Quin69 Diablo 3 RoS - Damage Reduction Explained (quin69) - games free

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 3, 2019

Quin69 Diablo 3 RoS - Damage Reduction Explained (quin69)

  1. prashant Chauhan: I:49 .. Epic one
  2. Striker977: +Grenade Catcher Reason i thought it was a joke....
  3. Tim Johansson: This is most likely worth another 50USD in donations next time I see you stream. /Obediance.
  4. JesseDeBeste: Thanks, very helpful!
  5. Rodrigo Sanguanini: Im from Brazil, i get 50% or less of what you said. The main purpose are set, ok, i get it, but, I would love to see your video with subtitles, just to get all the lines and all what you have said. Sorry for bad English, we foreign are always sorry about that haha. Nice video, and thank you
  6. Pezby69: Graph OP ,, blizz will nerf the graph  :p  .. Thx for the vid and explanation
  7. M Flotti: Fantastic ! Please more !
  8. YoYo Mizuro: It basically comes down to the developers decided to give us higher armor numbers, and lower All Resist numbers. Also Strength and Dexterity are 1-1 for armor, whereas Intelligence is 10-1 for All resist. The main thing to focus on is to build the opposite defense of what your class naturally gets. So as a Wizard, I want to stack a lot of armor on my gear because I naturally get All resist through my main damage stat. As a Monk/Barb/etc you want to build All Resist on your gear because you naturally get Armor from your main damage stat. And in your scenario, 100 resall is equal to 1000 armor, so you would actually come out ahead, unless of course you were playing an intelligence based class, in which case the 500 armor will equal more damage reduction because of the fact that your all resist will be so high from your main stat. Hope that helps clarify things for you!
  9. asura_storm93: +theblindsaint I'd say All Res. How many elements are there? Phys, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, and Arcane? Without an immunity necklace you're going to need six pieces of armor to even out all the elements. How high does the secondary resistance go? 150? 160? Let's just say 200 for the Hell of it. So you have six pieces of armor that each give 200 secondary res for a different element. If you were to instead stack 100 All Res on those six pieces of armor you'd have 600 resistance to each element. Secondary Res is good, but All Res > Secondary Res. If only One With Everything were still in the game...
  10. Svenshinhan: You can even play around with it a bit (on softcore, obviously). Like, find an arcane pack and get hit by a beam on T6 in your normal gear. A tick may do, say, 100k damage. But you probably have 400k+ life, so you can easily take a hit or two and move out of the way and heal back up with life on hit etc. Then just put on some random VIT gear with little or no armor/AR etc. Your life may go up to as much as 2 million, but you have so little damage reduction that there's a good chance the same arcane beams will one-shot you. Of course that's a very extreme and impractical example, but mobs do indeed hit for absurd amounts of damage. So let's say you got good gear and you pop all those defensive cooldowns. You're at 99.51% reduction. An attack that hits you for 400k damage would have done over 80 million damage if you had no damage reduction. Just to put that into perspective.
  11. Peter Schwarz: Excel
  12. Brad Welbourn: good stuff Quin
  13. Мартин Славчев: You don't really need a formula to calculate your total dmg reduction from all sources just a calculator. When adding different source of reduction it only reduces the real dmg you take - the one that's left after the reduction % you already have. When you have 50% reduction from armor and you take 100dmg hit, you actually take 50 dmg. But if you add all resist to reach another 50% dmg reduction it will split the leftover dmg so you reduce the 50 dmg by 50% and 25dmg is left. Then you add epiphany - another 50% and you reduce the 25 dmg by 50% so you take only 12.5 dmg. And finally you add Unity ring (both on you and your follower) and you reduce the 12.5dmg with another 50% and you take only 6.25 dmg. Then you add whatever kind of reduction you have on hand and you take literally 1/20 or less than Monster's hit. Keep in mind armor and resist values are much higher even with bad gear so can easily reach 96-97%.
  14. SimonGrandell: Hi Quin really nice guide but it's not entierly accurate armour is slightly more valuable since you get a 25% boost to it from paragon. So after doing some spreadsheating the optimal ratio is actually 1 to 10 +700 armor without the paragon points. then when you add the paragon it will give the most reduction (Assuming that you can trade them 1 to 10)
  15. Peter Schwarz: Would love to download it too :)
  16. Shendiva Scarlet: Very nice guide man! Keep it up, i would love to see more like that!!
  17. RakaTheGreatOne: Hey Quin C, nice piece of video. However for your explanation about the balance between Armor and AllRes, you compare 2 raw stats without considering the cost of each of these (ie. how hard it is to get 100 AllRes in comparison to 1000 Armor). IMO, if most Monks run a slightly higher than 10 Armor/AllRes ratio, this is because it is overall easier for the monk to stack 20k armor than 2000 AllRes. The balance between the stats is thus not formally optimal but 'economically optimal'.
  18. Peter Schwarz: +YoYo Mizuro Your explanation was helpful, thanks a lot :)))!
  19. Jarrett Randle: Quin! Can you put the sheet in the description or something so we can use it to see what we need to gear for?? 
  20. eswiig: can we download this spreadsheet somewhere?
  21. MyrlaTV: 1st: Iguess Blizzard saw this video and thought..."guys...this shit is to complicated give him perma serenity and he's at perm 100% so we  don't have to do math" new rings op 2nd: can you share this chart in the describtion? Would love to put in some numbers and test it myself
  22. Enigma: +theblindsaint if you read my first post is exactly what did i say about monks and harmony... I would guess that the clones proc BotT if they are cold based but i need to test it
  23. Jake Hornberger: Seems like somebody enjoyed a quantitative methods course :p haha i enjoyed the vid. Keep on going man.
  24. thequietCalm: I like you. You're fun and informative. Nice guide.
  25. Vincent Wong: Quin. I think you are awesome, but the black and white video of your real time face is making you look but older a lot
  26. Demonic Chronic: these guides are awesome i enjoy them very much and you werent too excited^^ thanks man keep up the good work
  27. zswarog: whether it works on a Barb/Mage and others? are there any differences in calculation formula for All RES?
  28. Rebslack: Hey Quin, can you provide the actual link to the forumla please? I'd quite like to recreate a similar sheet to evaluate upgrades/reforges. Edit: I actually think you've used the wrong formula for the Armour / All Res %age value, you've used the Monster Level as 70. Elites and Bosses are actually 73. So wouldn't it be better to use that number?
  29. Slowpoke: +Quin C Are you saying that most rolls should be vita/armor in order to get secondary resistances? I don't know if thats a good idea...Sure you end up with 1mil life but your AR will be under 1k
  30. Claudio M.: thanks for info man
  31. mastermill79: Enroll in the Diablo 3 stats school by the honorable Quin69 TODAY and receive a full set of primals. Order now!!!
  32. e12agent: @Quin C you said armor diminishes physical damage, but I'm pretty sure it diminishes all kinds of damages
  33. Rodrigo Sanguanini: +YoYo Mizuro yes, it helped me a lot. Thank you very much for all the explenation!
  34. leonscottkennedyre4: So aquilla + Unity does what?
  35. dreamingofbananas: All I got from this is "try to be the top 1%" - this is what's wrong with our country blah blah blah I'm joking, great job showing it all! 
  36. Stefan .Grancharov: yup ... that's the math result of it. Blizz are very good mathematicians :)))
  37. Peter Schwarz: Then you will have to cut some AR and get more Armor to get max. Damage reduction
  38. Callum Budge: only melee, but it's still another multiplier so it would be better than say increasing armour by 5% most likely. I prefer range reduction since most melee attacks are easier to see and dodge :P
  39. browngom: does this mean grift mobs would be hitting me for billions of damage without all my damage redux?
  40. Leonaldo Brum: Wow!...   :-)
  41. ist vest: I hear you, thanks a lot!!!
  42. AM Fitness: Right on, congrats on the GR48 clear that was sick.
  43. Tunnelmath: Thanks, this helps!  How did you make the graph? And what is the Y axis?  I have failed miserably at trying to reproduce it.
  44. wexlbex: pleaaase give us the spreadsheet :-)
  45. pas de vos CALIS daffaires: The sheet is on sale or you havent posted it by mistake?
  46. Youstink685: +jklm011 parthanon defenders, with 8+ stunned units (which is fairly easy with some builds making it over powered) = 100+% damage reduction
  47. Purry: You're getting more frequent with your uploads, love it! <3
  48. DravenBloodmoon: Could you link that spreadsheet it would really help with theory crafting
  49. Jhouse: you are amazing made my wd godly in hc thank you sir! it's madness!
  50. caio reis: +vaggelis boliss yes
  51. Mike-Yilmaz Arslan: Awesome video btw =D Gonna help me out loads
  52. Michael Raley: Awesome video help me out a lot
  53. theblindsaint: +VGP9000 you can only have all res or secondary res, not both on most pieces. that;s my question, which do i choose. 
  54. Alex Kumlin: you literally can't explain any of it
  55. Enigma: i would guess armor till 15k then all res, as for the secundaries, always +res because of harmony.
  56. Icrine Arcura: For those who didn't understand why diminishing returns doesn't matter, this is actually the simpliest way to think of it: Every point of armor you add will give you the ability to take the exact same number more hits from the same damage source. So for example, if 100 additional points of armor at from (500 to 600) armor allowed you to take 4 more hits that dealt 5000 damage to you, 100 additional points of armor at from (100000 to 100100) armor will also allow you to take 4 more hits that dealt 5000 damage to you. I.e. relatively speaking, every point of armor or all res has EQUAL VALUE. However, the best ratio of survivability you can get is derived from the multiplier, which means that you NEED to maintain an equivalence ratio! Getting 1000 armor for each 100 all res you have is the best method! The only thing preventing you from doing that is that it's almost always easier to get all res points than armor!
  57. ben williams: Hey Quin, is this your own personal spreadsheet or is it available somewhere? as I would like to calculate my dmg reduction. Also on SWK crown Vit or WoL dmg%? already running 4300 Vit without it on helm. Great guides BTW :D
  58. Banj: i need to put unity ring on my follower too to get the 50% dmg reduction right?
  59. AM Fitness: Great job with the breakdown Quin, I had to argue that rolling additional elite damage reduction on my Aughild's chest was better than 100AR the other day b/c I'm already stacking secondary resist plus MoE/Harmony. I managed to get 23% elite damage reduction between the Aughuld's bonus and re-rolling on the chest piece.
  60. Alcouriel: lol fair enough. i tried it and with the all resist got to 67 instead of 60 so it helped. ill have to swap back to hit higher rifts i think tho
  61. Samuel Hauptmann van Dam: What other things should I take into account?
  62. Bunke: Interesting.
  63. Tobias Kehm: Hi 😊 Does this work in 2018?
  64. Gaming with Lever: +Striker977 all melee classes have a 30% damage reduction from all sources
  65. VoidObject: Thanks for the great vid bro nice explanation of blizz multipliers for dr
  66. Devils Slayer Trance: That was quite an interesting video, Quin C! Now i can choose between Armor/All Resist more accurately :) By the way, could i have a copy or link of that sheet to optimize my characters stats?
  67. theblindsaint: +Quin C Thanks alot man! Another question, do the sun wo jo clones taunts proc bane of the trapped?
  68. Peter Schwarz: Yes i would love to get this spreed sheet as well
  69. Zigi Samblak: Bottom line: Higher is always better, diminishing returns is barely an issue worth considering. Having a ratio of 10:1 armour to all resist will give you the most value out of the multiplier, but adding more to one of those defensive stats will still improve your defense even further.
  70. ames5150800: I love your "gameplay" videos mate, but that's why I watch your stream!! Please do more of these, this was very educational for me. Thank you for it and yes, more guides like this please!!
  71. Justin Hanratty: hey bro thank i understand very well thanks 
  72. Guillaume Breton: great video as always.  You got me excited watching a flipping graph man.  Gj !  Any way you could fix the contrast or white balance on your camera to avoid that flicker ?  ty !
  73. JoNNyCLOUD171: For the regular Joe's still scratching there head, you are not getting as much value from PERCENTAGE increases in the way you would normally think you should despite Quinns excitement suggesting the opposite i.e. 40 % + 20 + SHOULD be 60% (however that would be broken with the high damage reduction that is available from many sources) What you are getting however is hit for 100 take ANY of your percentages from a specific category of reduction then what is left over from what was just reduced take away a SEPARATE percentage. i.e. (from the previous example) 100 damage taken - 40 % = 60 taken THEN 60 damage taken - 20% = 48 Taken. The percentages can be take of in any order but only once per 'category' and can be multiple reductions not just the 2 I listed in this example. remember you are NOT reducing the BASE damage received each time just what is left over after each category has done its own reduction. I think the best points to take away from here is the first part that stacking armour and resist is still decent and the equation of 1 - 10 from AllRes - Armour
  74. YoYo Mizuro: No problem, feel free to private message me anytime you need help. If you play on U.S. servers, my battletag is Tyrael#1601
  75. SimenF117: Very nice video, you should post it to Reddit if you haven't already!
  76. Core On Crack: Link to your excl plz !!
  77. Christopher Collins: You weren't overly excited, it was fine.
  78. Db Th: ɷ Heeeey Friendds I Have F0undd Workinggg Online Hacck visitt : - https://t.co/mpV2kH8tPO
  79. Chidy398: Thanks for this video. I knew a little bit about how this worked but it's kind of hard to find good easy to digest information about stats in diablo. One thing I've also had trouble finding is a guide on how much mitigation you should be aiming for
  80. Peter Schwarz: How do multipliers work? For example if u have 1000 Armor and 100 AR then u have 22.22% Damage reduction each. But the overall damage reduction is 39,51%? Is it a e-function or something like that?
  81. Júlio Pessanha: No comments after a year? That means I'm the first. Hello, Quin. I love what you do for the Diablo comunity. That's amazing. Thanks from Brazil for all guides and enterteinment.
  82. Striker977: Wait what? Monk have 30% reduction? I thought that was a joke.
  83. MeloTone: but how dose it works if i have 1600 all re and 6000 armor?
  84. Oti Nane: http://i62.tinypic.com/30x8jyh.png I only see your twitch profile's link not the link for this spreadsheet :)
  85. Mike-Yilmaz Arslan: Hey Quin, do u have a link to that spreadsheet?
  86. Börger Fresse: Yes i want more guides :)
  87. Belfor09: This curve looks like mass to speed relation. When approaching C (light speed) mass become infinite.
  88. Youstink685: +dylloop you actually can, it just takes ALOT of stats something that currently seems not possible, however no one has gotten max gear and gone for max armour yet.
  89. William Richard: Quin, you are awesome
  90. DARKw0lfin: what program are you using to do this spread sheet? Is like to plug in my stats to get a better grasp on this and my monk. Bow love your guides man. they help alot
  91. theblindsaint: So given the choice, do i want to roll All res or a secondary res on gear?
  92. Toon Budeners: Excellent video. Thank you!
  93. Raymon Boers: would be cool if u could link the exel document you are using, nice video tough!
  94. Stefan .Grancharov: You should explain the RATIO = "dmg dealed by MOB(s)  /  player's dmg reduction" and compare it in different patches - that's what Blizzard will always keep in the same borders  :) That ratio is what maintain the desire of the average gamer to play more and more... till the next patch...  Grifts are kind of exception in the last 2.1 patch , cuz the "dmg dealed by Mob(s)" grows like exponentially to the sustainability (dmg reduction) of the player, so you actually have to THINK how to combine different class invulnerabilities in case you still want to progress in Grift ladder. P.S. Btw the life points of the player are kind of forgotten tiny factor in computing the end sustainability result. I mean that you may have excellent dmg reduction like 99,9% , but if the rest 0,1% of the dmg dealed to you is bigger than your life points , you would have been constantly one-shotted by the mobs. So it`s a very strange kind of multiplicative variable, that under some lower values equals zero. If Blizz continues with that kind of exponential thinking, in 10 years we'll be celebrating our K-billion Dps ...   LONG LIVE THE "Serenity" :)))))
  95. Striker977: +leverloos :O :O :O :O okay.....
  96. Gabriel Lanier: awesome, thanks
  97. Peter Schwarz: +Youstink685 He means the function is an e-function and in mathematics e-functions never "end" at a point. They go infinite and the "end" would be 100%.
  98. Aeccreo: was really good, please do more guides!
  99. sweetredification: so how exactly does harmony work ? 
  100. Thomas Tennvassås: loving the enthusiasm bro, you have an optional career in teaching if you ever decide to quit streaming :P really entertaining taint right here
  101. PharCry: The world needs more people like yourself!
  102. zombiesafterme: We are not all Boyz.....
  103. Tomáš Gašpar: What about sixth sense passive? I have allready over 1500 all resist. Is it worth to use sixth sense? How does it scale? 
  104. Vojislav Skrbic: with the best ratings u put of 99.73% a hit for 100 mil will take 270k damage
  105. Mikkel Holm: How do i calculate my reistance?
  106. Carlos Morgado: can you make this spred shit avalable?
  107. Madsketchybakehouse: Then you got the crystal fist with a dashing strike reduces 50 percent damage for 6 secs
  108. maxpower007: Very helpful thanks =)
  109. Mister Gunsen: ""survive without dying" :D
  110. Arnont Udomkul: Good job on all your post, I subscribe you. Keep it up bro
  111. Aiden Brunney: my armor is 15706 and my res all is about 1400 - 1600
  112. Banj: i found out a day after my post but tnx m8 :)
  113. Peter Schwarz: ^^
  114. Brady Bell: Your guides help so much quin!!! Thank you so much!!
  115. Matthew Toyias: You are extremely well spoken and quite smart sir. I learn a lot from your videos for D3 and actually apply that knowledge to other games as well.
  116. Mark McIntosh: This is awesome!  Thank you. It would have been cool if you explained how hard higher greater rifts mobs hit for and then factored in the dmg reduction you provided to show how much life gets taken off a monks life bar when all is said and done.  Regardless, I learned alot from the video! 
  117. eXquiSiT69: +Quin C Same story , I want this sheet too pls :) but no link in description
  118. Julie Maerker: There are girls here too ya know Quin LOL
  119. halleberry123: and now explain me ONE THING: Why the hell you recommend LPS on Pants/Chest over armor (which cann roll upto 775 on ancient) ????? Simply don''t get it..
  120. 2Awesome: just graph 1/(1-damage reduction)...
  121. Mat Mat: So if i add 7% MELEE damage reduction will this contribute to reducing damage from ALL sources?
  122. NdcintOne: Your a fucking champion. Always wondered how this scaled. Explained perfectly!
  123. browngom: absurd
  124. Youstink685: its A / (A * (level *50)) or for resistance R / (R * (level * 5) A = armour R = resistance so 50k armour at level 70 is 50000 / (50000 * (70 * 50) = 93.46%
  125. Rodrigo Sanguanini: +YoYo Mizuro haha, nice. Just the word "resistir" that could be "resistência". Thank you. I want to know why 10 of armor is equal to 1 of all resist. If my Boot has +500 armor, the other option is +100 resall (that is 1/5 scale), so if I want to change armor to res, I must change two pieces of set to get what I want, is that right?
  126. Jacek: Thx
  127. Callum Budge: I know I'm a month late, but think of it as damage taken per damage dealt. So for 22% reduction think of that as 78% damage taken (1 - 0.22), then multiply that by the other damage taken vs whole number (again 100%-22%) which gives 0.78*0.78 = 0.6085 damage taken per 1 damage dealt; reversing it again gives the "reduction" value of (1 - 0.6085) = roughly 39%. This would happen again for however many types of damage reduction you have. Hopefully switching from decimals to percentages doesn't confuse anyone. Another way to look at it is starting with 100 damage, reduce it by 22% (gives 78), then reducing that by 22% gives (78*[1-0.22]) = 78*0.78 = roughly 61. If you do/did probability in school you might understand the logic a bit better as it's the same type of formula
  128. Arnaud Keuller: Hey Quin, Thank you for this awesome videa/explanations. Can you give me, the formula that you use to integrate all multipliers in your damage reduction formula, because i cant find a formula with all multipliers for monk. Thank you mate
  129. Undamaged: Another great video.
  130. dylloop: it's because the game never let's you actually get to 100% dmg reduction the closer you get the more stats you need to get closer
  131. Tim Brazeal: Quit looks so much better now than he did back in the day, he looks so tired here.
  132. SimonGrandell: +Quin C If you have the choice between a gear piece that has either one more armor or 1/10 all res when you are at 1 to 10 ratio with the paragon the armour will be worth more. since every point of armour is worth 1.25. The reason i said what the ratio would be without paragon is because the ratio changes with different total amounts of all res + armour. For example 15 all res and 850 armour(unmoded by paragon) would be the optimal ratio if you only have 1000 stat points to put in either dex/str or int The ratio if we have it moded by paragon would be 15/(850*1.25)=15/1062.5=0.014 65 all res and 1350 armour(unmoded by paragon) is the optimal ratio if you have 2000 stat points to put in either dex/str or int The ratio if we have it moded by paragon would be 65/(1350*1.25)=65/1687.5=0.039 So it's much easier to keep track of your ratio without the 25% multiplier if your armour isn't 700 higher than the 1 to 10 ratio 10 armour will give more damage reduction than 1 all res. And just to show that 1 to 10 when considering paragon isn't correct. Lets assume we have a total of 900 total stat points to put in either DEX or INT To achive a 1 to 10 ratio of all res and armour 1.25DEX=INT DEX+INT=900 DEX+1.25DEX=900 2.25DEX=900 DEX=900/2.25 DEX=400 400+INT=900 INT=500 Armour = 1.25DEX =1.25*400=500 All res = INT/10 = 500/10=50 50 and 500 a 1 to ten ratio Effective dmg reduction from armour and all res = 1-(1-(ALLRES/[(5*LEVEL)+ALLRES]))*(1-( ARMOUR/[(50*LEVEL)+ARMOUR])) So the 1 to 10 ratio after paragon at level 70 gives an effective damage reduction of 1-(1-(50/[(5*70)+50))*(1-(500/[(50*70)+500]))~23.44% If we try the 1 to 10 with 700 more armour before paragon with a total of 900 points 800 DEX 100 INT Armour = 1.25DEX=1.25*800=1000 All res = INT/10=100/10=10 1-(1-(10/[(5*70)+10))*(1-(1000/[(50*70)+1000]))~24.38% 24.38>23.44
  133. Kinetic: nice video! but cannot find the exel formula in battle.net forums :(
  134. jklm011: +Youstink685 Considering the aspect of that function, i would say that, by pure mathmatics, you can't ever get to the 100% dmg reduction.
  135. Oti Nane: link for the sheet?
  136. eryxviper: I cant believe nobody has said anything about wanting more videos like this. I personally really enjoyed this video and the one you made about increasing damage. I thoroughly enjoy these in depth looks about different mechanics because they show things that aren't always obvious. As long as you keep making videos like this youll have someone watching them. And 6.3k other people who havent said anything down here. Anyway keep it up and thank you for the videos!
  137. sum gai: thanks for this vid.  Rare to see this kind of homework done on Diablo as it's a game of a few years old.  Love to see vids from someone who actually knows the mechanics of this beast.  gg
  138. yosoy1loco: I have a question and i dont really know how to formulate it. How does "reduced damage from X" stacks within its category? Im sure that different DR-Sources stack multiplicatively, but it is possible that "reduced damage from X" stacks additively with other DR-Sources of the same category and stacks multiplicatively with other sources. Or does it simply behave like dodge and stack multiplicative within its category?
  139. Trooper: awesome job buddy!! u make things soo clear.
  140. Gabriel Lanier: can you site where you found this information? or did you learn this on your own?
  141. xForgotnSoulX: love this guy and his Graphs. Thank you again Quin.
  142. Alcouriel: So does this mean it can be worth taking off Dex gems off a DH or monk and swap with diamonds for the all resist. If surviving is an issue?
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Diablo 3 RoS - Damage Reduction Explained (quin69)

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