard or summoner. For 100million where the hell sid the money go.?
  308. Bug_in_the_System: "The next big 'Diablo Killer.' That kind of sorted itself out." Burn.
  309. Shadowx Talion: 5:59 lmao
  310. Alexander Reiss: DS is a 3rd person rpg, wich is fundamentally different to the fight mechanics of Isometric ARPG's wich are based about spamming skills.
  311. Mako Vi: not enough black people? oh pardon me an 'africa region' LOL. oh brother. What is this 'Korean design philosophy' you refer to exactly? The defensive "I'm just sayin" you threw in, really made me chuckle. I should have seen that coming when you started throwing around the word 'diversity' every sentence.
  312. Dylan Burts: man quin you lost some weight this year.
  313. Scott Crossan: What are the specs for the game? Will there be an English release?
  314. Niclas Skogsberg: Quin told me im a good lad. FeelsGoodMan
  315. Spirit of the Fox: Thank you for the review. You made me save a lot of cash. It's a Big NO for me.
  316. Quick ben: +adam svanström y'know the little picture by my name isn't a photo right? or are you just virtue signaling that mentioning unfavorable traits of the melanin privalaged is evil in your woker-than-thou opinion? I hope you live long enough so see how disregarded your opinion is by the "diverse" peeps you verbally felate. Nugget
  317. EYECRED: Diablo doesn't need a killer, it's doing fine on doing that to itself.
  318. Thakrel: You are a good lad too :)
  319. Akabanenabaka: You had me at hammering a baby turtle to death.
  320. konasake Trinh: Diablo will return.
  321. coolduck45: One step for man, one giant leap in Tittie Physics!
  322. h0p0p: A FULL HOUR of quality review. I made it to pretty much the end of the vid without realizing how long it was. Thank you sir.
  323. Romnys Gonzalez: This game got something Diablo doesnt have...ITS ON PC! FREE TO PLAY!?!. Deal take my mone...OH WAIT
  324. Yusei255: this really needs a ENG release D3 has become stagnant and boring
  325. ibpest: if ur a diablo fan you play diablo 2.... diablo 3 players are not diablo fans...sorry.
  326. Gunjan Patel: Prancing around with tig ol bitties?? So a Korean game in other words lol
  327. rdzi: "How do you kill that which has no life?" - Activision Blizzard found a way. :D
  328. C Kyle: The best review of any game I have ever seen period. Looking at the length of the video I didn’t think I was even gonna finish it but I ended up sitting through all of it. Amazing work KimJongQUIN
  329. Alex Gia: Its sad to hear that it has must-do dailies/weeklies/login-rewards like WoW and EVERY FUCKIN MMO out there, lately. Thanks fot the heads up. I will not be playing it. No one tells me when to login and what to do ingame, sorry. I have enough daily checklists irl, i dont need a schedule on my playtime too.
  330. Artem Ternovoi: Where are Titan Quest and Grim Dawn? Best ARGP games!
  331. Yung Wells: Do you stan red velvet also?
  332. Humpty Dumbtee: Gender lock?
  333. muSPK: Just cause it has no cost right now, doesnt mean they will use the same business model IF this game is released in the west.
  334. tonycmac: When is it coming to the US PC market?
  335. TheSmokeys420: Hey PoE killed Diablo years ago, wake up!
  336. Damon Williams: Game seems interesting, ive always wanted a good ARPG style game to play but never fancied PoE and only played D3 on console. Biggest questions is how do you deal with the game being in Korean? Ive watched bits of you streaming this game and it looked like you already knew what was going on without having to translate stuff, am I missing something?
  337. Alexander Reiss: The leaks from a couple of weeks ago said that Diablo 4 has gotten robotted in development twice, and that they're gonna make it a lite MMO in order to compete with Torchlight, Project TL and Lost Ark. They are not even sure if to keep the Isometric camera. The game will not see the light until 2022. The days of Blizzard being a industry standard are long gone. The investors are not happy with the company. Diablo 3 flopped so they cancelled the second expansion. Investors at Activision are dissapointed Overwatch isn't Fortnite or PUBG. StarCraft 2 is dead along with the entire RTS genre. Battle for Azeroth was also a flop of an expansion and lucky to have 200k players online at the same time. What quality? Or is your nostalgia from the 90s? Because Blizzard has just been a follower not a leader in the Industry this past decade. Accept that Activision corporate has changed the company. The last 2 weeks a lot of employees are speaking out how bullshit is to work over there now. Even the creator of Diablo 2 was trashing them on Twich.
  338. Tayyarl: You do know Diablo is already dead right?
  339. PacmanLickThisGuysAs: Asians cant make any good games, (maybe with the except of nintendo stuff). They just make generic low quality garbage, especially mobile games. I'm asian and I stay the fuck away from my peoples games
  340. janic cain: Im a good lad :3
  341. Mini Quách: It's Korean game, sure there will be a RNG shitfest
  342. muSPK: ​+Izkimar how come it makes no different if you can revive yourself after death for real money? And I thought it worked for all dungeons.
  343. pkmdz: Watched till the end without being a sub 9_9 Your narrative is broke mannnn
  344. Bob The Chair: 55:03 for conclusion
  345. Tyroki: It doesn't have to kill Diablo. Diablo was pretty much dead on arrival. It has to kill Path of Exile, and that's going to be tough.
  346. Jarrett IceEarthGuard: +Biff Dingus It is just art, and not real get over with that thought.......... I will always have different views on what is real and what is not............ Also those art styles (NOT ALL ARE LIKE THAT) you are talking about will never make make my mind go "let's make it a reality".
  347. Andy Boily: HAD to pause and laugh for 5 minutes at 5:44 omg lol
  348. Ayu Kuro: The second vid ive seen from you, but honestly i watched every sec.
  349. WhaoIfeelgood: Hmm the game sounds interesting, but I assume giving it a shot will have to wait untill its released in the west?
  350. Xela Crémant: BuckFlizzard? Really?
  351. Mom with Grand Piano: You are a good lad too! ;) Thanks for the indepth review.
  352. Paul Stewart: Ebola is full of Africa, I'll pass thanks
  353. Josh Fox: Diablo+WoW+Titties+Monster Hunter+Sea of Theaves? Sounds good to me!
  354. ʝ αℊ⋒αr123987ჯ: Self righteous suicide!
  355. Justin Ashman: You're late. Activision killed Diablo.
  356. Xyn: +Time I'm a casual? Not the game? You sure? Because that's how the Game feels, because of the pure solo concept with no direct competitive feeling while(!) progressing to reach certain content/gear/level, faster than others! You only play for yourself, alone.. and it doesn't matter when, how fast, and IF you play at all or not. So it kinda really is casual. (Rush Events like who reach 99 first doesn't count) It's the definition of casual. When you play it alone, and it doesn't matter when you play or reach something or if you reach something at all, and can decide when you want to play and go for whatever goal! Just because you can or need to play hardcore for hours and hours to reach something, doesn't mean it's "non-casual" Being a casual or not has also nothing to do with, whether I like or don't like the game/game concept. It wouldn't "turn me around" and change my "liking" or thinking. Just like the "you've probably never played at end-game" argument. It has no weight.
  357. nzrock: +Saul Ghim It is detectable, the original chinese patch and hackers were caught because it was detected. While the english patch is a bit different, it still does things like bypass the Launcher and File verification process, which you can even look on the discord right now, they're having problem fixing the english patch. Smilegate just hasn't put all their effects into stopping it yet(besides sending out reverifications), it's only a matter of time before using the patch becomes useless...
  358. Gladiator Varro: Nothing will ever kill the diablo series, Diablo II still holds nearly 50k players and thats not including private servers not to mention its over 18 years old, but hey good luck with your trash click-bait ;)
  359. Michiel: Well i made it to the end not being a sub and i subbed but yea no point asking for it cuz people that liked your content will sub and if you ask for a sub that only serves to inflate numbers but they probably won’t watch your other videos anyway. Oh and diablo doesnt lag for me when i chain a lot of enemies, server or client, but maybe that’s because the server is in amsterdam and i’m in holland. Anyways, nice review, ton of content if it takes an hour to review.
  360. Michael Cruz: just subscribed. i've been watching you for years for diablo 3 i think it is time to move on from d3 and i will enjoy other content you create. Thanks for always giving in depth interesting videos.
  361. Cornelious Stradivarius: WE LOVE YOU TO QUIN. PEACE! :D
  362. Qtri Nity: QuinRat :)
  363. iNELUKi: The graphics aren't looking bad, and the performance seems to be amazing. But it doesn't *look* revolutionary to me.
  364. RIP Off: 35:00 u dont play those games with keyboard and mouse LEL, u have to play it with controller man
  365. Christan Dsvdv: ooga booga
  366. david ohma: I just want to let u know, I only follow u in Twitch :), not a sub :), and I want to hear ur opinion in the game.
  367. TheDeathflows: Ben C Diablo 3 king? You know they canceled the 2nd expansion because it was a failure of a game 🤣🤣🤣
  368. FallenSun: Trash game
  369. 85Kutcher: I made it to the end
  370. Neko Toast: How can you kill something that's already dead? PoE suffocated Diablo with a pillow long time ago.
  371. Sun Koon: amazing video quin69, 57min. woow we can feel your passion :)
  372. Tony Heckenlively: Every new ARPG is called a “Diablo Killer”, every new mmo is called a “WoW Killer”, every new FPS is called a “Call of Duty Killer”, every new moba is called a “LoL Killer”......
  373. shadowbreed29: so... 18 classes is actually just 6 watered down classes, n yeah i love anime but anime style games like this are just too over the top, i just find no immersion in it
  374. jzm: Lol.
  375. 윤동규: Peek a boo- Red velvet
  376. rastaspoon: Looks like a pc version of a mobile game.
  377. Tim Andersson: Trippy faces lol
  378. Luke G: LOL. Diablo killed itself.
  379. yian dev: garbage game tooo generalized artwork, too many classes, too many generic abilities, too much clutter on the screen, too much casual korean fantasy, like fucking koreans cant do artwork outside of casual there are so many styles you can go for and all they do is casual fantasy like tera/bless/aion/lost ark/black desert and the other 1000 similar mmo's i fucking hate korean mmo's, at first i liekd them a lot over a decade ago their were new, refreshing style , hard to play, unique, but now they are all becoming the same blob of design/feature/artstyle thrown into the pot togheter with disregard to the fact that they dont really work well togheter i also hate modern day anime, loli/waifu garbage with mediocre characters, and the only plot is boobs, its ridiculous, some of it is fine and funny like konosuba but the majority is just disgusting and silly
  380. bunnyfreakz: Hope it's not ended become Pay To Win trash like another korean MMO.
  381. kheath580: they would never add any black people to the game because asians are racist af and hate black people
  382. HardKoncept: I'm bored of Diablo, but this game it's not a Diablo killer, 'cause this "asian" design is uuuuuuugly as fck, like Aion, Tera, etc.
  383. Ricardos Rios: 4:20 Sadly, all the SJWs are going to throw garbage to this really good game because of the diversity thing, even tho you can almost full customize your character. They don't realize that every company doesn't have to follow it like an agenda and it doesn't help that many of them are westerns, when we are waiting for a western release.
  384. Will Forger: 56:00 always until the end ;D since d3
  385. glemmstengal: Korean p2w anime game... thanks but nah!
  386. Andrew Myint: What's the point if you can't play in English patch?
  387. Bieber Ozinga: thx yt for those 3 dots, i'll make sure i won't see this kinda crap in my feed again.
  388. Danny: typical COPYCATS !!!!!
  389. MZZA: Makes me want to play Black Desert Online again, but that game has such a shitty p2w model that I wont. Maybe I'll try this if/when it comes to the west.
  390. Lorps: +Park Soo Yeong hey i get it, if you have played a lot of it, it can get pretty boring, and that goes for everything. what makes it fun for me is trying other characters and also the many different talent trees you can take in diablo 2. games like lost ark do not interest me as much because they look far too much like other games from asia. these graphics remind me far too much of blade and soul or TERRA, i would even go as far to say that it looks like bless online. to each their own though.
  391. AndiotiZ: MMORPG - "Mostly Men Online Role Playing as Girls" xD
  392. MZZA: "If you have the big neckbeard, you should shit on the pleb" -The biggest reason I don't play mmo's so now I'm really looking forward to play this when it comes to the west.
  393. david loya: paying for an advantage is pay to win, as little to if paying gives you 1 extra slot for your itembag is pay to win, theres no mental gymnastic that can change that fact
  394. dnldttmr: Can I play this on my phone?
  395. FuzzyBrunty: This guy is funny haha
  396. Bacchus: How do you kill that which is already dead?
  397. Tampon1989: Free game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-LJuhg9LCk
  398. Robert Fierce: Holy shit I need this in my life!!!
  399. Longwittyusername: Actually this video was really easy to watch in one sitting. Can't say it's the best review video ever but it was very engaging.
  400. TNTspaz: I feel like this is gonna be like what happened with FF14. Everyone said that it would kill WoW and be the next big mmorpg but it slowly fell into a niche.
  401. Lemon Squeezy: Pay for anything in-game only ever makes a game worse.
  402. S Terry: Diablo is already dead haha. So glad you made this video though, I've been following this game for years wondering if it will ever hit EU/NA market and I kind of lost hope. Love its graphics and all, but I don't feel like going thru all the trouble to get a new proxy just to play it. Especially since I assume it's not in English. With all that being said if it does ever reach the Western market please keep us posted mate. Peace out
  403. Romas Nordman: +for anti-global cooldown comment :D
  404. unu unu: idk if this is a pro or a con, (i guess it depends on the person) but this is a skill based game, especially in pvp. if youre shit its gonna fucking show. doesnt matter what your ilvl/ gear lvl is, if youre shitting the bed i.e. not knowing cc chains, not playing for cooldowns, terrible micro, its gonna be real obvious. its not a "i have gear, so i just faceroll my keyboard" type of game. all im saying is the real grind is not on gear, but the real grind is on the learning part.
  405. Devilfish6666: 16:00 favorite class confirmed, say no more!:D
  406. maccajoe: Find me a sword that's 4 times bigger than the character gear and weapons scale with ur race so the bigger races have bigger items. Ur talking shit
  407. Ami: Is Rory a Loli?
  408. K Lee: Diablo Immortal is the Diablo Killer.
  409. Pentu Prager: +Lord Blackout your attempt at English is terrible.
  410. Gilbert Logsdon: Blizz would do a far better job of killing Diablo than any other company can do. Blizzcon 2018 Diablo announcement came close to doing that. That would do a far better job of killing it than Lost Ark would hope to do. Besides you need to understand Korean to play the game along with a whole host of things just to play isn't gonna kill Diablo.
  411. Mason: Path of Exile
  412. mxv91: Diablo 2 is still alive and well. Nobody can kill D2. Still blizz are doing a great job of killing the future of diablo.
  413. bebeoploki: Blizzard killed Diablo.
  414. Luiz Dogani: You pay for quality of life, thats fair tbh.
  415. Epicurus: Thanks for this mate, one of the best LA explanation vids 👍🏼
  416. dendraver: 4k content please - what is this, 2018???
  417. mamatix77: Definitely would watch ma man F EDIT: t'was good
  418. TheArtz19: well made and all inclusive with the topics, but i am not sure until i might get my hands on it if it stays the same as you say it is. i don't really care about professions, a lot of content doesn't necessarily mean good content. story doesn't entirely matter per say, but if i feel as though i need to grind out/hand out drinks on an island to get selective upgrade matts to even be able to get into an area and play without a massive nerf.....meh i dunno. also, I'm glad there is an option to apparently play test a lot of things, but I'm not sure about the start from scratch again or perhaps it just sounded worse than it is when you mentioned it. i guess we shall see if it ever comes over here.
  419. Alejandro Benegas: This was the best 60minutes of my life
  420. Alexander Reiss: What MMO is not brain dead? All of them are after 2004 when WoW released.
  421. Senko S.: hey buddy. its not normal that females have more testosterone than males in asia thats a western thing.
  422. Xavier Guerrero: Diablo dead
  423. off3nc3: stfu you're a shitty sub
  424. Marblerelic: +Izkimar I can customize my character in Dragon Age but this doesn't make it a looter or a diablo-killer. Dragon Age is Story RPG, Lost Ark is MMO RPG, Diablo is a Looter ARPG. Comparing them is just... stupid.
  425. nicholas garrett: if lost ark kills diablo, he'll just come back in the next game.
  426. Sarambi: Nice try, but we all know Blizzard is the true Diablo Killer.
  427. Marc Wilson: "you can just teleport to the Big'ol titty angel chick in the biofrost and go to the hyperbolic time chamber to test your shit" XD had me laughing so much. @24:06
  428. White Void: Do Warframe sometime, you're gonna hate it
  429. Invis Panda: Just wanna point out that loli is a girl below age of consent, yeah i don't like japan either
  430. priestskorge: I like the long cast times on abilties like the old pyroblast from wow that was secs. Yea it was 6 secs or 4 if u spec for it but when that badboy hit. It was like a mack truck hit you
  431. dudle core: diablo killer ... xD diablo has been dead for years, right now path of exile is the shit and i doubt this can keep up with poe.
  432. Yamsauce: Holy shit, that was a thorough review. Appreciate it.
  433. Lorps: maybe a diablo 3 killer. diablo 2 is still very much alive and will always be the best. the graphics for this game are too similar to other korean games that i have played. cannot get into it.
  434. Nata maks: +DaHm Sounds good lol, I'm from Ukraine
  435. Scott Johnson: That is such an amazing feature too. Allowing you a testing ground so you know if something will work before you spend a ton of time leveling a build.
  436. Sushi Diamond: But does it work on phones?
  437. Vaseler Von: I am all ready to try this game. I fear that the Monetization will be its only downfall.
  438. 313rdGaming: literally tho.
  439. nzrock: I assume your just making wild guesses, rather than stating the fact that it "will" be P2W, because your not from the future :P Anyway the Pay2Progress-faster part of the game is meaningless, since it's basically just small leveling exp boost and some stat boost costumes(that everyone can make themselves at max level). You don't need the exp boost, as it takes only about 2 days to reach max level to do end-game. Devs promised no p2w, but yeah only time can tell...
  440. Garret Harris: What is dead may never... be killed
  441. Geno Miller: I don't follow you nor am I subscribed to you on any platform. But I do find you hilarious when I watch your some of your videos(that are very long may I add lol), I like the way your very open to new things for the most part and not stuck to a one sided mind when sort of branching out. For instance the whole "Pros" and "Cons" was nice to see between the good and bad of a game I know little about. All in all great video and thank you for the one hour entertainment. Thank you! XD
  442. Marqs: You, you are a good lad! thx for the video.
  443. perochialjoe: "Korean design philosophy" oh fuck off
  444. Khaled M.Hamed: I reached the end of the video and i don't even know you dude 😂❤
  445. Seito: I didnt get the thing with the "catch up acc" or whatever.. So for example if I have a character lvl 50 or something and I want to start another character, the new character wont be able to get to lvl 50 (or it will be much much harder)?
  446. Orkid. music: Another fixed camera game. Oh joy. How hard is it let players rotate the camera angle? I'll give this a miss.
  447. AA Sharp: JimJongQuin - hahaha!
  448. Stephan Visser: Great old school review video. Last time I saw a Quin vid was in my Diablo days. Moved on to PoE so this is very refreshing!~ p.s. Did I miss the question: Can you play this without investing real money in it? (example: PoE's stash tabs)
  449. JAV3 DLC: yo... ima be honest, HOW CAN YOU REVIEW A GAME THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND! I know you've been playing it basically a month, but the language barrier in terms of stats / communications has to be huuuuuge lol haven't seen vid yet, but im imagining its super positive since i've seen him stream it. Just imagine once we can actually understand wtf we're playing. HYPEEEEEUUUUU
  450. Leo Ormesher: looks like aion almost...... at least the way the character screen is
  451. Jake Smith: See you all on poe
  452. Honorspren S: +DjDravax Whats your source on that? No one has said they are not working on any D3 expansions. The only news is that they scrapped one project and started working on another iteration
  453. Dragonspheres: Looks like Diablo is not so immortal after all. *cough*
  454. magic mooney: Want to have big tits in this fsme ypu gonna heal boy if you wanna fap!!!!
  455. Lu5ck: Yet another mmorpg which base off features of others. As all mmorpg, most important is the repeatable end game contents.
  456. Derfoklishe: Well, nothing from Korea was ever in-depth. Just flashy graphics and unintuitive gameplay.
  457. Zyxer Zyxani: Dood, this is the first video I have seen from your channel. And I can tell you that obviously I am not a hardcore fan or a long time subscriber, YET I followed through and whatched the entire video. I can tell you that it was a good review. Wasn't logged in when watching it, someone linked this on discord, but the fact I am kommenting about not only your hardcore fans saw untill the end.
  458. Vigilant Puma: the panty looking girl LOL
  459. Fukou da: "KimJongQUIN". Have I ever told you that you're one of my favorite dudes?
  460. Kristian Karhunen: How does loot work? Is it individual or shared loot? How does Exp in a group work? Is it Individual or shared? By that I mean, lets say I go into a dungeon with a group, and I have a friend who is always in the forefront and kills everything before I even get a chance to get there, do I still get Exp from the mobs he/she kills?
  461. L L: Does Ark support english? too much korean in the video... but the game looks great. The sad fact is that even diablo fan like quin need to switch out from Diablo. Diablo failed fans a big time.
  462. Ger Damstra: Diablo got already killed by Blizzard mate. Besides.... Lost Ark is not coming to the EU so there is that too.... far as I know it’s Korea only.... yay for your review.... 😂
  463. AC84: If this game has tits and ass physics, I will buy!
  464. connortimoti: game is like devilian and mu legend
  465. gaius pontus: wow looks fine
  466. Matt Knudsen: Diablo killer? Didn't blizzard do this themselves?
  467. Peter Tremblay: You are covering too much space on the screen and people are interested in the game not you!
  468. Mat 11: Chompsy then dont watch the video you whiny cry baby bitch
  469. fredoz67: i haven't been so obsess by a game since wow 2006 . i go to bed thinking of my next quest like i use to do with wow. the English community is big and friendly and there is already an English language patch from the community. Best game in some many long years.
  470. VinylBeatsTV: Path of Exile is the only true Diablo killer.
  471. 2gunmoya: but you can't play this game on mobile phone..Don't you have phone??
  472. ghannis: I'm wondering how many times you switch up your build in pve. While leveling and in endgame content. Because items/gear don't affect your build right? Love the feeling of finding an item (in diablo) and suddenly a skill I haven't used yet is really good. But I guess with WoW I'm 'stuck' with mostly the same build aswell.
  473. Валерій Денисенко: did you saw "Wolcen"?
  474. Hellxdamage87: Wut? So if a company tries to make some profit by offering p2w features, then it shouldn't be called p2w because they just wanna make a living out of it? P2w is p2w no matter why they do it. Besides they could make the game b2p, or subscription based, and still offer things for money that have no impact on the gameplay.
  475. Pandah Sykes: Lol “Diablo killer”? Diablos been dead since they stopped working on LOD .
  476. Jonathan Tessier: ''LOL this game does not have cons xD'' It's P2W korean trash, how is that not a con? lol
  477. Sartezz: TLDR: Shit anime game with microtransactions
  478. Complete Satire: sure glad this isnt in NA, cause i love playing non fun games.
  479. nothinisworthit: I mostly agree with you however why does every game need black people in it? like is that a new trend or something?
  480. Misericordia: What?? Not on mobile?? Blasphemy!! Don't Smilegate knows we have pHoNes???
  481. Buddy Barlow: Great video Quinn
  482. Marblerelic: No loot - not a Diablo killer. Period.
  483. Decent MP3: wow
  484. NES DeathAngel: cant kill something that is already dead
  485. HeyNowLookHere: Man u cold bruh
  486. javier pizarro: diablo killer? wtf is that.. who the fk cares about diablo
  487. Artur Catunda: diablo commited suicide
  488. Thatguy808: ㅅㄱㅇ hogu!!
  489. Xyn: +Adul Ahmad Oh, Sorry that I forgot You, one of the few, that besides Streamers also have unlimited time to waste just to play 20 builds per league "just for fun"
  490. dimek666: ITS NOT ON MOBILE ??!? WTF MUST BE CRAP
  491. Joe Murray: a spoiler warning may have been nice when you described locations!
  492. David Lee: i got to the end of the video and here's a like and a subscribe. btw you know hogu means sucker in korean right? screenshot as proof https://imgur.com/a/yWdR0mc
  493. Daniel Lee: I've played it and I must say I'm impressed so far. But sometimes the pathing makes me want to smash the keyboards. Feels like a god damn dragoon from SC:Broodwar when it does retarded shit
  494. Alex Dorsch: @quin69 the small cutscene transitions were in GW/2 and FF14. things to look into. really enjoy 14 community. GW2 pvp. etc etc
  495. lSirHunter: i wasnt following ur twitch channel, but now i'm, lov u too bud
  496. Martyn Lawson: All Hail KimJongQuin
  497. bdo what: This game reminds me so much of that cool little game devilian
  498. Mr.Tapet: You're a good lad for making these videos too man
  499. 박sung: its not true. Blizzard kill diablo
  500. Lhoubhet20 Ochate: Looks like more cabal online than diablo
  501. MCsoldi2k: Diablo did suicide...
  502. mojambo213: +DjDravax It'll be more enjoyable than this weeb trash for me I'm sure :)
  503. Tachickapooh: Hey Quin. Love your vids man. Is there English text? Or is it Korean? Thanks
  504. Trollex dudu: +woollimy animations, if you play a bard and you shake your hips and dance you need completly different animation sets for a male so it ramps up development costs , i think bdo made the best choise with classes and genders
  505. Stephen Singletary: More like Lineage 2 than WoW kidda
  506. Andrei Jedidiah: path of the exile rule hands down
  507. André Filho: TL;DR version?
  508. lolleonlolable: 8:40 aww seems like a nice game for man : D
  509. Francisco Eira: love the dedication, didn't watch it full. keep it up u are an inspiration
  510. Dylan Noah: Darrell Jenkins hes on twitch quite a bit! Can always get your dose of quin there haha
  511. Toki Wartooth: Let me see the entire pricing model up front, and sell a finished product to me day one with zero microtrans. I'm done with DLC models as well. The only games I will pay for is something like D2 with LoD Battlechest. Coincidentally, these older games are superior in every way except female eye candy. If modern gaming has done one thing right, it's female eye candy. But I'm not falling for it by spending real money on digital whamen. Show me offline play with mod support instead of loot boxes. Live service games are no-brainers for blacklisting. I'm just going to assume this 2018 game will be in Early Access via live service correct? Tell the dev/pub team to get F'ed then. I'm not a gambler or an impulsive consumer. At least some free r34 might come out of this Lost Ark. Ya never know.
  512. muSPK: ​+Kevin Jeon Pretty sure they will change business model for western audience, they often do that, but yeah I have no issue passing this game if they wont change their P2W-system.
  513. King Keltic: Keep your eye on Wolcen I think that game is gonna be amazing.
  514. Keltas Kle: You are a stupid degenerate to compare different games that are not alike, only isometric. like to play shit, play shit, don't compare shit and lost ark, and how can the dead shit die?
  515. Shae: Activision - Blizzard will never be getting money from me. Last purchase was Diablo 3, that's how pissed off I was with D3. No COD, no Destiny and definitely no fucking D4. Zip, done, I'm out. 4,000hrs of POE, 800hrs of Warframe, 600hrs of ARMA3. My main games and no reason to switch it up.
  516. Jeremy Herring: Path of Exile killed Diablo years ago....
  517. RY3G: 3:42 *shoots fireball out of hand*
  518. Philip Anderson: FOR THE MEMES!!
  519. Alibi Z: I’m not a follower or a subscriber of you on any medium. I watched the whole damn thing to the end. I got exactly what I was hoping for when I clicked your video. I will now proceed to subscribe and follow you on every medium. Peace!
  520. Mike hartnett: Diablo 3 reminds me if Therman Merman.
  521. Alexander Reiss: Diablo 3 was cartoony as fuck and got backlash for it
  522. Infinite Gaming: 4:20 "eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh ........."
  523. ToneyCrimson: I hate the character models on most Korean games...idk what it is but something just feels off.
  524. mark dey: Your mouth is terrible. Couldnt get deep enough in before i cut it off. Sick of all the f-bombs.
  525. WayneTwitch: Its Asian its gay
  526. GenjoAranjo: Very OT : I just noticed now your a DAD! Congrats man, Kira is beatiful Im very happy for your guys!
  527. Ollie Pontone: i made it to the end. shame you didnt plug yourself though quin. Ive not subscribed yet. maybe ill bump into another one of your lost ark videos another day and we shall see :D
  528. Joao Carreira: How can you kill something that already died?
  529. Tias: Will they make a western release though? No matter how good it is if it wont ha e a English version then it won't matter at all
  530. Ethan Holloway: "Today we're going to be doing a big dick" demonetized instantly lol
  531. Gavriel Dorani: Nice informative, downloading now, always enjoyed since set dungeons in Diablo III. Wishing the best for ya. 0:~)
  532. Binks: some perverts will enjoy the game very much....XD
  533. TheFaythless: Pranced on a wheely chair. Quin for best girl 2018.
  534. Junkpile: So does this have some fucked up gear upgrade system like black desert have?
  535. Scotty Anderson: Stuck around until the end. I wasn't subscribed, but I am now.
  536. MorphitIRL: can listen to shit talk and be legit about stuff all day man. nice review! definitely going to try this out.
  537. Diego d: F2w=p2w
  538. 7F0X7: You had me until "gender locked". No thanks...
  539. Ernestas Meškauskas: Like an actual amazing review I was looking for a quality review of this game and I actually didn't know what Quin69 does something like that. In short this review is best hands down, *tips fedora* good job Quin.
  540. brian crochet: Man...a hour long video...NICE!
  541. midian879: Quin sperging on the face adjuster was hilarious
  542. Captain Obvious: wait. are you also going to trade in your Fiat for a Hyundai? hhahahah
  543. Matan Davidson: Pfft, no thank you. I HAVE A FUCKING PHONE!
  544. Clorox Bleach: This won't kill diablo. It's not even on the phone.
  545. Study Case: Quin69 Get your ass in here and make more vids! You are detailed funny and entertaining. your channel will be huge. Let's GO! :)
  546. Lemon Squeezy: Official Puvve any idea when a western launch might happen?
  547. yuriy yakimov: I watched the whole video :D ♥ Even if my english is not that good, i still enjoying the way you narrate things.
  548. Dg: Nice review, but take in consideration that it's still in beta and there's A TON of stuff TBA to the game, it's not the final version of it yet.
  549. KrOjah 1: To use for their mobile game? Who gives a fuck.
  550. Kane Parker: 1% lad.
  551. Cassie Barns: Diablo Immortal is the OG Diablo Killer.
  552. Andrew Black: Diablo killer is already out for years and it's called Path of Exile, clickbait or just blind af?
  553. K1msest YT: I really hope this game gets a console and mobile version, I can't be arsed to play these kinda of games on a computer
  554. Johann Reed: First video of yours i ever saw and made it to the 1% Great vid, keep it up
  555. RaHHZ: Diablo already has been killed by Path Of Exile ;)
  556. Brandon Richerson: Soooooo BDO the ARPG version?
  557. Ainrehtea Dal'nalirtu: I just found this channel and didn't know what to expect from a almost hour long review. Watched the whole thing since I've been interested in Lost Ark since the first bit of news came up and this review blew me away with the amount of details you had covered. Thank you for making this. The information was beyond helpful compared to many videos i have watched so far.
  558. noxcod: What fucking good is this stoopid review if the game is a Korean only game? Is this a troll review? I'm not hacking vpns to play a game with a bunch of nine irons
  559. Krimson Crusader: 45:18 dude coming in with the BIGGEST clutch ever, holy shit that look hype
  560. sparaaaa: subbed
  561. Ilfirin Uluthrek: Is there any patch translating to english ?
  562. Warframe Crunch: Diablo killer? NO! It's Diablo IV! ^^
  563. Jason Martinez: Its 2018, why are gender locked classes still a thing?
  564. nzrock: +Aleksa Markovic Breaking the ToS further more by client modification pretty much, which is why best don't use it for streams or videos or even screenshots with your character name visible.
  565. Dmitriy Sharov: POE killed diablo a century ago...
  566. Alan Amaya: All the good lads
  567. Jikal: ANIME TITTIES
  568. Cody Dixon: Let's see if the west even gets it and how badly it gets monetized
  569. KiLLERJA0: spam the number 2 while watching
  570. iokone: Have you tried Wolcen yet?
  571. Chompsy: Lazy editing, nice job finding that stop record button.
  572. CAPSLORD CAPSLORD: Path of Exile is f2p and it would def be a far worse game with a monthly sub or even a buy2play price... maybe you should have said there exists no mmorpg that has become better through f2p, but even in mmorpgs there will be people disagreeing with that statement.
  573. Daniel Philipp: Diablo ist dead. You have to search for an POE killer. Wake up please!
  574. Voltron Defender: 5:45 OMFG LOL
  575. Augusto Henrique Lee: The game you want but can't play (Korea only, right?)
  576. Enzur: Cant kill D3 if it never goes to NA lmao good try tho koreans will never share this with silly Americans
  577. Jamile thomas: lost ark>divinity original sin 2
  578. Alejandro Aguilar: Quin can you do a video in wolcon
  579. Dagorath: Diable officially suicided at Blizzcon 2018 yo, does not need a killer lul, btw do you have a phone?
  580. Taro Taro: Who doesn't like tits bouncing?! I dare you, I double dare you mutherfocker!
  581. Royal Varneau: One cannot kill something, which is already dead. SIR
  582. IDontKnowYouWhoAreYou?: Koreans dont like black people their culture is just like japanese xenophobics but that said everyone is a racist jaehaehaehehhe humanity is depravity the seven deadly sins loves you all mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sweet hatred and fear festers!
  583. Dor Bink: English version ???
  584. KnowSage: nice review bro,i almost pissed myself at the part where you made her eyes all fucked up :)
  585. WAstateofmind: +Batuna Find a quote from Blizzard saying "Diablo 4" bet you won't find it. Maybe doesn't mean yes.
  586. 신지미카미: I bet this is gonna be the best LA review on youtube. Even better than Kr ones. Good job, Quin.
  587. Riley Dahlin: love the review!
  588. Gah3: How do you kill something that's already dead T_T
  589. Kris Nauffts: Dont know how I can across this video but really enjoy whoever this is. Actually a little humorous with some personality. And this game looks great.
  590. Keloz: as long as you can get the currency that ppl pay for by trading shit i think it's fine more games should do this. Seems similar to how warframe does it
  591. Ivo Bonev: Amazing Review. It gives me a great idea about what the game is.Thank you.
  592. Stranger Phenomenon: Yea True.. This will kill Diablo.. but Diablo 3 is already Dead.. :( also Diablo Immortal is 50/50.. Black Desert Mobile and Tree Of Savior is soon to be release and Diablo Immortal will be zero players.. If this game Lost Ark will be release in GLOBAL many will play.. but Diablo Developers are crying to the Lost Ark Developers begging not to release the game in Global because they will be broke as hell.. Lost Ark Devs understand the situation of Diablo Devs, Lost ark Devs look at them they are shivering crying and begging for mercy.. Lost Ark Devs tell Diablo Devs why not make Diablo 4 instead of Diablo Immortal, they Reply We dont have money to make one because we consume it already with our greedy pockets.. and we are now making a CHEAP DIABLO Immortal in Mobile to lure players for another MONEY MAGNET TRICK.. Lost Ark Devs Reply: because of your lack of creativity and lack of passion Diablo 3 is dead.. The End.. This story is Fiction only..
  593. ʝ αℊ⋒αr123987ჯ: anime tits are the best tits...... so big and you just want to jiggle them and suck on dem nipples all day long mmmmh!
  594. SpielMitMirSession: The character customization looks like that of Blade and Soul.
  595. daniel moreno: 5:39 got me cracking up
  596. 윤정탁: 반갑습네다 행님
  597. Joel Gawne: You cannot kill a game franchise that is already dead...
  598. CSAntol: I love the Red Velvet mixed in throughout the video
  599. op3l: Yea... but does it play on my phone? Yea didn’t think so.
  600. Ryu Hanamara: we waiting so long for ark that the hype for it died, so no, its not diablo killer unless u talking about d3 which is already dead
  601. Reno Reins the BH: And it doesn't even come on mobile? What a trash game...
  602. NallenTV: Diablo is already dead, Blizzard killed it. Path of Exile nailed the coffin shut and buried it under the patio.
  603. Dandrick twinjz: More like top down bdo
  604. Hugh Janus: More games need "fetal alcohol syndrome" character sliders
  605. Alex Turner: 9:14, I spat out my coffee and started crying with laughter at that fuckin beetle
  606. Styx Zero: 4:20 chu implying here m8? cmonBruh
  607. George Clark: Blizzard already murdered Diablo.
  608. nzrock: It's not 100% the same genre, but for sure at least 20% the same, hence why it's a MMOARPG.
  609. Kevin Andersch: Fun fact on the pathfinding you described: The version where it runs against the edge of the bridge instead of moving all the way down to where you clicked, is the version with more code aka the higher IQ version
  610. Miguel Zacarias: You're a good lad as well, Quin! Keep it up
  611. Madhatter: Diablo already killed itself M8
  612. Naruto Uzumaki: It's a diablo killer for sure
  613. skevoid: When you're going to talk about something being an 'X killer', you should probably refer to a game at the peak of a genre, not a middling title.
  614. kookyB: LA isnt even arpg so ...
  615. Scott Cavill: Diablo killer? We already have it... PoE duh?
  616. Spazz Maticus: "diablo killer"??? as if diablo would need help for killing itself
  617. Darkborne Lines: Is it coming to the west??
  618. Ye EcksD: Cheers for being the 1%
  619. TheDeathflows: Yea Diablo 3 isn’t cartoony.......
  620. Bishamun: To be honest, NOT really bro. It's not like BDO at this moment yet. They sell some stuff on the cash market like some costumes and little more faster horses... but it doesn't really hurt the game balance as much as BDO. I was kind of curious that how would they going to make money with this game.
  621. Carlos Calero: How can you kill something that is already dead?
  622. Waylander huehue: 9:25 - if you overlook the artstyle you also can overlook the game too and play fucking farmville
  623. Jaran: Looks good but my two skeptical/fear points of this game are: 1. Is it going to be grindy af? I really don't want to experience BDO all over again. 2. Is it going to have gore, like a saw in of the early trailers when it arrives in outside Korea?
  624. UHateTheWayIGame: To me this looks exactly like Mu Legends - even the skills / maps / quests are the same style. I like Mu Legend though
  625. lawlestest: Looks like your average hack 'n slash nowadays .. Nothing special. Maybe if they released this years ago it would've been awesome, but now? Meh, can't seem to get hyped up over this anymore.
  626. Nerfbat Gaming: 8:30 absolutely lost it
  627. Scratchums: Will definitely check out an English/North American/International release.
  628. Keyboard Warrior: ´This game looks insanely fun to play, and just the level of detailed graphics is a real turn on for me.
  629. Reasonable Gump: +A3C Blaster Thanks, I'll look into that. How do you get by with it all being in Korean or is there an English patch out yet?
  630. Level 12 Lobster: So.... The Diablo style version of TERA, down to menu layouts, icons, UI and same armor/character style. Even has the same instance zoning mechanic with channel select in top right and familiar classes and class icons.
  631. paranidherc: And thank fuck for asian companies keeping the SJW diversity bullshit out of games.
  632. Pentu Prager: +DJ See's through it Last Exsile?
  633. Lennie Godber: Reported for hacking
  634. Kukwes VR: More games need to sprinkle in some anime titties,,,can you imagine how good Zelda Breath of the Wild would of been with big ol'anime boobs.
  635. won cad: If anyone is interested in this account, message me or reply here!
  636. Dominykas Rekus: I mean as you mentioned it has a ton of gore, have you even played PoE lol
  637. Free Speech Apologist: Quin "Tits for the Weebs Gore for the Alphas No Bullshit" 69
  638. kyvrna: all i want from an mmo is a really nice character creator so i can make a pretty character and then dress her up in pretty clothes and armor and explore the world and kill mobs... but so many games make it so hard to create pretty characters and if they have nice characters the armor and clothing sucks, no options, no dyes, etc, or everything is locked behind a huge paywall and it wants to take all my money. so far the female characters in this game are very pretty and the armors look really pretty as well, so hopefully its really customizable and not limited by a paywall or super rng grind for cute armour and clothes. i also want to be able to see my character and not be locked into the birds eye view angle and not get to appreciate my girl!
  639. Ron kevin: New subscriber here!!
  640. Xyn: 55:46 and that's exactly what I want!!! PoE is boring with season and leagues where you only play 1 character for 2weeks +- and that's it. Only streamer play like 20 characters in one league or so, not because it's fun, because of delivering content. PoE is cool and all but.. hell, it's fuckin booooring
  641. KohFee: Don't you guys have phones?
  642. PuNiSHEi2: Super in depth. Thank you
  643. KDTV: Tbh it seems the 2nd half downsides are easily changed out of beta, the only real downsides are the Gender lock which playing Korean games I am use to and the Korean/Anime stuff which tbh I wouldn't really care about because it's a fantasy thing. Everything Sure Americans KKona people tend to like this EU/Medieval shit but i'm tired of it always being the baseline for American games. I don't get why Americans dislike an anime style and like the Medieval/EU stuff it's not even an American styled them, if you wanted to go to like American style it would be revolutionary war styled (which is also British) or Native American. NA doesn't have a style that was invented. Maybe cowboy? But even then that's literally derived from Mexican/Spanish Vaqueros/Charros. The only original contribution of theme NA has made was maybe Steampunk? but even then it is a combination of British Victorian era with Wild West.
  644. homerjnick: Fucking brilliant review! You should do more!
  645. Nax6: The literal review God!
  646. Piotr Michalek: Rank 1 Rat Review! You truly are the big dick :D
  647. Ricky Ozenbaugh: Good to see you back quin
  648. Jamie Jansen: The western SJW games media is going to go fucking NUTS over that character creation lol. Get ready for REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  649. Thomas Ruffin: cant play it on my phone? shit game
  650. GiroNovum: Thanks for the shoutout Quin
  651. MattMax: Holy moly, thats really in-depth. Thanks for this review, You change my feelings about this game. I really want to get into this rigtht now.
  652. sallee132: POE killed D3 few years ago.
  653. RawLu: "Inspired by the classic Diablo 2 game" - Wolcen website = LOVE :-)
  654. Paul Path: Lol, I can't believe I heard Red Velvet in a game review.
  655. Happy Miow: yo quin69 are you stop playing diablo 3
  656. Lewis Yates: Exactly the same for me. Never seen this guy before. Howled all the way through and now need this game.
  657. Rocksfir e: not subscribed, don't follow you, more of a lurker kind of guy and i watched until the end. it's a good review of the game, pointing out the bad and pointing out the good. watching you play the game first hand i know you spent quite a lot of time in it, and your opinion is very trustworthy. i do hope this comes to the west in 2019, that would be great. i also hope they change the game to fit the west a bit better and don't just translate the game. although i wont hold my breath, the game does seem good enough to just translate and ship but to really drive it home i hope they change a few of their systems to better fit the west.
  658. Brekner Catalin: The boss fights seem a bit too fucking long...15-20 minutes for a fight, that's even worse than WoW. I mean, i find it annoying to wipe after 6-7 minutes, i can't imagine wiping after 15 fucking minutes...fuck that shit...
  659. Ben Fulford: Any word on if it's coming to the west at all?
  660. Son Gohangoku: This cant kill Diablo. Diablo is already dead
  661. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: +Keys Collector Of course, I'm the ignorant one because I disagree with your opinion, eh? I recommend you read the shortstory 'Harrison Bergeron' by Kurt Vonnegut because that's the kind of society people like you wish for. Diversity does not matter at all. Equality does, but even equality only goes so far because you can't ensure equality for everyone. It's impossible.
  662. Ivan Ristic: poe killed diablo already
  663. Jun Fu: if you do quest and buy tickets, do u get it do dungeon 5 time?
  664. fatalis arx: I think POE dominate this archtype games like in all depth, waiting for Torchlight Frontier tho!
  665. Thirty Silver: That "store" is going to be the scam -- coming soon!
  666. Beldin 2: Launch in Korea maybe but the question is when it will launch in the west. And since i'm 55 meanwhile i already wonder if we get it here while i'm still alive.
  667. Mattix: Diablo killed itself. Lost Ark killed its soul.
  668. A3C Blaster: Im playing like 4 days i have 41 lvl. And this game is my top 5. This game is so fcking crazy, i love it so much. And when it will be realsed in EU/US it will fcking destroy everything.
  669. Diego Rens: Game looks great! Won't be my cup of tea probably, as no isometric clickbased game has, but I enjoyed learning about its existence
  670. Alain Abrahan: Lol that was diablo III should be and never will and people do not want to recognize Diablo III is a fucking failure since launch I uninstall the game is just a fucking shit, lost ark is the real shit.
  671. Thomas Olson: hey quin have you heard anything about a western release or at least a translate?
  672. Anthony Brown: Diablo killer? Hasn't diablo been dead for over 4 years?
  673. Heart of Chaos: Yeah i was searching for some Yaoi/Bara manga to read and only found those furry wolves manga --' i don't understand the fetish behind that but yeah, 9 out of 10 will be furry humanoid creatures.
  674. Misa Pheonix: lol just realised you named your in fighter: 'Kim Jong Quin'
  675. Jesi Frostwhisper: Diablo is pretty dead without a "killer"
  676. Andre Mina: First con def not a con!
  677. Brad Pietrzak: I don't mind the shop, specially because you can convert currency
  678. Alexander Reiss: You mean game desing or character desing? Or you mean "I'm fan of Grim dark fantasy so i only play games with hyper realistic style or western comic style*.
  679. allbies: How can they make a game with gender locks in 2018 when obviously we now know there are infinite genders? Seems a bit silly to me that you should somehow be gender locked into male or female....it's not as if it's like that in real life :/
  680. raresr79: The mechanic of having things limited on a per day basis sounds a lot like mobile games. This is a thing implemented in all mobile games to make sure you login daily to do your daily stuff. If u dont u will fall behind the other people who do their daily stuff. Once they get you to login daily for 1 month they will get you involved in the limitation of doing only x amounts of things per day and you will be enticed to pay money to do extra stuff daily. A very good approach if u ask me. Not that is bad in any way from a gamer perspective. It is really engaging especially if it's a PC game with great graphics. However you do need to be aware that it can fuck with your day to day real life. I am personally stocked about this game and cant wait to play it.
  681. Infesterad: I feel sorry for you.
  682. Mr Gamer: another Tera? skins pay, mounts pay, effects pay... emmm no thanks another shit game.
  683. Ziggurt: if you get triggered by anime tiddies, you should re-evaluate your life and what's important... also, fuck off an die. Oppai is love, Oppai is life.
  684. NieRTilt: AYAYA
  685. Khain Forling: Diablo Killer? Please ... Diablo killed itself
  686. John Bennett: Tasunke if you think PoE has garbage gameplay you are a moron
  687. ScepticalCynic: Gender-locked is a con? Why is that never brought up in PoE or D2 as a con then? It seriously is fucking irrelevant.
  688. Speckoh: make titties great again!
  689. Toxx: Diablo killer? Since when is Diablo alive? LUL
  690. Mikey: Good job, you fucking rat...
  691. Java Goblin: Well, theres zero chance I spend an hour watching a review video. lol. BUT! I know you worked very hard on it, and I'm sure it's fantastic, so ill let it play in the background on silent for the views. Thumbs up too, mate. Cheers.
  692. Krelian: So any news about a west release?
  693. H H: Am I the only one who noticed that his user name is Kim JongQUIN? You tryin to be the Fourth Hokage of North Korean or something?
  694. D D: first video i watched of you and i stayed till the end
  695. Fluxor: Then you will enjoy the upcoming new open world survival game called "Wild Life."
  696. CCTV9: Diablow 3 was the Diablo killer.
  697. Soric Kolea: @Quin69 still to much bullshit left in the review...you didnt hit the table hard enough ...there is still some bs clinging on to your review...and african zone in a korean fantasy mmorpg? thats hilarious...in a bad way...and no it doesnt need that. apparently only the west has a "diversity" problem. always has to get the brown mud on to the white sheet or something.
  698. 이주웅: Only Diablo can kiil Diablo so it killed itself.
  699. Olusegun Obasanjo: Lost Ark shill LULW
  700. Peter Evening: fk yeah Quin!! that's great :D
  701. Daze: +Te do cause you dont meet anyone hardcore enough to play a real mans game.
  702. 꿈꾸는세야: 영문화도 안 된 게임을 분자단위로 분해해서 리뷰하느라 정말 고생 많았습니다. 다국어로, 최소한 영문화라도 해서 세계화 시켜야 할텐데요. 그나저나, 길드 이름 재밌네요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  703. AC84: The length of this video nearly killed me!
  704. Nico Dica: A good lad :)
  705. DARKEL: GJ d0000000d
  706. Michiel: How do you kill a game that’s already dead and cremated
  707. Beeda2004: i have only fear if this game receive in europe or us corporation like nexon who add full of pay2play garbage like energy, or dungeon entering pay cap
  708. Holborovv: Diablo has already been killed by Path Of Exile...
  709. Crazozourus: One more thing, Quins T-Shirt. Any info where to get one?
  710. Alexander Reiss: In South Korea the "buff" big guy with a beard is not popular like the west except as a fetish. This is a tactic to get girls to play the game. Korean females like tall, soft, round face guys with an strong femenine side or shy. Is a cultural thing.
  711. NoGround: Quin you're fucking hilarious when you're reviewing. I would love to see more of these.
  712. F Seven: Lost ark is not a Diablo killer. Blizzard is the Diablo killer. Can we all just please get this straight
  713. Hindrigan: It doesn't need to be a diablo killer. Blizzard itself is dead!
  714. LONEstar TEXan: This might be a dumbass question but I'm poor as fuck so is it on gonna be on console maybe
  715. Sebastián Vargas: PoE is the one and only Diablo killer!
  716. stoikao: diablo killer? this game have 4 years and we dont even know when will be global release.. game will be dead before global or developers from EU/NA will kill it with microtransactions like they did with every game until now
  717. 지오트망함쓰: ㅡㅡv peace!! Bro!
  718. Damian Bennett: i noticed in a few places of the video... the areas... are virtually if not literally identical to diablo 3... the hellscape and first castle building for sure.
  719. Ozen: Whats the point of saying lost ark is a diablo killer when this game is a MMOI. Comparing Diablo to Path of Exile would have make more sense (in my opinion). POE is free to play and way better than diablo. So, POE is the true diablo killer. Lost ark is just one more shitty asian MMO we dont even need.
  720. Alexander Reiss: koreans and japanese take on fantasy has always been more in the zone of sexy fairy tale more than grim dark fantasy like in the west. Still i wouldn't like this game to take itself so seriously because is mix of arstistic styles, you have a medieval north european map and then you go to a victorian steampunk map with mechas and stuff, you can't make that work in a serious plot
  721. Izkimar: ​+muSPK because the chaos dungeons you use it in are really easy and used to get holdover gear that can't be upgraded. Plus, you are capped on how many you can run a day anyways. Now in the real progression content, the amount of deaths your group can have is capped. So using gems to rez, vs the feathers from in game doesn't matter. If your group dies more than 3 times you get insta wiped.
  722. tarnos12: EMEMEMEMEME
  723. nzrock: +Saul Ghim He didn't say it's a niche game, he said it was a good polished game for a niche genre(MMO and ARPG together), and he didn't say "tons" of faults either. It's by far not perfect for sure, but better than a lot of things already. EDIT: Btw I know I'm commenting and correcting after you in every Lost Ark video you post in, but in this instance I should apologize, because I know not everyone can understand our thick New Zealand accents :P
  724. Ivan MB: +Aleksa Markovic is fun and casual i like how you can get to maps in a few days ... i play offmeta builds so i guess is fun to find new ways of play ...
  725. Kristoffer Hygum Nielsen: First video ive ever sene from you, stayed til the end!
  726. fahlenbock: plug worked, made it all the way and subs away!
  727. Crepitus: diablo was barely alive after path of exile got so many updates and content. diablo immortal was just finally putting the franchise to rest.
  728. Red Cloud: This is quin now finding out how outdated Diablo 3 is. He's been a prisoner of that one-dimensional game for so long that when he came out, he was culture shocked. lol like oh my god how is this game not lagging while there are hundreds of monsters around, some of the things outdated diablo 3 players constantly battling. oh my god this, oh my god the game is 50x bigger than 4x4 diablo 3 prison cell. lol
  729. Brady Mapes: oh look.. isometric Blade and Soul
  730. Mads Andersen: Thats kindda insane.. I never noticed that the game was capped at 50 fps xD
  731. Bjólan Tanní: Diablo Killer can only be Blizzard themselves.
  732. Cameron Taylor: Looks fun. Too bad I don’t want to learn Korean
  733. 194incident: best review video i have seen in a long while gg quin
  734. Ainrehtea Dal'nalirtu: +Mad Ah that makes sense then. I can see how that can effect something but even buying stacks after a set amount doesn't do them any good. There has to be something else involved too, like an anti- item break/dura down or an auto success kind of shit. Cause if they did that...oh boy, thats a guaranteed payed advantage over one fighting the rng.
  735. Humbled Gaming: No, you’re the good lad.
  736. Ome Omi: looks sick
  737. BrevityIsFTW: I wasn't subbed, but here I am @57:08
  738. Alfred Tsz Wai Ng: If I can't play this game on my phone then this is a shitty game period.
  739. NPC#8975: I hate the sparkly Korean armor in games like this. Major turn off. Don't like that style of game at all.
  740. Justin L: nice review. i look forward to playing the ever loving shit out of this game.
  741. Jimmy Snakes: Great in-depth breakdown, the "needs more africans" was cringe af but other than that signaling this is the best review for western audiences
  742. Daniel Wyatt: Is there a Boob slider
  743. Zephyr Yeo: I just want to play the English version , please smilegate
  744. Jonathan Tessier: If you don't know the language of the game, how can you even review it? Like... it's a P2W game but you don't even recognise it because you don't know the language. You can pay for feathers of resurection, pay for faster crafting, pay for quest items, etc... Diablo is about to be scummy as fuck with microtransactions with Immortal, while Lost Ark is already super scummy, but somehow it is better? lol
  745. waRR waRR: Diablo doesnt need a "Diablo Killer", Blizzard already killed it.
  746. wolflight25: Thanks for this man, this was the best review for lost ark I've seen, def gunna give this a shot when it hopefully hits the west. Hoping for them nz/au servers.
  747. Izkimar: Made it to the very end, great review! Been playing like crazy, agree with like 90% of the video!
  748. Joe K.: Just found you posted this and I wanted to say THANK YOU before I even watch it! I've been looking forward to seeing this since you said you were making it because I know you are going to be honest and I'm genuinely curious what you think of the game.
  749. Nicky Sir: I can't wait to play this game when it releases. It is looking so f@cking awesome in any way. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have some huge issues with my wife. Good Job on this Review. You nailed it!
  750. Ben C: +Honorspren S there is a dev interview talking about the project for D3 second expansion being cancelled in 2016. I cant find it but its out here on youtube. Rhykker made it I think.
  751. Tobias E: can't kill something that's already dead
  752. The Great Cornholio: your comment gave me some game of thrones vibes... what is dead can never die..
  753. SKAdoosh: LOL I watched the entire thing, then subscribed even w/o the plug. way to go!
  754. Cory R: how can you kill something thats been dead for years?
  755. Skrittles Mcwiggles: +DaHm russian host has nothing to do with EU lol this is gunna be same as black desert online EU will have server base client and russian and korean and SEA and NA lol. you clearly have no idea how korean/chinease games gets released to other countrys lol.
  756. magic mooney: When this coming looks amazing!
  757. Real Skaarj: pay 2 win.... after 6 month, ppl who payed for that whole pay 2 advantage thing, will be far ahead.... And as same as Black Desert, after 6-12 month, more and more pay 2 win items will join the shop until the crank the money out of gamer cash cows like every other asia game... And a lot of Gamers who already invested hundreds of hours into this game will pay that money....
  758. Ryann Green: Awesome review video, very good points made and good depth. If I can offer a small suggestion, when you're talking about things like Tower and Cube, or finding Mococo seeds, show that in the video background, instead of random boss fights and things. Especially after an hour, we're gonna get our fill of fights. Specifics showing what you're talking about would be more helpful. Would be 15/10 then.
  759. Aussie Dogs Rule!: "Diversity". "Triggered". Creativity and Art should never be held to your standard. It is what it is, just leave it at that. The game looks interesting tho.
  760. Norcobikezz: is there an english version?
  761. nzrock: Yes, it's a MMO foremost and a ARPG second, so a MMOARPG basically. Yes you can solo even a lot of the end-game raids. Skill builds are for sure not as complex as PoE, but far more than something like D3. Feel free to ask anything else~
  762. Silent One: this game just looks like BDO = black desert online
  763. Trent Vlaming: Hungover af, this popped up. Never even heard of this game. But loved the review. Subbed
  764. Maximilian Winchester: Thank you very much for this detailled video, saves me a lot of research! ;)
  765. Martin Panda: Hardly any comment on the subject.. Only a river of boring memes about Diablo Immortal.
  766. アスヒホサマ: Lost Ark is an acctual asian game (Korean) which makes it superior by default due to the beautiful character designs and gameplay that western games fail to achieve. Diablo is a western garbage that tries desperately to be chinese which made it fail hard since there are already thousands of acctual Japanese/Korean/Chinese games to fill this role, we don't need western tryhards. Blizzard did the same with HotS, bringing new anime characters like Orphea instead of sticking to their own ugly series. Although its good seeing that strong western companies like Activision Blizzard are bending over so hard to anime media due to being mainstream.
  767. Tooshkit: it is still not very good organized and feels more like talking on twitch stream :P
  768. Goraesh Channel: Good point of view for the game, additionally I just subbed after reaching all the way to the end.
  769. Kdri21: the artstyle is great, can't wait for the ff7 remake
  770. Grumpy Pirate: I have clocked somewhere around 80 hours on PoE and that is one of the few that i believe does a decent job with a f2p model (havent played warframe but i do believe that is another one of incredibly few examples) however i stand firm that both games would be better using a honest payment model. F2P does nothing except draw in crowds, if a game is good it will likely succeed without that anyway. You confuse good games with the payment model if you believe that f2p has ever made any of those better than it could have been otherwise. When you have to decide between implementing content and balance in the games own best interest and your economic situation then the game will suffer, it may be minute or it may be huge but it will loose on what it could have been otherwise.
  771. DjDravax: +Saul Ghim Diablo 4 will be worse then Diablo 3 and Diablo 3 was already terrible af. They say Diablo 4 will be more like Diablo 2 which was a masterpiece but it's a different team that worked on Diablo 3 and will be on Diablo 4, the game is going to be horrible, Diablo series ever since Diablo II has been trash. Also 2 months for a scuffed Diablo 4 trailer? they just rebooted it, it won't have a trailer for a year and when that trailer is revealed it will be at the next BlizzCon but I'm almost 90% sure they will cancel Diablo 4 again and start over before then.
  772. Mindaugas: How can you kill something that has been dead for years?
  773. KreaTiefpunkt: Korean game and thus, rightfully, adding k-pop. Love it
  774. JokeRGBlazE: Stop lying you don't know how to count
  775. Kalm Traveler: I like the looks of the animations and spells but probably gonna stay with POE.
  776. volta guy: watched all of it, didn't sub. won't sub to a fucking weeb get fucked kiddo. nice video tho :)
  777. Alexander Reiss: There has been a number of competent korean games, they have never and will never reach the size of Blizzard games because of two important reasons. 1.- Agressive monetization. 2.- The west doesn't really like the take on the fantasy genre the Asians have. I'm talking from a art desing perspective, the west likes grim dark fantasy and find ''cringe'' the stylized fairy tale version the japanese and korean use, is much more light hearted and gearing towards the sexy power fantasy, this makes korean games have a niche but never really get out of there. Same with japanese games, most people finds the character desing uncomfortable due to the revealing clothing.
  778. Tony Heckenlively: Alexander Reiss so, you’re claiming no one plays Diablo anymore? You’re sure you wanna go there?
  779. Chris Mantia: Rat Bois!
  780. AvenMai: This game isnt that great. Its MU Legends 2.0, its the same bullshit.
  781. iggySPLOSION: Seems more likely to be competing with Guild Wars than anything else.
  782. William Alexander: Gender Lock .. TOTAL DEALBREAKER ...I'm Out ...Deuces :-(
  783. Tarkus: diabloe killer? its insulting that you compare such a trash game to lost ark.
  784. Captain ReddBeard: Is there an English patch for this game yet?
  785. J. Pagan: 6:10 MAAAA there's a weird fucking cat out here I don`t want it starting a fight with Lucy!
  786. Nico: Most people I know quit D3 a while back, most of them are either going PoE, back to D2 or just plainly stopped playing ARPG alltogether. Same thing with the guild, out of 40 something, only 2 are left playing I believe, but most of those who plays D3 because they love ARPG has gone to Path of Exile.
  787. alucarddraven: I thought blizzard killed diablo plus poe is still a farcry better then d3
  788. Zdeněk Makovský: will it be suported in EU? Now i cant install the game ..
  789. Dan: Does Lost Ark have realm vs realm?
  790. Anders Lemming: This is promissing i truly hope this release EU
  791. Toki Wartooth: Does it have a PlugY mod? Does it have a script extender mod loader? All completely free to download of course. Can I choose which patch version I want to use for offline play? When the servers are down for maintenance can I still play this game? Will the game ultimately expire assuming it's an online service game? I mean hell, still playing D1 here. Owned the discs for life = better game, better value. I wouldn't buy any game if it doesn't at least feature a disc copy. At least I can still spend my money on film DVDs or music CD albums instead. So I know they are truly mine and can't suddenly disappear as a product someday. Looking like Lost Ark is an expensive online rental just like D3. Back to my slightly modded D1. Going to mod Fallout 2 soon as well with some features for free. All this money I saved from abandoning the current gaming industry since 2014 $.$ Can I pre-order Lost Ark 2 today to receive Kerrigan Wings? Or do I have to buy a $100 ticket to SmileGateCon? I just love wasting more money on PC code entries for games I already purchased. Maybe I can go get a second income, and shop the Lost Ark loot box store at work. "Gaming in 2018"
  792. Omar G: Love the review. And love to see you on YouTube again.
  793. Blindsyde: Looks awesome
  794. Adras Adraki: Diablo killer? LUL diablo is IMMORTAL bruh.
  795. EliteSalvi: Finished the video holy shit I want to play this.
  796. skwarrior14: watched the whole vid not subbed fight me
  797. Jose Gonzalez: Any advise on how to make an account to play it? all i can find its i have to pay like a monthly subscription to be able to secure an account, and also pay another monthly subscription to get a gaming vpn so my ping doesnt go up like crazy. I mean its a f2p game but is really expensive to even try it if you dont live in Korea. Any advise? thanks.
  798. legna20v: isnt this game in beta?
  799. Frisbefan1: Diablo on the switch every class has a roll mechanic. There are many things on the switch that would be great on the PC
  800. ForeverLaxx: +Enferno Buying items from third-party sites is nothing new, especially to this genre. It's also against the rules and can get you banned. Pay to win? How fucking old are you?
  801. Wata Malown: "Hundreds of enemies moving around doing stuff, I don't even know how that's possible without getting massive fps drops..." You know bro, it's called game development and has nothing to do with business :D Some companies want to solve their problems, instead of limiting the player so they can avoid solving the problem...
  802. The Brush Effect: Is there any plan to translate(localize) it?
  803. Will Young: Made it to the end and that's when I realized I wasn't subbed yet. Guess who's subbed now?! Great vid, and fantastic breakdown of all the elements of the game. Really looking forward to it coming to the west. Also on another note, can't wait to see more content from you. Hadn't watched you in a while (probably because I was a pleb and wasn't subbed) and missed hearing your opinions on games Rat King.
  804. BIAS Productions: You’re fucking hilarious.. teleport to Narnia lmfao
  805. Claudio Rodrigues: Blizzard delay D4 for a reason , and the reason is Lost Ark, lol , D4 will be so much clone , or even a reskin of Lost Ark ;)
  806. the Moguntian: Why cant this game just itself? Why has it be to a "Killer"?
  807. MrZiljon: This is more mmo than arpg. Loot is everything to me so this loot system is pretty much killing it for me as an arpg. Could get in to it if I want a mmo experience with good combat. If Diablo 4 (or if we ever get Path of Exile 2) goes this route I will be really fucking disappointed. For me this is a game that is more competing with wow than Diablo. I actually really dislikes playing big groups in arpg's as it usually becomes a complete clusterfuck of animation and some people are really fucking stressed out and skips everything. But as I said as an mmo this looks interesting, but this should not be the future for the arpg genre.
  808. Adul Ahmad: +personalgao are you forced to buy them? the game is 100% free to play, damn diablo cocksucker.
  809. Sporadicus: Blizzard/Activision is the Diablo Killer. Heck, they handed the ARPG trophy to Grinding Gear Games with Deckard Cain's body impaled on the golden diablo figurine at the top.
  810. Skippy McDoo: As much as I love Diablo and POE, ive got no interest in playing a hyper-sexualized anime game
  811. Azure Wings: Free2Play is not a Pro. It's actually a major Con. Most Free2Play MMOs are Pay2Win. Not only that but they nickel&dime you for cosmetics and other items. The gameplay also tend to turn into a boring farmfest. I was hoping to pay a $60 price tag and have every thing unlocked but it looks like they'll be opting for the nickle&dime feature.
  812. BigPooprr: It's because Asians wish they were white
  813. Grim Reaper: Im not subscreibed nor i watch streams they are all shit. I did come to the end,and by the way it was a great video...thank you very much for all of the info.
  814. Mark Antill: Nothing racist about it, you can dislike an aesthetic popular in a country without being racist. I don't like WoWs style myself does that make me racist to Americans? You are literally making crap up to get offended over. Go back to Tumblr.
  815. Reasonable Gump: A3C Blaster do you mind sharing how you are playing it since it is Korean only?
  816. orlondok: Lmao ... It's not on a phone ... I had to pause till I stopped laughing ... heh
  817. garreswe: Nah ridiculous art style. I'm a huge D2 fan and I don't like the spikes, big tits the over the top equipment etc.
  818. My Chemical Panic At The Fall Out Disco: Is it just me or is he really hot?
  819. Badplus 017: I would totally play this
  820. DjDravax: No, he's only playing it on the Korean servers because he wants to, Obviously there is no English version yet lmao.
  821. Ray: so will this even have a US release?
  822. 074769: This game is gonna die faster than Call of duty.
  823. Patchwork: "that kinda sorted itself out already" did you watch the video m8
  824. Lassi Kinnunen: +Saul Ghim they can push a patch to detect it easily. easier than vpn detection anyhow
  825. maciejasz78: Ok, in short typical korean crap which is an insult to our taxonomic name (Homo sapiens). What would you expect?
  826. Ser Jorah of the Friendzone: Diablo is already dead, and Path of Exile delivered the final blow.
  827. Keltas Kle: if you're so stupid to compare these games, you shouldn't play Lost Ark
  828. David Hunter: No bullshit reviews. Love it :)
  829. Lilly Scott: Great review, I look forward to playing this. Hopefully the story is good for at least a 1 time go through ha hah.
  830. DjDravax: +Te do He's actually correct though, Diablo 2 is where Diablo fans thrived where as Diablo 3 the game was the complete opposite and has had less players since launch then Diablo 2 had in its time. In fact most Diablo fans left once Diablo 3 released after playing it for a few days seeing to how it was tailored to look more anime art style then the dark, grim Diablo and Diablo 2 they fell in love with. Which is why they're going to try and change that in Diablo 4 as they've said already but it'll probably fail as Blizzard has been a huge mess this year so far.
  831. Andreas Handin Berntsson: - Diablo 2: Was that friend that you had as a child. That you thought you would be best friends with forever, but you slowly grew apart. You still call them from time to time. But it's not the same. - Torch Light: Was your spastic cousin that don't have a long enough of an attention span, to look before he crossed the road. - Path of Exile: Is that ugly guy that dates your mother and only wants what's good for you and your family. That you don't respect because your a dumb brat. - Diablo 3: Is that brother you've always wanted to have, but there was complication when he was born, he entered a comatose state and never woke up. - Lost Ark: Looks like that cousin that moved to Japan and never came back. - Diablo Immortal: Is what would happen if your sister could get pregnant from your dog.
  832. Dan Lievonen: Looks cool af just wont play if not fully english tho
  833. FiniteAutomaton: good luck, this game has been in korea forever
  834. Paul Stewart: +Ozma Can you not figure it out yourself?
  835. Jotoneee: can u do a guide on how to get into the beta via vpn and how to translate skills etc ingame?
  836. Unie VRChat: "Artstyle" :p
  837. CheezitNinja: As good as it looks it's probably not coming to the west unless a massive demand for it kicks up, and even then it's gonna get foisted onto one of the black hole garbage publishers like Trion or En Masse who will destroy it with cash shop bullshit. I hope beyond all hope it doesn't go down like this but I think we've all been spurned by promising looking games getting gutted in their journey to the west at some point.
  838. Gr3g L: anime titties. Ill check it out ;]
  839. Dusk: What spec is your pc?
  840. Annoy-o-tronino Kripperino: 3:54 I'm sold
  841. Harry Milushev: Being that 1 % that makes it to the end <3
  842. TheDeathflows: Cobrakay2003 no but I know when a game I liked has its flaws. Idc if I followed blizzard for almost 10 years I’m not gonna stick around and say wow, Diablo 3 is amazing because it’s not. It’s ok but not great
  843. Jeremy Joe: Using kpop songs during the category introduction and why the hell do I know the songs just from few sounds :(
  844. Daniel thomas: How much did you get paid to "review" this game...?
  845. Ryan: Diablo is already dead
  846. Ani: having played a lot of mmos this is definitely less p2w than others AT THE MOMENT. mostly because there's no bullshit RNG enhancement system where you break a weapon at +10 or whatever and gotta pay out the ass for more upgrade materials. enhancement in this game always succeeds so imo that already puts you way closer to the whales as an f2p player. the advantages that you get by paying are reaaally minimal compared to other korean mmos like lineage or dfo. lets hope it stays that way tho
  847. David Garcia: Man I love all your videos quin, good ass review please post more stuff of this game or any. Love reviews as informative and detailed as this.
  848. king__pt: how's the solo play?
  849. nzrock: It's just a meme/jumping on the hate bandwagon. The devs of Lost Ark are not out to target anyone lol.
  850. Hulk Smsh: DiaBlows
  851. Dezero Lalala: "Yeah I mean that kinda sorted itself out already" fucking hell :D
  852. 유종우: good review~! ㅎㅎ
  853. Reasonable Gump: Funny how Asians can get away with making a game full of white people, lol.
  854. Dan: +nzrock That answer my question, cheers dude :)
  855. 나루토: God Game..
  856. Grumpy Cat: Diablo mobile already killed diablo franchise =/
  857. nzrock: +Beldin 2 yeah, feelsbadman
  858. Ricky Chapman: Activision Blizzard murdered Diablo on their own.
  859. Samuel Lee: Norscout now that is fucking racist and not true
  860. deonbekende: POE already killed Diablo 5 years ago ... is diablo a cat ?
  861. tannermilo: just wondering do all these commenters even play diablo or do they just jump on the band wagon because even after the debacle I still play diablo and it's player base hasn't really changed still plenty of people grinding through season 15 and everyone is so hyped for season 16 as there buffing a lot of the sets
  862. John Wick: Nah this is a POE Killer.
  863. ShiftHappens: +Official Puvve do you know where i could sign up or follow something so i get a reminder when a release date is anounced?
  864. Morphic c: Who doesn't love anime titties?
  865. Ivan MB: my concern with this is, it is a Path of Exile killer???
  866. Tec: Bli$$ard is Diablo's killer brah. Path of Exile is the Diablo we deserve AND the Diablo we need.
  867. nzrock: It has Guild vs Guild, no sure what you mean by realm vs realm, but PvP arena is across all realms/servers.
  868. Ashmir: I'll be the weeb here, gimme those transition songs
  869. A3C Blaster: +Reasonable Gump Yes. It is an unofficial patch which translates everything in the game into English (Human + Google Transator). It is not perfect because the skills desc are wrong, etc. And if you show it somewhere eg on the screen/movie, you can get ban for 1000 years for modifying the game files.
  870. William Chen: that 42:30 destroyer on ur team soloed the entire enemy team LUL
  871. rorschach: U can make dark skin character. Also theres dark skin npcs
  872. Eric Overbeck: I played the game and its pretty fun. You get what you see. But always have in Mind, that it is an MMORPG. The Quests are WoW like. Kill 5 of these, go on. Kill 6 of those, go on. The only thing disturbing me is that there is again no diversity in Armor sets. Its like 5 sets again who looks the same. Annyoing shit. But reccomend the game nevertheless. So, if someone has a good VPN; he may test ist. Cause i got a Korean ID Account for 30$, but would like to experience the game as whole in english.
  873. Brad Jones: I thought POE killed diablo years ago.
  874. Chris Moore: +schmiddla75 First person souls style Diablo might could be cool.
  875. Kevin Jeon: +muSPK It will most likely keep same monetization model so you can just pass this game and wait for Grim Dawn or Wolcen. If you can't tolerate the level of pay to win in this game that's fine. No one will hold gun to your head to play this game or pay for it. There are lots of other good games out there. For me its fun and that's really all that matters(150+ hours so far).
  876. irllcd13: Diablo 3 did a pretty good job of killing Diablo.
  877. WalkTheX: What is the point of this? Last time I checked Diablo was already dead...
  878. Cedar Rabbit: Is their an English version in the works?
  879. MrAdonis258: Diablo joke aside.. Idk how I feel about anime looking characters. Also the fighting looks pretty weird imo; small group of enemy attacking at once then your character does aoe damage and they all goes flying in one motion etc. It make the fight looks pretty cool I guess but bad side is it feels cartoony. The environment looks great tho.
  880. Simp: Should be Path Of Exile killer, wtf is a diablo lul
  881. Hayate Goto: LOL3:57
  882. JebesNikove: @quin69 What are your PC specs ? Also I have been hyped for this for 4 years can't wait to play it some day.
  883. Silent Dawn: The women running animation look like ostriches.
  884. Jiav: i pick quin69 as my waifu of choice
  885. DjDravax: Yeah PoE got a lot of content and guess what!!! everything still dies in 1 hit, bosses are still melted within a few seconds!!!! such great content right??? my son can play on my PoE account and literally just spam right click to kill Shaper, Uber Elder etc etc. The game requires no brain to kill anything once you have decent gear (mirrored items) and a good build since GGG can't even scale their game right which is also why 75% of their skill/support and spell gems never get used due to being complete garbage.
  886. Gothic Hipster: "Imagine Diablo meets WoW and add a sprinkle of waifus" That's all I wanted to hear, imma play this game.
  887. Spiguel: +Scott Johnson By amazing feature I thought you was referring to the big'ol tiddy angel chick. lol
  888. De La O: I really hope they release it for America and EU
  889. Pontus Lundgren: I'd say its more paying for convenience than it is an advantage/to win. They pay to save a few minutes, but in the end you're both doing the same amount of dungeon runs etc.
  890. CatSixty6: So if you got gear you'll be beaten by someone with skill, that's great! I always hate when people who play shit beat me, because they oneshot me by luck...
  891. Exade: this look like a ARGP version of Blade & Soul. I´m down.
  892. Official Puvve: Thank you for one hell of a review. You're real good at doing reviews brother. Do more in the future! Sincerely appreciated it. I love Lost Ark too, it's a game I'm very happy to be able to experience. The EU Releases is coming. It's just gonna take a little while. Smilegate RPG, they 100% know that the western audience wants it more than anything and especially after the window of opportunity created by Blizzard, they will make a lovely beautiful launch in western. Take care man!
  893. hexlax15: damm these guys saw Black Desert and just went with that.
  894. T F: You had me at... T I T T Y P H Y S I C S
  895. Seishin: Lost ark dint kill Diablo, blizzard did or do u not have phones? Lmao
  896. Wacky Wayne: Hope it's for mobile !
  897. lvloneratata: when are we gonna get to play this beast?
  898. LordOfMalice: Fuck Yeah... God Damn EU... don't censor the fucking game... And hope Australia doesn't ban it.
  899. Yuurekk: Korean good mmo game? Will it also feature multitude of hacks like BDO?
  900. Friikshow: It's Like Diablo is being drawn and quartered by Path of Exile and Lost Ark now. You got PoE which was aimed more towards Diablo 2 fans while Lost Ark comes off like an improvement to Diablo 3 a hundredfold. This is the competition desperately needed for arpgs, I'm just glad we're getting some other options since none are coming from Blizzard.
  901. korkko: @Quin69 will you play the new league on PoE?
  902. CobaltBomber: Diablo killer? lmao, put Diablo out of its misery maybe...
  903. Umbasa 29: 4:02 Chiyo is not a loli. Rory is arguable.
  904. Sergio Díaz Nila: Asians love white milky pale skin
  905. Roober Rad: You can't kill what's already dead. This is just what rises out of the ashes.
  906. Andrés Morales: i love u 2 :)
  907. SoaringMediocrity: 6:10 The Maisie Williams Preset.
  908. Ronald: It will won't kill Diablo for me if I can't even get to play it and no news about Global release date..
  909. Hellyers: meh ... - F2P => cash shop - korean MMO => dreadfull boring story and shit quests (kill x, bring y, fetch z) - korean => that chara design - not on mobile => don't you guys have phone ? i'm still going to try it, but i can already see the western publisher trying to push the cash shop down our throat one each updates/events like every other kMMO on the market (with a gatcha system ofc) now, i hope i'm wrong :/
  910. sudo fluff: So...weird korean art style, repeatitive game play and loose storyline. How r they selling this shit. Oh the tiddies of course.
  911. namingsway: Diablo killer ? Please Diablos been dead for years . It was killed by POE years ago .
  912. BhBraaq: I love Quin but...Quin wants forced diversity just because? Why? You also do realize that Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, etc. are racist af right? They don't succumb to forced diversity and multiculturalism that the self hating, leftist west has become obsessed with.
  913. Sam22112: immortal was made to target the asian market tho lmao
  914. mshabaz: Dope
  915. Holly: loli level would be so banned in usa xD
  916. Mazi H.: Diablo killer? I thought Diablo killed itself...
  917. hellwain: "diablo killer" lmao you dingus, you can't kill something that already committed suicide.
  918. 김선중: 로스트아크 Bts 국뽕충만하다~ 이제 북한하고 통일까진 안바래도 평화협정해서 적만 아니라도 좋을듯
  919. Be Pis: The over-sized raindrops in the background make you look gnome-sized
  920. phoenixfire8226: I'm intrigued by the game but not a fan of the "ticket" system to run dungeons and shit. Never ever works in the west. Energy/limited run systems guaranteed to fail in the west. Period. That said, everything else looks pretty fun and interesting. Enjoyed some of your streams of the game too, and thanks for this review. Also, you're a bit too PC, please feel free to open up a bit Kappa. #bigtittyangels
  921. John Bennett: anonymous guy yea you played on standard which is boring and the economy is terrible. Playing the challenge leagues are a lot more fun and the economy is fresh
  922. SomeNinja: Great video as always you Rat! Only wish you'd upload more often.
  923. Fibury: Korean free to play with a shop. yikes
  924. Buhnkiller: This looks so cool. Wish there was an English translation :/
  925. rorschach: Yes but if u use it u get banned
  926. Ozma: he will
  927. Pily: how can lost ark kill dead diablo that killed already Path of Exile lul
  929. Fem Latra: I liked the loli from GATE, she was hot how she acted. Also to note loli is also any age of female that has a girl (not woman) figure which i think thats what you meant in the loli screen shot.
  930. The88shrimp: This game actually looks really fucking good.
  931. michael phillips: asian ...nope, you can change everything on your character, just not the gender , the graphics looks like crap , not even going to bother trying this game
  932. Zack Parrish: The word you're looking for is Tsundere instead of alpha waifu
  934. John Dela Cruz: Diablo killer? more like wallet killer. This game is your typical mictrotransaction fest.
  935. Hirad Gorgoroth: why the hell YouTube suggest such an awful video to me ... ?
  936. Empacher: They confirmed a western release. Theres an english patch out that roughly translates 20-30% of the game. mind you, its all translated by hand, so its actually accurate. Though quin got banned from using it.
  937. ShowStopper411: If this comes to NA, rip Diablo. I for one will be playing this on NA if it ever comes.
  938. ID MaGs: korea game
  939. Sir Mizer: At the end of video, not subbed, never seen you on twitter. BETTER PLUG IT QUINNSKI!
  940. Stitch Star: This big dick review was amazing Quin69. I cried 1 or 2 times but thats ok :p. Maybe you can do a big dick review for Project TL too. THX PS: Diablo is dead.
  941. xyoopridex: kill? D committed suicide with mobile announcement lmao
  942. Ian Xu: oh man nice review dude now i really can't wait to play this game in 2045 lmao.
  943. Samuel Allen: no
  944. DARKFIESTO: Diablo already dead. Poe stepped all ower its body. And now this game...
  945. AA AA: POE>LOST ARK >D3
  946. Crazozourus: Quin manual customization reminds me of my first character in Oblivion back in the days.
  947. Jonathan De Leo: Did anyone else notice his characters name was Kim Jung Quinn?? At 1:55 that is the best part of this entire video in my opinion!!
  948. ghostrj: but the real question for arpg quality does it stand to PoE?
  949. drkmgic: Diablo killer. Diablo is already dead bro.
  950. Chip Skyler: Only Feminist are triggered because healthy man has never complained over jingling titties physics.
  951. JackyB: Great vid, just wanted to tell you that YouTube unsubbed me from your channel. I'm back now you can stop messaging me <3
  952. Thomas Olson: Gem Bocobo I remember in BDÖ the Korean dev's said that if they wanted to create the opposite sex for a class, they literally have to recreate every single motion. So they're solution was putting that energy into creating more classes in continued development.
  953. J Gosto: Didn't expect to watch the whole thing...kept my attention...great descriptions...really interested in this game now with this analysis. I subbed...
  954. schmiddla75: Blizzard just surrendered to GGG... D4 as a competitor to PoE would need a shit ton of content at start to be viable; too much work and risk, so they did D:I
  955. directive me: there for a second, I thought u were making Igor's long lost cousin
  956. Hans Vader: They claim to be immortal but we will prove they are not.
  957. Andrew Gilbertson: Hell of a review, thanks Quin. Was not even on my radar and takes a lot of the elements I enjoy from the games you mentioned. Look forward to checking this out.
  958. RyanBC K: ROFL
  959. RedemptionGreek: Will there be a USA release
  960. Gabriel Seica: hahaha
  961. Aleksa Markovic: It's wayyy more fun than poe I'll tell you that
  962. Fack Brah: Archage memes.
  963. Edgars Petriks: diablo killer is path of exile not this shit
  965. Chris: I think people forget this game is also in Open Beta, so any of these little things like pathing and the boss being too big thing can all be fixed. They are constantly doing server maintenance, so I think its safe to assume these things will get fixed before the release. Also, I saw some people in the English discord for Lost Ark saying that 1 of the new classes, a new raid, and another island is set to release Dec 5th or 7th I can't remember which.
  966. Attila Szigeti: You can't kill whats already dead :D
  967. Gamer Guy: God I want this
  968. Jako Kirch: I dont get why anyone would still play diablo. PoE is basicly diablo with actual character build choices and there is content too. Is it maybe too much content and choices?
  969. David Binoya: diablo is already dead xD
  970. hovsep56: diablo with tits ....i'd tap that tbh
  971. REAP: No, Diablo Immortal is the Diablo killer...we are just gamers starved for quality content. And Lost ark is the content!
  972. Ryley: The game actually looks amazing, despite it's current flaws.
  973. Elefunte: still waiting for NA release :(
  974. Matthew Thompson: Looks like character moding was taken from Blade and Soul.
  975. MetalCrazyGoat: +mindsoulbody try using chrome it'll translate for you
  976. Rj Literato: did you just play a red velvet song at 2:02 ?
  977. Fifty: This is tera?
  978. JustPerson: Oh my oh my. This and the Warhammer arpg too! diablo who??
  979. Grumpy Pirate: Seriously? F2p as a pro? What universe are you living in? They will earn their money and if they arent doing it in a mutualy fair and honest monthly transaction then they will do it through microtransactions that are both way more expensive in the long run as well as something that the game seriously suffers from in gameplay on all areas. Especialy asian games are notorious for extremely greedy business models and pay to win. There exists no game that has become a better game from f2p. Some do it better than others, some very very few even do this well but even those would be better gamed with a honest payment model.
  980. excession777: Great review. Thanks.
  981. mindsoulbody: +이민재 Thanks for the link with the assumption that EVERYONE can read what was written on that page.
  982. trignite: You sold me on your channel in 2 minutes nice work.
  983. MrBenaire: You had me a big titties
  984. -Swedude-: Black Desert Isometric
  985. Kraz3d: I cant wait to play that game....on my phone.
  986. phaedruslive: It's a shame it has that glossy feminized aesthetic. Every guy looks like a Lady Gaga back-up dancer.
  987. DumpsterBabie: Thanks mate. Love you too. Keep up the good work
  988. adam svanström: calm down satan
  989. Bailey Smooth: Just a point: A skeptic isn't somebody who denies something without evidence. A skeptic is somebody who doesn't believe something is true until evidence is produced. So, your comment implying that it probably plays like garbage without evidence makes you a denier. If you had said, "I'd like to see it before I make a judgement" that would make you a skeptic.
  990. Thiago Ikeda: 2:09 LOL . Respect Quin!
  991. Old Gamr: This game looks great but Wolcen : Lords of Mayhem is one of the most amazing games I've played in a while. Much more of a Diablo killer. In my opinion.
  992. Es Gee: Its a cool concept but its asian and the aesthetic is always gay af.
  993. Svarte Dauen: I made it to the end :)
  994. REAP: No, Diablo Immortal is the Diablo killer...we are just gamers starved for quality content.
  995. Joseph Castellanos: The last 30 seconds made me a subscriber
  996. XGAD: You know.. in WoW its okay if a 2-handed Sword is 4 times bigger than the character.. but in a korean game it is not.. Western Comic Look is okay, but asian 'comic look' / anime isnt.. its kinda racist, if you ask me.
  997. matt morrison: lol quin puttin his SJW white knight hat on to fight for the african island.
  998. konasake Trinh: What’s poe? Never heard of it.
  999. XxStRiP3ZxX: Lova ya too Quin
  1000. esse non videri: If you look at its pure story, they have a story of different mindblowing areas like the world of Gods. And the another world of Gods too but it’s for another level of God. And the another different space against this whole world, where the demons came from. So I mean they could make layers of the maps and expand the maps to another notch of scale.
  1001. Fluxor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWzem-b8vhE
  1002. Enex: I wrote like 1000 words but I decided not to post it because it wasn't very nice. So I'll just say, good video. It's very informative and I do indeed feel informed about the game more. I'm just sad you'll be in my recommended section now.
  1003. PizzaKitty: didnt poe already kill diablo years ago. most diablo fans are playing that rather than any diablo game
  1004. nzrock: As stated in the video, it's a very MMO like game, rather than traditional ARPG type game, so itemization is different to PoE. But there's also many different end-game sets, so no, not everyone will be using the same thing. Each sub-classes uses different gears too.
  1005. Lenny D: Thank you very much fir thos extensive review...loved it!!! 👍👍👍
  1006. Taek Oh: Some people being too skeptical about free games. I am also against P2W but it's not really about free to play games. When the games are free the companies should make money from other way around of course. It's more about how to balance it for the company to make enough profit while players are satisfied with the gameplay in a long term. What those people don't understand is in Korea almost every game is free, not only Korean mmorpgs but also well known games like Diablo, Overwatch, PUBG and so on. Since Koreans go to PC cafe and pay hourly, game companies rather make contracts with the pc cafe franchises. Lostark being free doesn't mean that it will follow the history of other mmo like BDO. So far I don't even understand whats in the current shop although I am Korean. That much there is no need for the shop now. What's already provided for people to enjoy and play, the amount of contents are way more than expected for a free game. I would gladly purchase skin items if they make more. It would be the only way to support the game. Yes it is a problem about the future, how Smilegate will carry this on. But so far I'm very hopeful about how they've been doing also with the latest patch on 30 Nov. Adjusting grinding difficulty and fixing unnecessary features that people were unhappy about.
  1007. Soma Kun: i came for the game stayed for the titties and Booty
  1008. Martin Bayer: Nice Review, I wanna play it when it's out in English/EU
  1009. Zinnia: So Diablo does not exist in Asia?
  1010. Gungan: So I guess it's finally out in Korea? Big ole cash shop fest I'm guessing. Gender lock is my only complaint.
  1011. hellfurian: thanks for this, very honest and fun review
  1012. Dylan Papa: Can't kill something that's already dead.
  1013. TheHolyNade: these over the top-asian style "anime" games really arent for me, the review was really entertaining, though
  1014. Marcus Loke: I guess there are different class or categories for ARPGs. Lost Ark is definitely not in the same category as D3.
  1015. Alexander Reiss: The males also show skin, mostly the Devil Hunter. Asians just like sexualization, and a lot of people in the west like it too. I find normal bodies and proportions boring, i want to look sexy/cute, i want to go all in if I'm playing an over the top fantasy game. Not everyone likes realistic western Grim dark fantasy and there's a market for people like me that likes the opposite.
  1016. Agustin Alejo Gimenez: You don't need a Diablo killer, Diablo just killed himself a couple of times since D3 launched...
  1017. M. D.: Diablo killer? the fuck is this? diablo killed him self....
  1018. Vixax: And this game will never actually be able to kill Diablo, because they earn too much money to actually shut it down, there's so many playing diablo every single day, so delete your clickbait titled and find something better to write about.
  1019. Arkatic Wut: Pretty sure diablo 3 is already dead XD
  1020. don lopez: i will try the game out i just hope its not crazy cash shop like bdo.
  1021. Elfezen: Lost Ark is so beautiful, really needs to be on Steam. Japanese & Korean games always have so perfect character designs from every aspect, it can't be compared with any western game's low quality art style.
  1022. Christian Aesthetic: Lost ark is actually fucking amazing. Idk what server you're on but I could use an English speaking partner if you're interested. Also, if blizzard just fucking listened to fans just even a little bit, and made Diablo a true MMOARPG, similar to lost ark; it would kill. It would destroy the path of Exile crowd. Hell, if lost ark came west and the publisher didn't totally ruin it with cash shop grabs, it would kill Path of Exile and Diablo.
  1023. N A: Can't kill something already dead lol
  1024. Torrance Graham: gender locked classes? this reminds me a tera..
  1025. Fanon Dota: can i get the feel of Dragon Nest by playing this? PepeHands
  1026. Bob The Chair: Disable AI pathing in fights and in cities/safezones/whatever have the option to cancel it
  1027. Mex Max: Wherer did you get the english patch? Need it.
  1028. Insomniacs Gaming: Thought you did a good job. Really nice video. My only criticisms would be, do not use Twitch Emote names in place of actual words (For review purposes). Could also do without the story spoilers!
  1029. Cam Tht: Diablo 3 in 2 weeks, will be awesome. "finalized" game.
  1030. Vojin Milojkovic: Amazing video, you gotta update when they hit the eu/na servers Btw sir i came to the end, so in this spirit, here take my like,sub and respect ♥
  1031. K: You’re making the same joke as every other not so funny person in the comments. Where you been?
  1032. Linosek279: This doesn’t look like Blizzcon 2018...
  1033. Dr Sharc: He made multiple jokes about that, even one right at the beginning, dunno what you watched.
  1034. Pramod Magar: finished the video and the stream ended LOL
  1035. Alexander Reiss: There's guided on discord and YouTube, after playing a couple weeks you memorize the buttons fuctions
  1036. William Knowles: Thank you for doing such an in depth review!! it would be cool if you summarize in the beginning with something to the effect of Lostark>POE>Shit>D3 or POE>Lostark>Shit>Blizzard. Just to give an overall comparison to the competitors of the game you are reviewing, then explain why you feel that way throughout the review. Really though, thanks for all the work you did in this!! Great review!
  1037. Zebz92: I need this game in my life!
  1038. Lolencio Ozbourne: I hate animated titties
  1039. cryohellinc: Trash
  1040. Francisco DeTonne: I mean if you want some legit MMO experience, look at South Korea. I don't think the US can ever do as SK does in that aspect. The West and Japan have better single-player games though.
  1041. idir belaid: when is it coming to NA/EU ?
  1042. 신지미카미: muSPK did you even play this game? What p2w do you mean? If you meant the feathers, you can get them from daily quests and there’s easy mode on dungeons. I really don’t get what p2w you meant.
  1043. Stalinfalcon: Lol, where's my ReVeluvs at?
  1044. Lalith Muthali: +Baron Vladimir Harkonnen In the Marvel universe, Wakanda didn't reach first world standards, it is the standard and the rest are only catching up to it. Duels to the death over leadership is the white man's understanding of "African" culture since the store was written by bunch of white men. It is a misunderstood understanding and not an issue since at least they don't show it in a degrading form.
  1045. heliuh1: Yes u can, actually there are some bosses that actually headshot people
  1046. korkko: +Ozma Will you play it?
  1047. FAPDegren: Sadly, most of the pros you listed were present in the later stages of Marvel Heroes. RIP you dumb, dumb game.
  1048. thePhished: wtf is this scuffed green screen
  1049. Kai Be: If I was gonna fap over any digital female character, it would be these. Holy moly.
  1050. Uni Factory: No english ver yet?
  1051. You Know I Had to Padoru It to 'Em: Hard to kill Diablo when it's already killed itself.
  1052. Android Four: 1 hour WTF AYAYA
  1053. Nostromo: +heliuh1 wear a full plate helm...? ;)
  1054. ralf m: the childish, oversexualised, asian style (and in some cases borderline peado) graphics kills it for me.
  1055. RFBEE: Noone’s gonna mention the fact that his char name is “KimJongQUIN”? LMFAO that made me weakkk
  1056. TheAgradeleas: Looks like an ARPG version of Blade and Soul
  1057. MrNickMain: I came for the free iphone, thanks so much Quinn
  1058. Tuglow: Saw this on stream LETS GOOOOO
  1059. Predrag Shapcheski: Got to the end, never watched you on twitch nor on youtube, nor on twitter. You have been subscribed. Everything I wanted to know about Lost ark you gave it all! Thank you sir, amazing video!
  1060. Michael Hong: hi Quin.. anime titties.. just be frank.. you liked it
  1061. daniel niemeyer: blizzard is the diablo killer.
  1062. Frederico Garcia: 53:17 ROFL
  1063. Saul Ghim: Pretty long video only to end it with 'its a niche game, try it because its free' and 'its got a ton of faults'... Well! Time to wait for the next big MMO?
  1064. Alfredo Gonzalez: Gender lock is a deal breaker
  1065. esse non videri: Lost ark has a really well-developed storyline actually, but it’s like they didn’t nail it when it comes to transfering the story into the ingame process. That’s one of the compelling reasons that Korean players mostly say that its storyline is mediocre. Just check out the original story and its own world perspective, and you see how they come up interlocked and proceed the story in the game
  1066. muSPK: The worst part with this game is, that it is P2W. Hopefully that will change when they release it in the west.
  1067. Cycling Lion: Dude! You are funny! Subscribed.
  1068. heultdochalle: that everyone looks the same at high lvl is a nono for me....cant handle this crap, sure if you rly cleared all and nothing more is to do, you should stand out of the mass, not like one that has maybe played a 5th of the time as you
  1069. Joel Gabriel Anghel: ye also it is to sexy for boys
  1070. Robert Daniels: Path Of Exile is the winner...hands down
  1071. TigerBloodMan: Need to work for a gaming company as a Dev mate.
  1072. navystylz: Requires a western launch to even be considered.
  1073. uchnsn: The fact they pace you. instantly ruins a game for me. if i like to do dungeons why am i limited to how many times i can do it a day? what if what i need drops ONLY from there? i hate these limits in games.
  1074. Andres M.: I made it to the end. I just subscribed. I like how you explain it - your explanation of eyes cracked me up (around 5:40-5:50). Good job.
  1075. Fred Jones: Been stalking Lost Ark Reddit page for years now, can this game get the fuck out of CBT(altough i think it is?) and onto a english release yes yes???
  1076. oof its me: made it to the end and im not subscribed but hey ill watch alittle bit of you r content
  1077. Kellan Pond: Just let it be couch coop like diablo!!! I need a game to play with my wife!!! Hahaha
  1078. Ziki: How can you kill that which has no life?
  1079. bohicagaming: Seems like there will be some sort of catch up mechanics or measures for alt friendliness incoming so that's potentially one less negative.
  1080. Keys Collector: +Baron Vladimir Harkonnen diversity isnt a problem to people like you who think it isnt because of your ignorance. When theres a representation of all people on a level playing scale then we can say diversity doesnt matter. Until then, it does.
  1081. CounterOptics: Haha Diablo killer. Diablo already killed itself.
  1082. MechaStuzilla: Wait, they didn't push it forward at 30 mph so that it could explode on impact?!
  1083. MrMaestro: about the catch-up system cant you just get boosted by someone else who is high enough ilvl?
  1084. Sushi Ninjan: In my opinion, Diablo has had it's prime, time to move on.
  1085. Crashing Down: Fuck your forced diversity.
  1086. dvd dvetdu: Great review!
  1087. Dimitris Chloupis: Diablo killer that does not have cinematics ? Let me get this straight. One tries to kill a game without including the very thing that defines the game he tries to kill ? Yeahhhh, it does not work like that. Looks like a very good HNSRPG but no its no Diablo killer, even if we include the fact that Blizz killed Diablo anyway.
  1088. NotSureGetLost: Lets be honest the only diablo killer here, is blizzard.
  1089. Park Soo Yeong: +Lorps Yeah I agree with the looks of the game, but I'm actually interested because I've always wanted an mmo that has a Diablo type combat system and stuff. Also it feels like there is a lot of content, and tbh for me looks are nice but in the end you end up playing a game for 5k hours for the content and the mechanics right, not entirely for the looks of it. Well at least thats me.
  1090. Forced G+ Account: I love the AI pathing, gitgud and all that, but i do agree an option to disable pathing or get its IQ down to 30 instead of 300 during combat would be great.
  1091. Stefan Anderson: I think Diablo was the Diablo killer
  1092. Abaddon: This is a very informative video Quin. I like your no BS approach. I especially enjoyed and got a laugh out of the comments at the end!
  1093. Roy Engelen: A nice and fun review, if a little lengthy. But i must say i really look out for this game, it looks great, i've seen some streams of it and gameplay is fun! I think it comes out in the west somewhere next year, but no worries, plenty of other stuff to keep us all busy till then i'm sure ;)
  1094. Valeera Lewdguinnar: he made touka from tokyo ghoul
  1095. Redshiftit: KimJongQUIN.. Hahahahaha!
  1096. pedro nabais: tbh diablo probably wont die for other game it will drown it self
  1097. Dominik M: well i gotta sub now
  1098. Aleksa Markovic: So what you're saying is It's almost as good as Bless Online, but still doesn't match Diablo Immortal
  1099. dumaskhan: I truly wish a game like this succeeds. I want a company to do now what Blizzard did in its prime. Take the best of every game around and incorporate it into a single game everyone can play and enjoy. This is what made Blizzard the leader of gaming for the most of the last 20 years. And now blizzard rests in its lorels, being blinded by the greed for money or maybe being corrupted by Activision, so it is time for someone else to take the mantle of making great games for gamers.
  1100. Darkholow: This game can't come to the west fast enough..I'll play the hell (pun intended) out of this game.
  1101. Darrell Jenkins: I have missed you sooo much Quin. I've been following this game for years and have also been playing myself when I get a chance. Thanks so much for your coverage!
  1102. Nocure92: There's already a diablo killer, It's called Path of Exile.
  1103. Chrystalis Revival: When does this come to NA? LOL or even EU.
  1104. Cuauhti Mustermann: This game has so many awesome mechanics/qol things from Guild Wars 2. And I fucking love it. Can't wait to play ._.
  1105. General Panini: I wathced till the end and I'm not subbed neither I've ever heard of you, subbed now. Finally someone taking the time to know the game and giving a fucking well made review
  1106. Morning: aye im a 1%
  1107. Linoge Z: So how is it a bad thing items dont matter in pvp. It means its purely skilled based, instead of how much time you spent on the game
  1108. Insider: Everything kills diablo. Please, with that title.
  1109. Victor Martinez: LMAO, I actually didnt know who this guy was and this was my 1st video I ever saw from him. Made me laugh at the end by what you said. Awesome review btw, but i did watch the video in its entirety and no, at the time of this post i am not subscribed to any channels of yours but ty for the fun and educating review.
  1110. alex k: Their micro transactions sounds pretty fine by me reminds me of gw2, I just hope that the western version will stick to that plan and wont fuck us up. been waiting for this for so long.... a little more a little more.... "buy's a ticket to Korea".
  1111. poopmannelson1: It’s not a diablo killer. Diablo killed itself unfortunately.
  1112. Amarildo Veliko: Have fun, this game sucks
  1113. MainUkraine: Honestly this game looks like final fantasy 14 converted into an arpg. I just hope it doesn't become so grindy thay it becomes like Blade and Soul.
  1114. Zbigniew Pervan: After watching this whole Review, yeah, all 57 mins, my only question is: When's it coming to EU? I had huge hopes for BDO, so I'm kinda hoping this doesn't flop as well.
  1115. Johnny12Hats: this game is if diablo wanted to be bdo.. i love it
  1116. Alex Turner: 6:05, he made Gizmo from Gremlims
  1117. Paul Kim: Zumooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  1118. Marcus: SOYEN!!
  1119. ssddsquare: Too much trouble for the rest of the world to play. Gender lock.
  1120. Reflux961: thats something that iv noticed with korean games in general they all are gender locked take bdo for an instance they have charectors that are supost to be the male or female version of the class u want but they all play very diffrently and have different gear i think its just something that korean games designers do.
  1121. ProbyWaN1337: path of exile is already the diablo killer. gg
  1122. MrWarMachine: Where's my diversity in muh video gamez? Shut up soy boy.
  1123. ChaosTyrant: Hmm so the shop is like the one in Warframe which is completely fine imo. And Blizzard is just degenerating. One needs no Diablo-/WoW-Killer to do the job.
  1124. nzrock: Wow, quite a lot stuff there...I dunno how to even answer some of them... Anyway the game is f2p with currently very minimal p2w(but only time can tell), I'm pretty sure they will also aim for f2p once global release, to allow as many people to play as possible. And you actually don't need to buy anything to play and level to end-game, nothing is gated behind needing real money or loot boxes. Also seems you don't really get that this game is foremost a MMO, so a lot of what your talking about doesn't even apply to this game(DLC, Early Access etc.). It's not even a Live service game by western standards...The game probably won't even launch on stream. The game's also very polished and feature complete. The devs will most likely self publish, with 1 or 2 CBTs next year, than to OBT(soft launch) in 2020.
  1125. Ueno54: PoE already killed it.
  1126. gnsgml11: I didn't know you were from New Zealand. I'm playing from NZ aswell lol. With story telling koreans don't really care because they want to skip it and just gear up. It's all about the items. It is standard etiquette to skip all cut scenes if you play in a group. It's like WoW, if you play heroic or mythic dungeons you are not going to want to see the cutscenes, so if you want to watch the story you need to go solo on normal difficulty which is shit easy.
  1127. Landon: +Chris Moore "first person".... "souls style" ???
  1128. Johnny12Hats: love you too quin :)
  1129. alt knight: Thanks for the walkthrough mang. It was a bit long but as detailed as we need it to he so that we dont have to search and watch 50 different videos. I put it at 1.25 speed now I know I need a new pc for this awesome game.
  1130. Etniuh: 38:08 AYAYA Clap
  1131. Grumpy Kitten: Please rephrase your title. Diablo is already dead.
  1132. Mini Quách: +Bishamun Well, maybe because it's new, after a while it will change.
  1133. Patrik Zampach: how can you kill something already dead
  1134. DannyRodz: Yes, definitely yes.... Even if they are totally different. One is a mmo grindy, the other is a co-op Grindy dungeon.
  1135. Lotus: my hype for it is dead. it's just too fucking long for me to wait.
  1136. TurboWoj: i started to laugh hard with this face customization XD
  1137. XhellscreamX: I learnt a new word today! And it is "Sperg".
  1138. Greg El: Nah just play Warframe. Free, huge and most of all COOL!
  1139. Trevor Kellen: Watching that Korean 1v3 the others was absolutely insane!
  1140. Kurtis Wilkes: I commented on your video.
  1141. Marblerelic: +Izkimar I get lots of items drops off of killing random pack of mobs in Dragon Age as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As I said, I am sure that Lost Ark is a great game. But one should not compare it to Diablo (or any other loot based ARPGs) just like one doesn't compare GTA to Forza juts because they both have cars.
  1142. Haydon Ali: We love you quin!
  1143. Isaberry: That was the good one to start the day with :3 Thanks for sharing ur thoughts! And for kind words at the and, cheers!
  1144. nzrock: Just people jumping on the Diablo hate bandwagon and memeing...Lost Ark devs isn't out to actually kill other games :P
  1145. TheMortiaris: Diablo no need killed, d3 sucided after realse, Path of exile and grim dawn are much better. Sadly this game is shity asian anime-hentai game, like all their mmo :/ unplayble if you want immersion. When i see woman-warrior with titan boobs and all weak spots no armored, ijust facepalm myself and cant hit deph gameplay.
  1146. Laz Harem: Can't wait to play this in 4 years
  1147. bobobo boboboo: less jokes please just stick to the facts
  1148. Gah3: Ty for the awesome video, super cool of your part to put so much information on the vid <3 BTW, i never have met your vids/stream and i watch the whole thing
  1149. FPSakari: axe = sharp hammer
  1150. xxalreadytakenxx: Easily one of the best game reviews I've ever seen. This was so entertaining to watch, absolutely hilarious, great detail, please do more videos like this and keep the personality the same.
  1151. The Manhands: Pathing solved by hitting Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click for "smart" pathing and otherwise dumb.
  1152. Z: i fucking wish this was $50 or something with zero microtransactions/shop....
  1153. Johan w: Diablo 3 was an Asian oversimplyfied casual cartoonish semi manga ripoff of Diablo. Both in graphics and gameplay! I do not care what title they put on the game to milk the name of Diablo genre. This is not a Diablo game. It's a bad attempt to turn Diablo into a casual kid friendly cash cow. https://ucarecdn.com/c472e654-371b-4649-8026-3d02a4ffcc52/
  1154. Logan Vayu: I saw the entire video :D
  1155. hybrid1880: Quin could you make a video of things that make you "MOIST"??
  1156. Lu Cifer: No other game could kill diablo, Activision though... corporate dildos thirsty for instant revenue is doing the job thourghly.
  1157. MTVirus: Almost any game can be Diablo killer since blizzard fuck it up SO HARD.
  1158. 0Sweetsugar0: Fingers crossed for that 2k19 dream man..i whish oh boy do I whish. great video tho watched through all of it, high quality shit right here boi :)
  1159. Michael Hong: East Asians are fair skinned. What do you expect? If your countries makes a game then it will also refer to your peoples skin color.
  1160. Graum: 52:26 - I hope you played ArcheAge... also did you really just complain that you didnt get to ROFL stomp someone cuz of your gear, and they killed you cuz they were better? If I still cared about PvP at all I would of disregarded your whole vid right there, but I don't... PvE is where its at for me now.... I just thought that comment was a little silly lol.
  1161. Tiki Nebel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uJf2IT2Zh8
  1162. a̷c̷a̷b̷e̷ b: "weird old young girl" got me subbed
  1163. Aeris Cooper: DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE PHONES!?
  1164. Johnathon Nichols: Terablo
  1165. Tristan Sluijter: Anybody looking for a Lost Ark account? I bought one I while back on obtgame(dot)com and I'm done till full release comes around in europe. If you are interested add me on skype: killertristannl
  1166. Feykro: Free asian game? It will be microtransaction hell, right?
  1167. Alexander Reiss: diablo is already dead, PoE shits on it yearly.
  1168. JumpingJacksism: T H I C C
  1169. The King: "You can go Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" LMAO!
  1170. tom: Loos to cartony and cluttered as fuck on boss fights. If it comes to U.S it will be short lived
  1171. Bound4Earth: Graphics do play an important role, at least in terms of theme. I could not believe how shit the models in PoE were. It came out a year after Diablo III, yet they looks like shit and the animations are bad. At least match your character model, animations and style to the background art. Keep it thematic at least. Nice looking backgrounds and here is a gumby character to fight with. Fuck you GGG.
  1172. Pene De Rinoceronte: I was looking forward to this but... now are you 100% sure... that this isn't going to be on mobile? Fuck it, guess I'll wait for diablo immortal, because unlike you cry baby entitled gamers, I have a phone. /Kappa
  1173. BiggestBoobsInGaming: Game looks great - BiggestBoobsInGaming will definitely be checking this one out
  1174. Dmitri Gray: Funny dude. Just stumbled on your channel. Subbed real quick. Game also looks very good. Thinking about trying it out.
  1175. eZ: Pogey
  1176. Dracaris12: Can I play this on my phone?
  1177. G Amaury Pérez Almada: Hahahaha
  1178. l2ave: 44:00 Kapp
  1179. Nob: I want to thank you for doing a REAL review on this Quin and not 5-10 mins of blah blah I played to level 10 crap. I'll be telling people of your work !
  1180. Jaime McArthur: Why should they create a place with africans in it? They are koreans , they are not under the stupid radical socialism of the west. If africans want something like that they can create a game like that themselves. Whoever else gets triggered by it, or anything about the artstyle, simple, dont play it and get away, they neither owe anything to you,nor should their creation be impacted in any shape or form by any of your sjw theories or plans. It is extremely absurd that this things have to even be pointed out but well, seeing how indoctrination in the west is going on for the last decade.... Btw quinn, the best class in the game in terms of dmg is by far (at this moment) the devil hunter followed by the blaster (then the arcana and the destroyer later).
  1181. john hoang: Diablo committed suicide.
  1182. Smowrixz: The real question is, is it a Path of Exile killer?
  1183. Xyn: +Felix Turcanu No, I don't say Streamers "just play it, because it's their job" Of course they love the game but at some point (like for example mathil) have their main motivation(!), to NON STOP playing build after build, because of streaming.
  1184. Tom T.: Awesome review as usual.
  1185. Boba Fit: you cant kill something thats already dead
  1186. Ryan Wong: SO MANY gameplays released in the previous years and I am already bored.
  1187. Christina Clossbach: Good video!
  1188. Just Ray: Agree, not a fan of that Art style either
  1189. trololo: classic asian chingchong mmo where every female is slut lol
  1190. tristan page: thank you SOOO much for this!!!
  1191. Anthony P: Diablo is already dead... Do you not have phones?
  1192. Study Case: 35:02 it goes to Narnia and back..i am crying!
  1193. blizzero96: Yay im one of the 1% lads who finished the video 4Head [edit] was already subbed and followed on twitch and twitter 😄
  1194. Rafael Domingues: Diablo killer? This is a New path of exile expansion?
  1195. WatsHyped: diablo 3 in my opinion was better skill wise. you could have multiple builds that changed with different elemental types. This game does have many classes with lots of skills but the depth of diablo 3 with runes and having so many in each ability was a truly awesome foundation.Lost ark so far im level 34 kimaster or soulmaster and i find it to be very lackluster and i feel like i have not achieved anything up until now. I would pay money ten times over for a diablo game that had double the classes and 4x times the size!
  1196. MrGeati6783: Path of Exile ist the game on top of all hack&slays. Diablo is dead for years now...
  1197. Icewrath0: A bit unfair to call it a Diablo killer since Diablo is not the most popular arpg for years.
  1198. Ainrehtea Dal'nalirtu: I like the fact Lost Ark kinda broke the mold and made an arpgmmo with that camera choice.
  1199. gildrop: a DBZ character? Thats the one i won't be playing
  1200. Holly Nicole: This game looks promising, but I don't think it could replace diablo for me. I'm not huge on the mmorpg genre. I don't like forced group play or raiding.
  1201. Alexander Reiss: Elaborate, unless your only complaint is character desing.
  1202. Dark Mido: Why some videos keep saying diablo killer?! Lol! Diablo is dead! It has been that for loooong time! But now more then ever, diablo is 110% dead.
  1203. Volker H: Diablo Killer? didn't it commit suizide?
  1204. Mike Wright: Good lads, feels good to hear it from time to time ...even if it comes from some dude on the interwebs.
  1205. AmonRa: man i enjoyed this art style, also if you checked out ascendant one it has a great art style too maybe even better than lost ark but the game is a moba, i also think most people will like it but a few vocal minority who wil barely play it to begin with will be triggered just to gain net popularity lol, ppl who are into arpg will enjoy this
  1206. Kyle Webber: Was there for the Twitch stream where you put your points together!!!
  1207. A Thomas: You can make the most herpy of derpy characters. What a time to be alive
  1208. Isaac Thomas: This video felt more like an hour of quin trying to deny his kink
  1209. aspi rine: not even close, these korean games never are.
  1210. MantisCZ Gaming Channel: More likely Ragnarok Online killer...
  1211. HonoR95: Asia doesnt like black people. Most of the world doesnt while on the topic. Just saying how it is dont hate.
  1212. Martin Valík: I am a Guy .. i play Guy character ... i am not pretending i am a fucking girl in MMO....
  1213. I Am: Best review ever; entertaining AF
  1214. GET WREKT: We're a bunch of really good lads. Lol :)
  1215. Alexander Reiss: dungeons and raids have automatic party finders, just in case.
  1216. Daniel Joseph: This looks strikingly similar to MU Legend which is already available in the west for those interested. Not saying this doesn't look great, I'm just saying there is something to scratch this itch without any crazy work arounds to spoof your location.
  1217. Alexander Reiss: You mean the character desing. What bothers you is that the character models are based off female Korean models or female Korean K-pop singers.
  1218. Tanky Tyler: I wish mmos would get away from gender locked classes
  1219. Adrian G: This game have so much hype in the west that if the Koreans won't release it in the west they are literally refusing to pick up money lying on the street, it's that simple. They'll be shooting themselves in the foot by not releasing it in the west.
  1220. armoredp: What are you? Youtube quality control police? Who cares.
  1221. Max Gammel: Love you too man :P Peace
  1222. Commander Shepard: Rolling gunner and naming myself TheBFG for " BIG FUCKING GUN" cuz they got that epic skill
  1223. MrPark3r: I'm not a subscriber(yet) neither have I ever seen your streams, but I still watched all of the video! ha, game looks good, thanks for the in depth info!
  1224. Wladimir Cardenas: It's good to see you uploading some vids mate. And this one was good. Game looks great and hopefully one day it'll be playable outside corea without vpn and that kind of bs
  1225. GS Super: thanks for the shoutout to the 1% Kappa
  1226. Bradley Dalton: Looks like I'm gonna be prancing around as a bard
  1227. T Tuan: but i hope the game not going to lag when relesea in NA :( i waited a game call Blade and Soul for 4 years, but the game pretty lag when pve, pvp
  1228. Anoubis13: i'd never skip your ass boi watched the whole thing thanks for the time and effort u put into this (Y)
  1229. Nigel Nora: This game gonna end up just like Blade and soul : gonna take eons to release in the west and when it finally does nobody gonna give a shit anymore.
  1230. Adeptus Astartes: lol diablo killed itself already. As for the game.. i could probably get into but I dislike the aesthetic heavily, yeah its pretty but i've never been one for games like this visually in other words im not a huge fan of games from the asian market. They just all look the same too me.
  1231. Eduardo Macedo: BuckFlizzard!
  1232. ToraxReborn: Subbed to YouTube not followed on Twitter not followed on stream yet was there til the end. Does that make me 0.2%?
  1233. drakere2: it technically does have an english translation patch for the interface. Of course it's fan made and WIP, but it exists.
  1234. ageofbogyo: The type of the korean game, which comes 5-10yrs later to West.
  1235. Nico: People keep saying that Lost Ark is an ARPG, no it's not. It's a fully fledged Isometric MMORPG. Just because a game has isometric perspective and heavy on the action side does not mean it's an ARPG. Despite the name in the abbreviation, "Action" does not define ARPG. What defines it is the loot mechanics, you can easily identify an ARPG just by viewing how it handles loot and gearing. Because of that, Lost Ark is comparable to Diablo in any way, because it's not even in the same genre, completely different concept and style.
  1236. KrOjah 1: +schmiddla75 D4 is confirmed. You have a phone, don't you?
  1237. Alexandre da Rocha Celestino: PoE is bettet.
  1238. Jungletrain .7: how can i play it ?
  1239. Bartłomiej Sopata: can't kill an already dead thing
  1240. Fatin Daiman: i feel grimdawn more better than poe
  1241. Peter Clark: 1%
  1242. austiinos: when does this come out for NA?
  1243. Alphahuf: The Biggest Con is that's a f2p Game.. I never ever Touch a Shitty ass f2p Game. I wait for D4.. ☺️
  1244. Google is Nazi scum: Enjoy your ban pedo
  1245. nzrock: +LittleRoxx Yeah that's what I meant...pretty sad really :/ So there is still quite the chance it could add back in lots of P2W stuff >_<
  1246. Teddy Ursadorable: Pft.. screw titty physics.. give me big bouncy dick physics.
  1247. elias hægeland: watched alot of it on your stream, really want to play it if there'll ever be EU servers (also if you cant pick ur gender the game gay)
  1248. Lucas Hoffmann: man, the problem with this genre is this narrow paths, diablo 1 has those big chambers and levels to explore, diablo 2 evolve and has the open fields, the feeling of exploration is awesome on these games, but in this new trend, this narrow path became rule, i don't get it, who enjoy these ??
  1249. Zealote: pogchamp game
  1250. Nicolas M: WTF are you brushing over the "ho btw there's limit in numbers of dungeon you can do per day"?! That's a MASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIVE problem!
  1251. vijay joseph: I think it no Diablo killer it is good no the best lets see when Diablo 4 comes out love your stream Quin69 keep up the good job r u coming back to wow for 8.1
  1252. CheeryNixx: i really hope this goes to the west i need to play this shit lol
  1253. wajietaus: thick AF alfa waifu :D
  1254. Aleksei J: while I watched this video I was LMFAO like crazy, man!! Great review quin! :D
  1255. Twisted Melody: Dude I’m so hyped for this game. Probably won’t take my main game spot as bdo still holds that but I’m still hyped none the less. Awesome review man. You have a talent on doing game reviews. You should consider doing more bro.
  1256. Vasil Frangovski: m8 you need to chek d2 median xl you will not sry
  1257. Christopher Smith: whats with all the SJW complaints who cares SJW's can have Diablo Immortal, I hope they don''t censor shit to appease to SJWS.
  1258. Itchychychy: Can't kill if it's already dead
  1259. Dan: +nzrock Larger scale pvp, 50-100 ppl. Thank you for the info :)
  1260. Diggs: LMAO! "There's fifty-eight story dungeons, just going from one to fifty." That's how I count! Truth. Like, "How hot did you think that chic was?" Well, on a scale from one to fifty, I'd say she's a fifty-eight."
  1261. Phillip Roc: I never play as a girl in video games just in case I get sucked into the game like in sao...
  1262. Miles Colley: that which is already dead may never die
  1263. mindlesstube: Diablo killer? isnt diablo dead all ready?
  1264. kreiyu: Lost ark is an isometric mmorpg not an arpg
  1265. BW: Diablos dead, any ARPG these days has to compete with Path of Exile, and Lost ark needs a fuckton more stuff to even come close.
  1266. Marek Sarnovsky: No english language. Gg, gl and rip.
  1267. Papascrub: Too much mobile game Korean influence for me.
  1268. Banished BR: Diablo 3 mb, but well already dead. Just for the sake, is Sakura considered loli ? i though she wasn't...
  1269. HighNoon: “That makes me moist” (Gross LoL)
  1270. Danedog614: Game looks tight despite it's cons. Hoping it comes to North America w/the quickness. And by the way Diablo died approx. 3 weeks ago if not longer. Don't you guys have phones?!?
  1271. msfklfl123: Diablo is immortal because it's on mobile phones
  1272. Patrick Willian: Soon 2030
  1273. christopher lacey: Thank you for making this video! My gf and I have been patiently waiting on Lost Ark's release for over 2 years now. We quit playing D3 sometime after season 4 as the grind became too real and the loot system went full retard mode. We have been periodically looking at spoilers, reviews, and Lost Ark videos by others, but none have been as informative as yours! We don't speak/read/write Korean either, so there's that language barrier issue.. Hearing that it will be free to play is really exciting! I do hope they will translate the game into English within the next year (sooner rather than later) as the waiting game is getting really old.
  1274. Michael Tolksdorf: such a good review loved it keep up the good work man watched it with u on twitch life !
  1275. Bear Witty: I can bearily read this. Is there an english version?
  1276. Christian Martin: POE already killed diablo.
  1277. Appci: Ahh the daily bs... Yes, it's to get people hooked... But to me personally it tends to work the other way around. There's always that day when I do not really want to play, but just for the daily I do it anyway. Next day... story repeats, only that now I want to play even less. And this goes for alike a week or two. Eventually I go... "F it" and do not log in for weeks or months. And the best part is, because I remember being forced to play when I did not really want to, and because I know how much "daily" stuff I missed... I'm pretty much newer going back into the game again.
  1278. NoReXx: i think if anything games should strive to be the next path of exile killer, now that diablo went full noose (about 3 years ago LUL ) the only thing that should concern anyone seriously interested in the game is how the gameplay feels and most importantly how much content there actually is. if you get to max level in a few days, farm your sets and get transmog within a week, the game's just gonna be another d3 with barely any meaningful endgame content
  1279. Dejected Pariah: Titan quest killed Diablo for me back in the mid 2000s
  1280. Daniel Davis: Company releasing it is probably my.com in the U.S. (if they stick with same person as their RU license) This company is one of the highest on p2w scales. Even if this game is awesome, that will kill any chance the game has.
  1281. EMPMagic Camera: Here we go again with the low intelligent, low brow, childish "big dick" shit again.
  1282. J. Hamel: Made it all the way thru - first really informative video I've found explaining the game in such depth. Now I am subscribed. Too bad we can't play this for a looong time :(
  1283. Joel Garcia: Shit game. Who the plays LoLegends style game play. Dumb ass shit.
  1284. sim hanssens: I watched the whole stream... Well lets watch the whole vid lol :P Btw. I think it's to bad you were to late to play bdo. Now it has become pay to win a bit.. ( by a bit means. Okay if you put in thousands of dollars into it you will becomes stronger faster. But you can easely be on the same level by paying a sort of subscription to the game called value pack and freak the sh*t out of the game. ) But i really think you would love the graphics, combat and pvp of the game.
  1285. immortalis1001: I just cannot stand the Asian art style...everything is soooo exaggerated and the females...poor females...run around in lingerie and high heels. Just plain silly.
  1286. woo hoo: "visual polution" i cackled
  1287. phantomdragonv2x: Remember when everyone thought Black Desert was going to be the next major MMO Diablo killer, and then the west gets ahold of it, makes it a pay2win and fucks over everyone?
  1288. PowerOfFootball: poe killed diablo? for me poe just boring and diablo gameplay is better than poe.
  1289. deenman23: diablo killer?oh sweet child...what is dead may never die
  1290. Elfezen: Korean games have more beautiful characters than any ugly product that came out of america
  1291. Adrian Kujawski: Check out Albion Online. You should enjoy it
  1292. Salsilator: Why the hell are you callig this game "isometric"? It's fully 3D.
  1293. Surf Surfing: LMAO, I was rolling when he said there were only White people on islands. Historically, Islands tend have darker races so I see what you are saying. Japanese tend to go the Black route, with their anime or games. Gotta love the Japanese.  When BDO release, many were worried their toons could not be dark skinned, so this is definitely a Korean thing lol. I really don't play Korean stuff tbh, looks interesting though, doubt I will get into it. I like how the summons or pets are like abilities or attacks.
  1294. WatsHyped: also in diablo 3 you can change your build, reset it as many times as u like ya paragons all for free. in this game lost ark it costs ingame money.
  1295. ico.: why Lost Ark?? Path of Exile - Diablo killer...
  1296. MassDynamic: the game is head and tits over d3
  1297. Scott Johnson: Maybe if they do a western release they will remove the p2w elements. I’d happily pay a subscription for this game if it didn’t have p2w elements
  1298. Royalist: diablo meets maplestory. i love it
  1299. DaelinD: Lost Ark - My In-depth Review: It's Asian as fuck. That's it. That's all you need to know. Asian. A. F.
  1300. Chase Assiniwe: @quin69 remember when Resident Evil had you killing black people? That didn't exactly go over very well with the masses lol
  1301. 계정추적중병신대천사는미카엘: Talmoim
  1302. david beeldens: Free to play is a con most of the time, i'd rather pay like 30 dollars to not have a stupid p2w shop
  1303. WAstateofmind: Of course it's not Diablo... It's Lost Ark. Why do folks think everyone is trying to recreate Diablo...
  1304. It's legal to think: I hope this is a worthy game for Diablo players, they deserve a proper Diablo!
  1305. Ragnarok: Can't go wrong with TnA. I'd like to add this is how you do a damn game review! Well done.
  1306. FM Vee: You can't kill what's already dead! Also this game looks like shit.
  1307. Xenoxic: No bullshit review: there anime tiddies and waifu’s and anime tiddies and waifu’s and anime tiddies and waifu’s
  1308. Dylan Camp: Quinn you’re so well spoken and so smart. I wish you were in politics or something
  1309. nzrock: Always been gender locked, and the other classes are not done yet, should be out next year.
  1310. zen strata: Video is better when watched with the sound turned off.
  1311. WhiteMale: 6:14 Justin Bieber style?
  1312. Tevin Anderson: Awe, I'm a good lad.
  1313. ForeverLaxx: +idomused That's just how weebs are. Anything from Japan or Korea is automatically better by default because they've romanticized the culture.
  1314. warri187: nice review and made me laugh several times, new sub 4 sure
  1315. Metal Head: But Korean Games are knowns as Pay to win Company I dunno about this one.
  1316. Luna Stark: diablo 10 killer
  1317. Vyrisus: Exactly. I was thinking "How is this going to kill Diablo when it's not even in the same market?"
  1318. Adam Tharaldson: Are the classes gender locked? If so that's a giant shame.
  1319. João Amaral: Warframe is a good f2p
  1320. Gibson Ferreira: The fact it's asian just tells you that it'll be just anohter generic p2w game meant for horny weebs.
  1321. Thicky McGhee: So one complaint is the art style is too unrealistic. Second complaint is if you are a berserker with a massive sword, you should be allowed to play the tiny loli-girl...MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
  1322. Hans Vader: only with fire
  1323. Sylvain Rittre: It won't kill diablo, diablo killed himself !
  1324. nononono nonononon: listen here you YOUNG ASS BITCH!! there is only ONE MAN that throws playing cards- and his FUCKING NAME IS GAMBIT!! OK MONA MEE!!! babaha awesome fucking VID though! sooo fucking pumped for this Korean WHORE!!! umm but any word on controller support?
  1325. TNTspaz: I'm a shitty weeb and have played many of these games with this type art style, BDO and FF14 having perfected the styles but these styles are shit and blind you most the time. Most of the time everything looks too photo-realistic and glossy. Games use a more gritty art style so that you can actually distinguish what the hell is goes on. It looks pretty but if the game ever releases to the west it will become the next BDO. It will be very popular for a year or two and then the game will become very niche close to dying.
  1326. DoggyDog: no plan for eng server yet?
  1327. MycroSparks: That pathing issue isn't that it's too smart as you kept saying, it's quite the opposite, it's too simple. In these types of games, when you start making them, you make pathing as simple as that one, where you just use an algorithm that calculates the fastest path for you (A* algorithm usually), and move your character to that exact point where the player clicked. So it's not a smart AI. A smarter solution would be to fiddle with it, like for example make sure the plane you ended up clicking on is close to the plane the player is, otherwise don't walk there. That would get rid of that bridge issue :)
  1328. Okan Karabulut: this game reminds me Cabal online 4:35
  1329. MegaPain Quest: Diablo killer? Rly Quin? Rly? Diablo is dead for sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. Putting Flowers on the grave aka Seasons doesnt make it alife.
  1330. RPS Corp: Korean girls actually run like that, s'truth. Bouncing and all.
  1331. porc: nice video and i agree with you. keep it up :)
  1332. jap monkey: I am Korean! Chinese-jjanggae do not play this game! You are a nation stealing people! Do not even have an interest in Korea!
  1333. ScepticalCynic: Diablo Immortal is pissing on its grave.
  1334. gtstrullo99: I made it to the end and this is the first video of yours I watch, like and susbcribed
  1335. mr. Mazen: don't call it a ''Diablo Killer'' till it gets a global release -.-
  1336. Gary Starostka jr: he's a reborn twitch streamer that is on the i hate diablo hate train right now
  1337. xQualifieDx: how to play this game
  1338. DjDravax: Diablo killed itself when DIablo III released, dunno where you been.
  1339. Tanner: Anime is the dumbest and most cheesy art style for video games or any form of entertainment. It completely destroys the immersion of the game or the story. No thanks,
  1340. Ronald Miller: i dont think you can judge pay 2 win in another country whoever publishes the game in na will no doubt make it pay 2 win by nerfing drop rates and so on.. we dont have any of the rules as other countries stopping it from happening.. if theres scaling im passing anyhow thanks for the info.
  1341. Official Puvve: +Lemon Squeezy I'd say it's safe to say from 6months -> 2 years. Anywhere in between. Who knows, might even be a full release for both KR and ENG at the same time. They might not release the game entirely until they have a full translation for text, not voices. Who knows?! :D
  1342. Daryl John Santa Ana: been waiting for this to come out globally lol
  1343. Te do: I can tell by the way you type you weren't even alive when Diablo 2 came out... sorry. Lol, little retards in comment sections trying to fit in with popular opinions, holy shit you're pathetic.
  1344. Fuggen Yes: Watched right to the end. Fucken sick review mate, good shit.
  1345. Trevor Woods: is it on mobile?
  1346. Comech: watched the whole damn thing. Good info man
  1347. John Christopher: ok so you can turn the dmg numbers off :) , game looks interesting, but still, how come we can't see shit anymore in games???
  1348. 한나라편: Seems like a lot of people have misunderstanding to Korean games. Korean games are not Chinese games. in fact, they are nothing like them. reason why you see all these copied shit shit games all over mobile are because of the law in China. China is not well established country in terms of many different things and one of em i can def say is the Copyrights law. Korea has always been strong in making MMORPG games such as Blade&Soul, Black Dessert, Archiage, Tera, lineage and so on. Maplestory, PUBG are korean games as well. hope you don't just underestimate Korean games.
  1349. soboklol: PoE is the shit.
  1350. Dexas Moru: I don't know why asian games gender lock there classes so often.
  1351. Felipe Cristiano: Quin called me a good lad FeelsGoodMan
  1352. Nick Doonan: i c what u did there.
  1353. Cobrakay2003: All this shine will die off pretty fast and then it no longer has a flavour anyone wants. Everybody is on the bandwagon hatetrain for Blizzard at the moment but once they release D4, which will crush everything once again, the bandwagon horn will fade into the shadows and disappear. Blizzard makes the best games out there, no contest as far as quality goes, let the mobile phase pass and you will once again see Blizzard destroy competitors..
  1354. Todd Jenkins: Yes tiny character with big sword is SO fun in Terra and other mmos :)
  1355. Chloe Gillies: Can I touch your axe, Draven?
  1356. Imnotcleverenough Forthisnameshit: Character customization is my favorite part of video games. Personalization is important to me
  1357. Nathan Scott: So gutted that no western companies are pushin shit like this out. I would love something like this and i think there are loads of people would agree with me, plus there is mega money to be made in it
  1358. Pertilious: If it ever leaves Korea it may be the best of style in the western market but until then it's basically pointless to speculate
  1359. Qishi Li: I made it to the end of the video. Give me a thumb up!
  1360. The Weasel: It's easy to be amazed by graphics after playing D3
  1361. cmoidudu: I don't know dude... normally the whole thing stands still, and only the ram part moves back and forth and hits the door... As it is shown, it's more like a 6-WD truck with a roof. Seems pretty efficient tho :)
  1362. Syhler187: We have POE, killed D3 long time ago
  1363. Rui Salreu: viewed till the end and liked/sub =)
  1364. mj8uk: Best lost arc preview/review i have seen cheers quin, ps) will i need to upgrade my phone!!!
  1365. shaburanigud: Haha first time I actually saw your content and saw the whole thing through. Great review, great depth. Honestly I only saw you by meme pics and clips on the community cause currently in korea, you are the face that represents the western folks who are playing lostark alongside us. Great content and I hope to see more of your content soon.
  1366. RawLu: the "Korean art style" thing? I don't know if it that but their is some sort of Look & Feel to these games? I'd kinda describe it as a Lifelessness? a Sterile'ness?? something!?! LOL! its hard to describe but you know your playing a Korean game? I don't like it & I can defiantly see it in this video. like the big siege scene looks amazing, but the more social areas? I really see that Korean Style...
  1367. dgwebguy: Quin - I legit love your content. No BS. Very in depth. But you still manage to keep it fun. Your quick wit and timing/delivery of your jokes always crack me up. Keep up the outstanding work mate. I'll be supporting you for as long as you choose to make content. PS - Don't forget the coffee!! ~Doug from Maryland
  1368. Олег Рубин: 30:58
  1369. Michael Judge: This is what I thought Diablo immortal was....thought Blizzard would merge Diablo and WoW for an mmoarpg
  1370. Will Hurlock: Brilliant video man just subscribed. Laughed my ass off. I've followed Lost Ark for a long time so hopefully it makes it to the US too, I think it will do well
  1371. UrStax Fetish: Is no one concerned that you start on horses and mid way through start fighting robo mechs????
  1372. Nick Nevco: Not sure looks like you average Korean MMO, screen full of names and flashes.
  1373. Long Lee: what do you mean by diablo killer...diablo has been dead since the release date of diablo 3
  1374. ninetenduh: So far I have yet to hear anything overly negative about the game by those who tested it, I am still waiting for it, I could go ahead and get a verified account considering they planned to release an English Localisation, but it's too much for a Free Game. but I hope smilegate realises just how much attention they have in the rest of the world. People want the game, hopefully they can manage to host it themselves and not something like Gamigo, Gameforge or other shady Publisher making it a Pay 2 win fest.
  1375. Alexander Reiss: The game is pve focused and you can only PVP on arenas. So it really doesn't matter
  1376. Brandon Sergent: 57:00 Well thanks :) Watched it all. Want to play it. Curious about a few things: Assuming no spending: Can I build my lazy passive grinder? Can I lone wolf? Is real tanking possible or is it all speed clear dps meta? Do I have to skill piano or can I ultra specialize? How automated can skills be made?
  1377. Laurids Kirkeby: Not a subscriber or a follower, but this review was amazing and I couldn't stop.
  1378. TVBUU: How will the arpg fade lol Path of exiles is still going strong my dude
  1379. Hellxdamage87: ..and female characters look like underage prostitutes..
  1380. Idc Lawl: Too bad we're not getting this game for at least 3-5 years IF it ever come to the western market and then you have to hope the company who gets the publishing rights doesnt fuck it up like idk Trion or some other anti-consumer company. The game does look freaking awesome though hoping we gets to play it one day.
  1381. A. V. F.: LOL 1:04 KimJongQUIN
  1382. Litenbadboll: Titans Quest was also one of those games.
  1383. 黒猫: love your review. Subscribed! :))
  1384. Alexander Reiss: I don't understand people that says this looks like anime? Have you people ever watched anime? Big eyes, 16 year old females, that's anime. This style is based around grown up K-pop korean models.
  1386. LaOm33: its just me or anyone else that played Black Desert feels that its BDO copy in rpg style ? mmo-arpg
  1387. TheDeathflows: Sorry for your Diablo loss ⚰️
  1388. Torinux: I clicked on the video, looked at the 57 minute run time honestly said "fuck that, ain't no time for this" I hear BIG DICK, stayed for the whole video :D
  1389. Bigget Mofo: Those character models and character screen are directly from Tera <3
  1391. Ludak021: All those titties, short skirts, girly posture and girly walk animations - will have to be remade/removed for EU/NA (especially NA) release. Soyboys PC SJW people will DEMAND blacks being included in the game, all racial slurs removed, even tho game is Korean and long story short - they wont release it for the English speaking parts of the world because it's too politically correct (boring and annoying). Enjoy the Left.
  1392. Steve Aguilar: How big is the language barrier? I guess the question has an obvious answer, but you seem to manage well enough. Do you know Korean or just translate everything?
  1393. Shpendulum: Quantity over quality.
  1394. Zetraxes: The title of this Video doesnt make any sense. You can't kill a dead Game
  1395. LaserStorm: You're a fuckin' good lad. Great review, Quin. I appreciated your in-depth, lengthy overview of this game. I, too, have been waiting for this game for a few years, but could not force myself to suffer through learning Korean on-the-fly and in a game. I'm glad one of my favorite Diablo content creators put this much effort in a review for us. Thanks a bunch, dude.
  1396. Patrick Dekkers: I’m part of the 1%. Finally did something useful with my life!
  1397. Meelek Edits: Title is misleading, it suggest Diablo has not been killed yet by path of exile.
  1398. william farmer: Pretty sure path of exile is the champ atm
  1399. Ghettoize: I want to play this game so bad
  1400. Alessandro A.: Diablo killer? Path of exile already did that
  1401. Te do: I keep hearing people say this, but I never see anyone ever playing PoE lol. I see a shit load of comments about how awful the leveling is though, which is the main thing I remember in PoE. I feel like you're just another hyperbolic retard in youtube comments, hmmm.
  1402. Alex Garcia: I lost it at 30:53 "companies have been known to get greedy".... Dying..
  1403. Matt Johnson: Quin you thk dk sumbtch! Bout time this video came out. Appreciate you man!
  1404. Nikos A: Diablo is already killed by path of exile scrub. Get your facts straight:P
  1405. Andrew Sulpizio: This is a hell of a review. Good God man! GG Quin!
  1406. Kio Kurokami: 2:00 Breh you can't just transition into Red Velvet like that
  1407. Sarcastic Senpai: Imo, Diablo 3 isn't good enough to need a "killer"
  1408. Martin Valík: it will probably take very long time till it comes to europe :(
  1409. Hoigwai: I wish it was just multi-player, I'm in a kind of burnt out feeling about MMOs. Some days I just don't want to deal with people and I want to chill and kill. I made it to the 1% mark. 8)
  1410. Dethfeast: How can it be a Diablo Killer when Jay Wilson already killed Diablo?
  1411. RazorZ noone: activision/blizzard plans to conquer the asian market(little to late) and lost ark developer plans to conquer the world
  1412. The Infidel: A con that they dont have black people in the game? In an ASIAN game for ASIAN people where the amount of black people in the country can probably summed up to 0.0000001% and where white skin is a beauty ideal and has been for thousands of years? The paler the better its for them. And it has nothing to do with race because THEY ALL ASIAN(not gonna list all the countries that fit the description) its like we dig a sun tan as a beauty factor which would absolutely not fly in asia. Are you effin serious? What is it with you people constantly being obsessed with race and at same time claiming you are gainst racism.
  1413. Zachary Newton: This is exactly the sort of in-depth analysis of Lost Ark I've been waiting for. Thanks for taking the time and energy to present the experience to us westerners. As always, you are critical, witty, and silly. Cheers!
  1414. Hiroko Takashiro: You know damn well diablo 4 will still kill it while everyone it laughing now.
  1415. Eric Kumar: Is it confirmed for a western release?
  1416. Andrew Beavers: This review actually created hype in my heart for this game. Thanks for the solid breakdown.
  1417. Skrittles Mcwiggles: everything you said about this games mechanics sounds like Black Desert Online lol always do back attacks always use stuns auto pathing suks lol
  1418. Chester Burklight: watched the whole 57 min review omg
  1419. Ace D: Big tits and ass is life
  1420. Hugo Hoyos: Diablo doesn't need anybody to kill it. It can do that all on its own.
  1421. Reasonable Gump: How do you play get the game outside of Korea?
  1422. bekas iblis: only 1% of asian play diablo, so it doesnt matter
  1423. Anton Petrov: it'll probably NOT be free to play in the west. This uses a similar strategy as Black Desert - so you'll probably have to b2p when it comes out
  1424. Duck: imagine the 3 pillars of ARPG, diablo, POE, lost ark. pretty dope
  1425. Rose Blight: LOL, "It's not on mobile"... The Death of Diablo, it went to Mobile...
  1426. victor cuban: Great video man it wasnt hard to stay till the end really good and unbiased opinion, dynamic and fun, gj man, keep it up
  1427. Killeemegeee: I want his t-shirt
  1428. sara hujik: Can I use 34 or so summons with no timers like d2?
  1429. Leo Nawroth: 1:05 I'm so sick and bored of this repeated sexist clothing style. Of course all the women fight in underwear. Yawn! Path of Exile and others showed how you can make creative armor for all genders. This is just boring and insulting.
  1430. Bollibompa: Damn son, you one wiggly-biggly. Subscribed for sure.
  1431. DeadGhost: Is this game coming to the US and Australia?
  1432. Time: This is some diablo defend fan boi
  1433. Ed Friend: How can i play this game ?
  1434. 1Life2Little: How the fuck can it be a diablo killer when it is not even in fucking English...
  1435. MrDagrom: its not poe
  1436. Prastiko s: you should play Grim Dawn. it's like a better Diablo
  1437. Bishon Chris: Lost Ark has to be released in the Western market before it can be the killer of anything....
  1438. Randy Lott: They can learn a lot from this shit. They won't, but they could.
  1439. Anatithe: D3 pukes effects on screen as well, though. Pretty much most new age ARPGs do.
  1440. Inceneration! Beware: How the fuck can this game be Next level graphics when the fucking thing shows pixelgrains xD Fucking moron Quinn. hyping a Chinese game to the fucking skies will most definatly NOT make it better. No i havnt played it.. Because it looks like SHIT. Based off of other people playing it im pretty sure that my review of the game would be just as good as this.. Just without the Bullshit of being paid to play it. The Game is absoloutly SHIT. Complete trash. Pathing is Shit, Pixelgrain all over the place. Crashes too damn offend. And then the best. The game uses over 90% of the GPU and 50% of the CPU.. And no my pc isnt the best but its most definatly isnt the worst. a 4.5 Ghz 8Core. 3100mhz ram 2080 32gb And still uses 90% of the GPU... Completly shit optimized. Welcome to the new Diablo III which will kill it self... Next week we talk about the fucking Mobile game they are coming out with-
  1441. Jab Hutt: Niche. Not going to be anything epic, but some will play definitely. It will be a loss on western markets, so I would keep it in Asia instead.
  1442. SpocksBro: Why do japanese/korean game artists have such a hard time creating masculine characters in all of their games? Granted what looks "masculine" might be somewhat subjective but they always end up creating androgynous disgusting metrosexual males that force me to play female characters only. And it's not even about anime type of character art style. It's every fucking game of theirs.
  1443. Cory R: gender locked classes blows dick. Art style sucks too :( why cant they go for a bit more realism and less stupid looking faces with big eyes and stupid half naked girls?
  1444. Shishkbob: quin your review is probably the most informed best quality review i have ever seen thanks :D
  1445. Astroboy: Hi is this all so on ps4
  1446. Snactimus Maximus: LOL imagine not knowing quinn and watching this shit.
  1447. Benny Z: The "Advanced Pathing" should just be an option you can turn on and off.
  1448. DjDravax: +Ben C Well when D3 provides a challenge in GRifts and Path of Exile provides no challenge since mobs can be 1 shot'd and bosses are melted within a few seconds it's no wonder why D3 would be on top since GGG doesn't know how to make their game challenging. Therefor my 6 year old son can play it since all he has to do is right click on my PoE character in order to dominate maps, shaper, uber elder etc lol.
  1449. Grym: It looks uninspired.. and also, fuck anime.
  1450. Bayraktar Erdem: you cant kill what is already dead
  1451. Furkan Akın: everyone freaking out about isometric camera dont even remember Cabal online right?
  1452. Wuddigot: 4:30 Don't you mean light-skinned asian people? They all look suuuuper asian. Also, it sort of makes sense, like you said, since it's Korean. in northern China and in South Korea lighter skin is considered attractive. THey want everyone in their world to be attractive, I guess? I dunno
  1453. uNstable: i'm a good lad
  1454. Norscout: koreans don't even like looking at black people in real life, why would they put them in their game
  1455. 이민재: +MetalCrazyGoat that's exactly what I'm saying..
  1456. DC The Eyepoke Champ: Fuck this game looks so good. PLEASE COME TO NA ALREADY........already getting sick of how shitty and dead PVP is in GW2.
  1457. Predrag Jandric: Please tell me how do you play this game in English ?? Anyone
  1458. Fantastic korea: ㅠ.ㅠ 중국인 때문에 한국에서 모든 제재 . 그립다.. 중국인이 문제야. 괜찮아
  1459. Te do: Exactly, lol. Lying for attention, as if anyone knows what he's talking about or cares in the first place. Fucking autism; kill yourself Mihai Radu.
  1460. Joe S: Path of Exiles
  1461. Nox Vega: I'm not hyped. Korean games are shit to be honest. Which Korean game has been successful in the west? I can think of hyped games, but I can't think of any Korean game that has been picked up and played the way Diablo, WoW etc has been played. Perhaps Lineage 2, but that game is from 2004. I think Torchlight frontiers has a much better choice of enjoying Diablo-like gameplay than Lost Ark. Lost Ark is not really a Diablo-like game anyway.
  1462. Smith Ramone: PEACE!
  1463. Kinjiru731: It's not going to kill anything in the US if it's all in Korean, much less any other considerations.
  1464. Erik Tedja: nope, Diablo killer is *your phone*
  1465. LaserStorm: Lol! It's because he did a lot of takes. I'm sure it took days and he wore the same shirt in recordings for the illusion. I'm only jesting
  1466. Martin Hansen: path of exile killed diablo years ago
  1467. Park Soo Yeong: I love people like you who live in the past and are okay with pretty much everything. For me for example, Diablo 2 ran out of content long time ago :/
  1468. にゃあエイリアンMeowAlien: It would truly be a Diablo killer if it was ported to the west or got an English sub option, dammit
  1469. Eboss NZ: diablo killer? lol diablo all ready been killed by blizzard.
  1470. tom foolery: +Lalith Muthali looool i stopped watching when i saw the tribal shit at the beginning of the movie with the black guy making bop bop bop sounds and showing off his lip tattoo. i don't know a lot about africa but from what i understand that kind of stuff does exist but as you go north it gets more muslim and less "hunter-gatherer".
  1471. BlessTheChild: 1 % here m8 ^^
  1472. George Mihalascu: i made it to the end of the video and i m not subscribed or watch your twitch. em i still a goid lad ?
  1473. Encythies: ive never heard of this game and my little autistic ass sat here and watched till it auto played...
  1474. Voldus: I really want this game in the west and hopefully..... its pay2play with a costume shop only
  1475. muSPK: +Izkimar thanks for explaining
  1476. Sherry Armstrong: NAH!!! torchlight is the Killer
  1477. The Ancient One: Transmog will slowly release as paid content - it's similar to how BDO released and pushed forward. It ended up costing $10-$20 per costume (yikes!) but that's how they made their money.
  1478. TheShorterboy: dude nothing wrong with boob physics
  1479. LUMANGO: Hi Twitch
  1480. Boban Pavlovic: Fight, get horny, jerk off
  1481. Sarah Saurus: I think it's naive to believe a dev that promises no p2w on a f2p game. The game's not released yet, so devs will tell you exactly what you want to hear. But once it's out, and profit margins aren't as good anymore, they might slip in one of those +10% xp strats. Then the defense is, "10% xp isn't p2w, is it? I mean, it's just paying for extra convenience".. and once that starts, it opens up the path to more shenanigans! I've seen it happen so many times, I'm just really cynical I guess x.x Once they have their fanbase, they'll be able to exploit the most addicted people..
  1482. Mad: I'd rather have a game that costs 60$ and no micro transactions. Look at BDO , the game is ruined by its ingame shop and p2w trash but what can you expect from korean mmos.
  1483. Krelian: +adfadsfas normally Korean mmorpgs take a couple of years to be ported. But since it's so successful maybe and hopefully they will speed up.
  1484. nzrock: Pretty sure the official 1.0 launch will happen next year, and D4 isn't even announced yet and forsure won't be out next year...so yeah, Lost Ark won't be outdated any time soon :P
  1485. Nicholas Olson: If there was an African zone in this game, it'd be dominated by malaria, AIDS, infant rape, slavery, genocide and cannibal warlords like real African zones all are. This game looks *great* as is. Would not be improved by a politically correct fantasy island where we pretend Africans are capable of anything on par with Euros and Asians. Diversity has been pure cancer on the West. Which is why Asia overwhelmingly rejected it, and in doing so saved their cities (and games) from becoming Chiraqs and Killadelphias and Londonistans. Good for them! Peace, prosperity, social unity & ethnic cohesion > the "enrichment" of diversity.
  1486. ZyanHD: How do you play this game? I can't find it anywhere on google to download and play for free. Everyone says you need VPN's and pay people for accounts?! Did I miss something?
  1487. Zantiago: Great video.. Also, you're a dick... Now I want that game even sooner.. Think about that eh? What we gun do now.. Making us all moist over here..
  1488. Izumi Koushiro: Loved this video, quality content. Can't wait for the western release (if it gets one), don't want to jump through the hoops to play the Korean version but it looks pretty baller.
  1489. Michael Dayao: What's the song at 12:36?
  1490. River Lynn: Well thought out review, thanks Quinn. I will keep an eye out for it when it comes to the west.
  1491. cotey cerasale: Never go full fetal alcohol syndrome
  1492. Al3x Mac: thank you for the full in-depth review! best i ve seen so far on Lost Ark <3
  1493. nzrock: Truthfully it won't kill PoE, since both games are fairy different. Lost Ark is foremost a MMO, it doesn't have the feel of traditional ARPG where you go around really fast clearly packs and watching hundreds of trash item drops. It forsure nails the combat of ARPGs though, hence why it's like a MMOARPG :P
  1494. ThePudgiePanda: 10 min in and all the pollution genderlock stuff reminds me of bdo
  1495. Erik Hendrickson: Would love to play this game.....in English and on US-based servers!
  1496. herman darmawan: Red Velvet Peek-A-Boo? You have been playing Korean game for too long, sir ^^
  1497. Sheriff K: Wait, IT'S FINALLY COMING OUT?! WHEN? Is there a beta/alpha/early access?!
  1498. Chris Knight: I can point to two examples of f2p done well, magic the gathering arena and warframe, both games that I've recently picked up that are both f2p friendly. You're right though, the korean market seems incapable of created a f2p game that doesn't quickly drain you of money if you cant resist the urge to spend for the advantages. Black desert is a good example.
  1499. Mihai Radu: 57th time my comment was deleted. I will say it again ''No son rules forever, my King''. As the great Hierarch Artanis used to say: '' Cheers luv, the cavalry's heah'.
  1500. Rackthor LoL: Just subbed, just liked. Good video and introduction to a game I had no clue about till now.
  1501. Charles Davidson: Need to stop watching Lost Ark reviews. Im actually just torturing myself. LOL! plz come to west soon!!!!
  1502. Xenn000: I'm a good lad. I made it to the end! Great to hear a long review about the pros AND cons of the game. Let's all pray that this get's an English port!
  1503. Flonominal: Nicely done Quin 👌👌
  1504. Syrona: Uh...Diablo is already dead...?
  1505. xNFR: 8:40 jesus
  1506. blackcat7k: Yep, sounded good until 29:00, then I was like: *Yep, time to stop being hopeful.* That horseshit, with *_"doing things by in games means = wasting my friggin time doing garbage that was intentionally put there to push the cash shop"_* This shit is now the DNA of gaming. I would pay twice WoW's monthly fee just to have a server where the cash shop was just ripped out of a game like this. These games are all about player choice, except the choice not to play under a friggin cash shop system.
  1507. Adamm115: Its too eastern to compete with diablo in the west
  1508. Geoffrey Chan: I guess the big question is will it have a North American Release?
  1509. Aaron Christoffersen: look its another hollow korean diablo clone. *yawn*
  1510. Robert Stan: Looks legit. If they'll give it a proper western release, I'm game. About the technical side, sounds great dude, impressive stuff, but what are your specs? If it's consistent 60fps on a 1080Ti at say 2560x1440 it's good... but if it's a 1060, it's amazing.
  1511. pallas12345: Came for 56:10 can’t wait to play!
  1512. IIIIRokzIIII: Just just clicked to tell you Diablo is already dead you fool. Stupid heading.
  1513. AngsthasenTV: Love this Game!!!
  1514. DJ See's through it: +Pentu Prager maybe it was path instead of last ?...its been a few years ...
  1515. BanicaEater: Diablo died the moment that PoE was concieved
  1516. Raa: Got yourself a subscribe here good sir!
  1517. Swiftskice: +Alan Amaya fuck you mate
  1518. kam grus: I hope blizzard will buy this engine and make a D4 with it. For me this Anime/Asian style is NO NO... wouldn't be able to play this game.
  1519. Bin dox: lol this dude is funny with picking the big ol titty girl...love it
  1520. matt morrison: only play games now where i can make my female characters have massive tits
  1521. Hellxdamage87: That's why I don't get the whole "diablo killer" bs, LA and Diablo are two very different words both art style and gameplay-wise.
  1522. Slurpee: Jesus fuck this games animations are amazing
  1523. Dan The-Man: The DevilHunter should be called *Dante*
  1524. Fuccmu: 9:13 he just gave up
  1525. SlightlierDoor: after watching this review i honestly want to play this whenever it comes west. it looks fun as hell!
  1526. Twisted Melody: As another fellow Black Desert player. I don’t think they’ll take that road. At least not until the far distant future where we’ll all be geared by then anyways. I’m still playing bdo right now. Just got softcap and ruining people’s day as a striker lul.
  1527. DjDravax: And black Desert looks like Cabal and 100 other games, who gives a shit. Gender lock is actually a good thing since characters play a part in the lore and I'm pretty sure if in lore that person is a male they don't want a female version of it as it makes the lore make no sense which is why I love gender lock as it feels more in line with how games lore is set out and honestly who gives af if you're playing a male or female it's a game for heavens sake it's not like you're getting a sex change in real life, it's just a pixelated character.
  1528. JRod !: Diablo killed itself
  1529. mojambo213: Cons: Weeb game, weeb graphics, weebs playing the game Pros: I'll just wait for Diablo 4 in a few more years.
  1530. Antideus: Honestly I know that everyone wants to shit on Diablo right now and I completely understand the sentiment but this looks like garbage. Every fucking skill freeze frames your target without any chance of retaliation. Looks nice but I don't think this goes further than particle spectacle.
  1531. LineZu: Diablo Immortal was the true diablo killer.
  1532. Park Soo Yeong: +woollimy I dont get why the art style is unrealistic, you're basically killing demons and the art style is what is unrealistic? lul
  1533. solbjoern: +Alexander Reiss If he likes it good for him. But there is a huge difference between the amounts of grind and how tedious it is in a typical western or korean mmo. So no, a western grindfest is not the same as it is in most korean games.
  1534. G: Why is no one talking about Wolcen? The graphics are easily just as good as this if not better, and the gameplay looks better too for an ARPG.
  1535. Soric Kolea: there is always room for a double kill...it deserves it with the mobile announcement
  1536. deenman23: the irony is that diablo immortal will make more money than the rest combined
  1537. Mad: +Alex Garcia Skins in fortnite/league etc. are not compareable to skins/armor transmog in an MMO. Also , aslong as there is good looking armor that you can obtain ingame through playing the game and not having to buy something off the item shop I honestly don't care , but this already drives people away from playing a game.
  1538. Satuerdan Dashnaw: How can you kill that which is already dead?
  1539. Obsolete386: +ghouris 6969 it doesn't have that much audience in the west because it cannot. You need a korean social security id number to even register, so they can't know how well it would do
  1540. djoal: i just wait a day release in Europe...
  1541. Júnior N Ferreira: I think POE is the true Diablo 3 Killer... cause D2 is immortal!
  1542. Leo The Alien: Way too campy for my taste.
  1543. More or Less: I'm ready for this game. My wallet as well. Let's fking go. #WalletWarriorsUnite
  1544. Joule 725: Nope. Not that Diablo is alive but I don't see this killing Path of Exile and that is currently the Diablo killer.
  1545. Ondomiel: Love your review man thanks for the laughs what a great vid. Sad eyes 👀
  1546. FatesOfDestiny: 56:36 i feel attacked
  1547. Jonseredi: When I saw that the video was 57min long I was ready to ResidentSleeper away at some point but the content is so great that I ended up watching the wjole vid. Awesome review!
  1548. Alberto Alonso: +CAPSLORD CAPSLORD i prefer subscription. but that will never happen in a korean game. they just wanna scam scam scam
  1549. Cudgeon: To be fair with the pathing / hit boxes ... that sounds like things they could fix early in the open beta. Don't think its too bad.
  1550. TheMammonoth: another cash grab from korean LUL
  1551. Rogerio Morais: Not even english translated, how the fuck is it supposed to kill Diablo?
  1552. Kaiser499: Diablo Killer? Blizzard killed it themselves.
  1553. Alexander Reiss: Sexist? You are using the wrong term, because the game also shows skin in males. What you are looking for is "sexualization". Because for some reason you think this is realistic grim fantasy like diablo 1-2. Oh, i also look for artstyle in games not just mechanics, and the artstyle that i like is sexy/titillating, normal body types are too boring for me, if I'm playing fantasy i want to go all in and look as sexy and cool as i possibly can. Lucky me, this game panders to my tastes.
  1554. Terry Lockwood: this looks good whats the chances it will come out in english?
  1555. 뷄뚥: 한국에서 정말 유명해진 게임입니다! 재밌게 해주시는 영상보고 구독 누릅니다!
  1557. Altered Serenity: Asians and their fucking gender locks, seriously. I have been waiting since G-star 2014 for this game and its fucking gender locked.
  1558. ForeverLaxx: Diablo doesn't need a killer. It's already killed itself.
  1559. Potato Bag: T H I C C
  1560. PRAKERO: In english release 2089
  1561. Thano Corypheon: I WANT THAT SCARAB MOUNT
  1562. 남들다하는사랑한번못해본최강의전사: but it's unrealistic no female around the world look like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  1563. BloodTide: Devil Hunter... You could have just said Dante. He's just DMC Dante... Hidden guest character. (Queue Devil Trigger theme song)
  1564. Xerapheem: Oh thanks Quintin for calling me a good lad :D
  1565. Alexander Reiss: they do it to force you to play, is a psychological warfare kind of strategy
  1566. Benjamin Spreckelsen: Blizzard are just killing their own games 😂😂😂😂
  1567. lukaszepesi: Peek-A Peek-A Boo!
  1568. Sinister Steel: DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE PHONES?
  1569. John Wick: Tyroki lmfao you must be brand new to poe... poes not as complex or stunning as this. Factual. Poe how to: maps day1. Shaped strat from day2-7 selling insane div cards. Run with a party easy. Use the broken fossils now to make op gear(niko changes dont hinder this at all) Make a mirror tier item with all of your muns from party play and gg strats Log on day 8 and go afk Rinse and repeat from day 8 to day 99.
  1570. Clarke Corvo: looks great. only one problem: it wont hit the western market for years.
  1571. My Name Is Strange: I was on the fence until "Big ol' titty angel chick" Sold.
  1572. TheDeathflows: Diablo 3 is ass, it’s time to move on
  1573. Nxtrogen: 5:50 I fucking rofl'd
  1574. MirusBhergh: Is this a sponsored review?
  1575. Fruitini Strawberry: LOL Kill Diablo? you can't kill something that is already dead! here is your new title ""Lost Ark - PATH OF EXILE KILLER!?"" and no it wont even kill PoE
  1576. Ereder: skip to 12:40 if you are a pc gamer.
  1577. Alexander Reiss: Sexualization is childish? How about people like me that finds realistic western fantasy boring?
  1578. pheniks0: hmm this looks interesting (edit) oh, vid is over, yeh looks awesome, cant wait to play
  1579. Henri: diablo already dead mate, nothing needs to kill it
  1580. deenman23: diablo killer?oh sweet child...what is dead may never die
  1581. fredinator85: anime tiddies make everything better
  1582. janthe6th: i never watched a 1h game review in my life. but i just did. also new follower
  1583. Axe Battler: What a cuck
  1584. damarlboromans: I need a god damn western release!
  1585. celestial321: In all seriousness, it's not a Diablo killer because they aren't even the same genre. Diablo is an ARPG where as Lost Ark is an MMO. The Diablo killer was and is PoE
  1586. Cynic: If you care about graphics, go kill yourself.
  1587. Martin Fransson: What is dead may never die... still have a micro hope that it will rise
  1588. emptyforrest: korean game, korean server. and you go with kimjongquin as a name... i fucking love you.
  1589. Dork Fish: Blizzard killed Diablo themselves. Didn't you get the memo on your phone?
  1590. Nicholai Smagin: The isometric floors you can jump between can kinda be seen in the game "Seven: the days long gone"
  1591. Thierry Papillon: Will there be an english patch for it one day? And if I start the korean version, will I then be able to continue that one in english or do I have to start over?
  1592. esse non videri: And you do not need to back attack guardiens (raid monsters) all the time. Once you get to a certain point, the guardiens mostly have their own unique skills to deal with peeps who have a fetish with their asses.
  1593. Mr. Ezuri: Ive never seen someone stand on their chair to show up the goofy way the "waifu" stand... I literally cried laughing. Insta-Sub
  1594. Keef Actual: What an idiot
  1595. yesnielsen: It seems like a really interesting game. The scenery looks fantastic but I could do without the plastic K-pop characters and the over-the top spammy visual effects
  1596. Jimmie Pålsson: 56:37 thought the 99% skipped to the conclusion of the review
  1597. John Christopher: Oh health bars with Big numbers on top hooray, no thanks
  1598. Alex Beifeld: This review is sick! Thank you for now making me envious that you are able to play this game.
  1599. Benjamin Lee: Re: Pathing - Once you've clicked the wrong place... just... y'know... click again in the right fucking place? How hard can it be? No one is forcing you to click the wrong spot then sit there for 3 minutes waiting for it to path to that wrong spot.
  1600. Slaytanic: how the f do i download this? theres no way to download?
  1601. Jethro L: Watched the whole thing <3
  1602. turcila andrei: Will this be released in eu tho?
  1603. jack adam: Segen sorry to hijack your comment, but who plays diablo for story. I understand some do, but I am positive most ppl play it for the gameplay and loot. I wish I can skip POE story mode.
  1604. Wasis Haryo Sasoko: You can't really play rpg without understanding the story
  1605. ThorTheOdinSon: English version?
  1606. Izkimar: +Marblerelic but it has a lot of arpg elements so it is still a relevant comparison. You get lots of item drops off of killing random packs of mobs, and a lot of it is gear or ways to upgrade your gear. That could technically be considered a looter. The only thing that really separates it from most arpgs is there isn't a lot of crazy passive effects lumped onto the gear. Its more about different stat mixes, set bonuses, and like I said earlier the passives you attach to your rings through enscription. The game really does feature a lot of character customization it's just that the itemization is rather tame.
  1607. Jacob bjerregaard: 33:00 quin enjoying listenening to himself.. lol
  1608. Vagabond Wastrel: diablo 3 was the diablo killer. That or phones.
  1609. Jon Jimerson: Didn’t Blizzard already kill diablo on their own? There’s a huge influx of d3 players on PoE since blizcon. J/s
  1610. Fundemort Grey Prime Defender of Truth and Justice: YOU CAN'T KILL DIABLO HE'S IMMORTAL
  1611. nzrock: Individual loot, group is shared exp of course(like pretty much every other game), though I dunno shared by how much %, not that it matters cause it doesn't take long at all to reach max level. Dungeon will scale, so overleveled players actually becomes weaker, but still can power level low levels too if they want to, so I'm sure the high level will get very little exp too(one again not that it really matters).
  1612. Raaampage: Not a subscriber, not a twitch follower, not a twitter follower, but I like how you talk and how you describe things :)
  1613. blueraion: Not free for us. We got to pay for a korean ssn to play, and who knows if it will be f2p when it comes here. Korean games that's free everywhere else in the world seems to be coming out in the west b2p.
  1614. Yheon Mercado: Pvp that is centered in equalized gear........you had me in equalized pvp. I'm so ready for this game if it ever releases in the west, cause I'm no life-ing pvp😅
  1615. Henrik Bengtsson: Can't stand the weebo.
  1616. Ignus Darkside: the yugio reference is weak as fuck... how about like gambit, because its exactly like gambit.....Gambit from x men puts energy into cards....
  1617. Admiral GG: Destroyer got a axe? Or a hammer x)
  1618. 고흐TV: korean text is very easy. Even if you study only one day, you can read and write
  1619. Arthur A: I felt bad watching to the end of the video and having never subed or watched your stream. You guilt tripped me into subbing.
  1620. Tw1ztastic: he man i see your using the english patch right? I heard you got banned for it as well? or is this before the ban? Or is it nowa days save too use.
  1621. TokenOtaku: that intro is the best intro I've ever saw in my life!
  1622. ritzmat: Wait how do you have the game in english ?
  1623. benblue3: Gender locking is genuinely one of the dumbest things ever. Why? Literally what purpose does it serve? Why do so many Korean MMO's gender lock? I just want to be a big fucking thicc fit waifu with a massive berserker sword, but I'm never allowed to because that's a male archetype I guess?
  1624. Axel Rotter: One thing I can promise you. The Coreans will not give a fuck if you try to pressure them into "diversity" they will make the game they want.
  1625. kuyo blackstone: Where is the necromancy representation
  1626. IlovelouisDTV: 250 IQ AI pathing sounds hilarious though haha
  1628. Leviathan: Yo Quin , where did you get that sick shirt?
  1629. Achiles Redemptia: nothing kill diablo .... since it going kamikaze
  1630. Zenon: The 8 minute trailer was very enjoyable - great graphics https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/11/17/lost-ark/
  1631. Marko Grobler: The reason why no one can create a diablo killer is because diablo is killing itself without anybodies help.
  1632. Xith: basically BDO mixed with Diablo. just wait for 6 months and you'll be spending $1000 a month to stay relevant.
  1633. Mystic god creation: btw quin, love you to mate ;) @quin69
  1634. Kervy Choa: No other game can ever kill the legacy of diablo, because diablo killed itself.
  1635. Jeff Osborn: lol, that Diablo with the waifu titties made me spit my cereal out. What a sight! :DD
  1636. gkalmbach: Nice use of Red Velvet music. Fitting for a Korean game.
  1637. Carrie Baek: thanx for makin' this video. i've been totally enjoyed from 0:00 to 57:08, without 3/4.
  1638. Gabriel Lopez: great review! your content is always top tier my dude :)
  1639. Kaddaz: Funny cunt
  1640. Kofja: would like to test play if this ever gets an English release :D
  1641. djd dhdjdj: idiot. . lol
  1642. Max .K: If not a Diablo killer it will be a huge wake up call to Blizzard... TBH I'm surprised Blizzard didn't get their shit together after POE became a thing.
  1643. Hellxdamage87: ​+Alexander Reiss The costumes, the disproportionate bodies, the hair styles, the feminine males, the huge weapons, the flashy fights, etc. that are shown in the game are quite common in (fantasy)animes too.. Maybe we should just call it generic unrealistic asian fantasy style, but that is just too long.
  1644. Dragonspheres: Dem legs tho..
  1645. Steroid1234: So, how can i play it? I would make a Bard :D I usually play Healers in every game.
  1646. nzrock: +Saul Ghim Btw I know I'm commenting and correcting after you in every Lost Ark video you post in, but in this instance I should apologize, because I know not everyone can understand our thick New Zealand accents :P
  1647. SuperPostmayhem: I’d love to lick a Loli :)
  1648. Kevfactor: Hopefully it’s a Poe killer. I don’t like how that company deleted good idea gaming stuff
  1649. Toki Wartooth: +nzrock You already lied to me by claiming the game is https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/58063278/free-to-play.jpg That's ridiculous. No one on Earth is offering their work for free. Are they volunteers? Making free games available to all? Marketing world salad my friend. You honestly told me the game is pay to compete, and an MMO therefore always a live service. So it will be in constant state of development. Possibly a sub fee like Black Desert Online, but apparently free to play lol. You know what free to play is? Abandonware, emulators, and torrents. You know what else is free to play? My Diablo 1 and 2 games on disc after owning them for years. Why play the beta for free? If they want you to test the game for them, get a paycheck son (•_•) (•_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
  1650. I Showed him my dick and called him a fag: U can be a chicken and run around with big tit elves? I'm in
  1651. Zaidden: 9:04 LMAO!
  1652. 성원숭: i loved you . i hope u to play again one day
  1653. i999ok: It's a great game in all but there is no publishing outside of korea...
  1654. Franklin Yao: :D I love your videos !!!! Too bad you quit Diablo ~_~ !
  1655. Jamego King: PLAYSTATION 4?
  1656. Jue Lz: I like anime titis
  1657. Flixey: The peek-a-boo intermission music tho
  1658. anatoli kornilov: its gender locked now? and where rest of the classes go?
  1659. ForeverLaxx: My only problem is that, knowing it's a Korean game, it's likely going to be flooded with low drop rates and crafting systems that punish you for using them while punishing you harder if you don't use them. I don't know what it is about Korean games, but they love their endless grinds for RNG crafting/enchanting. I just love spending hours upon hours finding material so that the weapon I took weeks acquiring could break when I tried to enhance it. If this game isn't that, then more power to it. Too many Korean-based games of this nature are, though.
  1660. Rym Antri: The game is not doing well already.
  1661. Saul Ghim: Nope, its 90% MMO -- Quin alludes to this point in the video. No complex build creation system, and gear are just stat sticks that don't alter skills in unique ways. You can play the game solo, but do expect to miss out on a lot of endgame content. You will basically be relegated to islands and exploration (the part of the game Quin hates btw) or you will have to buy a bunch of cash shop items to try and solo the group content yourself (which is possible with some skill and effort... and p2w).
  1662. PINKY NYUGGAH: this game being on ps4 or xbox would be really ice..
  1663. Ace D: Can you fuck bitches in this game?
  1664. Ionut Becan: english patch?
  1665. Germán Montero: First video I see from you, and I watched the whoooole 57 minutes of it. Really nice video man, explanations were clear, useful and covered everything. Couple of hillarious moments too. Keep it going
  1666. Simca Hellraiser: yeah that sucks, where r Japanese lolis? cry.....
  1667. Ikarai: As someone who played Cabal Online from beta in the west, this is looking like a higher fidelity, smoother, sexier yet very similar (in both setting and skill ideas) successor. I can't wait to play it. I know full well that it is likely to be monetised but as a fairly casual, oft solo player I can handle that. Yay :D
  1668. MK Uis: good to see u quin69, fellow monk player here...
  1669. DJQ 15: Kill what exactly? Diablo 3 carcass? This video is such a click bait.
  1670. muSPK: +Jaehong Song Still P2W, you can then ignore those "easy" quest and just focus on the hard stuff, not really fair. But I bet all of that would be gone for a western release.
  1671. Shaun Brady: Is this ever coming to US or do we have to only play thru a vpn to access Korean server?
  1672. Larson 0341: See you in 2055 for the EU release
  1673. Shelby Reynolds: People also hit what could be considered hard cap in Black Desert fairly fast also. Levels mean nothing in Korean games, It is the gear and the grind to obtain said gear/items that make it grindy. And for Quin69 to say that the western market will not mind a pay for convenience pay model go take a look at the population changes since Black Desert has increased their practice doing this. It has infuriated the player base and it has had a declining population since (granted there are other aspects of the game that have contributed to this also).
  1674. Catherine Scott: "Great game, too many white people."
  1675. nzrock: It's a pretty minor story spoiler fyi, he obviously can't understand the whole thing without it being in english :P
  1676. Zutta: The real question, when can we play it without jumping through hoops to get it?
  1677. Mayhamsdead: Path of Exile annihilated what was left of Diablo, so let's stop calling other titles in the genre as "Diablo killers"...
  1678. Azmir Zulkurnain: ill sub next time i see u on twitch.. good stuff man
  1679. Adam F: Very honest review
  1680. Joseph Patrick: It's funny how easily triggered the P OMEGALUL E bois are.
  1681. Craycoco: Cant kill something thtats already dead.
  1682. Jacob Morse: So are dungeon limits bound to account or per character?
  1683. Joe Canadian: fkn unwatchable fkn fk who fkn swears like a fkn punk who had no fkn parents wash his ignorant fkn mouth out with fkn soap like they should have fkn done for fk sake these fks on youtube fkn can't fkn stop fkn swearing like fk whats wrong with this fkn generation of fks?
  1684. Z like Zerthi: Why this talk about japanis shit pop on my wall?
  1685. Meerkat Cobra: Dude I fucking cracked up at some of the jokes. Very good review btw.
  1686. qhil: Lost Ark can't kill Diablo 3 because it's already dead.
  1687. Armand358: Poor Diablo.
  1688. Norton on poistaa: Path of exile has already killed arpg genre
  1689. Mick Biggins: You look like you smell like eucalyptus.
  1690. Power Sports: What a fucking wank this guy is.
  1691. Shiri97: Thank you for this video. Very informative and non-bias. Love it
  1692. Jukes DeLisle: no weeb rpg is gonna kill diablo
  1693. Mr_Smiles_510: You're a good lad too my guy. Thanks for this tid bit of info. Guess I'll be waiting till they decide to open NA servers
  1694. Crazy Dill: LOL it's all in Korean
  1695. Damon Black: It reminds me a whole lot of a game that came out a few years back called Devillian. And that crap got old pretty fast. This does look better in the gfx department but it still looks like some Korean bullshit I have played before.
  1696. Kuuga: Gonna make my own Waifu kill stuff with it.
  1697. Steele Stevens: Them Korean companies wishing their women actually looked like that .................hahahaha
  1698. Joker: Has anyone else noticed that this looks more like a 3d Dungeon Fighter Online instead of Diablo?
  1699. DatRedX: I subscribed cause I was that 1% that made it to the end... But almost didnt because you didnt plug... fckin shill...
  1700. Iffy50: I played several ladder seasons in D2 LOD through being able to solo uber tristram. I hated D3 at release, but my friend at work told me to go back and try it again. I had a lot of fun actually.
  1701. Burning Blood: "Lost Ark - DIABLO KILLER!?" We need the game to come in Europe/US atleast..
  1702. Bad Medicine: 38:07 i literally had a FUCKING JUMPSCARE
  1703. Rain: +Adul Ahmad if you think it's complicated you're pretty dumb.
  1704. TheTwitchybird: PoE Already murdered diablo 3.
  1705. Jason wong: can i know how did you get a account?
  1706. Rico Montez: the developers stated the gender lock is for the beta only
  1707. Ateka9: *borrows an account and uses VPN* *proceeds to showing account name*
  1708. uNstable: don't you guys have phones?
  1709. Mumba Jumba: At any rate nothing compares to Lineage 1. People have been grinding for 20 years and the playerbase is almost entirely in their 40s to 60s lol. Of course, some of their characters and items are worth hundreds of thousands of bucks now.
  1710. ViperShogun: Got to the end of the video...wasn't subscribed...am now subscribed :P
  1711. Sir Scientist: How do you kill that which is already dead?
  1712. May Floydweather: Alright blizz, this is what your competing with. GL.
  1713. BlackRabbitDigitalP: Such a shame for the god awful character armour/designs and the "we do not take the world seriously, so here is some lolis and bikini beach" mentality, because this looks like something amazing to play otherwise. Hard pass.
  1715. Kilroko: 30 seconds in and already factual shots fired. LOVE IT!
  1716. Khalinaar: Thank you for your hard work, will check it out.
  1717. chunkitchu: I love your reviews and in-depth monk guides, Quin! You had me cracking up about the "cod" storm though hahaha, awesome
  1718. Charlie Brown: +Alexander Reiss DS is action rpg.
  1719. Ben C: check d3 numbers, its over a million more players each new season lol, blizzard is so far on top its silly :( POE is a niche- just becuase u see 10 forum posts complaining about d3 and 12 comments on a youtube vid doesnt mean D3 is hated, its been at the top for over 6 years and will continue to be, season 16 HYPEEE
  1720. Denzel RJ: 2:04 I lost it when I heard Red velvet's music xD
  1721. MrDrainBramaged: The end bit though lol I only made it go the end cause I could jerk off to this game I want it so badly...also i was playing madden while watching it so
  1722. Bodacius Falls: should have plugged it mate, not following on twitch or sub'd on youtube but still watch the whole video
  1723. jeFF Fury: Characters name: KimJonQuin. LOL
  1724. Yakop Lee: Best review on YT, unlike some lazy person's first impression.
  1725. Jer L: Looks just like D3 with all those colorful huge ass effects.
  1726. Aegis Rodrigo: NO BLACKS GG BAD GAME
  1727. samuel figueroa: thicc as fuck and you can huuuuuuhhuu
  1728. Bongoslam: So.. Wait for an english version or sign up for Korean language class?
  1729. Vizar / Andaras: Awesome game.
  1730. Chris Benn: Any pvp at all worth talking about?! Sounds like there are no instanced competitive PvP "objective" based modes? :-(
  1731. assofan: Can we have a tldr or should i say tldw
  1732. Swiftskice: Yeah I am not even subscribed and I did lol
  1733. Eirik Ekholdt Norland: It's not isometric though?
  1734. Rolf Auchli: Hm there are two Diablo Killers actually. One is called PoE the other Immortal 😋
  1735. Ian Chuan: Awesome review! very thorough and entertaining, thanks!
  1736. Time: +Te do casual
  1737. MrDrekki: i'm a good lad !
  1738. RobyCrackzone: I am not subscribed and only watched your stream 2 times and still watched the whole video to the end. :D But I am subscribed now and gonna come over in your stream more often!
  1739. Omi Kurita: Any plans for this game ever getting to the USA. All of the fucked up, back door hoop you have to run through to play it. Plus the possibility of getting hacked. Love the review but if we cant play it, then WTF?
  1740. lynth: I bet that character creator is literally the same they use for when you go to a Korean plastic surgery hospital.
  1741. Supaflow7: Diablo killed itself.
  1742. mike pearson: that waifu shit is pretty gross tbh
  1743. GamingTV: this literally looks like a tera online version of diablo, even the clothing art are identical, is this made by bluehole or en masse?
  1744. Ozma: relax neckbeard
  1745. Alpha Wayne: How can this be a diablo killer if it is immortal ? :3
  1746. Phillip Roc: yeah because they're already dead...
  1747. SlowMissiles: Path of Exile killed Diablo long ago.
  1748. 정체이없다: fetal alcohol syndrome lol
  1749. Bam Bahnhof: W8 there is an english patch?
  1750. r3ddevill: Issue here is that even if this game is great, unlike d3 i cannot play it legit! And unlike d3 wich i can casually play from time to time and still enjoy, this is a huuuuge grind game wich i cannot even try out...huge hopes for it to come on west in 2019 my ass, it will never, we are not the targets of this, and also not many gamers enjoy the asian aestetics. I for one do not, even i love anime, the game style is not my turf.
  1751. Christopher: Hell yeah I've been saying for years Diablo needed more anime titties. Big fat anime titties. Im in.
  1752. DidioGamer: Hey i stayed through the entire video and i am not a sub nor a follower of yours on any type of social media, i was just really curious about the game. So thanks for the shoutout and the clarifications it was def a long vid but i dont mind if the content is interesting :)
  1753. Sayonarin: Can we just get over the "Diablo Killer" thing? Blizz did that all on their own. For all intents and purposes, PoE is the big fish in that pond now. And that one ain't dying anytime soon.
  1754. Eugen Bimbirekov: Gosh, this game reminded me of Lineage 2... It's like Lineage 3!
  1755. SgtAlpha: Pay-to-win games suck. #allKoreanAndChineseGamesEver
  1756. Jamie Murray: Loved it Quin. Good video, no bs, and funny.
  1757. Aaron: ugh i want a quality US release. But if it does ever hit the US it will most likely get picked up by a greedy POS publisher.
  1758. spartan53096: I made it to the end of the video and the only thing I know about you is your account got banned
  1759. Vincent G.: Blizzard dont need anybody to kill their games, just replace the devs by traders... born diablo microtransa.... immortal! Suicide of the compagny who think people who spend money on phone are the same than pc/console, cant buy a brain with money, too bad...
  1760. nu nya: What is dead can never die!
  1761. starga: Oh, you said "Spirit Bomb"..... Heard it as "Sperm Bomb" the first couple of times -.-
  1762. Mat 11: careful what you say about an africa island, sjws will go on a tyrade screaming and reeeing at this game
  1763. Aleksa Markovic: The game is capped at 50fps :/
  1764. SnakePlizkin: The Fuck Quin ? Diablo Killed it's self a long time ago. Or rather Blizzard did.
  1765. Prisnagka: Awesome in-depth coverage, Quin! Been missing you from the Diablo scene, but now I understand more of what you've been up to. Have been scouting for something fun to entertain myself with "post WOW, post D3", and Lost Ark along with JX3 are the two that I'm currently hoping will make the cut. I will wait until they do launch in english though, rather than trying some vpn-stunts. Once again, great coverage of the various aspects of the game, and also gave a nice view of what to expect of the endgame...
  1766. bubbleillusion: Fuckin excellent review!
  1767. adradox: 52:20 If you are "big dick neckbeard" than you should be able to outskill "the pleb". Skill > Gear, I wish more games just trashed idea of overwhelming stats and sets, it's healthy and positive dynamic.
  1768. machinech: Would need to be international to be a Diablo "killer"... that said activision has done a good enough job on their own killing diablo, they really don't need help. That said until this game becomes more accessible to other countries, Path of Exile fills the gap nicely.
  1769. maccajoe: Lol fucking weeb detected. Fucking Loli pedo fucking weeb
  1770. Angry Roleplayer: What Is Dead May Never Die (c) Gay of the Thrones
  1771. 4th Wall: peekaboo
  1772. michael anderson: There better be 7 day log in events where they only give you a 6 day period or else I’m not getting it. I need to be constantly be promised good rewards I can never receive or the game is garbage.
  1773. e Razed: 28:37 pay for an advantage (with real money) = p2w... simple... getting advantages through money is a game killer for a lot of people including me...
  1774. IRawr: We didn't need lost ark to kill diablo... It was already dead
  1775. Schmiddy: Never heard of you but watched the whole way through, it was a well done review.
  1776. Brolie: I watched it till the end. Really enjoyed it.
  1777. Nemesiz: its gonna be bdo all over again. starts small and harmless "omg the potential, the feel, the graphics" and then they start creeping up the scale. They add questionable shit to constantly push the limit. A year or two you take a step back and look at all your microtransaction xp, trade, money and all the other thinkable buffs. There does not exist a Korean dev or publisher that won't fuck their consumers.
  1778. anonymous guy: +John Bennett I played delve league. That's what it said anyways I'm new to PoE so I'm still clueless.
  1779. Beldin 2: When the next Diablo PC game comes out PCs will be integrated in mobile phones in mobiles will be integrated directly into your brain like Borg implants.
  1780. Senior Tasty: Black people are banned in Asia, that‘s why. Wonder why there is no witch doctor in Diablo Immortal? That‘s why. In asia, being black is considered bad luck (being a slave). This is not a joke.
  1781. Asrais: Imo it has some Dungeon Siege Elements as well. I really loved Dungeon Siege (1 and 2 + Broken World) back in the days. I will also give it a try.
  1782. Empty1: I'm pretty sure the Diablo killer is this year's Blizzcon.
  1783. Seolyeon: Hey I made it to the end, I'm a good lad! For reals though, you got a new sub. Cheers for the in-depth review. I hope this game releases for the West sooner rather than later.
  1784. iNELUKi: +Gary Starostka jr I didn't feel he was hating to much on Diablo at all. He was a bit snarky towards Blizzard, wich is totally fine after a debacle of that magnitude imo. Blizzard has to own it and move on, claiming back their throne. I believe they can do it, just have to try real hard and don't fuck up that bad again.
  1785. Hieu Nguyen: Bifrost - as in Bifrost the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard with Midgard dude :D
  1786. M Idz: Awesome video quin! Thanks buddy!!!
  1787. schippes24: yep, THE diablo killer and the next big thing on the ARPG market.. but there is one big IF in the room. the "if it gets brought to west properly". regarding your ending points at 38:00 i havent played this game, but i have to admit, i understand why there is no dps meter. because people start calling out the scrubs which encourages bullying and hate-speech. so i'm quite fine with that. what they could actually do (based on your video i dont know if it does), is that they put in a damage meter in this training room you mentioned earlier. this way you can check which combination of skills does the most damage or heal/shield. outside of try-hard raiding, i actually closed the damage meter in wow as long as our guild was progressing properly. i only activated in during boss fights when we struggled. this way i encouraged myself to play the game for actual fun and not for try hard reasons. i looked at guides and stuff and when there is room for a choice, i'd rather play with the talent i like than with the talent that gives me like 2% more dmg on paper.. god, enough on my rambling.. you get the idea :D thanks for the nice video by the way! really good insight. (if you managed to read this far haha. i for myself can count me to the .1% that had no idea of your channel and watched this video completly, now get yourself a new sub mate)
  1788. DjDravax: +Adul Ahmad Path of Exile was designed so a 6 year old can play it, literally all a kid has to do is right click spam and poof there goes a room of mobs in 1 click. With good gear and a good built build not even bosses require a brain (including Shaper, Uber Elder etc etc) I let my son play and it was amusing. GGG doesn't know how to balance mobs and bosses so they're challenging, nor do they know how to balance 75% of their gems since that amount of them never get used since they're garbage. I'm not saying I like Diablo 3 because I don't since it was not comparable to Diablo II which to me was the best game of all time I grew up on, but at least Blizzard added Greater Rifts where eventually it becomes challenging in higher rifts which is something PoE has failed in doing since the beginning.
  1789. Zammmeh: Reminds me a bit of a cross between Conquer Online and Cabal Online.
  1790. Zelithos: THICC AS FUCK
  1791. Alexander Reiss: The leaks that came out last week said that Diablo 4 is gonna be a light MMO, that means the game will be more agains't Lost Ark, Project TL and Torchlight instead of PoE.
  1792. LeagueOfizzi: Good vid dude! love it! Can't wait till it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1793. Katsas Georgios: Diablo killer ? Diablo got omae wamu'd by Diablo.
  1794. drunkredninja: The prevailing thought when it comes to Asian racism is, "We are not racists because everyone in X-country is X." Foreigners are foreigners.
  1795. Bryan Emanuel: ...wouldn't it become Diablo if it was really a Diablo killer???
  1796. Insomniacs Gaming: ​+nzrock Oh, well that's good at least. Wasn't too worried about it. Can't wait for this game >.<
  1797. Yokou32: Blizzard killed Diablo themself so we dont need to overkill Diablo
  1798. Regalya: A) Diablo dead for ages B) It aint diablo killer people said the same for *MU Online* aswell C) It's pretty much generic asian arpg shit D) After few months people will get bored from it and it'll be deserted like all the other smilar games.
  1799. Wimpiethe3: +Morten 85 Did we play the same game? Lol. The passive tree is similair to ffx. Then again it's a breath of fresh air to the usual attribute points. But the skill gems and flasks were revolutionary. Then the league system, the races and multiplayer events. And yes, all Arpg's will take a similair setup as D1. The game who invented the genre.... Games are inspired on it. They didn't steal anything. It has had an excellent rap from the get go.
  1800. Dragon Grandpa Gamer: 60 dollar for one year subcription to vpn service. 30 dollar for stove Acct to play game. Uses phone authentication now so no choice. 90 dollars total. Guide step by step: https://www.vpndate.com/ultimate-guide-how-to-download-install-and-play-lost-ark-south-korea-server-outside-korea/
  1801. nzrock: +Dan There is open pvp/pk islands that can have I think up to 50+ players per channel, but it's not across realm. And GvG itself should be a 50vs50 already.
  1802. Marcus: I made it til the end of the video. Not even a sub. :O
  1803. Promotheus: whatever this game 10000 times better than diablo,basicly another lvl game :P
  1804. James yue: that is a shit game !
  1805. AA AA: jd harms Diablo doesnt have 1.5 billion in sales are u FUCKING stupid?? it sold 30 million, overwatch already sold 35million and beat it. How dumb are u? There are no numbers on the player base of diablo 3, blizzard dont release those numbers, the only thing we have to estimate is twitch viewership and Path of exile already have the numbers there on league launches compared to diablo 3 by almost x5. Path of exile (201k with 6.4k active) just beat diablo (200k with 1.3k active) in subscribers on reddit to. Path of exile is doing way better than diablo 3 stop pulling numbers out of your asshole, it for SURE doesnt have more active players. Diablo 3 has 637 viewers on twitch right now. 637!!!!!!!! TOTAL!!!!!!!!
  1806. Adam 86: Those legs in the character screen... just wow
  1807. Anthony Boothroyd: Looks like a cluster fuck of flashy particles and special effects.
  1808. off3nc3: Quincunt you top tier trash streamer stop making vids about a cbt korean game that might reach the west in years.
  1809. personalgao: BEWARE This comment section is talking about: - DIABLO killed himself. / - DIABLO was killed by PoE. Diablo haters can't even get together hahaha... But everybody keeps talking about Diablo. Sure is dead guys, sure is dead... keep talking about it... hahaha
  1810. Blackdeathteal: So character creation and look is basically black dessert as long as they dont hammer down with mircrotransactions and keep the gameplay fun im in , dont really care either way about anime style dont watch it but dont really care
  1811. Joe K.: Yep, epic review! Nicely done. Hope this game comes our way soon. Until then, we always have your twitch streams to enjoy.
  1812. Youtube 384798: Can I play this on my phone?
  1813. ThorsShadow: Hey Quin, amazing video, mate. Quick question: As it is a mix of an MMO and an ARPG, is it possible to play this game solo?
  1814. Jacob Corlew: Thank m8. Proving that you still got it with this video. One suggestion is to break each section down into it's own video. 57 minutes at a glance is daunting <3
  1815. 마테마타: Quinhogu... Real Quin69.. BuckFillzard.. and Chicken ...F
  1816. OpikX: "pay for an advantage is not actually pay to win" - hahahahahahaha, dislike
  1817. Evaese: same release date as star citizen, or was that 5040?
  1818. auradiablos: 6:10 It looks like Grandma the fuckin thing!
  1819. Base: Holly fuck i hate gender lock
  1820. T Tuan: and when it release in NA ! Some lazy players ( too lazy to farm that daily item stuff 29:15 ) they gonna calls it p2w xD
  1821. The real UltimateTroi: You can't kill a game that already has killed itself.
  1822. eXileris: LOL @ the rave reference
  1823. GamingInYaFaceHD: Look its another hollow diablo fanboy. Yawn
  1824. Madtwos !: Diablo killer? Diablo committed suicide weeks ago.
  1825. attack: No races is not a con
  1826. Nicolas M: I'm usually not a fan of the Korean art style, but it's usually due to the detail overload and the texturing style, two things that the game don't seems to have. What I like tho is the sexy girls and anime weapons. Hell, they even have MANLY men instead of the animu cute boys they usually have.
  1827. Sam Foster: cheers for this quin, had no idea about this game, seems like it has a enough of everything to be really great, plus im a sucker for a bit of fishing and downtime crafts, now im genuinely excited this is done right, beautifully put together review, thanks bro
  1828. Justin Miller: What kind of FPS are you getting?
  1829. MrGhost1032: never
  1830. Kryto Derp: It's basically dragon nest character
  1831. Skaarxiong1: no game is a game killer. they hype it up and when it's release and you actually play it,...it sucks. Take Bless for a example, probably the best character customization ever, but the game itself absolutely fucking sucks! mmo made in Korea are fucking garbage. it's gonna be a "free-to-play" game on Steam like the rest of their other crappy games. don't get me wrong, Korea has some of the best movies out there, "A Bitter Sweet", "I saw the Devil", "the Man from Nowhere", etc...great fucking movies. i respect them in that field but MMOs, they can fuck off!
  1832. CHILL PILL: Diablo: you kill me?! I kill myself!
  1833. Pikopati: It's a MMORPG so is, again, in another level way high than any diablo game. The only bad thing is all korean games have the same "adult anime" characters that looks the same.
  1834. FuryXHD PC: Lol Buck Flizzard is your guild name hahaha
  1835. Schillman: Thanks!
  1836. Iris Arc: The real Diablo killer was Diablo "do you guys not have phones?" Immortal.
  1837. Thomas Smith: That spirit bomb doe...
  1838. Analfons: KimJongQUIN :DDDD best name for a korean server xD
  1839. Portraitz: can't kill diablo if it killed itself
  1840. GrumpyFelo: any news of this coming to the west?
  1841. HuaB: Smh i wont be playing this weebshit
  1842. SKLTR: that probs wont happen, korean's don't really like non-koreans, if you look at their pupluation in korea
  1843. Денис Луцкий: тупо зашел поставить дизлайк за кликбейтный заготовок. любое корейское говно - в первую очередь говно.
  1844. Aleksa Markovic: You don't need to edit if it's quality content ma dude
  1845. Anna Chan: Only Blizzard can kill Diablo. They did.
  1846. Houy The Great: I hope this hits consoles!!!
  1847. kaNe: Hammering baby turtles to death? Count me in. Ill make sure none of those pesky fucks make it to the water.
  1848. Elosy: I reached the end and it's the first time i see you around here, bish Nice vid tho
  1849. Alexander Reiss: Name at least 1 RPG without an optimized rotation. Oh, right, they don't exist.
  1850. Ozone The Great: open beta in Korea only.............call me when it hits NA
  1851. The Nerdiacs Podcast: I swear Korean studios should just make character creators and release those.
  1852. Gary Starostka jr: don't you know the twitch streamers and youtubers know all kinda like ign there our overlord masters
  1853. Zalmast: I mean, is it in THE BEST REGION IN THE WORLD, NA?
  1854. RestnPepperonis: iu made it to end i love u to lad
  1855. S3frog: Great review. You answered nearly all my questions regarding Lost Ark. As a sidenote, I subscribed after watching the whole video, so I fall outside your last remark. Thanks for the content!
  1856. Nostromo: I have only one question: can you actually die in this game? I've never seen any vid of a character with life under half lol!
  1857. Kyle Baird: I'M ALREADY TRACER
  1858. 신지미카미: muSPK it doesn’t make your char get stronger at all.
  1859. Josa: Top Review!
  1860. magic mooney: +Taek Oh :( may not see this or pkay it 2 to 3 years
  1861. HDskunky: The problem is some people don’t like the MMO aspect. It’s not diablo because of that. A lot of my friends and I don’t enjoy MMO games. Sad 😕
  1862. Joel Alexander: 8:53 thicc as fuck... *damit why did i say that*
  1863. Enes UÇAR: This looks like Black Desert in some ways... Like the boss mechanics. Black desert has the same problem too. It looks deep with good graphics but it has gender lock, only store transmogs or otherwise you look like a farmer... classic Korean mmo... Wish it was more diverse
  1864. JediMindTrick1748: I'm not gonna lie... I subbed as soon as you started fucking with the face customization and said "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome".
  1865. pc zombie: this faggotry is a diablo killer ?
  1866. Mystic god creation: holy crap this looks amazing...
  1867. tenalpoen: The comments section on this is savage af.
  1868. Achimone: 57min haha Fuck You Quin. Srsly, I watched the complete video and you nailed it. A complete, honest review that covered everything from a TRUE GAMER for gamers. Keep up the good work! Im stayin.
  1869. Quick ben: Yeah, Africa island! they can have a contagion mechanic where you have to avoid getting Ebola & if your female char gets beat you get gang rapped or male char get's necklaced. Sounds awesome
  1870. William Forbes: good lads much <3 peace? i'm out. . . unsubbed. unfollowed. washed content creator. Kappa
  1871. That Guy: Well, my dick certainly likes this review.
  1872. Kerl Recurse: Убийца диабло? Диабло давно совершило суицид.
  1873. GoenitzForever: This is more like Blade and Soul transformed into ARPG mode :v
  1874. OnePunchBrand: 4:27 lol what? sure but it seems oddly specific almost like a psycho sjw. Might also be a reason why they dont want to release lost ark in the west because people are so obsessed with other bullshit. i might be reading quin wrong but i've become so allergic to that rhetoric
  1875. Shaun Tebo: Awesome rundown of everything I cared about, left me more and less hyped for this game. Not a fan of the endless well of chores I have to complete to stay relevant but overall the gameplay looks stupidly fun and possibly worth making the effort.
  1876. Alexander Reiss: diablo has been dead for years. Diablo 3 is irrelevant as fuck, when someone in the west recommends an ARPG they always say PoE
  1877. itanus7: why everyone say diablo killer diablo is not the best or the first arpg
  1878. Gladson Prince: Real question is... Do you not have a phone?
  1879. PUTINTIN: the fuck is diablo ?
  1880. Findyification: ooooh the class with giant gun blaster is noiicee
  1881. The3rdTurd: Please take some notes from this game, Blizzard....or be left in the dust.
  1882. David Martin: The gender lock and big ars sword size are the 2 thing I feel will make me quite Lost Ark after a few weeks of play sadly.
  1883. Cody Sommers: You know what man. that was one of the most well-written, concise, in-depth reviews I've ever watched. Wasn't a subscriber, never seen you before, I became the 1% at the end. I GREATLY appreciate your time and effort that you put into this shit mate! 10/10 review!
  1884. Antonino Pollina: There is no such thing as a Diablo Killer. Everyone knows Diablo committed suicide.
  1885. KnaveSkye: You are a good lad as well and since you didn't want to plug anything at the end of the vid, im gonna plug myself since we are still ripping on D:I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzJRscGZ2k8
  1886. xsjado1air: do you have a fkn speech impairment? you sound retarded throughout
  1887. Golden Brick: OMG. The rat King is alive! Ahaha spam Korean
  1888. brandon9689: Apparently diablo doesn't need a competing game to kill it. I wont be grinding for the unhallowed Mastercard set myself when immortals comes out
  1889. Ancient Intel: i prefer mobile games over this anime shite
  1890. Robert Amirault: that manual character you had looked like sid the sloth from ice age
  1891. Ivan MB: +Aleksa Markovic i dont know i cant play it since i dont speak korean and dont use any vpn...
  1892. mudlime: <3
  1893. HanK Chan: so the pathing is like how moba pathing works am I right? thats just sucks to get used to
  1894. MisterMorbol: Its not over because its still not released in the west.
  1895. J FM: American HOGU SHILL DOG 69 finally going big dick!
  1896. Doesnt Matter: Is that a dungeon based game?
  1897. Gargamel: Lost Ark will probably never see a western release.
  1898. Kurashimasu: this game feels like BDO and Diablo made a baby
  1899. MrBojax: Blizzard already killed Diablo. Maybe this will compete with the Titan that is PoE, a real ARPG.
  1900. Myrth Pike: While everyone talks about diablo and poe I'd like to praise this review of the depth. Thank you, you've got me HOOKED
  1901. Lihbo Uzunov: Smilegate make top quality visual games for phones. Epic 7 is stunning i hope Lost Arc will be NA and EU soon :(
  1902. Sebastian Jericke: saw only like 2 vids you made and this was my third.....was it realy like 57min??? felt not like it....good content and made me want to play it when it hopefully will hit europe ;) keep up the good work
  1903. Webbie: epic review. u covered more than i could have asked for. Waiting for this to hit the west before i try it though.
  1904. Kusariyaro: English. Go fucking learn it.
  1905. Jules May: Nicely balanced review, so much good info too. This ladette made it to the end as well. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 🧝🏼‍♀️
  1906. Losky Man: Gladiator Varro imagine being this angry, diablo 2 isn’t relevant anymore
  1907. yian dev: what happened to quin69 he no makes uploads no more
  1908. Architects XIII: I'm so glad that a pleb can beat someone decked out in beast gear. I love games that reward skill over who has better equipment tbh. (Mainly for pvp only, not pve).
  1909. Keranthimus: It' not in the west, and not actually guaranteed to come to the west. They said if it was very successful they might look into it. So, not yet boyo
  1910. Ichi Glenndevis: The hype continues. It's not perfect but i'm really looking forward to this game. I hope they don't get too greedy with their cash shop. And I personally love gear being normalized in PvP.
  1911. DamnedRex: Lost Ark can't kill Diablo, the Immortal did it already =)
  1912. McBurgle: They gonna dig up diablo and steal his watch
  1913. Riata Riata: Can't be diablo killer, since it is not released in the West yet.
  1914. Aly Stine: Stumbled into this Vid by chance...watched it all through and must say...I'm intrigued :)
  1915. Edwin Ericsson: We love you too!
  1916. Zerenda: Diablo 3 : Weeb Edition
  1917. Johan w: How do you kill something that's already dead? Blizzard already killed Diablo all by themself. They made Diablo 3 too casual friendly on all aspects of the game. Booth graphics and gameplay acts more like an casual asian style Diablo ripoff then a Diablo game. With it's bright cartoonish semi manga look and over simplyfied gameplay. I do not care what title they put on the game. This is not Diablo. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FqwMggpKVOs/maxresdefault.jpg
  1918. Ra Gaming: 5:56 haha
  1919. MrTbob418: "Visual pollution". Game breaking for me.
  1920. James Armstrong: Godamn sick Review dude, hope i comes to EU
  1921. Emil Filipov: 'That kind of sorted itself out'... Come on man! Why do you have to make me laugh so hard? xD
  1922. Phoenix Kappashiro: 8:27 - *MONKASS* DUUDEE, That's dangerous D:!
  1923. Johan Sandheimer: Rly hope for a western release
  1924. tomo123: Is this game gonna have a EU and US release?
  1925. zero3nna FPV: path of exil killed it already dude
  1926. LordOfMalice: And you know what... I'd fuck that weird eyed character you made, and i'd be happy doing it. :D
  1927. Ved VEDov: I believe you didn't show or give an example of what the game's upgrade system is. This video is my first look at the game and I have no idea what it is. In korean games, that's usually where most of the bullshit goes. It usually has a chance based system which progressively gets more ridiculous the further along it you go, to the point where if you don't buy materials with cash you simply don't progress at any reasonable pace. That would be a good addition to future reviews. In vindictus for example, you can have over 13 times more attack then the most geared players. (it'd cost you thausands of dollars, but still). This is w/o even mentioning the attack speed multiplier.
  1928. Avenexful: It looks like another asian game that will die faster than anti vaxxer kid
  1929. Alexander Reiss: Your problem is with Korean character desing, not the artstyle, because besides the character desing the rest of the world is just western fantasy. I still don't get the hate for characters with big proportions, i do understand why someone would hate sexy character attire outside of the sexy witch trope, but still, even if the girl is full armored if she was big tits the fans of hardcore Grim fantasy get triggered anyway
  1930. idomused: How can you be so ignorant lmao. You look down on the artwork of the rest of the world just because you are a narrow-minded weeb obsessed with this kind of style.
  1931. MrDrProfessor4: Diablo already committed suicide on May 15th 2012.
  1932. Rig Explosion: I like the art style :D
  1933. ismail ilhan biçer: What the Diablo killer!? This game only graphic.. But Diablo is EPIC!
  1934. Robert Viscomi: Solid review man. But will the west get this amazing game
  1935. jim beam: i actually watched the whole thing...didn't think i'd make it 10 minutes.
  1936. masqu fcb: PoE is Diablo killer.
  1937. Odell prod: would be better without the cursing all video long
  1938. First Last: Silly Quin, everyone knows that Blizzard is the Diablo killer.
  1939. Sogonzo: This game looks really cool. Biggest con is that it always takes years to get western versions of these korean games. By the time they come over you're kinda over it and new shit is out.
  1940. wed ergege: Won’t have many players while it’s still purely Korean
  1941. Harshey: DIABLO 3 killed DIablo 2 lod FANS!!
  1942. ROCKET LEAGUE FX: This game is incredible. World-wide release please ;_;
  1943. Baldoxxx4000: you know this is a korean game, and its either grind your soul away or p2w
  1944. Wrest Life: Blizzard better get there act together if know what's good for them!
  1945. Osa: MA ! thier is a fucking wierd looking cat in my youtube video Ma !
  1946. Jun Fu: just dont let company like trion get it in west, otherwise it'll follow the footsteps of archeage and die
  1947. I I: I'd love to give it a go but honestly the idea of it not having english would just be a no, could not be arsed in the slightest to try and figure out what every skill did rather than able to read them and having to figure out what ever thing did, its like playing blind almost. Also never been much a fan of the artstyle, Tera Online, Blade and Soul, meh, they all look the same... yea i like jiggly tits but meh, exact same artstyle in all these foreign games, major yawn
  1948. crimson dust: I don't like this new trend of arpgs being free to play, but then having mtx. I would much rather just pay one upfront cost for the entire game.
  1949. dragothica: Why though, you have Rainy Day on the background when the game is great and it should be a gigantic AYAYA in the background instead!
  1950. sara hujik: Can I be a summoner with like 30 so summons with no timers like d2?
  1951. Minitell: If it ever releases in the west it could be.
  1952. OhJerryGaming: Fucking Great in depth review. I enjoy it! U tell us the pros n cons. An honest review.
  1953. aciarduce: Diablo Killer? yeah it's called Diablo: Immortal.
  1954. Juiced Clown: Blizzard will never kill itself as they will always be top.
  1955. Jaehong Song: The game is still in Open Beta. While the game itself is published and will stay that way, Smilegate is waiting until they do a balance patch and officially release the game as fully complete. Less than half of the previously announced contents are currently in the game. It is missing season-like story modes, graphic renewals, guild siege, epic raids done by up to 20 players, hiring NPCs, customizing and managing your own islands, roguelike mode, new classes and new continents. These will be available once they get out of Open Beta mode. Smilegate also officially announced that the game will not be p2w and will not affect gameplay. The best you can buy are new outfits, pets or rides
  1956. Redmunkeyguy: nice red velvet song weeb
  1957. Lukmanul Hakim: Diablo Killer?, Diablo already killed
  1958. Bandit Bot: very good video man keep up the good work!!
  1959. Brian: why is it when people are describing game they always have to make an overwatch comparison? everyone with a bow is compared to hanzo... like come on now....
  1960. Tavi: Nice vid quin. I miss the days when you weren't playing WoW. Had a lot of fun watching your stream everyday.
  1961. Ownyx: Koreans make some damn good boobies...
  1962. Rynth: I'd never seen your channel before, but this was an excellent review and kept me around to the very end. Great work.
  1963. Kevin Jeon: I don't know why people are saying that this game has to kill a game that exists. I don't think this game has to kill any game...Path of Exile is already good game as is and people that play it are happy so why do people think this game must replace that game. I mean if you already like Path of Exile's itemization and progression why look for another game that has the exact same thing... This game is for people whom the current isometric ARPG market doesn't serve. My problem with Path of Exile is that the attacks don't carry much weight and there are no concept of skill chaining/combo because game relies on spamming one skill, but this is my problem not the game's problem. I also prefer having more standard MMO progression and there are already tons of games with traditional ARPG progression but no decent game that has MMO style of progression with isometric ARPG camera view. Lost Ark is the exact game that I've wanted which is Monster Hunter type of over the top weapons and animations but isometric gameplay. This game can coexist with Path of Exile each serving its own niche audiences.
  1964. Vagabundo: not really bs if the guy with 10ms and you with 200ms+ ping has a huge advantage lol
  1965. MyVid2011: Diablo still better
  1966. Jared Kamel: I'm going to create a very, interesting character
  1967. xBluegamerx: Although not exactly the best game to use as an example, a good idea would be to have what MapleStory has, a ally skill transparency slider in the options.
  1968. purextreme Purextreme: Im enjoying the hell out of this game and to answer the question imo it is a diablo killer atleast a diablo 3 killer now mind you Project TL (Lineage) looks to be a good contender vs Lost Ark.
  1969. Chass Brown: So she throws cards... kinda like Gambit...
  1970. Zeloteus: Superb review.. really nice!
  1971. Zahl Sahlen: rave island. i need to play this fuckn game!
  1972. DaHm: +Terry Chao they got a contract with some russian host so that will lead it into the EU where westerns can play
  1973. Reliant: You can't kill diablo when diablo is already dead
  1974. Farhan Sadiq: Is this even playable for players outside korea?
  1975. Zsombor V: Well.. it's a Korean game catering to Koreans.. so obviously thing they are used to and might find cool there might seem too much, excessive or offending elsewhere where the general culture is different. The free-to-play rely-on-micro--transactions business model is the go for online games now. There are plenty of ftp games out there that no matter how great yours is if it's subscription based you won't get far with it. so you might as well go ftp from launch because there always be people who will pay real money for stuff like special skins & textures or power ups. Many people don't want to invest money in mmos that may be gone in a few months or years but they can still attract others who might.
  1976. TheDeathflows: danielnajdek I started playing Poe this league and never got a mirror or mirrored item through my gameplay and yet I melt majority of the bosses I face
  1977. Gregor Olyanin: I bet D4 will be released sooner than Lost Ark for the west.
  1978. Kristian Dønnestad: 38:08 whats the name of song?
  1979. Grompere Kichelcher: my fav: "I don't like anal - but you got ass" =D lmfao
  1980. That Man's an Animal: Diablo has been dead for years now.
  1981. muSPK: ​+msfklfl123 Still China is not the western market, its high possibility that the business modell will change for the west.
  1982. Nathan Purss: Too bad we'll probably never get Oceanic servers -.-
  1983. Sheldon Lear: Holy fuck the eye customization had me dead.
  1984. Kevin Sorbo: Game looks sickkkk. If it keeps up with gore, then its a definite Diablo killer.
  1985. Brian Edmonds: Anime titties lol
  1986. mileslemon: I am one of the 1% who finished the whole video and im not subscribed. Since you didn't plug it, it's going to stay that way.
  1987. mickythumb one: sounds alot lyk a mixture of BDO/D3
  1988. Kilyén Balázs: The problem is, that you thought bullshit because you are a biased idiot and ppl like you ruin the gaming industry. I saw the brillance of this game first sec, and hated diablo after 5 mins. Also you are hatefull and toxic at the same time...like how you would say " take a racist with an internet rich troll kid" BAM here you are. THE ACTUALL REVIEW was actually good..ish. Please stop with the rest. In the end, i am happy your eyes are open now and love this game as well.
  1989. 16 bit Phantasmagoria: "I want a DPS meter!" And you lost me. So close.
  1990. Illusion: Racist Asians making a game full of Asian characters smh.....All the African game studios should just do the same, oh wait
  1991. Keln: Killer... When it comes to Eu/NA Till then... I can only hope
  1992. Jesse VSTheWorld: This game looks tight as fuck.
  1993. Nyarlathotep Flagg: hmm perhaps the pollution could be modded away...
  1994. Kien Nguyen: Looks like some generic mmo grinder to me. Those mobs don't even have collision detection.
  1995. Tyroki: Oh no, I've been playing PoE for years. Diablo 3 was dead on arrival. There was so much wrong with it, and Reaper couldn't save it. No itemisation worth a damn, builds are utterly pointless, you're handed a build season after season that dictates how you play. Sure you can get other sets, but that's basically all that game is. Pick a set, maybe finish with the same legendary season after season. Yeah, sure PoE is all about maps. Maps. Rifts. They're basically the same. I mean, now we have temples and delving as part of the main game, but it's all tied to mapping. Trust me, I'm usually the first league after league to call GGG out on great ideas, awful execution. That's usually the case. But to say that ANYTHING needs to be a Diablo killer is an absolute joke. PoE is the bigger game now. It has no real competition, so GGG just coast from league to league, not caring about quality worth a damn. This all made worse by the Diablo Immortal fiasco. PoE is the game to beat right now, and good grief does it need competition. The proplem with your answer is that none of that is relevant to the topic at hand. It doesn't matter if you think PoE is shit, shallow, whatever (read: it is). But you have to recognise that it IS the market lead. Blizzard DID hand GGG the genre on a silver platter. The problem is, Lost Ark is unlikely to kill PoE, but it does have a solid chance of being competition, what with them being two very different games. So long as they don't fuck something up when it hits the west.
  1996. Baibakov88: This new Korean game is the next [insert franchise here] killer. -Every YouTuber every year
  1997. nikhil gupta: I was waiting for this like forever
  1998. LARGEFARVA: diablo 3 killed diablo...and then path of exile buried them
  1999. Mads Feierskov: I just heard anime titties
  2000. Fearserien Kenjira: First time watcher and made it to the end - joined the bunch of really good bois and subscribed😂👌🏻
  2001. Gnoxxify: It can't kill diablo if we never receive the game.
  2002. Cornelious Stradivarius: I'm not a pvper by any standards. I loved pvp in WoW:TBC & Wrath. Did a FEW arenas in cata but that's about it but what always bugged me was when they changed pvp gear so players are the same. WTF sense does that make? Essentially means progression isn't important. I used to look at pvper's or raider's gear back in TBC and GAWK at them and give em gz cause they deserved it. They WORKED for that shit. Now everything is handed out to ppl for free. Fuck sake even if u LOSE a battleground in WoW you STILL get shit. WTF. I dunno whether's it's due to WoW's popularity growing and attracting younger players or an intentional push by blizzard to try to hook in younger players but it's crap, like all big companies Blizzard forget about what made their games great..their REAL Fans who were there from the beginning. I'm not saying exclude new players. Just saying why should vets have to have their game fucked up so some 6yr old wont cry cause too much is going on on their ability hotbars? I feel pretty bad for pvpers. If you worked for gear like you said you SHOULD be able to shit on your fresh opponent. Anyway I have been following this game for 2 years now with groinal wetness and despite the HUGE and MONUMENTAL response from western gamers wanting this for EU, America, Australia, NZ etc I doubt it would come any sooner than 5 years from now if at all. Thx for the upload Quin. Was waiting for you to cover this :D
  2003. byakuya: Translate it in english and take my money .. ohh .. it's ftp .
  2004. Zorlac: How in the world would buying gold in WoW be pay to win? You can't get any of the end game gear with it so it's 100% not pay to win.
  2005. canadianreserve: looks interesting, but i am not into the korean MMO art style. hope the game does well though for those of you who dig it.
  2006. cyrusjunden: MADE TO THE END...and i forgot i hadnt subbed...so thats changed
  2007. Manny Mota: yeaaaaa boi!
  2008. Alexander Reiss: how is too many classes even a problem? people complaints when a game has too few classes, the more classe you have the more you give freedom to your players. The only problem that comes with this is balacing in pvp, but pvp is not really important in this game. You can turn off the skill effects on the settings. I can understand the criticism to the artwork tho, but i don't know how can that make it ''gargabe'', the game is objetively very polished and has a lot of content. About anime, is because you are watching in the wrong parts, if you want serious anime shows go for seinen, if what you watch is full of boobs is probably because you are trying to watch fantasy/comedy/slice of life anime, wich are full of boobs, you have to avoid those genres if you don't like the fanservice. Korean's don't like grim dark fantasy like the west, they prefer a ''fairy tale'' fantasy, that's not casual, that's just a cultural preference of aesthethics.
  2009. Gem Bocobo: Not throwing shade but the cons you mentioned are gonna be an easy fix~ remove gender lock give art style or simplify particle effects. only sucks that most of the time when korean mmos go for global release lazy choices tend to not fix what ya mentioned.
  2010. Torelethain: The only Diablo Killer is Blizzard, though alternatives are welcome.
  2011. Andi Stroup: Can talk about a solo mode please
  2012. Gubzs: I stopped playing pre-release games a long time ago. If it's still good when the full release hits (as in it's not full of pay to win garbage) I'll give it a shot. Great vid bro laughed my ass off.
  2013. ChrisWFS: I thought the vid would never end Kappa. You know what to do for Diablo 4. After getting a new mobile phone ofc.
  2014. Alexander Reiss: The game is full of cinematics. And if you think that cinematics is what makes Blizzard games you are sorely mistaken.
  2015. Zachary H: dude! the eye part has me dying!!
  2016. レッグ: feels good to be one of the 1% lol. can't wait to try that game out i've never played any mmos before :') thanks for the video quin
  2017. Oto Mitas: Will there be an english version?
  2018. M. Aniq: how could it kill diablo when the game is literally unplayable (for the rest of the world) for years. I waited too long that i forgot the game existed until i saw this video.
  2019. U Fuk: I think the ui is a little cluttered, other than that this seem great
  2020. anonymous guy: I can't understand how people complain about PoE's graphics to be honest. To me they're good enough.
  2021. Bailey: you need a new kappa sticker for your head rest
  2022. Aidan: Hey Quin, could you please do a quick/small video on how to get into the game? I would genuinely love to try this out, this looks amazing.
  2023. Cameron Carson: You realize that means you'd have to fight Abby to the death. Don't know if you are prepared for that level of pain
  2024. Rebslack: 2019 dream.
  2025. Faolan Hart {Animal Above The Man}: It honestly looks great. The being free to play worries me though. I mean I consider Path Of Exile to be the best example of Diablo style games & that's free. But POE is kind of a unicorn. Truly fair free to play games like that just don't exist.
  2026. yu mie: ㅋㅋㅋ yes!! Peace!!!!
  2027. Nue Houjuu: I got me at 1:35
  2028. MrBlvdman: @5:26 LIAR, spent 6mins looking for boob enlarger slider for extra succulent bounce on my infighter. Couldnt be found Shit, not subbed to quin but somehow watched all 57mins of it, in the background ofc while playing lol.
  2029. Hailstorm: System requirements?
  2030. ChrisChanDayo: love the review very informative looking forward to play this myself whenever they release it outside korea, 2019 hypuuuu
  2031. dav3x86x: you can't kill what is already dead
  2032. Koffin Kat: Game looks decent enough, but the "gender lock" is a deal-breaker for me, personally. Was never a fan of that.
  2033. paulzyuan: This guy is funny
  2034. glowpipe: inbefore they ruin it to the ground with pay to win shit. f2p games is usualy bad, f2p asian crap. Oh boy
  2035. Kevin K: Wow, 2 minutes in and so many shots and bombs taken, I love it!
  2036. Philip Baccus: Wish it would come to America. :(
  2037. Moua XIONG: Lol titty physics
  2038. Blizzagra: Watched the whole vid yet are not subscribed etc. Very informative non pleb non bullshit review, rare these days. Gonna subscribe and see what youll upload in the future.
  2039. Who: 나는 한국인 로아를 할수있지! 대기열만없으면
  2040. TonyMon16: how do you know what to do its in korean???
  2041. Alexandru Juhasz: I see a Quin youtube video, time to watch it, if it's 20 minutes or almost a hour.
  2042. Rydam Sii: Great video ya rat!
  2043. Trep619: Diablo kills itself you fool
  2044. woollimy: I wish u could level the other subclass without making new character. Even if u can only change in a city or something.
  2045. H LaWMaN H: only if it comes the the west!!!! My wife is Korean and said there blocking all VPN very soon and the severs are overloaded
  2046. Caalvin Nachnahme: So the Pathing needs to be Exiled then ? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2047. Yheon Mercado: Idk, in my experience , what killed my fun wasn't the p2w but the rng infested enhancement system that plays with your heart and hard work. It's basically gambling.
  2048. Дядя Спир: wow you basically created me at 6:14.
  2049. Terron: Thats what activision is doing already.
  2050. Heynando: Just wanted to let you know I watched it till the very end. Thank you very much for the full analysis. I really appreciate your content cause its genuinely made from the heart and I value that a lot. I wish you the best and the best only. Keep it up.
  2051. Max Max: i heard european greedy companies cant effort Lost Ark license it costs too much for them i guess
  2052. Quaffie: i am part of the 1% and i am not subscribed :o
  2053. j j: Can't kill what's already dead. PoE put the nails in that coffin ages ago...
  2054. Dwayne Fialor: #madeittotheend
  2055. 이동주: Passive talents already in game, it means "각인"
  2056. James Flynn: Great video. Was looking for a real review. Thanks quinn. I'm sure the store will end up disappointing as time goes on but will try it out for sure upon arrival.
  2057. Mikkigaming: So the Shop is literally just Warframes Shop? Which is prolly the best kind of MTX shop anyways.
  2058. Mariano Paramidani: really nice, you used peek-a-boo nice...
  2059. Omega Alpha: 45:25 the class you play is broken
  2060. nzrock: Because they actually fitted it with wheels...I think lore-wise it's idea borrowed from the Steampunk zone of the game.
  2061. tlove21: Awesome review!! This is a truly revolutionary game, not perfect, but it really can hold its own in a market.
  2062. thelongs27: this game looks amazing, I so hope it comes to America.
  2063. L00pTroop: KimJongQuin! ;D ;D Best name to chose in South Korea? :D
  2064. Shawn Muller: Dragons dogma online
  2065. Dante Hensley: what vpn did you use to play? most of the vpns that i see being used on the reddit are pay to use vpns.
  2066. Jared Holloman: I agree with a lot of what you said except for one thing: iLvl. Item level is actually a good testing mechanic to make sure people are going to be doing the appropriate amount of damage in the instance. The game is most likely set up to where no combination of gear will be able outmatch that certain item level in terms of tanking/dps/hps as long as set pieces & bonuses aren't introduced until the raids etc. It's also stating that it's the minimum amount just to try the instance, in which case it'll most likely be challenging at the exact iLvl. But once you get higher than that the instances become easier.
  2067. Maxim Petrov: A great review, thanks s bunch. Will be picking this game up if it makes it to the west.
  2068. gooddeal241: Definitely earned a sub from me. Great in-depth review.
  2069. Mad: +Ainrehtea Dal'nalirtu I don't remember alot , I quit 1 year ago , but I heard they added Advice of Valks to the item shop (which was on asian realms long before that). You can literally buy failstacks. Glad I quit this trash. The only people who still play BDO are the ones who invested money and don't quit cause it would've been waste for them.
  2070. Gizelbelcoot: Time to make Korean elite whore build
  2071. Barry Shitpeas: Visually I actually love it, however... this will be one of those games with almost zero difficulty and then suddenly ramp up to irritating difficulty for all the try hard completionists. You can tell even from the visual design, the game cannot be too hard if you cannot see what is going on but then a lot of try hards who spend all day playing want that end game so they will supply enough of that so the pay to win and the live in basement crew dont immediately get bored and leave... All these beautiful games coming out with SO much potential but the MMO recipy cannot be changed and it makes me sad because so much sensational creative work is wasted tailoring to the various mindless gaming tropes. If you are a gamer that wants a balanced, un-rushed enjoyable game experience without grinding you will never find an MMO for you and since wow became a steamy pile of shit after Wrath I have learned this the slow way.
  2072. Freeze: Asking the question in the thumbnail, diablo killed himself already
  2073. stefan429: tbh diablo killed itself
  2074. Klaas Vaak: yea this obviously made for the wrong crowd, we all want mobile games.
  2075. Likayed: peek a boo red velvet
  2076. Ainrehtea Dal'nalirtu: @Mad, How bad did BDO get to now? The NA/EU release didn't have much aside from quality of life improvements and minor advancements. Yet people screamed like they had a 50 inch hot steel rod rammed up their asses over the ghillie suit and the desert ghillie. Which didn't give any player a significant advantage. Since crouching without it was the same as standing with it on. The pvp argument also didn't mean shit since while flagged you had that eyesore of Fresnel shader *(Fresnel meaning kind of like a rim light, which highlighted edges in a hard colour and a softer colour over the rest of your body. Look to dark souls invaders as a reference for anyone else not understanding)* on top of your character model to highlight you withing draw distance range. If its gotten worse since i played, give me a few examples. I stopped playing a year after na/eu launch. As for Lost Ark, i doubt it'll change its methods unless the game really goes downhill to make-up for loss of profits.
  2077. justfitz08: Someone needed to step up and do an ARPG with more emphasis on online play and more defined roles. Hopefully this is the game.
  2078. jd harms: +AA AA let's really ponder on that number some more.... 1,500,000,000 ........ good luck to any other ARPG to make that much money, which is the goal of every developer, make a game good enough to make money. im not defending D3.. I think its shit, im just saying, it literally can't be killed, it still has more active players then POE by a long shot across all platforms. and POE will never make even 10% of 1.5 billion .
  2079. Mikael Bergman: Is this game available in EU? Or in english at least?
  2080. Vlad Hazard: Diablo 3 was the true Diablo killer.
  2081. Ross Mx5: WE NEED THIS GAME
  2082. KonoDioDa!: Legit, if this gets like proper english release, I'm getting it.
  2083. Decent MP3: Great video m8
  2084. EmpyreanDreamer: It's a shame that it'll take at least a year if not two before this comes to the west. Though honestly given the state Diablo is in right now they should seize the moment and push it to the west as soon as possible.
  2085. ThaMonkeySquad: 2:02 Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo very surprise to hear that here :D
  2086. display name: you just HAD to shill to the SJW crowd by begging for a african island because the game is to white. fuck off m8
  2087. Atztec1: Diablo got killed so many Times, Question is : Can it Kill "Path of Exile" ? If yes, it's legit!
  2088. Enes UÇAR: Lol Red Velvet- Peek-a-boo
  2089. zycane: Blizzard killed Diablo long ago.
  2090. Iffy50: Actually I played D3 at release and it was junk, but my friend at work told me to go back years later and I think it's very fun now. It's not as good as D2, but it's still good.
  2091. Skywalker: nice review dude, but.! and here it is why i think this game is a step forward. DPS meter´s ... i know i know the competive scene need it, im usin it². BUT in times of hate and reports im glad to see a game not usin holy trinity role system and dont care about dmg. Because u have enough skills, enough runes and can play how ever u want and no one can say something about it. thats what i like. I dont like tools ingame to... point out people by sayin "yo listen dude, sry u got kicked. 10%less dmg than all other in my group" thats wrong. if u play long enough u will notice whos playin well and whos not. -peace
  2092. Forgotten Paladin: amazing video very enjoyable man
  2093. muh fawzuna: there is nothing can kill DIABLO 1 & 2
  2094. DemonizedTX: 53:17
  2095. akse: "It doesn't feel like an APRG in terms of gearing" To me it sounds a lot like Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 itemization :) In D2 skill points was key thing, items didn't give huge boosts. Mainly better stats and some special items had special stuff which were not game changing. And I'm not talking about LoD and especially not LoD 1.10+ with the way OP items and runewords. "No catchup" .. finally a proper gamecan your main get stuff and currency for alts?Like in D2 original where boosting didn't really work you found good twink items for your alts so you could level up faster by using uniques and good low level rares that you found with your main.That was a whole new item game in D2 where you looked for some good twink items. Especially in HC if you died you had to level up a new one so you wanted some basic set.Mostly for levels 1-30 which was the slowest.. after 30 it became quite fast anyways.
  2096. Pepe Silvia: You had to release this a day before November ends. There goes all my no-nut November effort. Thanks fucking much.
  2097. Regal Panda: Play path of exile and problem solved.
  2098. francispawix: wtf i already have a phone dude
  2099. Jason VDW: Is there a H.C mode? JasonVDW#1414 #fkbotting
  2100. Asdercol: The art style isn't necessarily the problem, the people are It isn't that big an issue, mainly since it doesn't look cartoonish or anything remotely childish, thankfully. The gender lock? Yeah, I can see why many, many people hate it. It is so annoying.
  2101. InterruptRequest: Diablo has been dead since Atlas of Worlds dropped bro
  2102. Booty Stank: When will this be out for USA?
  2103. Aaron Kim: where do you talk about loot and itemization?
  2104. Juan M: Sad but true
  2105. Hitsugaia Toshiro: @James  Idk man. The think that smilegate did back then with the first trailermakes me wonder about this game. That trailer was jus a show off. Amazing graphics ,that neaw there are not,amazing skills witch neaw are downgraded, weapons and armors that are not in the game. It seems to me and it is just my opinion that smilegate follows the tipicaly bussines that is right neaw. What EA does or ubisoft or idk. Mazing trailers at E3 and final product different. Allsow a lot of promissises that in the end none will be fufilled. No p2w ,we will see about that. Tone of content bot still lvl cap 50 and no 60 or 70 and no new skills. The combat is much like the first Closed beta,little have changed,but the same stuff. The combat in this game must be the main salling point because with that combat from the first trailer got ppls in to loving a following thid game
  2106. Hanzo Hattori: What consoles is it coming to? How to buy it on PC? Steam? What is the cost? Monthly subscription?
  2107. Mutestock: What do you mean "DIABLO KILLER"? You can't kill what's already dead
  2108. nzrock: +Dan np mate
  2109. Lilia Sahanova: BDO is also pay for convenience and advantage. Which is fine. But it doesn't change the fact that BDO is absolutely cancerous. And if this game has the same RNG shitfest or something of that sort, then no, thanks.
  2110. FunZy: Who the fuck is this Quin69 that his opinion matter at all?
  2111. Iffy50: +Inneluki You're entitled to your opinion, I just don't agree with it. Runewords are awesome... finding runes, upgrading runes, trading for runes, finding base weapons to put runes in... The D2 math is much more fun. I made a spreadsheet to figure out all my resists in uber tristram. Yeah, I certainly don't agree. Have you ever solo'd uber tristram in Diablo 2?
  2112. John Nguyen: But, Diablo killed itself....
  2113. silenced1029: Awesome review man. I too have been following this game for 2-3 years. Really hoping this gets a Western release. Hell, I’m almost shocked that it’s free to play. That said I hope that the Koreans don’t weigh the game down with microtransactions by the time it makes it West.
  2114. KingOfTheGrunts: Could you do a video on how you downloaded the game cause i have no idea how/where to download the game
  2115. yafuri1: Isn't diablo dead already? 😂
  2116. Astro: Diablo isn't the benchmark anymore POE is. Stop with the Diablo killer click bait it's already DEAD.
  2117. DeadpuII: Why don't you people just play Path of Exile?
  2118. Izkimar: Possibly coming, one of the classes in the pipeline has been translated two ways. Either it is Shamanking or it is Exorcist. Which could end up being sort of in line with some form of Necro-like archetypes.
  2119. TenToes: Good lad :)
  2120. NeroRedfield: I dont understand why people still posting Lost ark videos? Its dead game, because its KOREAN game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Launch here? Forget it!!!
  2121. Michael Jones: Didn't Diablo kill itself?
  2122. Santouryu3: I thought this was a Diablo WoW Killer?
  2123. Disembowell: To be honest, these aren't "white people". We're nowhere near as pretty as that. Characters like this are basically the descendants of man, after all the race mixing, mastery of plastic surgery and genetic manipulation, and all-round healthy diets and exercise. Korean characters are, essentially, humans perfected. Our true destiny.
  2124. Alexander Reiss: Elaborate? The game seems really polished
  2125. FlaxeMusic: The Diablo ip got shivved in the kidneys by its own company, they don't really need someone else to do it for them.
  2126. Josh Smith: Path of exile is already the diablo killer, it literally is more Diablo 3 then Diablo 3 was.
  2127. Sherry Armstrong: +armoredp i use blue stack and sit on my comp and play these type of games ..lol plus i dont have to worry bout battery life ... i dont own a moble device at all
  2128. Ignus Darkside: wait wait wait...... you can make a DBZ waifu..... shit but i already started another download, guess ill play this later
  2129. sno0p3r: The game is better because there are no blacks, no africa needed
  2130. Ysmir: was interested in game ever since I saw it , so when is it coming out to EU ?
  2131. aredale: No mobile version? Not interested!!
  2132. Johannes Saliba: I'm a good lad.
  2133. McKaos: It won't kill Diablo because it wont come to the US for a long ass time
  2134. newland300: 55:02 conclusion
  2135. Jordan Cuevas: Lest be honest. looks great, but it will not beat the next Diablo PC game. this game has been in development for so many years, by the time is a final game it will be out-dated. gg.
  2136. Anna Meital: clickbait title, blizzard is the diablo killer ('-'
  2137. Riverswim: LOL you're right. already subscribed!
  2138. Dairis Kuznecovs: at this point literally anything is a diablo killer
  2139. TeaEarlGrey: Blizzard killed Diablo, we don't need a game to do that. POE made D3 look like a steaming pile.
  2140. Lord PoundCake: I made it to the end and I'm not a sub ;(
  2141. Arctopus: Diablo killer already exists, it's called Path of Exile
  2142. Palmstrikes: Buzzard Entertainment
  2143. dae hwan Kim: Fyi they plan to add gender selection option for classes in future
  2144. BrandonRL: One question, if you have the English patch and display your characters title, is it only in English for you or for other people too? It may be a dumb question but I've seen a lot of weird shit that's paired with the English patch
  2145. Requestcykor: 2002
  2146. OrganicStuff1: 38:09 I had a stroke man not cool scared me
  2147. WorgenatorWoW: I personally do not think so. The asian anime theme puts of a lot of people, including myself. I do however think Wolcen might be the next best thing. Only problem is that it isn't advertised very well
  2148. Shelby Reynolds: Blizz killed Diablo with their mobile reveal.
  2149. RetroIndie GamerMBK: Diablo was killed as soon as path of exile was released
  2150. Kas Cat: Amazingly balanced review, appriciate the arguments going both ways for pros and cons, and how well the points often flowed into eachother. Definately going to look into this game, thank you for the in-depth look without having to watch some dude tell me that this is either the GOAT or a pile of dog shit. Earned the sub, hour well spent.
  2151. Adam Satherley: Diablo Seppuku.
  2152. Kaymai: Well, I certainly look forward to an English release.
  2153. s잡초: 띠용
  2154. SLAAAMMMIIN: Those moving issues are all related to ping lmao.
  2155. - Grumpygold: im no sub, but i have no regrets for watching it also, you're crazy, like an absolute madman good job
  2156. nietrelevant: skill should always be more important then items. I find it kind of funny that you dislike the itemlevel gating because skill in pve is supposed to carry you to a certain extend but on the other hand hate the normalizing in pvp..
  2157. charley222: click bait title how you kill something is already dead ????
  2158. Marblerelic: +TheDeathflows Yeah, what a disgrace.. I'm currently enjoying PoE.
  2159. AlbertoWIll: which class does more dps?
  2160. DoggyPoo: Honestly, I think it's watercolor artstyle, but what do I know?
  2161. Aiden Hall: Dont you have a phone?? The rest of us over here blasting Diablo Immortal
  2162. Krzysztof Gil: this is seriously looks like those mass mobile games from asia, does it has auto-play mode as well?
  2163. Djoko Triono: agreed about the visual.
  2164. Semyon Galtsev: After watching for an hour... This is nothing like Diablo.
  2165. Karl Schwarzbach: Love u 2 <3
  2166. Janne Auer: POE has been a diablo killer for a long time already
  2167. ist vest: You are a good lad too m8!!
  2168. Yllo: i was not a sub but was looking around on apinion from others even when i allready play the korean obt. i don't think we will see this in the west before 2020-2021 at best as fisrt so will they have to finishit for the korean realise. then will then most likely start working on the russian localisation as thats there most lucrative market for the majority of the korean games that will probably take a year then when thats done. then will they hopefully start with the western localisation unless they get rights to realise it in china then they will localise for then before west to. but i do hope it will be sooner rather then later want to be able to play this without vpn and high ping
  2169. AphexGaming: Path of Exile is the true Diablo killer. And it was here all along !
  2170. SetzarothTV: Who gives a fuck, when it's going to take 10 years for them to get it to NA Oh and fun fact, Diablo will be king again when DIablo IV comes out.
  2171. interloperjg: 1%
  2172. Michael Hong: Not true. Korea is unlike USA or other European countries, a homogeneous country and didn't do any imperialistic activities! Please be not self-centered and think first before speaking.
  2173. egysrac17: Mate, I love your "no filter" style! Good video, thank you.
  2174. Yaroslav Demidov: No catch up mechanics is great imho. For instance in current wow you don't have to play in the expansion at the beginning/mid. Just come by at the end and get everything handled to you with zero to non effort while somebody who played at the start had to work their ass of for that. And since I always prefer to "main" there will be no problem for me that my alt won't get shit.
  2175. ZekeMagnum: Did you just complain about the game not having black people? Are you one of those who cried when read dead redemption 2 didn't have women as main characters? Are you a SJW?
  2176. Tenshi: Just play Poe come on now
  2177. Ravior: how could you kill a corpse?
  2178. alexandre desrosiers: Wait, a Korean MMORPG? Can't wait for it to be poorly handled until it dies 2 years after release in North America..
  2179. Fungorrr: That PVP looked infuriating lol, the last guy your friend fought got clapped 100-0 by a dude with 1hp.
  2180. Spellbourne: when will this be released in the us?
  2181. Kamui Shirou: I clicked for Lost Ark, but stayed for Red Velvet ;)
  2182. Inneluki: +Iffy50 D3 is much better than boring D2 in any way and especially in late game content.
  2183. ssddsquare: I would pay diablo money to play it on global release officially.
  2184. jin hyung: Can't wait for the year 3018 release date.
  2185. Marcus Jones: wolcen looks like it'll be great
  2186. Krelan: But Diablo and Lost Ark are from different platforms.
  2187. DecalMan: I made it to the end, im not subbed, dont follow your stream or twitter. Guess im in the 0.5%? Anyways great video and the heart thing sounds like guild wars 2 and the boss fights also look similar, but harder. Like you said hopefully we get it next year.
  2188. [Lemons] Basics: Your opinion was done for me the second you said the pve roleplayer gear grinding pleb that spams 4 buttons on bosses 20h a day should beat the mechanical god that outplays every move you do. hell no.
  2189. YoyoTanya: You can't kill what is already dead, Quin.
  2190. Alexander Reiss: This guy has been playing it for 1 month straight. The combat is incredibly responsive. And every MMO even the western ones are grindfests.
  2191. EMPTY: Dont worry, Diablo killed itself.
  2192. biggy: Can't wait for this to come to the west.
  2194. TheDarkermanzz: Nice review, good lad. still should've shouted twitch out lmao
  2195. Richard Van Antwerp: this game looks like trash
  2196. Feeky Zeek: "alpha dominant wifu" LOL
  2197. Damke: Diablo died a long time ago but the final nail in the coffin was immortals
  2198. Steven Fischer: Jotoneee join the lost ark discord server. Google it.
  2199. Gem Bocobo: it Diablow was dead since the fucked up D3. Heck I loved Torchlight 2 and 1 better than D3.
  2200. John Rudge: Passive talents suck if u got fuck all abilitys like how wow is now
  2201. Opick Hidayato: Since diablo 3 came out. That gaMe is ugly abomination
  2202. MegaKruk: I'm only interested in raids and dungeons in this game. Let me know if these are good and if they require dedicated support/tank/healer and DPS builds or are they just facerolls.
  2203. YourSuperEgo: a game where bard actually seems fun, I like CCing and healing constantly, the high cooldown bothers me though xD
  2204. Vineuk: It looks really cool and different but unless there is an English version, I'll give it a miss.
  2205. Hellyah Gingars: jme suis marrée, tes vrm drole!!! till the end . nice animateur and thx for the learn!
  2206. rex constantino: I wanna know who the fuckin baddy is not doing any Dam.
  2207. Alexander Reiss: they're modeled after korean male/female idols
  2208. Skull Man: this looks so wicked
  2209. SmallDick StoleYourGirl: naa POE already killed it
  2210. DeadAtrocity: I'm part of the 1%! Love you too Quin
  2211. Alexander Reiss: And this game is pretty responsive and intuitive.
  2212. ♛ Huffdaddy™: *How do you kill one, that which has no life?*
  2213. eher nicht: #KimJongQuin xD
  2214. Rick Smith: Hell of a review. Well done!
  2215. Sarcastic Senpai: I watched the whole thing and just subbed :D ! I thought i already had though, it's odd!
  2216. Todd Jenkins: Maybe if it was in English but not like this! By the way people care a LOT about character creation, just sayin. See you all in season 16 or Betrayal or both!
  2217. Romas Nordman: As for this game, looks good, hopefully, real English translation and maybe even more "western" re-style of some graphics and combat then it would be real diablo killer
  2218. Neatqt: pi pi, pi, peekaboo
  2219. David: Why does the game need an African setting? What about a Native American setting then? Hispanics? Nordic people? British? Or are all white people the same?
  2220. Carlos Reano: Also people talking about how Diablo is trash or dead are perfectionist retards, its easy crap in Blizz considering they made there games long before these types of games wer even thought of. There current versions such as as Diablo hasnt changed just updated and made more accessable to a larger crowd. Then again what doesnt trigger people and there view of a perfect game. #playthegameandshutup
  2221. Hiroko Takashiro: It's gonna take so long to even hit the west it won't matter.
  2222. EnterNameHere: can you play with the english patch, i know you can't stream with the english patch but if i don't stream it am i good?, would 100% play this game with a english patch.
  2223. Abe Sani: Made it to the end of the video but wasn't subscribed yet.. good thing you sort of plugged it in at the end haha Really good, awesome in-depth video of a game I've been looking forward to for years! Looking forward to more videos man
  2224. boyVAANmestreech: i reallly like the tshirt ur wearing in this video
  2225. Robin Madsen: Great video Quin!
  2226. msfklfl123: no the korean company that made the game has a revenue figure north of $500M, with operating profit higher than 300. Their best selling game is a free to play fps game crossfire which is really successful in china for some reason. And they plan on building their brand games through the same model.
  2227. Jonathan Campos: Fetal alcohol syndrome lmao
  2228. MrGlennJohnsen: The main problem with these "heavy Asian" games is the artstyle. It's sexist as fuck, borderline racist most of the time and it makes characters into sexualised objects. That's the only reason these games are only played in Asia, because they accept that type of culture there.
  2229. kiero1236: Pretty sure I saw myself in this game. I want a cut... and put some clothes on me please.
  2230. guering: I've reached the end of the video my good lad Quin69. Very interesting review. One question: how is the trading and market? Can you trade freely with other players? Also, is there a market like an Auction House (not RM just regular MMO market). Or it's limited like in Diablo 3?
  2231. Fluffers: 11:30 oh god I hate fights like this
  2232. David Barnes: "foetal alcohol syndrome" made me die :D
  2233. Omega Tilt: thanks for the review man, awesome content
  2234. Jaehong Song: +muSPK those feathers are really easy to get in game regularly. Also they literally give few out to players free every time there is a server maintenance
  2235. MaDNiaC: You can't kill what's already dead.
  2236. Dmon B: 30:53 lol
  2238. Rikard Johansen: looks stupid
  2239. Ray Schwarz: 2:09 So nice :D U got me kinda hard^^
  2240. turbobenx: Dont you mother fuckers have phones?
  2241. Luke Aiono: Meh game is too weeb.
  2242. UgandaKnuckles: i nevah die
  2243. Rawen 1: For everyone too lazy to check. D3 came out on that day.
  2244. aliakas: you have summer right now im jealous
  2245. Benke Sallai: Awesome review! I would love to see more reviews like this Quinn! This is a proper fuckin review
  2246. Jimmie Pålsson: 56:35 oh you are so wrong, the 99% skip to the end for the conclusion of the review
  2247. blood raven: yeah well you cant play it prob never will be able , their jerking us off with a semi release what koreans love to do pls kim just nuke those priks the country is useless giving us dumbed down rpgs and mmos
  2248. Matthew Watson: Ok this looks all well and good BUT does it come in english. I am not at that level of weeb to play a game with a language i dont understand
  2249. jean-charles lebon: Made it to then end !
  2250. Marc: Can these companies be a LITTLE BIT more creative ffs? We only see copy after copy after copy these days...
  2251. Fatin Daiman: diablo is mitos, every one knows diablo.
  2252. Vesper Lilly Ann Pratt: THE DAMAGE NUMBERS ARE SO TINY I LOVE IT
  2253. Spider Man: You cant kill what's already dead.
  2254. Norse Lavenza: cant be a diablo killer IF it dont come to the west lol
  2255. Schmutz Lord: ...AND THEN they release it here, and then its p2w, GG, hopefully not hahahahaha that would be a punch in the face.
  2256. Dexus: Have a look at Wolcen. looks better then lost arc and feel more like D2
  2257. blawd: no :)
  2258. ItsSrsBzness: why the fuck would they add in africa? you suck get gassed
  2259. RawLu: looks a little Over the Top for my taste ;-)
  2260. James: I made it to the end without being subbed! It was a great video and convinced me to sub though, so I guess you were using some kind of reverse psychology voodoo, weren't you?
  2261. DevLearn: I thought Path of Exile is already a Diablo killer :D
  2262. M. vdB.: The first ten minutes is just looking at Lost Ark Rule 47
  2263. Nico: As on all of Korean games, it depends on the publisher, not so much the developer. So who knows. Though, there are already P2W elements in the game at the current state, how much of that will translate or expanded on their western release depends on, again, the publishers.
  2264. Theta Sigma: Im a good lad.
  2265. unnero1: Sick things is it used to look even better but in the middle of the closed betas they lowered the graphics so more PCs can run it because it looked insanely good and probably had the appropriate hardware requirement for it
  2266. Dr. Detroit: No you really don't want to visit Africa. What a failure of a continent.
  2267. MainUkraine: But from what Quin said it seems like there is a lot to do and different grind paths for endgame. This is something I like, if I find a grind path meaningful I don't mind grinding but if its like diablo where you are just farming for slight upgrades like primal ancients over good rolled ancients with a ridiculously low drop rate and seemingly no progression except for months then it would just be meaningless.
  2268. lefteris phasarias: diablo killer? more like porn killer
  2269. Floda Reltih: didnt you get banned on lost ark Quin?
  2270. Dante Trevisan: "Diablo meets WoW, sprinkle son big old anime titties and some waifus on top, then get some Monster Hunter, throw that in there, just get some Sea of Thieves, smash it all together" HAHAHAHAHA gold.
  2271. Chris jason: Does this game need vpn or just create an account and play?
  2272. Cameron Carson: The eyebrow customization part killed me XD
  2273. G S: Nice review, is there official mention of a EU/NA release, if what time frame we looking at? At the end of the vid you talked about how,this would dominate the ARPG/MMO space, is there any other titles that fit that description worth checking out?
  2274. Shelby Reynolds: still a different market. Immortal is a mobile game. Lost Ark is PC.
  2275. Zaturn Nep: Long awaited video. Not on mobile!
  2276. Vixax: Black desert looks way better still
  2277. kitcharuk vorachonnapakad: just another korean mmo
  2278. Nick Nguyen: Sooo is it going to be released in the west or is this a waste of time
  2279. Holyspecter: 5:06 I respect your waifu of choice.
  2280. GreyFox474: KimJongQuin xD
  2281. #86ed vk: Looks like a fun game anyone know when we will get a western release
  2282. Michael Jones: Right? Didn't Diablo kill itself? lol
  2283. John Bost: 1% boooyyyyyyssssss
  2284. FuzzyBrunty: Well.. rest in peace Diablo series.
  2285. solbjoern: Diablo killer? Diablo has been dead for years lol. And this game is just gonna be bad, typical korean grindfest of an mmo. Looks pretty, but gonna play like shit.
  2286. Stone Malone: Activision - The real Diablo Killer
  2287. Grinners: Koreans putting Africans in their games? good luck m8
  2288. Masoud Niko: "let me just unfuck my character..." 😂
  2289. Sylvester Ashcroft: Your description of lost ark reminds me of BDO.
  2290. XEROWUN: no a devil hunter as in Dante from Devil may Cry!
  2291. Insane Difficulty: Wow, Quin, your game reviews are actually really good. This was funny and well-done. You should do more reviews.
  2292. Kid Icarus: But can it run on Android?
  2293. Oguz Yardımcı: Wow koreans paid so good, it seems
  2294. Jack Burton: Its funny when asian doing a game or show with all asian its ok but let the Polish do witcher 3 with white people snowflakes goin mad
  2295. Pinguino: I do hope they don't remove the anime titties tho
  2296. Oxynium: Diablo Killer? You cannot kill something that is already dead.
  2297. Michael Hong: yeah.. unlike Blizzard.. Korean companies are capitalists 😂😂
  2298. lalybum: The Art Style looks good, as you said, people forget about the graphics after 30min playing LUL Yeah, most MMOs have this problem with spell just making impossible to play. I think only Silk Road I could play normal while killing a boss with 50-70 other players. The minimalistic spells made everything better for the eyes.
  2299. HellomynameisRyanfirstoutindeedgooglelikesmesomuchtheybotheredmeuntilmynamewasthislong: *I WANNA BE EMO HANZO* , *I'M ALREADY HANZO* . *WHAT ABOUT LASER BASTION?* , *NERF LASER BASTION!!!*
  2300. Ian: watched till the race bait at 4:40 and was done. Thumbs down
  2301. Vatroslav Morbidović: LEL
  2302. Blomstermark: the bard sounds pretty sweet, i will take a look at that if/when they make a english release.
  2303. Digitalcanvas77: Diablo already died by Blizzards own hands.
  2304. oradros: 17:25 i'm sold too
  2305. lazer tag: who the fuck is triggered by sexy girls beating up shit? unless your a fucking western SJW bitch who complains about titties every chance they get.. fuck off SJW's, asia doesn't have to pander to you beta cucks, tired of western people bitching about femininity and sex appeal
  2306. Kamil Sidor: i dont know how much diid they paid for you but this is fucking trash !!!
  2307. Rob Vespa: This host is incredibly obnoxious.
  2308. Timothy Munoz: But...do you have a phone?
  2309. Hanzo Factory: This is the first video of yours I watch and I watched it to the end because even tho I've been playing the shit out of this game for the past week or so, it still taught me a lot about what I can look forward to. Great video!
  2310. João Gomes: ty bro! you the best!
  2311. iesdi: +drakere2 I assumed it and checked how to get an account... oh shit, it's a paain in the ass
  2312. Kurandor 1: One question: can you play the game in english? Because it sounds amazing, but i am not going to play a game that I cannot understand.
  2313. Milko Gaming: Quinn, ur dandruff is all over your shirt
  2314. Harpoon: Ayaya
  2315. Terankar: a big dick review? Then it should be done by a proper streamer/reviewer
  2316. uncle_jessie: With all that customization....you can't customize dem titties?
  2317. unslarkbar: Quality Review, you earned this sub!
  2318. Vu Mai: Grim Dawn and PoE killed Diablo a while ago (well diablo 3 that is). Now this one is just going to be the final nail in the coffin.
  2319. TheDeathflows: Cobrakay2003 another fanboy, ofc people are gonna play d4 once it releases but, a lot of the player base want something else for the mean time.
  2320. Darrell Jenkins: The pathing issue is solved pretty easy and will probably be solved as they gather data through the open beta. You just assign a weight to the path where if the calculated path distance divided by the target waypoint distance exceeds a certain multiplier you "give up". As polished as the game already is, hitting open beta, I think it will be soo much better here within the next year. Really just need an English translation at this point, lol. =p
  2321. Jakub: Cant kill whats already dead tho
  2322. Rathernot Disclose: Diablo already dead...
  2323. Yatsch: How can you kill a Dead game?
  2324. clavarnway: Diablo killed itself...
  2325. AllenC1: Poe killed diablo already
  2326. TheDwarfishjoe: Having it gender locked is a HUGE con for me personally.
  2327. Moshe Villaizan: Let me unfuck my character here. I loled :D
  2328. Hernaldo Avalos: Path of Exile is the only and true diablo killer
  2329. l2ave: This game seems sooooooo amazing. o,o
  2330. Computer Pro: HAHA you're hilarious!
  2331. Benjamin Dryade: Biggest con is that there is no western world version.
  2332. Kontra Septic: Phuck Africa - *This Is Sparta!* (Korea hehehe) Enough already of virtue signalling pc diversity crap - its destroying everything it touches.
  2333. Head Shot: diablo killer? How can u kill something thats already dead? postmortum kill
  2334. Don Jandro: I won't lie, this looks fucking amazing!
  2335. Sinured: art style, itemization and scaling system are the 3 big things that will stop me playing lost arc - sad, i was looking forward to a new diablo-like game....
  2336. Devin M: OMG its quinn!!! great to see you mate, you were one of my favorite creators back in the day, keep it fun peace the hell out!
  2337. SykoJ Gaming: Died when he said .. "Dablo killer...yeah that sorted itself out"
  2338. DoggyPoo: Idk if it's just because you're trying to be cute or something, but I've never seen anyone who was as bad at describing things as you.
  2339. Ami: Best review!
  2340. Alex: Didnt Diablo commit suicide? damn clickbait
  2341. Wolf Bebop: Why say diablo killer? Path of Exile already sent its ass to the fucking shadow realm ages ago
  2343. JK Saavedra: playing peek-a-boo for the transitions was genius and i applaud you sir
  2344. iesdi: 1% of us? But you actually did a pretty good review, at least you pointed out the things that I wanted to know exactly. I'm still not going to give it a try, simply because I really demand an english interface... xD Pay to progress does not concern me, the graphics are awesome and catch up mechanics don't really bother me either. I will get each class in the testing area (if it's after about five..ish hours after creating the character) and just choose one and go all in, not really an alts guy. Good review tho, so it's a combination of Blade & Soul and MU Legend basically? :D
  2345. fane rocky: download ?
  2346. b1uscreen: Mate you were killing me customizing those eyes! 5:40 XD "massive eyes... fetal alcohol syndrome eyes.... side ways eyes...."
  2347. .ENGLISH PROFICIENCY: Well, since it doesn't appear to be releasing any time soon in the west, it kinda can't be a killer of anything cause it's not even on the market - to compete you've got to enter the same arena, and Lost Ark is just a dream from a far-away land.
  2348. James Logan: Is this coming out for PS4
  2349. Dmytro Bogdan: Give it to some shitty publisher (Gameforge) and this game is dead on the west market.
  2350. wrmaxi: Great video, and superb ending/conclusion! I enjoyed your insight all the way through and the thought provoking ideas to consider. thanks Quin.
  2351. Phantaram: Fingers crossed the 2019 dream Pog
  2352. David Wilcox: diablo 3's graphics were dated when it came out.
  2353. Fast Forward: I made it to the end of the video and I'm not subscribed and i don't follow you on twitter. Does that make me the 1% of the 1%?
  2354. Izkimar: @Cobrakay2003 show me an example where modern blizzard and quality go hand in hand. Their last major project was Overwatch, and even that is marred by the fact that it is the ashes of a huge project that was scrapped.
  2355. Dead Zone: This isn't based on Earth... black people may not exist in this world.......... ..... .. . . . . . :']
  2356. Curious Angel: Diablo is dead for like 5 years now ;D
  2357. Agirune Zero: Diablo killed itself, u cant think of better clickbait?
  2358. Izkimar: This does absolutely nothing in any of the important content. They only make a difference in the easy normal dungeons.
  2359. Ironhide pvp: Free to play is a con these days... it means p2w cash shops. 15 dollar sub with level playing fields and being able to earn looking bad ass in game is way way way better than how Koreans do f2p. Wish people would wake up and bring subs back
  2360. Thorinox: Best life skilling iv found in a game was Black Desert.
  2361. Alex V. Metzen: When you said "only 1% of the audience is making it this far into the video" I looked at the timer - for the first time - and was shocked. Almost an hour of analysis about a game I can´t even play yet, and still, I´m hooked. Great job and let´s keep our fingers crossed for Lost Ark's crossing to the west!
  2362. Alexander Reiss: Lost Ark is an MMO with ARPG combat but is not an ARPG.
  2363. Khandurian: we a bunch of qt pies
  2364. Kevin Forsberg: Regarding the art style. Its for koreans not for the west.
  2365. Clean Living: Too ching chongy for me
  2366. MrFiask: 1 fucking hour. Lets go
  2367. samljer: Looks better then diablo 3 to me..... but what do i know. im just the customer.
  2368. jonesjeremiah: I already watched the whole video and forgot about it. But if anyone of you has not seen the video yet and too much time on his hands. Timestamps would be amazing.
  2369. coraxvoid: lmao i see what you did there, KIM JONG QUIN
  2370. MarkatoFan: are there any minigames? like playing music guitar hero style or some card games or dice gambling?
  2371. crymric: Looks good, but will be years to arrive to west. :(
  2372. Fistimus Maximus: Anyone know when it is going to be released in the west?
  2373. arthur ace: Im playing it since a month, now i need to repay my vpn to go on ! this is in every aspect a great fuckign game!! hope for west release soon plox!
  2374. Guido Pelessoni: the title should be "diablo 3 killer"
  2375. Peter N: Sucks we have to wait forever for na/eu version ... and then ofc it will be turned into a p2w game
  2376. dedmanukkk: Great review Quinn..really looking forward to this
  2377. Mikael Snygg: Looks awesome! For me, its intriguing with the "anime" theme too. It makes it more interesting to me. This will be the first day dl for me!
  2378. Don_the_Cat: i don't know if i could abandon diablo 2 for this game
  2379. Fulger X: Of course they are a profit driven company who aims to make money, but there are many other ways to monetize while retaining a certain level of ethics.
  2380. VEX: Good at PvP LUL
  2381. SinnerJ: I want this to happen for West so so much. I could ask my cousin to make me an account with his ID.... but he's already playing with it....
  2382. Aidorus: Only on korean language... we wait.
  2383. Ozma: how did you edit this and still make no sense lmao
  2384. manveru666: You can't kill something that is already dead.
  2385. Damian Bennett: as a matter of fact... a lot of the graphical content is from diablo 3 just shaded and colored differently
  2386. Ashu: Diablo already took the easy way out
  2387. Frog: Had to dislike because you're blocking a fuckton of the screen with yourself. Are you a woman?
  2388. QbiK: why does he try to eat the mic every once in a while... giving me sea sickness through my ears somehow. good review though.
  2389. muSPK: ​+신지미카미 You can buy an item which lets you revive yourself when doing dungeons for example, there is probably a lot of other stuff.
  2390. Architects XIII: Also, what was my hyped about this game even since years ago when announced, is that they said they are very picky about publishers. They don't want a publisher that makes them change shit, aka pay to win. So hopefully no bullshit Trion, Nexon, etc.
  2391. kiho: Fkn tittis loli waifu
  2392. eugenrullz: Nice review but you fucked up with the "Political correctness" africa part. Stop bringing that shit into games. Its not cool.
  2393. Opgebolle: Normaly i dont comment on reviews! But everything what hes sayin on the pro’s is true though!! Been playin this OB for a few weeks now and i fcking love it! Sure takes a bit more effort gettin into the game! Like buyin a acc. gettin exitlag ( highly recom. this) and ENG patch! Yes ENG patch! (Fcking translates the game!!) so yeah really hope the release for the rest etc. will come soon! 🔥
  2394. Frustrated Nerd: I wasn't subbed and I followed the video all the way through, but I guess I am now.
  2395. philosoaper: Diablo killer? Yeah, it's called Path of Exile
  2396. U Got Rekt Mate: Quin! I love ya brah. Been a fan for years now. Look forward to more videos on this game while us minor peons wait for the game release. I've been a fanboy of Lost Ark since I heard of it 3 years ago. Reminds me more of Diablo mixed with POE and Tera: Online.
  2397. Max Grinchuk: Good shit brother
  2398. Kieran Grosvenor: What about Path of Exile?
  2399. hobanagerik: Korean, because of course it is.
  2400. stuff stuffing: I swear to god if this spawns a series of Diablo clones imma be mad
  2401. Insomnia Diary: Is that a golden fucking beetle?
  2402. Faceroller: looks like Aion to me...
  2403. J T: Only Liberal Trash are going to be "Triggered" by the Anime. Everyone else is going to love it.
  2404. Segen: How is the storyline? The biggest drawbacks of e.g. Path of Exile is weak storyline, uninteresting characters and side quests. They are all boring and pointless.
  2405. WAstateofmind: Cute, everyone who says this will be buying D4 when it comes out. Foot in mouth
  2406. Jaykaydee: Never seen anything from you before dude but I have to say this was a great, comprehensive look at the game. Watched 'til the end and subbed. Nice job.
  2407. DjDravax: Also Path of Exile's gem are unbalanced to the point 75% of them never get used because they're shit, everything also dies in 1 hit and bosses take only a couple seconds to melt. That is my problem with PoE and why I don't play because good gear and a good build makes the game have absolutely no challenge to it to the point I can put my head down on the table spamming right click and kill a boss or clear a room of mobs without looking.
  2408. Michael Dayao: +윤동규 Thank you so much!
  2409. david pop: Diablo what ! lost wha !, sorry i play poe and this game looks to be a bit too easy. One boss one attack per 4 seconds to avoid, and the design makes me think about a good rpg on ps1...
  2410. Sgt Sammy: This game is too cartoony and should not be compaired to what Diablo Franchise represents. Diablo represents the dark, grime blood and guts.... Second Lost Ark is a MMO..Two different games totally....
  2411. Charlie Brown: But Dark Souls killed the entire Action RPG genre LMAO.
  2412. jago juice: i have been waiting for this game for YEARS i cant wait for its western release <33333
  2413. jacob bror: Like for the 1% bois
  2414. Souken IDK: Its Free.. why do i get hickups every time i hear that. How long will it be tho, its a company which needs to make money somehow. Lets just hope it can sustain itself via useless transmogs, if not it ends up like every other "free" game out there.
  2415. iNELUKi: If there was any way to have english text to actually know what's going on, i might look into it. I'm just not learning Korean over a computer game i maybe might like, sorry.
  2416. Yunojelly: You can't kill something that is already dead.
  2417. Don Dodo: Diablo is dead for ages no need to kill now.
  2418. danielnajdek: Of course you're gonna melt bosses when you have mirrored items. You do realise that the majority of players will never get to buy a mirrored item right.
  2419. Maximilian Winchester: +nzrock in its open beta, it is better than PoE will be in 4.0... :)
  2420. austrianbeatboxchamp: Will this run on Android 4.0?
  2421. Thameos: Wasn't actually subbed on here, but I watch your vids every now and then and sometimes tune in on the twitch stream. But that was a good vid, and if I'm a good lad I might as well sub. If this actually comes out in 2019 I'll definitely play the shite out of it.
  2422. Likayed: dat kpop
  2423. Metal Steel: im not a sjw, so the art style definitely doesn't trigger me.
  2424. amateracu 1991: Are you saying that Diablo isn't dead yet ?? LOL
  2425. Mike Sakaru: +남들다하는사랑한번못해본최강의전사 Solid point, bro. Everyone on earth only likes realistic looks. Oppai hasn't existed for eons. Furries definitely don't exist. Anime and manga in general? Figments of your imagination. I actually hate a lot of the unrealistic stuff, just not attractive to me. But sometimes people just want some unrealistic shit to get off to. Nothing wrong with that.
  2426. AA AA: jd harms Diablo never had 1.5billion in sales u stupid fuck, it sold 30million, overwatch already beat it at 35million. Where are you getting there numbers from? From outer space? Kys u fucking idiot.
  2427. Victus: Don't need something to kill Diablo. Blizz is doing that fine on their own.
  2428. Addicted Fox: love you too Quin
  2429. Adamurquhart: THIS GAMEZ WILL NEVER COMPETE WITH TEH MASTER PATH OF RNG. PATH OF RNGILE IS TEH UBER LEETZORZ AND PEEPS WHO NO THINK SO ARE TEH PLEBS. LULZORZ. CHECK OUT MAH MAIN ON PATH OF RNGILE XxXpWnZoRzXxX. I ARE TEH ROXXORZ LEETZORZ AWESOMEZORZ!!! PoE fans spend too much time grinding maps and not enough time dealing with other actual human beings face to face.
  2430. Rob K: There are lolis in this game? Fuck, I'm sold.
  2431. Lester Cunanan: Realest on Mobile pls I'm gonna play while at work.. this mmo is underated
  2432. DeusWulf: Say "variety" not diversity, diversity literally means to tear apart, pull in different directions, to contradict something else. From latin diversitas, also from which the word divert comes from. Diversity in government would mean different sides or factions always offsetting the other, never letting one be the sole power or have one direction. We have to stop using "diversity" as a replacement for "variety" because in doing so we only subvert the meaning of the word and try to make an originally negative word imply something positive, which its not.
  2433. Ryūjin Jakka: Diversity is not a good thing contrary to popular belief. Best not have an African island. You don't want the anime babes to die of aids.
  2434. porlae: im not doing korean ARPGs they are horrid and full of MTX
  2435. Glassbreaker: The only thing I don't like in this game is the mangá style of the characters.
  2436. Henare McKaa: one question! when is out in the west!
  2437. nzrock: For real though, if your not careful even the trash mobs from first dungeon you enter(at lvl12) on hardmode, will gank you. Specially if your a squashy class.
  2438. Speedwolf11: Diablo killer ? There is almost nothing left to kill.....
  2439. DjDravax: Good luck, Diablo 4 will be even more a disappointment then Diablo 3 was where both wont even be as good as Diablo 2 was. Blizzards Diablo series just gets worse instead of better and they're saying they're going to make Diablo 4 more like Diablo 2 where it's dark and not as cartoony but the end result is still going to be far away from the masterpiece which was Diablo 2.
  2440. Kirin Kappa: 1. Diablo was already dead. Killed by both path of exile and then blizzard itself.
  2441. MrRolnicek: The PvE progression ... Did you just describe Monster Hunter World?
  2442. Snynhalt: The Diablo killer was the combo Diablo 3 + Path of Exile long ago...
  2443. FrostyPyton: k. so whos gonna be the europe publisher? come on now
  2444. Tasunke: Can't wait for a shity western editor to pick it up my.com or gameforge 😂 🤣😂 🤣 Deep inside you know our release will be a shitshow
  2445. James Higdon: Diablo Immortal killed Diablo
  2446. mario cardillo: Hype train. This will not kill diablo. Even with all the balls dropped by Blizzard lately
  2447. UnDerBo0BSwEat: Only to be ruined by monetization/business model. v_v
  2448. c vo: I didnt watch the video. I just had to comment on the title. Its fucking retarded. "Diablo killer". Fuck off. Every new dungeon crawler is supposed to be the "diablo killer". Idk, maybe be your own thing and stop riding on the coat tails of another game. So fuck any game trying to be a diablo killer.
  2449. Shu-sama: When somebody tells you he loves you for the first time in your life PepeHands
  2450. Captain Obvious: whats next? You gonna start playing with Barbies and start listening to K-Pop? If you havent already.... LOL.
  2451. Whats it Play?: i would play a sub to fucking play this game. I WANT THIS IN NA SO FUCKING BAD RIP THE FUCK OUT OF DIABLO FUCK EM. FUCK EVERYTHING I WANT THIS GAME
  2452. James Rogers: When you were going on about the character customization with the face the "you can go fetal alcohol syndrome" fucking killed me. Brilliant.
  2453. Hans Friedemann: PEACE
  2454. Reynaldo Lazaro: "diablo killer" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL like if blizzard ddnt kill diablo themselves
  2455. asura_storm93: MCsoldi2k A long time ago too.
  2456. Alberto Alonso: the real question is how soon are they going to introduce p2w features
  2457. Dead Zone: Black class will be the clicker. Clicks his tongue and shit to send sound waves that make his targets vomit and shit themselves... Or it will be an American black class, get the boss preg and leave....
  2458. msfklfl123: But it's immortal
  2459. Sentinel2k6: It looked decent untill i saw that giant Sword. Too much Overkill for me.
  2460. S3cl3t Nundak: Symbols ,run interface i'ts a copy of Tera mmo no?
  2461. jam201984: its only a diablo killer if it come to the EU/NA
  2462. UgandaKnuckles: diablo is allready dead ! path of exile is the king
  2463. josh felix: Subbed because you zoomed in on the skirts lmfao. A man of culture I see
  2464. giuseppe di leo: Diablo killer this shit?
  2465. Randall Draco: I'stopped watching when U started complaining about lack of black or something. FuuuuUUUUuuck How retarded is that? It's a fucking video game with fairies in fantasy world. It does not matter!! Fuck this SJW shit destroying everything. At least Koreans or Chines or Japanese don't give a damn about this mass media stupidity.
  2466. Unlucky_Red: The true Diablo killer is Blizzard.
  2467. Rainers Grinvalds: im a good lad PogChamp
  2468. Todd Spencer: More videos like this!! Love love love sharing with my discord
  2469. Juicy Lucifer: Honestly speaking: Looks like a Diablo Black Desert.
  2470. paulzyuan: Im getting moist watching this
  2471. Aaske: had to upvote because of the face customization! fucking OMEGALUL
  2472. hesipher: we wont see this in the west for 4 more years at best.
  2473. ThisNameIsBanned: Looks really cool, but gameplay smells like shit.
  2474. BhBraaq: +Ozma not even close kid. Nice try though.
  2475. Skeez: Not on mobile? Good luck with this shit game while we all play DIABLO IMMORTAL! AMIRITE?!
  2476. MQN: a game I can't even play doesn't really interest me, no matter how good the review is
  2477. Sean Mcdonald: Yea kill the game in the west. Make it B2P with P2W with monthly Sub. It wouldnt surprise me if there aint 2 of them in the business model when its released in the west. Personally i hope not, but shit happens
  2478. MULTIFANDOM // BTS and A.C.E slay my lifeu: I'll wait till it launches in English
  2479. Charlie Finn: Never laughed so hard at a review!
  2480. theheartgames: This video is alone is worthy of a sub. Nice work man
  2481. thormond: Title is misleading. The only diablo killer is diablo immortal.
  2482. Lasermonkey979: Depends. How long will it take to come to NA with at least subtitles?
  2483. Bob The Chair: You should have added big anime eyes on the orc at 1:38
  2484. RedShot101: I dont get it.. Path of exile murdered diablo years ago
  2485. PogChamp: HYPERDANSGAME :exclamationmark:
  2486. Joe Hogan: Get back to me when it comes to android
  2487. Dead Zone: When they are finished with Korean version full release etc. They need to just translate everything quickly, keep the same korean voice acting and just use subtitles so we can get this shit as quick as possible. Please don't change the game mechanics to "better suit the style of westerners". Just translate and release.
  2488. Villy P: im sold. when is this coming out to north america
  2489. Alistair Kaname: another generic Korean mmorpg
  2490. Hans Peter: But Diabolo was already killed by Path of Exile. <.< Most Diabolo players are there already.
  2491. SubatomicGlue7: Diablo's been dead for years.
  2492. RIPxItachi: What is dead may never die
  2493. Narabedla: seems like a bdo arpg Seems very nice, if they don't go hard milking the whales and ignoring the average consumer. edit: after looking through the video: YES it is like BDO Arpg done right. So many *not bad* approaches from bdo got implemented and then arpg. (though stuff like show/hide animation should've been changed, as stated by quinn) it is doing so much right, i am really hyped (especially stuff like normal gear pvp *and* scaled pvp) oh no they also come with the "daily skinner box" systems :/ i am kinda soft to that stuff, so i might have to skip on that game because of that.
  2494. Hernán Alfonsín: So literally MU Online 2.0, new p2w korean version of a chinese game.
  2495. The Manhands: I'm fucking impressed at that review. I didn't realize Quin could organize his thoughts so damn well...
  2496. Jericho Jones: Wait a minute here, Quin has eyebrows?
  2497. DinoCopRulezTheWORLD: Only people who have problem with korean style anime = asian characters looking like white people and boobs are americans.... fucking twats.
  2498. TRUTH SEEKER: More online rent a game and MT LOOTBOX CRAP BULLSHITT how about the good old buying a game maybe a DLC and actually own the fucking game you pay money for !!!
  2499. 김태훔: 저의도 외국게임 한글패치해주세요
  2500. Losky Man: Joe Murray by the time the games out I promise you’ll have forgotten...
  2501. White Void: This is some incredibly good game design. Is Lost Ark really their first game? It's so impressive
  2502. HumanFlaws: Was it an english patch i saw in one of the clips when you talked about pros and cons with turning off ability visibility????????
  2503. Over werk: Shit game going to die in a month due to shit servers
  2504. PlayerIchi: Any comments for or against the game and/or review? Most of the comments here are “Diablo is dead, Blizz killed it themselves, mobile sucks, etc etc”. Any comment on the main topic of the video, Lost Ark?
  2505. Daijin: "insert random unfunny, overused joke about diablo or POE"
  2506. Architects XIII: Diablo killer is Blizzard it's self.
  2507. Meloyx: Diablo killed itself bro.
  2508. gaahinalover: D3 isn't all bad, 'Now", but thanks to Activision, I doubt the game will get much more than it's got now, even though the people working on it, did have content planned after ROS.
  2509. Garlaanx: No Necro/Warlock/Lich - Hard Pass for Me :)
  2510. Fallen Templar: Diablo killer? You cant kill that is already dead!
  2511. 유현이: Diablo kill it self :( TT
  2512. Ronald Witteman: It's a bit more of the same.
  2513. Matthew Riegner: Excellent review! Best I've seen thus far for Lost Ark. It definitely looks amazing and your analysis has definitely been great to dive in deep to some of the features that many of us have been wondering about or didn't even know was in the game. I had no idea there was so much to the game. Then I made it to the cons section... Yeah. Can't stand the mobile gotta log in every day crap. Mobile is such a cancer in the practices and to have that now infect a desktop game. If they brought it to the us and removed mtx and daily login crap and made it a sub based game it would do really well.
  2514. fatknacker46: Going so well till DPS Meter... fucking epeen wankspangles
  2515. Arian Dito: *KIMJONGQUIN*
  2516. Oliver H.: The Devil Hunter is not a D3 Demon Hunter. It's fuckin Dante.
  2517. SeroGrave: Quin puts those other "first look into game x" in 10-20 minutes to shame. Keep up the good work, mate.
  2518. Mighty LuBu: 15:55 spirit bomb dam sounds awesome.
  2519. Nando N: This is the best review for this game
  2520. arcaneminded: Weeby waifu simulator. This looks like utter garbage.
  2521. Jonathan Larsen: yey Im a good lad!
  2522. Deconstruct//Recreate: Fucking lost me with the micro transaction model. Typical of the Korean gaming and mobile gaming industry. Fat wallets get to progress much faster than regular players, because they can straight up get what they want whereas normal players have to invest time in it. Its the same battlefront deal all over again? "Sure you can pay to be darth Vader but you can just farm the character, no one is making you pay for it". Reminds me of that cancerous candy crush mechanic of "pay X$ to skip/progress/upgrade/etc. or just wait it out ya bum". Also can we drop this whole schtick about this-and-that killer? Alright, I get it, its juicy clickbait and a lot of people get baited by it, me included. Also also, mad props to the top comments about d3 being dead and poe killing it. All 500 of you are so hilarious and original. Good jokes man.
  2523. KrzysiekzKonopi: is it going to be in english?
  2524. Ace D Puma: first
  2525. Brandon M: great review - looking forward to NA version!
  2526. Death is A Businessman: Lost me at the anime/hentai art style.
  2527. GeeKAdemics: You need a VPN and a verified Korean account, which requires... well... essentially identity theft ^^. If you know someone in Korea who can set up an account for you, you might be good to go. Otherwise I wouldn't bother and hope for a future release for the West.
  2528. MrPafleouf: We want this game available worldwide !
  2529. CrazyCircles1: Genderlocked classes aren't a big deal but for me, it's a flaw. Fewer options are always bad. No matter the context. Not a dealbreaker, still disappointing. That is pay to skip not pay to win. And I welcome this in games since I only have 5 hours daily of free time to play games.
  2530. Chris Benn: TO the part where you do not like that gear doesn't matter? Your wrong! That's just it! If you are the better player you must win! If you have no life and have been PvEing you must not just own in PvP with no PvP skills as a player! How can you think otherwise? WTF?!
  2531. Cheksa GL: F2P, ouch, isn't it another way of saying that the game is going to cost 600 USD if you want all the features of a full price H'n'S?
  2532. cmoidudu: @26:17 Ah well, it seems that those guys developing the game don't know how a medieval ram works :D
  2533. Sourav Pradhan: Why don't you give Path of Exile a try?
  2534. Andrew JVN: I definitely like the art style over POE and the gameplay seems it will have potential,hmmm...
  2535. Nox _: poe has already killed diablo 3
  2536. Mcaffee TV: Nice vid from his royal spurgness.
  2537. Bloodpact Guild: Yeah miss me with that high-heel-wearing, snow-plow sized sword wielding, animation-locking dance-athon shit
  2538. xbob9502: Blizzard is the Diablo killer.
  2539. zippo718: This game handles masses of units just like the Dynasty Warrior games... it drastically drops the frames of every unit on screen. So enemies and special effects turn into PPT's going 1 frame per second. I could even see it in the video. As far as pay to win... it's a Korean game. Nuff said. The Koreans were doing predatory P2W in their MMOs long before the Chinese. Where do you think the Chinese got it from...
  2540. MarcoOdW: WoW, very good insight. ty. Very interested in this game ;)
  2541. Sir Smiles: You deserve a sub and a like for this one. Amazing work.
  2542. Haggy: You can't kill Diablo when it's already dead!
  2543. 123McCookie: great review, thanks for that :P keep it up
  2544. muSPK: You missed THE most important part regarding the P2W-system in this game, you can buy as many extra lifes you want for real money, when in a dungeon. That is an horrible system.
  2545. Dark Visage: 4 years I was a diablo killer believer, nowadays I luff I LUFF EVEN DOE I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME. MUAHHAHAHa
  2546. Jenny wainwright: Hey Brilliant video Quin lot of work gone into this video Thank you :)
  2547. TheWu: lol...Korea doesn't do Africa, Black or anything with melanin in it very well... But then again, neither does America, so w/e...
  2548. Zed3.1: Activision kill blizzard and diablo
  2549. Holly: it boggles my mind how people can still list a MMO being free to play as a good thing.
  2550. kms myself: Only white skinned Asians in this game. No forced diversity in this game REEEEEEEE my historical accuracy
  2551. Stegodon: Hour long review??? from a player who played 95% pvp only...... and who got banned from the game.... nothx
  2552. Cons29: Initial impression, i like it better than diablo. Spent good money purchasing diablo 3, but stopped playing it, got bored.
  2553. Coulterra: as always a juicy objectiv sarcastic perspectiv lad, good one!
  2554. Alexander Reiss: Why? Would you prefer them flat chested?
  2555. ronignino: It canot be a diablo killer if only koreans can play...soo that fucking pisses me off...
  2556. J: "Add an African type area." LOL this dude wants the niggas segregated.
  2557. Cosmic Perspective: Tittie physics ftw
  2558. Sean Moran: A lot of people won’t like? Because the women are beautiful?? Really?! Lmfao this game looks super fun. Anyone who gets triggered is a child.
  2559. Enferno: +Rob K PoE is 100% pay to win, no thanks. I'll explain for the moron's who want to argue the fact. You can go to one website and buy in game currency with real life currency. Then you can go to another website and buy ANYTHING in the game with in game currency. Therefore, it's 100% pay to win without you ever having to farm for 1 item, period and to top it all off, it's very choppy / laggy and will definitely get you killed at lvl 90+.
  2560. Tazio Tasi: this shit looks dope af
  2561. Engel: So this is basically Sacred 2: The MMO I like it
  2562. Dusan Ciric: Best Diablo killer is Diablo itself.
  2563. LiveforFun: This is game is just...no words...i am 100% on the hype train and kill everyone whos trying to bash it - nuff said....now take my money and release the damn game in europe
  2564. Reeco: They wont have an african nation if they are looking for alot of money in China, still extremely racist over there.
  2565. KillerKookie: Just wanted to say thank you for this really in-depth, no bullshit guide. I appreciate the work you put in to making this. Even though I have been following the game for the past four years as many people has, I have no played it so it gave me a lot of good insight and I cannot wait to try it out eventually. Keep up the great content!
  2566. Subbie RoX: I think we've all been waiting too fucking long for this game to come out!!!
  2567. shower세드: 드이어 찾았다 구독!!
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Lost Ark - DIABLO KILLER!? My In-depth Review

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Lost Ark Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 29 Nov 2018

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