Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Roland's Legacy (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4) - games free

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Roland's Legacy (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

  1. BuffaloL100: cheers. works fine, although they have uped the primary tasks to sweep 7 groups... Also, was a pain in the rear to spend 300 wrath 5 times... Also, plenty of build guides online for those asking
  2. Jordon Lane: The best intros
  3. Christian Kopp: Hints for those (like me) that still need to complete it: !frydehrs wrath + vaccum condemn!, swiftmount with a cubed flense, quins cube cindercoat tip + topaz in helm. Biggie here is frydehrs, allowing you to permaspam your aoe pull
  4. Tehstampede: Great video ty for the advice...this dungeon is fucking bullshit lol
  5. McMike: i hate this setportal .. -,-
  6. Saikrishna Chaitanya: Can I have a link to ur items and build? I tried the same build but my attack speed is waaay low...
  7. Sheppard: Damn. This. Dungeon.
  8. akrimas: +Robert Tso thanks really worked for me
  9. Strychnine 7777: why cant i find the portal?
  10. Sergioavejunior: Oh thx =p
  11. Andrew emad: Stacey Smith I completed it at paragon 172-178 (not mastery though) took 30 min.
  12. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa: +Duriel202 Does this thing still work? lol
  13. Paul Smith: +Texas Trooper Studios (Texasproductions) master them all and you get wings, and the 6 pennants (one for each class)
  14. N. Morris: +Simon yik Windows 10 is way better than 8 in gaming performance. Only for games made for d12 though. It all has to do with how the application is threaded and which threads process which stuff.
  15. Ett Gammalt Bergtroll: Fucking impossible, this shit...
  16. acheron55: This took me over 2 hours but finally did it. akkhan also took me this long or even longer. Tips: You dont need iron skin. use phalanx - bow men. use it on cd. its good cuz they start attacking before you and you see where the enemy is condemn with vacuum. i used ancient swiftmount with golden flense cubed MOST important part: initial room, where the guy in video draws his sketch he just takes a right, do not do that. clear the whole room with 2/7 credits. sometimes there arent many mobs spawned there, just restart. if you cant get 2 credit there, again restart. this is much better than spending 5 min and fail because of 6/7. hitting 12 is the most difficult part of this and you want a good start. you want to reach initial kill goal asap so map shows hidden mobs. thats why you cannot skip all the mobs in first room
  17. AA Sharp: Grzegorz Koski I suggest cubing the flail and using Swiftmount, or vice versa. You don't need the damage, and the added mobility will help massively.
  18. pgrec09: This wasn't even fun, so i did this one with a friend. Fuck that shit.
  19. Sir Naysayer: i always miss 1 or 2 monsters and i just cant fucking finish it. i tried it again and again so many times. this is so stupid.
  20. Yinny Cynthia F: Hate. This. Dungeon. ;(
  21. gtarman8d: What sword is that transmoged to?
  22. smiley face: +Robert Tso you cant use fervour if you are using a 2h wep like flense, its a 1h only talent. condemn works fine though.
  23. jelle van leeuwen: what bonusses do you get for completing this kind of dungeons?
  24. Virgil Smith: +Lucia Finstra got it on the second try with Condemn Vacuum. te amo. je t'aime. wo ai ni. je voudrais te baisser.
  25. Indavisable: thanks quin 69 I'm 12 and I am 1 away from the wings of dedicated and I have everything else in the game lol
  26. yuriy yakimov: DEar Quin C, could you update your description with the gear you use and abilities runes? i would appreciate alot, so far these are the best build in youtube for dungeons! thanks and sorry for my english
  27. Irwin: Thank you for this video, cleared it in 2 tries with the route and your tip about not wasting time on grouping the mobs.
  28. Revan R: Getting 12 enemies hit was the hardest for me, but 2nd try i got it after watching vid, ty, those imps though^^
  29. Sergioavejunior: What did he said in the end of video? "By the way Use "xxxx" Stack CD, Stack Mobi..." Thx
  30. Martin Janočko: 1st time :D
  31. zooyorkk: Illusionary boots cubed really helped me position myself to hit 12 enemies. This one took me about 4 hours of practice. Definitely the hardest of crusader imo.
  32. irxproductions: Totally agree! Your videos are great - please just list your build in the video notes and the guides will be absolutely perfect! Thank you! :)
  33. Sebastian Chmara: +Dude Logan replace whatever ring you are using in kanais cube with ess of johan and have fun
  34. Fart Smucker: Why is rolands on focused on sweep attack..
  35. UltraSuperDuperFreak: use the setup you use normally . no special setup for this one. i used the high end Grift setup and completed in 3rd try.
  36. JeffreyTrololol: to be honest I think spending 300 wrath is the hardest if you use condemn vacuum its pretty easy. but I guess you have done it by now?
  37. garlic bread: what type of dye is he wearing?
  38. Grzegorz Koski: this fucking dungeon... even with wreath of lightning gem and kremls belt cant make it in time... always missing 2 or 3 monsters...
  39. Mike The Gamer: So basically screw the shield bash portion of the set and focus solely on sweep attack. /facepalm.
  40. odog575: anybody try it with an Ess Of Jordan amulet that groups the enemies for you??
  41. Dude Logan: +Lucia Finstra Yeah I could try that :) TY
  42. Noitamina san: Thanks a lot for this guide ! I made it on the first try with this cheers for the work
  43. prorbac: well it looks easy that way but ..; if someone could tell if it's just possible with a paragon level 333 .. because i'm that level .. and god it hurt. But still .. does anyone could help me?? pleeeaase?
  44. RaymonD Sine: you can cheese this dungeon by using the belt that summons blessed hammers because each hammer u summon the game thinks you are speeding wrath. With the increased attack speed with this set u can "SPEND" 300 wrath in 2 seconds, hilarious bug.
  45. Leone Gaming6: I FUCKING DID IT THANKS QUIN FUCK THIS GOD DAMN DUNGEON :D btw you're rolands rat Kappa
  46. Ben C: Just got green wings on Nintendo Switch! Set dgns are easier now that they mark enemies on the map- hardest dgn for me was the leap quake one, aiming leap is annoying on console and you have to nerf your dmg a stupid amount. I like these set dgns did em on all consoles and pc now. Hope to see more in the future. It's funny how many bad gamers there are, always complaining.
  47. K Winne: what do you get for doing thses
  48. Psykrom: thanks for the effort but it really looks like a total pain in the ass - anything but fun...
  49. Jépé: +Martin Janočko sure..... true story bro
  50. Bill Buehler: When you build for shield bash but the dungeon wants sweep...
  51. fuwa07: could you post your build / gear and cube? Would help alot better
  52. Daniel Bevilacqua: didnt understand the weapon you are using... and the counter (stacking over 200+) at 3:20 can u tell the name of it or link? thanks
  53. Inishizbablut: The dongeon go random each time ( ennemies) and its not fun ... you can be extremly lucky 1 time but bad player ... or inverse :S i dont like the new dongeons.
  54. Jessica McCauley: Thank you, that run was driving me nuts.
  55. popcorn32145: First
  56. Jared Vass: The hardest part of this mastery is missing one of the minions on this large map. Before I got it I had 2 runs with 1 minion missing and another with 3 minions missing. Once you get the hang of it the 300 wrath is easy (my first few runs I could only get 2/5 if that) and so is the 12 minion hits.
  57. T: +Sergioavejunior use golden flense. He pronounced it wrong
  58. Lucia Finstra: +Makisi1337 Congrats! Glad I could help :)
  59. Adam Robey: It would be good if u just show your skills and gear and stats at the very end.
  60. brandon shaw: hey quin, where did you get the pennant that you have on your back from? Anyone can answer if you know =)
  61. zikocult: Is not crusader too op in this patch? all the videos I'm seeing about the patch, the crusaders are beastly.
  62. mohfuu: After attempting this I now know why they shaped the map like a cock.
  63. Exile: Not sure if anybody will respond... but not sure how to spent 300 wrath in 5s. Any tips?
  64. idn: +idn Also pargon in Max Wrath is useful here.
  65. robin & bernhard: damn was so close too day onlye thing i fail was kill all mobs :(
  66. DNXM: real hard this one
  67. BattlefieldHeroes4: 5:10 That's how real men draw a person with a watering can. Kappa123
  68. XxAponexX: great vids! One suggestion: Maybe in the Discription of the video tell us what notable items/lengendary gems/kunai's enchants etc. you are using when you ran it. Thanks!
  69. TormDemoniax: Go check out the set bonus.
  70. Lucia Finstra: +Dude Logan BTW Try unbinding Sweep Attack from your left click and put it on right click instead. That way you won't accidentally hit mobs before they group up as they're running towards you.
  71. Alex P.: Judgement with Mass Verdict is realy helps with catchin imps and make 12 target hits.
  72. COREDAFF: I cant fucking complete it on master ! ....
  73. Bro Tato: condemn - vacuum is a great way to group up mobs without trying to re-position too much, 15 sec CD means it is spammable with Fervor and Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
  74. Dyren: I FINALLY DID IT!!! =D
  75. h3llzz: 2:29 "If you just... Believe in the heart of the cards" Yuuuuuuuu-gi-oh!
  76. JanJanNik: well, this is beyond ridiculous. I bet the responsible blizzard employees are sitting around rubbing their hands in an evil manner
  77. Princess Ann Panza: how to get the 300 wrath
  78. UltraSuperDuperFreak: http://www.diablofans.com/builds/85765-s9-lightning-sweeper-gr85-in-depth-guide link to setup
  79. CodeCmdr: Yeah, I absolutely hate these set dungeon challenges. I always stop with the season challenges when I reach this part. :(
  80. Kevin Germain: is the golden flense lootable on ps4? I can't get my hand on it and I've been farming for quite a while now...
  81. sulleyj2: i really enjoy all the guides you have been putting out for these set dungeons quin so i wanted to say thanks for all the hard work :D
  82. Jesse Green: I love the way he looks cosmetic wise my fellow Roland Builder! RebornJester959 Xboxone check out my guys customized look!! Weapon and Shield are the only Tranmog like yourself! Id post a pic on here But, I cant.
  83. Vasily Bondarenko: It is so hard, that it make me not wanted play this game anymore...... two days i can master it..
  84. ReginaldBMO: +Lucia Finstra thanks dude! your advice really helping people out here. myself included :D
  85. Lucia Finstra: I found this to be somewhat doable on an unoptimised crusader, relying only on advice from the comments here. First, get an ancient onehander - don't have a Swiftmount, so used an ancient Johanna's. Cubed Golden Flense. Went for Fervor and crazy CDR. Reaper's Wraps as bracers. Removed Iron Skin and went Condemn Vacuum, but I forgot to use it very often :P Most importantly - UNBIND your Sweep Attack from your left click! Put it on the right and put Shield Glare on left click. That way you can actually purposely activate your Sweep Attack instead of it auto-casting when you click a mob. Oneshotted the 7x 12 mobs after switching... Maybe I just had good density... God, I hope not, still need to redo this XD I imagine an ancient Swiftmount will help out some, though I didn't encounter situations where you would need that long of a speed boost, IF you're thorough. I think I missed the time limit by 3 seconds, didn't have any stragglers. Hope this helps.
  86. Dude Logan: This dungeon is one of the hardest. They made the you hit 12 dif enemies 7 times. Its hard to get 5 seriously!
  87. Ztygs: This dungeon makes me want to quit diablo.
  88. Andreas Bergqvist: one tip for you all! Don't use reflective skin (as you will not die anyway), use phalax - bowmen, this way it is much easier killing (and see) the small buggers running away!
  89. seen been: First time I tried this, I only missed out on it by 1 monster and 1 12 monsters in 1 sweep attack lol.
  90. F U M: aw yeah, finished 1 minute before target time cause of this vid! Thanks <3
  91. ZeVio74: Done it! Now you have to hit 12 enemies at once, 7 times! If you're a lazy fuck like me, there are 2 weapon cube slots you can use, The Final Witness (Your shield glare hit a HUGE AoE around you), so you never have to aim shield glare ever! Or I used Burst of Wrath (Chance of recovering 20% of your primary resource on kill or destroy objects), with 500+ mobs to kill and high density all around, staying at empty wrath is pretty damn hard to do Quin uses iron skin, honestly if you have a well geared roland crusader, you don't even need that, I swapped it out for Condemn/Vacuum, helps immensely. You can also craft/cube the Reaper's Wrap and stay at full Wrath almost always, there are plenty of HP orbs dropping
  92. oldmateaus: Ya guides are a little bit shit u should explain the gear and all that
  93. hamalnamal: +ZeVio74 The iron skin can be useful with the walk through things rune for positioning, plus with obsidian ring you should have 100% uptime on it. I swapped shield glare for condemn as I found no real need for the added damage or survivability, so it would depend what utility you find more useful, maybe its just me being used to having that rune all time after last season on hammers.
  94. Miniscule Bug: ROLAND'S RAT LOL
  95. sta942: He does realize he is paragon 1835? I'm paragon 655 I cant even get close to completing Rolands Set Dungeon. Plus whats skill's is he using? and gear alon with the Roland's Set ..rings, ammy, weapon, shield....
  96. deseo818: please post the build your using to complete them
  97. idn: 100% Pro Tip: Cube the Golden Flense, use a 1h with Fervor passive (Ancient Swiftmount works well). Makes the objectives a bit easier and you move faster. The main reason for this is that you have 0 worries about resource management and can focus solely on killing mobs and looking out for those pesky little imps.
  98. Karel Příhoda: Road to Alkeezer's Anus
  99. Duriel202: omg thanks a lot man
  100. Flyin Rob: I think it would've helped if you showed us what skills you were using.
  101. A. Chan: finally mastered the dungeon. Needed 8 tries because I killed all the mobs but didn't group mobs well enough for the objective. using cubed swiftmount did it for me (i was using condemn - vacuum too)
  102. John Doe: Build, where is the build dear blond dude :P ?
  103. Endocine Moopher: This ones a bitch, gave up after 5 tries, waiting for the set dungeon nerf
  104. Wubel Hutz: +Lucia Finstra uhm... force walk much please? Best workaround for 'missclicking'. Get a macro-mouse, bound force walk to some button like 'e' and then bound a button on your mouse to insert 'e'. Congratulations you made yourself a button for moving without casting. :)
  105. Kazai: +TormDemoniax yes, sweep and shild bash you idiot + yasuo pic xD
  106. Billy: Kinda weird that they included the annoying running away mechanic in Diablo 3. Seeing as most people hated it in Diablo 2. It doesent add anything fun or challenging to the game. (Except for very specific things, like artificially making this dungeon more "challenging") All it really does it make you waste time chasing weak enemies.
  107. seph: +Virgil Smith Kappa KAPPA
  108. ger bro: i dont know, i try 3 hours and i cant do it, that spend 300 wrath i cant never do it i dont know how to do it, really i nerver go down my wrath and if i keep taking away my damage i cant do it in time
  109. robin & bernhard: Ztygs same its hard
  110. Virgil Smith: +BattlefieldHero4 Man urinating on a snake. KAPPA
  111. Simon yik: Thumbs up for not installing windows 10!
  112. Drekavil: I recommend if you want to blow up the "hit 12+ enemies with one sweep" to keep resetting at the entrance. Try and get 2 - 4 sets of sweeps and the go left, because their is usually immense mob density. Other than that, Q has it right.
  113. Bad Bannana: What sword is he using? looks amazing
  114. Shadownoob Noobslayer: ty your guids help me complete set dungeons to 100% only critic i need to find geard details elswhere for offset pices/spec
  115. Makisi1337: +Lucia Finstra can I say i Love you? Literally did at the first try after reading this message
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Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Roland's Legacy (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 27 Nov 2015

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