Quin69 GR93 Uliana's Exploding Palm, Rank 1 Clear - games free

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019

Quin69 GR93 Uliana's Exploding Palm, Rank 1 Clear

  1. Matthias Bayer: Ooooh yeah, yeah. Cream of the crop, will rise to the top, straight to the top, yeah. DIG IT.
  2. Krut Uk: Why is he pausing the game?
  3. Liam Roberts: what was the name of the first song?
  4. TheWhiteRabbit727: Am i missing something? whats the appeal here to this game as it is? you literally dont see your character, his/her spells, you just run around, stop periodically in the middle, and then kite and do it again and again. what am i not seeing? (this is a serious question, not an attack, im 100% serious as to what the appeal is?)
  5. buba dabu: if u can't watch, just go to ...youtuberepeat... same link but with repeat after youtube ;)
  6. GS Rider: i have almost all ancient monk quin69's LTK build. only to fucking find out it cant do shit. i should have checked d3ladder.com cause apparently they have a cinder coat build now
  7. THEANPHROPY: You excited about the new monk mods Quin?
  8. Zurity: nice build how get wings?
  9. Secretweazle: whats the song in the beginning of the video? pls halp
  10. Haidan Mcculloch: classic quin
  11. l2ave: Wears Path Of Exile Shirt. lol
  12. Andrew Mollerson: Watching Quins celebration dance was the best part of the entire thing =)
  13. ThePingomartin: how do you get those wings he have?
  14. Cícero Alves: first music? pls name xD
  15. Maxim: Any1 knows his transmogs?
  16. Michaś: the basic difficulty of GR is hard, and the difficulties of game and GR are separate.
  17. Robinson Alexander: NICEE!
  18. iamvezm: +Dionysius Lam I guess you're a troll or maybe something almost as bad. But to give you the benefit of the doubt instead of insulting you I will point out once again, FREE WHEELING SCROLL WHEEL. I can flick mine once and have it go for about 10 seconds registering about 150-200 scrolls per seconds completely macro free, if I try really hard I can get it to over 400 scrolls per second. Not to mention I can click at about 8 clicks per seconds with my left and right clicks or 11 per second if I try really hard.
  19. AzureFan1: How the heck does the u6 set do that much damage? I hardly beat a 70 because of lacking damage.
  20. dhaara1: Technicly ur are not clearing GR 93, ur clearing GR93 with some lucky map rotations and specific mob clears. ;) Still GG for it.
  21. Andrew: You bind force move to both scroll wheels and just scroll back and forth to move.
  22. Zab Tak: 1700+ paragon in season which last for like... 2 months now ? Normal players have like 1/3 of this paragon levels since very start of paragon system. Quite sad to be honest - some people really are wasting they life's.
  23. Nicolai Monastiero: Mike yeah dude but I suck and you're kinda ruining my day over here, okay? SUPPORT MEEE!
  24. Simple Catch: Grats m8
  25. Yuvraj Gosal: Dude how are you doing these rifts with such low damage like the number i mostly saw was 50 million and i do 10 billion and barely survive GR50
  26. Ahusaka: his reaction LOL
  27. Barberman: well this aint HC. thats a bummer
  28. Jurix Rebellion: He wanted the game to load in the breaks so he doesnt die/lose time due to lag
  29. Arturas none: i use deadly reack lightning to put palm on all that density.
  30. Ven Cakes: also the trick to making bunnyhopping easier to execute in csgo and more
  31. Edward Pang: Build?
  32. BChaos rath: Hello!! is it still worth getting diablo 3 atm? in november? im afraid to get the game and its dead, even with the new class arriving. Im afraid that ive missed the "experience". because come on, all the dudes that had it like for 4 years, had that experience. and me, im going to get the 1, 2 years experience at best. sould i just wait for the next diabloish game or JUST DO IT? xD
  33. Josh Yurisich: I gemmed resistance in everything. You can add life and that equals to toughness as well, improved overall survivability.
  34. PrettyHateMachine: http://puu.sh/k0Hki.jpg
  35. Apezilla: same
  36. Juro: Those who are trying to beat rank 1 in grifts will occasionally pause the game (solo pushes) to think about a situation and trying to figure out their options. Saving precious time wherever they can.
  37. Christian Goldschmitt: dont understand why you always tab to your char's overview.....what's the clou of it?!
  38. Brian Kisner: Maybe part of it, but the real reason is in higher GR's there is in insane amount of lag (not fps lag) when pulling together a massive group of mobs...even though it's paused, it gives the game time to "catch up".
  39. Chosen Hyp3d: Someone make a gif of his reaction
  40. Mike: Nicolai Monastiero yeah but 60 is only T13 dude, even an LTK monk can clear that in 4ish mins
  41. Burn B: Any mouse wheel does the trick.. like I said set binding key #1 to up and key#2 to down and wheel away instead of left click to move
  42. michele iadarola: diablo in 2016? 90% of players are cheaters
  43. Evergames: Quin is the best, fuck all!!!!!
  44. Robin.K: The song at 05:08? Some psy-trance ish track. :)
  45. Ray Guzman: Name one ARPG that isn't like that?
  46. ImDeath: I love how he's playing Diablo 3 wearing a Path of Exile shirt. Also, i would love to get this build but the fucking fist of whats-his-face decided to vanish from the face of the earth :(
  47. Savage Messiah: such a lamer...
  48. FluxeyHnS: Nice Shirt!
  49. Xapter: buy overwatch ;)
  50. Brian Kisner: paragon 1700 wtf bloodclots plz
  51. MillerKopytko: How do you stay alive.. I die like every 2 sec..
  52. Christian: Rip quin69 ☹️
  53. Tim Twisk: Hi Quin, aren't you afraid to get banned for using FastClicker?
  54. Mark Luijten: Can't see this one either
  55. AA Sharp: +Lee still not viable, they nerfed it to the ground and then to hell.
  56. Zeroph Hangel: lol look at this fishing yep the way its meant to be played
  57. yasser najjar: nice Video quin ... but the thing i most like is ur shirt xD !!! GG man good work !!
  58. Евгений Кокурин: ,:D
  59. nottinghillad: Great clear, but there has to be some way to get the boss kill time way down...
  60. michele iadarola: agree
  61. Osmund Drake: How does he click that fast? Did you see the line that makes his "click" on the floor? Is that a trick in game options or an external program?
  62. Major Rza: fucking amazing celebration. bad ass kill
  63. Łukasz Gotszald: this colorful gameplay looks like "mario bros arcade 10" d3 is so stupid...
  64. 帝胤: quin, you play path of exile? I saw your t-shirt is Poe
  65. emixxxen: Great job! Name of the song at 1:46?
  66. JairoLamArt: Esc Esc Esc Esc Esc Esc Esc Esc..... so bored
  67. Acerbic Astute: gratz nice shirt
  68. John Wicks: Poe is not better Sodapoppin confirmed this on stream yesterday.
  69. Soopy Lakatabonwar: 13 seconds faster...thats pretty neat
  70. Nicolai Monastiero: Mike I don't even know what that means, but I like it
  71. UsmValor: So... Come again? Monks are what? GS, Quin... GS.
  72. SD Five-seveN: Quins reaction during his 94 push a few days ago was priceless! https://clips.twitch.tv/quin69/ExcitedQuailRitzMitz
  73. Arbaal The Undefeated: What song that starts 5:00?
  74. Zab Tak: Dont worry buddy, you will grow up some day aswell - trust me.
  75. Finnlae A.: +Francesco Dellamorte Perfect! Thank you! :))
  76. Carnage: What is the name of the song that starts at 1:45?
  77. BinaryHodder: He goes on Expert difficulty because the Expert servers have the lowest lag
  78. Pier Silverio Giovannini: I used to think like you when I was youger, but then I realized that there is no "right" way to live. As long as you are in control, everything is equally "sad". Otherwise, please explain what is that you consider a life "not wasted". And even if there is really a "best" way to live, there are more than 7 billions of us, so it's not like anyone of us is irreplaceable or essential. Furthermore, and funnily enough, we all end in the same way, whatever we chose to do.
  79. Shaded Plays: Don't worry Quintin-Frank. Michael our real lord and savior will defeat you. That and he's your only actual competition since no one plays Monk <3.
  80. Kyle Mazurek: Ulianna has to be played very defensively to push that high. It's easy enough as you just have to watch for cold pros and know what hits hard enough to warrant dashing and cyclone strike so you don't get hit hard or move to your follower ring for tons of dmg.
  81. István Kocsis: The force is strong in this one for sure! GG, man! :3
  82. Michal Korejtko: thats why u play solo or with your friends
  83. Savin Wangtal: The problem with Diablo is that once you get to really high level, it's no longer about dodging or playing. It feels like once you're geared correctly, you just spam the same thing over and over, and that's it.
  84. simcul: Do you actually refer to sodapoppin to be able to have an opinion? It's just a question of taste, both games are good
  85. Mad Maeximus: Path of Exile t-shirt nice Bro
  86. ┐( °ー ° )┌ I'm a Pelican: Oh my God DOOD
  87. guggelhupf: yeah , maybe he know that poe is the better game ^^
  88. Kilian Varela Pérez: Yeeeeeeee boyzzzz
  89. Grant Sager: nice one bro
  90. MK Uis: gratz quin! i gave up monk in S6, but you show me it can still be done
  91. J3lackJ3ones: Whats the name of the music at 14:27 ?
  92. neoian94: Why is the second weapon on the build guide missing. Does anyone know what is was?
  93. Thorgal89: Does anyone find this inbred Jax Teller wanna-be entertaining ?
  94. Oz Khan: I was jamming The Arised too when I popped this video on!
  95. Baal93Ash: Poor neighbours xD hahaha
  96. Mike: Nicolai Monastiero haha fair enough, hey at least you know you can do T13 with non minmaxed gear though right? :D
  97. Michel Cornelisse: woow congratz ;)
  98. organik05: What song is this!?
  99. Reilly Miller: He's pausing the game (and therefore the timer) to collect his thoughts and make a decision. Some other streamer said it best - at high GR Diablo 3 becomes way more of a turn-based strategy game than an action RPG. Especially in groups, but also solo, there's not a whole ton of mechanical skill, so it's all down to decision making about what to skip, what to fight, and where to fight it.
  100. GS Rider: add me nig, smiter#1502 whats yours
  101. RaiZdOe: Path of Exile shirt... 4Head
  102. Helcio Pedroso: Ótimo então amigo. Aproveita o modo história primeiro. Eu fui direto pro aventura pois um amigo me convidou para as rifts. Vai com calma para depois aproveitar o conteúdo endgame. Abraço
  103. Handsome Mike: boys boys boys
  104. BC XII: whats the name of the first song of the vid???
  105. FixarJocke: *Goodjob Quin ;)*
  106. MonkPT: beating that little noob to get rank1 and using a poe shirt ... KEEP IT UP RAT KING !
  107. buba dabu: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Quin69-1336/hero/75728500
  108. Dodgy Dave: +Burn B Hmmmmm. okay. I have a mouse wheel that unlocks (logitech g500s), its what you need right?
  109. oldmateaus: 🤢ppl who don't play HC
  110. EnthrallingBass140: +FT Walrus The difficulty setting affects nephalem rifts though.
  111. Brian Yong: Wearing a POE t-shirt while clearing G93? What a sellout Kappa
  112. Wraith1133: +John Clark Of course. Love the game, love his commentary. His game knowledge is extraordinary as well.
  113. Riven Time: How do you click your mouse soooo dang quickly?
  114. TwiztidGaming: Why does he keep hitting esc?
  115. Seneca Montez de Oca: Love that face that he makes when he is focused
  116. Ricardo Martins: Top 5 reaction for sure hahahahahaha. Poor Abby was asleep, I suppose.
  117. Gvinbleidas: Reaction is priceless as always!!! good job Quin!!!
  118. Frank: Rudy Campos pausing game
  119. Abbadon 〔: +Gabriel Choi gotdamn nigguhs what set you farming boi
  120. John Wicks: Adrian mos the retard numbers do change The American system is: 10^06 = million 10^09 = billion 10^12 = trillion ... The European system (formerly used in Britain, still used in Germany) is: 10^06 = million 10^09 = thousand million 10^12 = billion 10^15 = thousand billion 10^18 = trillion 10^21 = thousand trillion Another word for one thousand million is milliard, but this is used much less often in English than billion. Some languages such as European Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, French, and German, use milliard (or a related word) for the short scale billion, and billion (or a related word) is used for the long scale billion. Thus for these languages billion is thousand times larger than the modern English billion. However, in Russian language, milliard (миллиард) is used for the short scale billion, and trillion (триллион) is used for the long scale billion, and therefore avoids any confusion.
  121. MrIAMSCOPEZ: Why does he pause so much?
  122. Triggerboy78: this pausing is annoying like hell... stopped watching
  123. Carnage: Awesome! Thank you very much :)
  124. buba dabu: mb music go to youtuberepeat ;)
  125. Fred Feuerstein: I wanna know that, too.
  126. Pavol Kovac: you are pretty sad guy, in me opinion,... when you rejoice in such a thing.
  127. Strangler180: PLAYLIST Illenium - Fortress Tristam - I Remember Yahel - Waves Of Sound Vigiland - Pong Dance K.Flay - Can't Sleep
  128. Mathias Carling: +buba dabu not there either!
  129. Ender: First Song?
  130. Anarchymatt: dying and losing your character and having death fail a rift are two very different things. Building straight damage and suiciding through rifts is cheesy
  131. Preben Nyløy: whats the name of the first song?
  132. MrRockstar9909: Yeeee Boi
  133. MisterD90 Gaming: Azu-nyan!
  134. higurashi19: man those wings are sexy! how do you get?
  135. GS Rider: this build fucking sucks
  136. Monkai: What is the name of the song starting at 15:11
  137. Preben Nyløy: did u find the name of the song?:P
  138. Nicolai Monastiero: I just cleared a 60 with this set with about 50% time left, with no ancient items, pretty shit roles on all items and only been playing a week (so next to no game knowledge). Definitely not a bad build - also, super fun to play!
  139. Edvin Sundqvist: ahahhaahah hahah aha ha hahahahhahahaha hahah ahah aha ha hahahahahah ahhahahahahaha
  140. Bit Goblin: LOL that reaction ! ! Grats bro!! Why do you keep hitting Esc ?
  141. Ovidiu Julean: Play D3 and wear Path of Exile shirt....:p its from ascendary pack you bought? :))
  142. AnimeLapse: Yup.
  143. Robert Nolan: love that build .. but im getting crappy drops
  144. The Hoers Corral: "softcore should be hardcore" yeah that sounds like a brilliant and well thought out idea there guy
  145. damian: Always love ur Rank 1 Hype :P
  146. Anonymous Duck: i fucking love his reaction to getting it at the end xD
  147. A Chubby Bastard: Song name around 2:00 ?
  148. oOIPaBoIOo: lol ... compare his rank1 reaction to alkaizer. jin/jan
  149. ThePaull3d: 16:35 punches his gf's face in
  150. Psykrom: reading those comments about macros made me laugh hard. ignorance is only bliss for true barbarians!
  151. thurok1992: how he can use Seven sided strike with a cooldown so low?
  152. Darakrys: Path of exile Tshirt xD
  153. MrGaugue: how u click so fast O.o
  154. Schwarzer Tee: after watching your video: i would have subscribed. gj man. too bad you're a cancerous piece of shit who puts annotations on his videos... so...
  155. zugzug: nice job alkaizer
  156. Osmund Drake: ok!
  157. Anaue Fernando: live stream plesse?
  158. Mike D: good job quin
  159. Xander Ellem: I love how he turns into macho man randy savage
  160. Jahman: That weapon mencionted before in the cube + the rune in SSS which reduces half of cd to 14 secs + cdr on gear (gloves, weapons, rings, amulet, shoulders, diamond on the helmet). All that gives you 1-3 secs of cd on SSS.
  161. sputnik online: song at 2:00 ?
  162. bendib2003: I find it weird how most of your rank 1 clears are done in rifts that you say are shit lol.
  163. Dodgy Dave: +傅陳榮祖 Nice.
  164. buba dabu: i got 70+ with p800 i die instant :(
  165. Kyle Mazurek: the build design hasn't changed since that set came out, it's exactly the same.
  166. imzenajlz: rank 2* ?
  167. Michal Mikes: love it
  168. Thomas 2M: Hi, Name of the song at 2:00 ? Thanks
  169. Victor VVG: thats not even Diablo anymore...
  170. Berronax: song list xd?
  171. ProjectPatLtd: such a graceful ending not over the top or anything. such poise much humble.
  173. John Dao: Why does he keep pressing escape to get to the menu? Is it some trick to it?
  174. Bryan: Way late, but have to say. Using your logic I would say that Hardcore should remove the " cheat death " capabilities so you guys can't " cheese " not dying by running back to town every time you proc it until it's off cooldown. And stacking resistances + buffs to the point you're nigh unkillable in most situations is the same fucking thing as people stacking damage and taking advantage of how dying a couple times doesn't really hurt them. I'd rather be a glass cannon and die periodically so I can be quick and do tons of damage in softcore instead of building a tank that can't really die except for when I have to hold my dick for 2 minutes while I wait for cheat death to come off cd. While hardcore undoubtedly adds a level of tension and therefore accomplishment when you succeed, I would argue that level of stress isn't needed in order to enjoy a game. Especially if you aren't competing for a rank 1 clear. And to go around preaching about Hardcore players somehow being better or more serious than those who play softcore is just an extremely bad case of elitism that isn't warranted.
  175. WEMMS: Just access his Diablo 3 page to view his build, rerolls, cube items and more.
  176. Seth Eheart: Subed for awesome celebration
  177. BobRoss Kappa 123: man, cant remember the last time i listened to tristam
  178. rug699: illenium-fortress for anyone wondering about the first song!
  179. Colonel_Klink: I only skip to the ends of these rank 1 clears, just for the reactions. Always so funny, and congrats yet again!
  180. Lyrala: Love Alkaizer's reactions............ oh wait
  181. TubbyBrah: gg quinny!
  182. 260RealTa1k 260: michele iadarola on console its like 99%
  183. adrian mos: +The Prophet Is A Nonce A lot of ppl for those who use that method didnt know that and viceversa
  184. Brian Nielsen: Hmm why cant i see it?
  185. Bryan: I don't believe Quin has ever tried to portray himself as better than everyone else at the game, so starting off your comment is heavily biased towards Quin for no good reason other than to try and dimish his accomplishment over someone you obviously respect more as a player. When you get to that level of rift, the exponential growth in difficulty, and by that I mean monster health/damage, is so great that having 400-600 more paragon points of main stat isn't going to determine if you clear a rift quicker than someone else. Yes, it can give you slight edges in a few cases where a very few percent might make a difference. But, that margin of error is easily outweighed by monster type/rift map/pylon consistency/mechanical skill. For the longest time now this game has been decided largely by RNG based scenarios that somewhat get counterbalanced by efficient time spent playing over the longest possible amount of time. All in all, don't just summarily dismiss Quin because of how much more time he had to spend playing the game, because that's how it was designed
  186. MaddyOwns: highest monk grift is 96 ...
  187. Ryu Kirito: You're reaction at the end! 😂 I can't push that high yet but I'm trying.
  188. Jacob Pisello Duga: He also has Gogok of Swiftness, which gives him an extra 15% cdr.
  189. cataria pega: that is actualy true?
  190. Doom Muffinz: Ooberonnn c:
  191. Nephyness: A question. Do you prefer this build over your One Punch Monk build? I used to run Exploding Palm a couple of seasons ago and loved it, but I am finding the Sunwukongs build to be really fun.
  192. Shock Lolds: SUCK MY DECK?
  193. Glassbreaker: you should see your comemoration with 1,5x speed hahah funny. :D
  194. TheHellSpawn000: Bliz. please don't nerf...
  195. John McKay: is he wearing a POE shirt?? haha
  196. I Need You: Thank you.
  197. shoutout to Sean rankling: yah nigga
  198. jcue69: I'm paragon 875 btw
  199. Simon Jarslev: I think someone critted their pants :D
  200. gyanjo: Nice POE shirt boi
  201. Kyle Mazurek: You had to have preordered Overwatch: Origin edition
  202. DrIncognito: I'm practically playing the same build, only with some minor differences, and I'm far from playing GR93 - I can rather easily do about 56 for now. What do I need to change to improve my char/build?
  203. marco: shit
  204. Tomáš Doležal: why is he using escape button so much?
  205. ss s: Gj
  206. Khoi Dang: What is the song at 0:08 please?
  207. nicolas vieras: overwatch origin edition
  208. Qverty92: and Alkeizer when he hits rank 1 is like "it was fun"
  209. ARENA mmorpg: graz man you the best 111111111
  210. monco123: Endless hours of fishing Grifts...
  211. Felix: FKN GRATZ!!!!!
  212. John Clark: It is good that Quin gets so stoked about a #1 rank. You have to love the passion.
  213. Anarchymatt: dying should insta-fail the rift imo, at least have some sort of tension in softcore
  214. Jarryd Fillmore: This is sick!
  215. Snow: hardcore?
  216. Nielsen Alves de Oliveira: What is the name of first song and last song ?
  217. FavoriteKarma: What does quin use for music? This playlist was pretty good.
  218. fasteXChecker: rendering it upand thinking what he gets by twitch atthe time he spend .... lets say 6500 a month ... man thats nothing :D
  219. Andrew: You can set your force move to the scroll wheel which does that effect.
  220. Alex Ablaise: Lol, dat reaction. At 6 in the morning. Poor Abby xD
  221. AA Sharp: +One man army a Diablo designed mouse by Sensei has macros for this game, Blizzard intended and advertised the use of macros for the specific product. Unless they want a lawsuit, they will never ban doe macros.
  222. maciej maciej: What's the name of first song?
  223. Euphoria One: GO GO CHRISTIAN BALE GO GO
  224. YungQoi: thx for making it germany viable
  225. Mathias Carling: Why is the clip removed?
  226. Deyvidbt: Could you release a full guide with this build, like all main stats and everything? Great job, thanks!
  227. Excel Fan: I love these vids for the celebrations at the end gj Quin great work
  228. Psykrom: Quin has guides for everything, there's a link in the description here as well.
  229. Finnlae A.: Does the lobby difficulty not affect Grift difficulty? His lobby only is at Expert difficulty. I'm not that advanced in D3 yet, please enlighten me! :)
  230. MassDynamic: so Uli > Inna?
  231. Hardcore Laclo: infarct moment. :-))))))))
  232. The Hoers Corral: If you are playing alone, hitting escape pauses the game, letting him wait for the common too-many-enemies-at-once-in-greater-rifts lag spike to (hopefully) end
  233. Jay Lei: His reaction is the best part lol love his D3 guides too. Simple and to the point
  234. Sladeofdark: why press escape so often?
  235. Egor Skobelev: and? go to hardcore!
  236. MsNikkieMichelle: Playing d3 with a Poe shirt on, classic. ;)
  237. Hyperkatten: Always the nice calm reaction
  238. Rudy Campos: why did he keep going to the character screen like that?
  239. Adam Holley: Burn B Pretty sure they nerfed snapshoting last patch. I know for a fact they removed power pylon snapshots. EP with mythic rhythm still works for sure. I'm not sure about other buffs though.
  240. Troy Moore: Its his job and he makes a lot of money from playing it. Don't see anything wrong with working.
  241. Xhopeon: awesome, Mr. Ladies! :) lol... late for party... stupid recommended videos...
  242. Kyle Mazurek: +Jacob Pisello Duga Not to mention the extra dodge too.
  243. l ross: If I lived with this guy, I would run out of the house and leave for an hour every time I thought he was going to hit rank 1.
  244. jason su: not mean to be a ass but its all the hour and time and how much he knows the game makes look so eazy, u can have his accout and his gear we all can wait for u to beat it in 10th of the time
  245. antics: why the hell does he hit escape so often?
  246. lardeen18: How you get this wings?>-<
  247. Travis Peters: What is he using to be able to left click so quickly? A macro? If you look at his cursor, it's clicking at a very high rate.
  248. Bigg Tony: nice build
  249. MrLifeEnergy: Puts some damn bass in your voice, deaud.
  250. Marius Gym: VikingBlood69
  251. LiquidxEviL: lol why are you wearing a path of exile shirt?
  252. Cameron Carson: just 2 days actually, and the first day was mostly just relearning the build and getting used to new keybinds.
  253. Sir_GameAthon: why dont you play Hard core
  254. Pepsi Recio: songs? ^^
  255. Dodgy Dave: How does he click so many times? Like when he is moving... Surely it can't be the mouse wheel trick can it?
  256. Poker Jedi: Grifts are based on Difficulty level..they are based of Grift level. the higher the Grift level the harder it is regardless if you are on Easy or Torment difficulty level
  257. Kyle Powers: Reaction was the best! :)
  258. Michael Riber: hehe u went bananas!!!
  259. karibe camargo: so quin playing Poe? i want see it hahaha :P
  260. Cameron JOhnson: His responds to beating it, makes my day every time. hahaha
  261. Brandon Cooper: a tad bit excited are we? lol
  262. Yotam Freyman: man thats what i call passion for the game lol. know how u felt man, no words can describe...
  263. Burn B: Cant really say for certain Adam, I barely played last patch and only went for LTK speed farmer until I got to finish season... Didnt account they might of changed the  mechanics since I dont remember reading anything about it. But i might be mistaking.
  264. Khoi Dang: Nvm shazam just help me in this case
  265. wonchos: Guy is awesome :D
  266. Burn B: Yes it is the mouse wheel trick... No need for macro's........ . .... . Simple key binding is all it takes.... #1 mouse wheel up, #2 mouse wheel down... and there u go...
  267. Helcio Pedroso: BChaos rath man ...i bought it last week...I have an uliana Build. 22 hours with my Monk. and i'm doing gr30 rifts. I tought that the game was gonna be Dead but is not. and if u have friends then dont worry ur gonna have a blast playing. its my First Season and i'm addicted to game. it made me almost stop playing overwatch haha sorry about my english. i'm still learning. cheers from Brazil
  268. Jesse: It's not the actual exploding palm, it's area damage. When area damage does damage to a bunch of mobs it adds up all the damage it does and puts it into one number. Also exploding palm from the 3rd hit of uliana's doesn't apply area damage which is why quin was manually applying a palm, then spreading that one so they would all have area damage.
  269. Lee Sin the Blind Doge: Wow
  270. Gideon Heij: ur such a retard but i still watch this....0.o
  271. Burn B: Snapshot dmg buffs..... When ur using lets say mystic ur able to snapshot the dmg on ur EP that you can then spread around with the dmg buff... Do not hit monsters with ur 7sided if all mobs dont already have EP on em otherwise it will not spread the buff... Once you have that set up just pull the existing mobs to an other pack to spread the buffed EP to the rest of the mobs making sure not to use ur primary to apply it, otherwise start the process again. (same thing applies to a power pylon.. and for god sake dont lose that once pylon is over.. ) You can carry a snapshot until you die or change level. U can also snapshot the dmg increase from fist of thunder when you use a potion, making sure u dont proc the skill again with the 3rd hit canceling the snapshot.
  272. Kenzo Araujo: What music for begin?
  273. Cope: not as big of a deal as you may think since you make 100+ group grifts nowadays. you can easily get paragon 800 in the first 24h of the season
  274. Pedro Federico Hegoburu: A Path of Exile t-shirt while playing D3? Really? BTW, going back to the main screen every few secs makes it pretty annoying to watch. Congrats nevertheless.
  275. teye farmer: Michael is a much better player, who simply has less time to dedicate to this. Comically bad play from Quin, but high enough Paragon and Augments that it doesn't matter.
  276. Daniel Mesa Rivero: hahahahah nice pro monk xD , but the shirt path of exile? hahahaha GZ Bro
  277. Aziraphale686: Ahh good point, thanks!
  278. viliboy: didn't know christian bale was into diablo 3
  279. Luke Cruz: 2 months ago uliana was garbage, now it's rank 1 material on Quin's hands. What a ploc twist!
  280. Painkiller95: Quin, your two last videos are not avaliable here...
  281. jcue69: My lvl 73 augmented gems ulianna monk can barely do lvl 82 GR how are u killing this mobs so quick ??
  282. SquallL47: hahaha that reaction. there's an all black in ever single one of us kiwi's YEAH BOIIIII
  283. André Anastácio: Can anyone give some tips about how to have good defensive stats while keeping the dmg for those high rifts? Right now I can finish up to GR 76 using Uliana set, but past that almost everything one shots me (and I do take care of keeping Binding of the Lost and Spirit Guard buffs up all the time). What is confusing me is that whenever I watch videos everyone talks a lot about offensive stats, but from what I'm seeing this isn't the only thing we need to worry when going higher on rifts. Using an example, right now I probably have enough damage to go up to GR 80 but I simply can't because of the time I spent running from beans, acid pools and stuff like that. I do know that you're not supposed to stand on those things but, differently of what I see in some videos, they do not get one shotted by simply tounching them or occasionally getting hit by a succubus fire ball as it happen to me. God, right now even regular mobs one shot me or take 70%+ of my hp with melee attacks. The only way I see that I could change this is to sacrifice some of my offensive stats but I don't think this is the right way to do this.
  284. Poker Jedi: you can look it up on the leaderboard. Just click on his name and it will give you the option to check out the character build.
  285. POC 88: best PC solo monk grats!
  286. Havndrup: Lmao! 16:27
  287. Clean Living: To annoy the shit out of viewers, ugh I hate that twitch
  288. Dude: good job!!! please do build guide! :)
  289. Cristian-Daniel Tudor: Come on Quin69 go HC man !
  290. Hino iQsan: Great Job quin69
  291. kmklove: hahahahahahahhahahahaha i love your reaction man hahahah u made me laugh so bad hahaha thx for all the guides.
  292. Jim Bal: suck ma deck*
  293. Des Heleiki: whats the name of the song at the very start?
  294. Antonio Castañeda: uliana vs Storm in season 7 ? with others rings...
  295. Gustav Olofsson: how is this not copyright music
  296. turbobenx: If u look at wizard's leaderboard, people has been using the FB vyr archon bug to reach Grifts 90+... Blizz mentioned that they aint doing shit until "probably" next season. So your "can't wait" might either wait till next season or never. That's bliz for u
  297. Syns13: nice dude. will you be showing your build for this one?
  298. Simon Jarslev: Hey, Keep those things to yourself.... I do :D
  299. Abbadon 〔: +Haidan Mcculloch yeah im hoping too see some comparisons to D2. But im quite sure there wont be any looking what they did to the barb. But it keeps it fresh, also looking forward indeed. Seeing what sets they get and what builds are nice.
  300. Ryan Price: I Remember by Tristam
  301. Hozan agit: lol pyscho ...:)
  302. MultiTrelakias: @Quin69 Do you use Mythic Rhythm for the ep or the sss ?
  303. Jacob Pisello Duga: He does it when there's a lag spike or when he needs to look away so he won't die.
  304. Khoi Dang: Its Illenium - Fortress, you're welcome :)
  305. Daniel Sitar: is there an exploit with pausing the game?
  306. Zab Tak: Sure... "A lot" :)
  307. Daniel Kam: Hahaahh I made a monk because of you xD hahAHAH
  308. afielsch: why?
  309. 23Sh4dow: is he using some kind of macro for skills order ?
  310. Psykrom: would you please give it a rest already? This is not a macro, it's a legit control setting within the game called "force move", which was assigned to a mouse wheel. It has been explained multiple times already - next time I catch you ranting, you'll do a walk of shame!
  311. i Granot: Newb question. What causes the mouse cursor to leave so many tracer circles as it moves across the screen?
  312. Leaf FR: Cheaters ?
  313. PapiChan: Aaaaaaaaaaand it's softcore lmao...
  314. Rene McLaren: what are gr's?
  315. lawlestest: That overreaction at the end, lmao. Enjoy your legendaries that aren't really legendaries anymore, have zero value, and don't mean anything. I'm surprised people still play this shit
  316. Frakka AB: Gz Quin
  317. Ian Skrivarnik: any one knows how does Quin click so fast ? I mean his move indicator is flashing like hell
  318. HarryPonche: awesome
  319. SykoJ Gaming: gg that PoE shirt lol
  320. tarsakh: HC or doesn't count. Can't wait for Bliz to ban people to exploit game mechanics such as Quin69 and his snapshotting.
  321. Where's Seamus?: I don't wanna brag or anything, but I watched this live, so I am a pretty cool guy. Call me ladies.
  322. A Dale: softcore pleb
  323. Timo J: WTF playing D3 with PoE shirt
  324. Andrew Lenkeit: Grats mate you deserve it... good to see you on top where you belong
  325. Abbadon 〔: +Gabriel Choi yeah the lashing tail kick build, its fucking insane. That gear is fucking insane they have.
  326. Psykrom: congrats, entertaining video!
  327. gedziq: GZ
  328. Silvia Müssig: GZ :-)
  329. theonetruedog: gg dude, i was watching the stream and was in the middle of a grift myself, and missed this, so glad this got up quick on youtube. well done. keep it up. push that 94 shit man, i'll send you some juice! gogo
  330. LevelAir: Hey quinn! really love your content! keep uploading more
  331. wiktor wiktor: pfff expert gr93 so ... plz
  332. AnimeLapse: Yuvraj Sangha it's survivability. He's running a unity on himself and his follower so he doesn't die. And he's doing like 15 to 30 billion dmg. It only looks like 50 million when it is really 50,000m
  333. pascal laurin: love his victory rage!
  334. Jozan Uchiha: Nice celebration xD
  335. MeggidoX: Dat ending lol
  336. Kyle Mazurek: flow of eternity in the cube. it give EP 100% dmg multiplier and an extra 60% cdr
  337. Cory Melanson: Honestly? Don't get hit. Uliana is a pretty glass cannon build. You need enough toughness to survive the lower damage unavoidable stuff, but between the iframes during Seven Sided Strike and your high CDR making it so you can dash around like a madman, you just shouldn't be getting hit very much. This makes mobs that do a lot of unavoidable damage cancer, but every build in the game has some stuff it just can't deal with once you get high enough. I gem/gear for pure damage. Desert Shroud + Spirit Guards + Binding of the Lost + Unity should cover unavoidable damage without having to otherwise focus on toughness.
  338. FunnyFunFunTime SadlySadSadSpace: it's Fist of Az'turrasq
  339. Laurent Alembert: I know you when we play
  340. Rolf Gammelgaard Lindhøj: Can you make it available in my countries which is Denmark? Can't seem to see it....
  341. Travis Peters: Thanks, I'll give a try
  342. SnD: Punctuation is a bitch sometimes. ;d
  343. ChinLong: Whats the name of the Helmet transmog?
  344. Stranger InNight: quincy ur my favorite d3 player :D
  345. ISLANDWALK: "STAY DOWN (MICHAEL)" quin for the win
  346. Yuvraj Gosal: AnimeLapse oooh 50 b
  347. Nils Petras: I do it vice versa, I skip the reaction. Too annoying tbh.
  348. Ignacio Montaña: Good job mate!
  349. Jonathan Brassinne: Hello, I would love to see a build video :)
  350. Ace Cat: u wot m8
  351. olivier 01: why are you always pressing escape its really annoying really...
  352. Zach Carter: fucking gold lmao
  353. Marco Biondo: gj man!!
  354. wingedtoast7495: no-one else reacts like quin.
  355. BChaos rath: +Helcio Pedroso Hahah obrigado Helcio xD já comprei o jogo e tou a gostar!! mas não vou tão avançado. obrigado pela opinião!! Não te preocupes, o teu inglês está melhor que muitos. Cheers from Portugal
  356. Th3KiLlErZz: Playing Diablo 3 with a Path of Exile tshirt? Ppl might get triggered :D Anyways, gratz
  357. Chris Davis: GG reactions for rank 1 clears are priceless One day I might get ranked #1 (might)
  358. drseuss22: Quick question, why are you on "expert" level??
  359. afielsch: Jurix Rebellion for real? well, I guess some ppl do use steampowered wood pcs... It is higly annoying!
  360. Sebastian Guerra: upload the build pls, i love the uliana`s set
  361. The Hoers Corral: monstercat music (at least at the beginning) is never DMCA'd
  362. Clean Living: Awesomeness, I've always wanted this build to be the primary monk meta, because it's so fun to play and the explosions are a hoot. Also Quin is getting a bad "pause by escaping to menu" habit going.
  363. duhFlash: those are pre order bonuses from overwatch
  364. Troy Moore: Think it has to do with the music he has playing.
  365. ii Pugnatrix: +Rokstar123 Well that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, I stand corrected.
  366. Júlio César: The best reaction! Congratz for the rank 1 and pls, update the build in diablofans.
  367. Carlos Medina Ramos: gz
  368. Andrew Smirnov: Дьябла пройдена ))
  369. john timber: he read the live stream chat
  370. Lee: also... static charge got nerfed pretty badly (proc chance + noone can't proc it for you ... so u can probably do some low grs solo, but group play is really bad)
  371. adrian mos: +The Prophet Is A Nonce pls man... LOL +Rokstar123 Ty
  372. Michael Fisher: Fist of az got buffed to 300%, the set itself got buffed, endless walk and so on.
  373. dash gamage: Nice Job Quin!!
  374. EarlGrey: Killing a 93 Boss with a Monk 3.5 minutes Killing a 93 Boss with a Necro 20 seconds Great game
  375. MortenM81: You make the best reaction videos on youtube quin, you should sue the finebrothers!
  376. TehFancyMan: You don't have to preorder you just get the Origins Edition
  377. Wraith1133: Classic Quin reaction... lol they're the best though
  378. Leesa Michaels: Congrats. My Monk is the same build and it sucks... sigh. You're funny. Made me laugh so hard!
  379. Cyrax: You sound kiwi and american at the same time
  380. Adoniram McCarthy: No build guide for the season 6 support Monk???? SLACKER. ;) (but seriously, make it happen)
  381. retsam001: Does anyone else have the issue where they can't watch Quinn's videos on their phone the videos only work for me on my PC?
  382. SuperSayianGaming: Gz Bro. :)
  383. Pocoyo: i just love how his voice auto changed as soon as he killed the rift guardian'' YEAH BITCH'' !
  384. Brian Schneider: flow of eternity gives 100% SSS damage not EP
  385. FreezardB: at 2:43 am I going mad or did that EP hit for 3 trillion o_0
  386. Blár: Wow, he didn't even break his headset this time. Grats Quin.
  387. technow0rd: quinn hows the game now with all the botters gone? is evreyone rank 1 yet?
  388. Pat B: LOL gratz love the Win reaction !
  389. TheBigE: bind "force move" to mouse scroll wheel
  390. Yuvraj Gosal: AnimeLapse so you mean 50,000B?
  391. Ilsea Xsity: Someone know his playlist ? Gz for this GR 93 !
  392. Djentlee: what happend to make uliana good again since the season where static charge started to dominate the latter half?
  393. Wouter Zaalberg: Whats that song called starting at 1:45? I like it a lot!
  394. Justin Flint: "whatt there's like 4 guys with ep deeewwdd"
  395. Brandon Holihan: What is the song right at the beginning??
  396. Jeff Daigle: Haha such a great reaction to a clear
  397. DNXM: Yes it is no shame to use the macro mouse and Blizzard won't ban the macro user, so why be so affrid.
  398. Aziraphale686: Aw cmon man, at least mouse over your gear and skills. We want to be macho too!
  399. gh0sth4nd: GZ
  400. Persistence TV: cause poe is better lol
  401. Derek Ball: Hello "ladies" nice to meet you.
  402. Maksim Baryshev: Молодца!
  403. Heru: Link to the build?
  404. hollow man: So do I lol. Love those reactions.
  405. Poker Jedi: Congrats!! Other than the respect and prestige that comes with being #1 on the leaderboard, do you get anything else with?? Like a special pet, wings, emblem, etc??
  406. AnimeLapse: Yuvraj Sangha no, read my comment again and think about the difference between 50,000m and 50,000b.
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GR93 Uliana's Exploding Palm, Rank 1 Clear

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming I Remember Tristam Yahel Upload TimePublished on 29 May 2016

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