Quin69 Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Unhallowed Essence (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4) - games free

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 3, 2019

Quin69 Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Unhallowed Essence (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

  1. Ptaah: If this can help, it was much easier after i bound the vault on left button
  2. richardhalo: You mean the guys the designed ALL these set dungeons.
  3. Carl Tripodi: Of course its easy, you are playing softcore. Your toon dies, it respawns. Play Hardcore and release videos. Push high GR's on HC. You guys are supposed to be really good, even getting paid to play this game and release videos. If you are really good at Diablo 3, play hardcore. I get refered to you guys to learn how to play a character with a certain build. As soon as I see the video is on SC, I stop the video, its no good to me because a lot of us play HC. Also show multi player in high GR's on HC. Then, I will pay attention to your videos.
  4. Hououin Kyoma: pretty good video Quin69 solid advise, I especially enjoyed "go out there and believe in the heart of the cards". hahaha yu-gi-oh fan here!
  5. ThatJeff: I would prefer the wings if you master all your class dungeon instead of all of them. Or at least 1 of that 2 wings. =/
  6. Adam Taj Hassam: you can make it in the cube- just enjoy db farming. 4a bit. you get 1-2 pieces. then convert them if u have 2 the same.in the cube
  7. Nukacola12345: New shit is: never drop below 50% discipline.
  8. Richard Lawson: my 1st attempt i got down to last elite to kill and needed 2 secs to complete in mastery was sooo gutted havent been able to get close since pfffff haha
  9. Let's Play Role Playing Games: "You hit 16 enemies with Multi Shot." Whole dungeon is filled with packs of 16. grouping up does not work as spiders seem to lose interest if you move 3 feet away from them. Been trying this for a few hours now. closest I've gotten is 5/6.
  10. Klau_Z: The dungeon won't spawn can I obtain it from the neffalim rifts
  11. Somehow Yummy: QUIN QUIN QUIN
  12. Gustavo Lobo: This is insane... you destroy everything like having a walk in the park! It takes me a lot of time to kill those elites...
  13. Vast Majority: WHOEVER DESIGNED THIS I HOPE YOUR FAMILY BURNS http://prntscr.com/a006uy
  14. сентенция-супер-Саян: yep I think i gonbe do that: zdps multi shot, and a ww barb who kill stuff for me
  15. Ke Fi: same here
  16. Kopokopo: +smurfeh82 Except you can't change your items during it. So you're gonna have to kill everything with lvl 1 bow.
  17. mykevelli: Make sure you dont equip the multishot rune that shoots rockets. They can steal kills from you and mess up your rhythm.
  18. Silente uC: this is the worst video i've ever seen
  19. roqzilla: HOWDY! rocked out with ma cock out and it worked just fine :D :thumpsup:
  20. easytheregovna: When I first tried this, I got nowhere close and gave up after a few tries. I came back later and got Mastery on my first try. Here's how you do it. Dismiss your follower and change your companion to a non-damage dealing one. Cube a RoRG and use the illusory boots to move through the enemies. Move slowly through them and heal, and you'll group them up enough to hit 20+ on most mobs. I'd often come across medium and small sized mobs, and when that happens, I'd just make sure the small baddies are closest to me when I fire. Try it and let me know if you have any issues.
  21. TheHellSpawn000: just went and winged it for 2 hours. just want my pennant before the seasons done. I did the objective about 5 or 6 times. and every Fucking time. I missed 1 fucking enemy. Every fucking time. so im gonna spend all day tomorrow punching myself in the fucking throat trying to get mastery. Last one I need for DH. The most ANNOYING THING is the fact that when you have just ONE ENEMY LEFT if you hit your Tab map you cant see any of the monsters.
  22. Brandon Howe: Need to be wearing the full set (or 4-5 with RoRG) Season/Non doesn't matter.
  23. Ray RayRay: lol useless comment you cant do set dungeon with friends wtf you talking about
  24. Derek Liñdsay: Yes you can. what game have you been playing? LOL
  25. Brayan Quartezani costa: is this updated? cuz the Shadow one isnt =/
  26. Look at my picture!: What's with all the ranking & plus 300+ stats on gear lately? Is that something to do with the new set dungeons or is that a seasonal thing?
  27. CrystalCrusher5: I've tried around 40,569,427 times and the closest I've gotten is 4/6 and I've killed packs of 19 at least 6 times every try........ Diablo is bullshit
  28. Garrett: I did it today. Remove your companion they just get in the way when you are trying to group mobs.. You dont want to one shot everything either so you can get a second chance to hit the same group. I took alot of my gems out in order to achieve this. but it is luck too to get them in pre-spawned big packs.
  29. Cornelious Stradivarius: Oh if only Yoda said "Do! or Do not! There is not Try to not Try" lol
  30. ChntalX: Im stuck at this one, max i had with the multishot was 5/6 :(
  31. Leo B: Done it around 15 atemt - bigest problem for me was that last 1 matherfucker each time hiding in some corner of the map. My advise for those who struggling - 1.gear lvl should be enought to kill elites from 1 or 2 multishots. 2. Max your discipline and movement speed with enhcanting cube and skills 3. Use vault skill with reduced cost rune. (mobility can give you enough time to round mobs and still made d in time) 4.Dont put on mouse any damaging skills besides multishot. (little spiders has way too little hp pool) 5.Don't miss any mobs, check all dark corners.( with vault skill and at least medium movment speed buff - time is last thing that you shoul worry about)
  32. Scott Kemp: From someone who is primarily a DH - I'll advise use Krem's belt in the cube, the tactical advantage passive, and ferret companions
  33. benjerman kovaht: nice video! nice accent, good job, have fun, yay! I'm inspired to try again... mastery rank on this is a bitch
  34. preachbigd: "Rock out with ya cock out" 😭😭😭😭
  35. Max0r847: They are RNG based but also gear/paragon based. Better stats absolutely helps with set dungeons which is why I save doing them for later
  36. John Rodrigues: 4 or 5 times? ive tried this atleast 20 times. and still trying. these dungeons arnt skill based. they are rng based. this is the worst dungeon yet for me.
  37. Ice!: In my honest opinion, there should be some substaintial reward for doing mastery here. A stupid pet and a banner really? not worth the aggravation.
  38. leighton lanzetta: i kill everything in like 1 hit and if i try to round them up with a shit bow i run out of time its not worth my time
  39. smurfeh82: 1. Get level 1 Crossbow 2. Fire 6 times at a pack 3. ... 4. Profit ?
  40. Chris Høydahl: +Chris Johansen And also, if it isn't obvious, shoot into areas you've "almost" been in, so you don't leave any spiders behind. Backtracking might ruin a victory.
  41. Efuma: I must have gone up two paragon levels before finally completing this piece of shit set dungeon. The small critters only bunch of 16 or so at a time. Therefore there's a huge RNG component that you must battle through. One thing that was helpful was to use the passive tactical advantage, which increase speed at 60% for 2s after vault. With this enabled, clearing the dungeon within the time limit is not a problem. You just have to pray to RNG gods for a good distribution of spiders.
  42. Maczeta: +smurfeh82 And then fire 213123123 times to kill them ^^
  43. Felipe Delduque: I got lucky too, take me 5-6 tries. Those spiders are too damn slow to kite. You either got lucky or restart
  44. Patrick Redecker: +Vast Majority yessssss
  45. Cornelious Stradivarius: Excellent guide as usual. Had some really bad luck on densities first 5 tries but on 6th try I think blizz felt sorry for me. Thx Quin u da man
  46. Joshua Schwall: I went to the spot and the portal wasn't there any advice
  47. Cross_D: This set dungeon is just plain unfair. "You hit 16 enemies with Multishot". Oh haha tricked you "You hit 19 enemies with Multishot". And just to tease you out of nowhere "You hit 40 enemies with Multishot", which is TOO much!
  48. SumthinRandomHereLOL: QUIN how can i make my damage display like that? instead of 1,000,000 it appears 1M? How to do that?
  49. Fargo729: how to I get the portal to spawn
  50. Chad: my stupid fucking dog keeps killing those small spiders that i need for the 20 with one multishot. Fuck
  51. HonoR95: did it with half a second left lol had to run all around for one shitty spider that i missed
  52. Cassius Mason: THIS ONE IS 99.7 PERCENT IMPOSSIBLE TO DO. MY 80th ATTEMPT. You can't vault through the map fast enough to keep discipline above 50 percent and at the same time kill everything in the map before the time limit. QUINN did the easy version, all of the ones he did were easier. Forget about the wings. Some of the set dungeons went from somewhat doable to not even hard, but near impossible. Please fix this set dungeon along with some of the other near impossible ones.
  53. Khanh Nguyen: I have full confidence in this....so I will try to not try :/
  54. LabGecko: 2.4.1 Tips: You just have to stay above 50% disc now. Use Illusory Boots to easily get the spiders in groups, or Ice Climbers if the webs are screwing you over. For speed use Krelm's Belt + Lianna's Wings (cube) + Shadow Power (Shadow Glide) and Smoke Screen (Displacement). This gives a move speed of 180%. Whenever you are anywhere near 50% Disc, pop Preparation (Invigoration) which you should be using anyway for the dmg bonus (along with Manald Heal with +Disc secondary). If you have them, use Multishot (Suppression Fire) with the Strongarm Bracers for finishing off elites.
  55. Holly: oh ur so cool,. but still a virgin
  56. Phillip: I quit the Season for the exact same reason last time. Tried this badly designed portal 15 times, bad rng with the dencity, will quit this season as well. Good on you Blizzard, transforming to Valve with the shitty updates that noone needs or wants. They could atleast TRY to make the Set Portals good, or atleast always the same, so you can learn where the mobs spawn and get it that way. Nice guide though
  57. GanGa RAP: i hate this fucking dungeon!!! 1 week and i cant completeee!!!!!
  58. Vast Majority: Can I get wings? without a seasonal char 
  59. Fiusha Ironfoot: +therealomek You could have a friend help you clearing anything that you've left behind.
  60. evan water: Did they make unhallowed stronger? Was my first build but I could only get so strong. Wondering if they do more dmg now or what. that is the mainthings d3 needs. every build should be able to be on top and not just a monk or barb build
  61. Vast Majority: Why is he doing set dungeon with non seasonal char? does it work?
  62. Cody Cox: +ZeVio74 I thinmk your right. I tried to do it by just running through and theres no way to get the 6 20+ by just attacking. the small spider mobs are like you said 15-16 and the big ones are 10-12. you have to try and gather them around each other now and it makes it very hard to do. some times i find them so spaced out that you waste more time trying to drag them around. also its best to drag the small spiders than the larger ones because he Lspiders dont case as well. You need to have unlimited discipline do complete this because there no way you can get around the map fast enough to kill all the monsters in time. It also looked like there was a way to get more time but i was moving so fast i didnt catch it but it looked like i got an added 20 or so seconds because of something i did.
  63. Chrystian: +Look at my picture! new cube recipe, doesn't matter if it's seasonal or not, but you sacrifice a legendary gem for it (it add 5 x gem rank of the chosen stats)
  64. JeanCarlo95: How do I get the set? u.u
  65. Fakku: they must have nerfed it or something since i haven't encountered a pack of at least 15+ yet.. 0/6 done lol
  66. barbed: you hit 16 enemies...you hit 19 enemies. you had to make set dungeons challenging. not rng stupidity...fail
  67. Dave z: mastered in 2nd try, easy
  68. Cassius Mason: Beat all of them alrdy awhile back. Thanks for looking out though.
  69. Heroshq TWG: u gotta litteraly get lucky to beat this... no skills involved whatsoever. what total garbage design.
  70. JuodaanVinaa: This dungeon is such a fuckin' pain in the ass. The guy who designed this better get a new job
  71. Nihillus: +Cassius Mason I made it just few mins ago. Just pick something that buff speed, and pay attention to kill everything so u dont have to track back. When U see shitloads of creeps, try to hit 20of them. Fail? clear them asap and move on. Took me 3 runs to master it. But i agree that luck is really involved.
  72. Ares Gow: Easy.
  73. Eugene Serkin: @Quin69, this is gabbage. Without showing items and skills one can only imagine. So very low quality explanation IMO.
  74. Terravium: +VergilDsparta I agree with you.
  75. Ice!: I was referring just for this one alone,  a set of green wings would be nice since it's a very annoying set dung thats all :D
  76. Ke Fi: This Ray RayRay Never Played setdungeons before. Got my wings now. With a lot of help. :)
  77. Credit Card The Real End Game: +therealomek let me guess, when you are on the bottom, she is on the other side, in a corner
  78. Raynooks: Barely got it. I missed a spot with 1 enemy left near entrance and managed to finish with a time of 4:29...When it popped up, thought I failed.
  79. Kneck Beard: "atleast 4 or 5 tries" piss off
  80. xanix2211: i tried 3 times \o/
  81. Alex Schultz: +SumthinRandomHereLOL That is in patch 2.4.
  82. Frane Niseteo: You hit 16 enemies with Multi Shot , how can he have so much discipline?
  83. FUGYOO: Good tips dude. Thanks. I dropped my cock and grabbed my socks. It worked.
  84. dreamerdragon: came online to find a trick to doing the 20 hit/multishot. yea, fck this dungeon.
  85. Simon Frederiksen: can i do this on live diablo 3 or is it only on ptr ?
  86. Mike Rotch: Best how to ever! I love trying to not try
  87. Omek6: +euacredito That's about right. I finally finished it a few days ago. It's certainly not the hardest of the set dungeons, but it is really annoying.
  88. Martin Parmas: For me it is so hard to get 20 shot. Max i get is 5 out of 6.
  89. davegpp2bcdn1: Bring a monk friend to group them up for you using cyclone strike. Make sure he has low dmg as to not kill them.
  90. Cornelious Stradivarius: ye agree. It's all luck on densities
  91. BLaCkKsHeEp: after 7 tries last night, i finally mastered it. had 13 secs left before i finish the seasons journey quest. then my computer shuts down. fuck. now i cant master it.
  92. Charls Brick: So, to some people, this might be a really dumb question, but I am new to the game. I have no idea how to get this portal up. I got there after finishing the game and all the bounties, but there is no portal there. How do I open it? Do I need a seasonal character? and If I have to make one, will I no longer be able to play it after the season is over? Thanks in advance!
  93. Chris Høydahl: Just mastered the updated version, and I have just one tip: Do not quit even if you think you just messed up a couple of groups of 20+ What happened to me was that all of a sudden I had an area that I was able to get 4-5 (20+) out of. And even though I didn't have a lot of map left, I was lucky enough to get a last area where I got something like 21.
  94. tahu1235: +evan water they buffed it, as well as a lot of other sets, check 2.4 patch notes
  95. Xtian Alien: how do i see the portal
  96. cjkone978: Carl Tripodi umm, quin also played on hc lol his knowledge of the game is unrivaled imho and i watched a lot of d3 vids from a lot of other "pro" players. Not everyone enjoys hc. I do but its not for everyone
  97. Dennis Vu: Luck is involve a lot with this dungeon. It's fucking moronic. You literally have to kill 99.9% of the monster to get master kill bonus. Another tip is to use a shitty bow. That way you can get multi 20+ bonus on one mob
  98. Omek6: I've done this about 50 times already. I've almost achieved mastery twice, but there is one bloody spider on the map that wasn't killed. -_- fml
  99. Lightsword Renethilos: by 45% more damage per disc, total of 65% per disc
  100. Patrick Redecker: +Vast Majority its not a seasonal objectiv. u can get ur wings even after the season
  101. Sire Trasher: pretty horrific by at least 4-5 tries ? easy to say at pg of almost 2k... almost no players have 2k pg until end of season...would be nice if you adressed the majority of your viewers by showing how to do it with just 300-400 pg
  102. TripleDouble: yeah, very funny u needed 4 tries...i did already like 20-25
  103. acheron55: just finished this in 4th try. timer is more than enough, take your time to group the spiders. i had to stop using vengeance and my follower to not kill any spider by mistake. i had 1.5 min left
  104. tahu1235: +Simon Frederiksen ptr
  105. ThatJeff: +Ice! Actually there are 2 pendants for each class and when you finish all the 24 dungeons, you get 2 wings.
  106. Nawtic: An Achievement....But If You Master All Set Dungeons For A Class You Get Wings And A Pendant.
  107. kornél Dávid: same i was yelling so god damm loud after few hours i lost my mind
  108. Nico23cm: fucking impossible
  109. Sundström: Thanks for the tips! changing to illusory worked for me :)
  110. Gloweye: +Simon Frederiksen Live now.
  111. ZeVio74: So the patch's live, and I tried the dungeon, and I think the mob number has changed, I noticed that small spider packs are around 15 - 16, and big spiders are 10-11 per pack, there are 1 or 2 occasions where they overlap and you get 20+ groups, but that RARELY happen, I usually only get 1, max 2. So you'd have to do a bit more gathering now, because if you just shoot when you see a pack, you're not gonna get 20, thankfully though, each section of the map always spawns 2 pack, and they're relatively close to each other. This map is a huge RNG machine Other than that, Quin's guide is spot on, don't mean to jump in and correct your video bro, keep it up! EDIT: The objective "Never exhaust your discipline" got changed to "Never let discipline drop below 50%", I deal with it using a Yang's Recurve with 55% RCR, but that just means you gotta keep an eye out Quin's using Hatred when Vault because of Dannetta's set, but I find I always run out of Hatred real fast. I think the mob also has their HP raised, I went in with 700K DPS and I'm making not-very-fast progress.
  112. 2 YUNGZ: ahhahhaah. love you quin 😂😂😂😂
  113. ocping: "5 tries" more like 50 lol
  114. сентенция-супер-Саян: yep I think i gonna do that: zdps multi shot, and a ww barb who kill stuff for me
  115. A: this is fucking retarded i've been trying for 6 hours
  116. rockkiller124: What do you achieve once you master this dungeon anyway?
  117. Aero: they buffed like the whole set. like, the WHOLE thing. kinda wild if you ask me
  118. Andrew Testa: LOL quinn, you are the fucking man dude. fuck yeah
  119. TormDemoniax: Now you have to not let your discipline drop below 50%
  120. NataliaNeeSama: Equip all the 6 parts and it will spawn.
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Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Unhallowed Essence (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 9 Dec 2015

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