Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Armor of Akkhan (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4) - games free

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Armor of Akkhan (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

  1. Christopher Lee 이근재: sup Quin.. It may be a lame question but how do you change the pennant color?
  2. Ek-ZutWar: 4th attempt and it was done, I went there with frydehr's wrath who increases condemn by 198% but it works fine, i didn't have to condemn the mobs twice, one condemn and i was switching to the next pack. I used a trick though, when you engaged two malletlords unique as they have illusion you could have 12 mobs to condemn, so when elites was close from each other, i engaged them both.
  3. Real English: hahah nice touch showing your actual reaction when beating this XD
  4. Emil Happy: Cool vid man. But i really have to ask you, don't you ever get tired of farming items all the time in the same game, been watching your videos for some years.
  5. Jayxe: +Benhiko447 The "Templar" "Flag"? Are you kidding? He literally explains that "Templar" "flag" at the beginning of the video - it's a reward for mastering all Crusader set dungeons. So it's a CRUSADER Pennant.
  6. Mortechai: +Mortechai And I should add that you cant change their color.
  7. Vincent Madaffari: Why wasnt i able to open the portal
  8. Kold Kustard: I searched for this because id never tried the akkhans, i disagree, i found there's more than enough enemies to do condemn 12 times, the issue i have is killing the last 10 or so normally before timer ends, the key is to not try and get more than 10, if you round up 20-30 mobs it still only counts as 1, so need to be careful about the pack size
  9. TheChaosilator: +Quin C (Quin69) How are you not losing any life. I have stacked up defense lvl 50 mutilation guard, only res gems (don't think it's useful though since all damage seems melee here) esoteric alteration. and in the middle of packs i'm still getting smashed.
  10. Thomas Kennybrook: +TodesKnecht Although I am also a grammar pedant, I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to point out that language evolves over time just like any other system. When "wrong" usage of existing words and phrases becomes common practice due to ease of use, it is generally accepted that this evolution served a purpose and the "new" usage becomes accepted as correct as well. For example, I would venture to guess that you find no objection to people spelling "color" as c-o-l-o-r. Which is technically incorrect as the etymology and origin of the word derives from Western Europe where the "Queen's English" would have you spelling it c-o-l-o-u-r. At some point, people naturally gravitated away from the "right" spelling and the "wrong" spelling became not only accepted, but considered to be the "right" spelling. So although I applaud you for enforcing a standard, I must also point out that "there is no" is not a viable justification for a correction. What would have been a more accurate and appropriate statement is "there is no 'must of' or 'could of' yet."
  11. Kim: +Haakon Nilsen Yeah, Same here...
  12. Will 67Vmaxcleaver: I used final witness with shield glare, and halcyons ascent to takecare of the enemies. Smashed the elites and the little group of monsters that hit you with their tongues. All in one loop. Just depends if you got the gear and rolls, took me longer to set my character up than doing the dungeon lol
  13. Dank Jerry: Look at the date this video was made pre patch 2.4.1 there was barely enough monsters for Condemn objective, they increased the monsters density so now it is much easier.
  14. GreenCrush!: what sword is he using ? as the transmog.or is that the actual sword?
  15. Emil Happy: I was thinking about starting again actually after reading this, and seeing some of Quins videos :)  I guess you are right, D2 and D3 just got something that makes you play them again and again.
  16. FireMarshall75: How about a gear and skills setup for doing this dungeon? :) That would help :)
  17. Daniel Vrdoljak: how do u have so low cd on horse ?
  18. Landstalker: beautiful transmog
  19. Revan R: Did it 4th time and for first 3 i did obj and was left with 1 mob in some dark shady corner of map, super annoying. Ty for tip though
  20. Felipe Siqueira: The best part of this video is the end! pure excitement of someone who has been at it for HOURS if not days! thanks bud!
  21. CimoaGaming: sorry to ask, is this applicable to the season 6?
  22. Martin Janočko: like nothing :D 7times and its done :)
  23. B Nelson: Quin I wanted to let you know that I used an ancient swiftmount w/crit, frydehr's wraith in kanai, with illusionary boots(w/rorg in cube), focus restraint & holy damage amulet and I got it the first time I tried with those items by simply circling the rift like you did.
  24. Russo Saint: wtf is that rainbow sword and how do I get one
  26. abzactive: im having problems with frikken random armor procs
  27. André Segala: Cute *-*
  28. Ek-ZutWar: +Maarten Methorst definitely
  29. Jaycee Dee: the problem is that i always one shot them ?
  30. TheChaosilator: I'm losing time on these elites. How do you do such low damage that you don't one shot the mobs but still almost instantly destroy these elites. I really had to tone down my damage to not one shot these mobs but the elite take me ages now thus having not enough time. It would also be nice if you provide a guide on what gear you are using and what skills, not much of a "guide" now.
  31. Ignacio Montes: where's the builds? :/
  32. social3ngin33rin: omfg 3-4 hours, that is insane!!!!
  33. Aerial: +Haakon Nilsen Ugh, you're so full of shit.
  34. CyberDragonEX13: That celebration at the end though. Worth.
  35. Frane Niseteo: this is so stupid, for this dungeon u need to have pretty specific equipment, and actually this is what is hard in this set dungeon, and this set dungeon should not be named SET dungeon, it should be named by some other item that is essential for finishing this shit dungeon.
  36. Niklas Kingo: First
  37. benjaminjay: that victory freak out tho-
  38. Maarten Methorst: why not use a "frydehr's wrath" to remove condemn cd?
  39. P. Dilla: I'm left w/30 or so enemies. Not enough time for me. I dunno.
  40. Sharpy NI: The LUBE boyz, the LUBE, also the guides missed the part where you need 2 rats sittin in menus :p
  41. Poskulis: what do you mean? mastering means mastering, you still have to do it on time in order to master it
  42. Dominik Koślin: Hi, can you share your build and items?
  43. Deathheads69: did it on 4th try, ty for the guide
  44. Valiant418: Somehow I managed to get the 12 ten monster condemns without repeating condemn on the same groups of enemies. I found there were exactly enough although there are two places where you have to drag some tongue lickers over next to the normal packs in order to get up to ten. Just an alternate idea for folks. This had the advantage that I didn't have to gear down for the dungeon at all and the only change I made to my standard akkhan skills was to add steed and the steed cooldown passive and cube swiftmount. Again just my 2 cents love all your videos :-)
  45. Reiyan: what will happen if u use blade of prophecy?
  46. Flaming: I give up... tried a 100 times, guess i suck at the game
  47. TodesKnecht: +SAW |「★apoc」 *must have ... there is no "must of" or could of" in the english language.
  48. CLKACE: Ummm, could've used condem build lol js....
  49. Illu Lore: 7:04 the real gamer soul ^^
  50. Anthony Luo: What would u say is the best class in the game I am currently playing a wizard
  51. Ashtar DC: Just skip till the end to see the best part part! The Loop
  52. Willie Watra: Damm, its a condemn speed farm test
  53. plaguelock: Why not just use the item that removes the cooldown from Condemn?
  54. 「★apoc」: Must of watched the ending at least 20 times... priceless!
  55. YK Tek: Just completed this without using the loop method and as i noticed there are enough packs for you to condemn & Kill off.Using the loop method actually risk time running out and Stragglers. My main tactic was to have high enough dmg to kill them fast. My skills Blessed Shields - Combust (Can use any rune) Steed Charge - Endurance Condemn - Unleashed Iron Skin - Steel Skin (To Tank) Shield Glare - Zealous Glare (In case you need extra wrath) Akarat's Champion - Rally Passive are - Towering Shield , Heavenly Strength - Finery - Indestructible (Not require actually) Gear- Beside 5 pc Akkhan Bracers - Akkhan Mancles Shield - Jekangborg Wpn - Akkhan's Addendum Belt - Krelm's Buff Belt Shoe - Illusory Boots Rings - Obsidian Ring + Compass Rose Amulet - Traveler's pledge Cube - Balde of Prophecy , Aquila Cuirass, RORG Last tip: Don't use an follower and make sure you kill every mob before moving on. (If there is a very large pack, you might have to time it to use 2 condemn)
  56. pvrhye: You try using a 1 handed weapon with Heavenly Stength?
  57. MassDynamic: ahahahahaha "suck my deck" lolololol
  58. Xeratas: +Xeratas fuck the loop i failed 10 times the loop and got it first try with just clear doing 1 circle...quin your not always cool but most time QuinMask
  59. cupandbowl: have to say these set dung are horse shit cant complete them when u cant get gear worth anything , paragon 540 and im still in shit gear , just not worth a dam these set dungs
  60. A. Chan: used stricken and drakon's lesson to shield bash the elites dead. this one lap around the map method is good, killed straggles by going to the darker parts when I went around the second time.
  61. Devilswings5: +TheChaosilator bane of the strickenn gem
  62. Robertino Alejandro Lo Greco: You sir, are made of win. This video helped me polish just what I needed to finish this set dungeon. Hats off to you!
  63. Xeratas: so then lets do the loop.
  64. okymek: I could have sworn that they said the purpose of the set dungeons was to teach you how to utilize the set properly but this seems stupid.
  65. Wittol Wanderer: The ending was classic! LoL
  66. Fabian: I dont want to offend you or anything, but if the map is a circle i find it to be pretty obviously efficient-wise to run the whole thing if there is a cooldown that prevents you from using the same pack anyway. I dont know if i would have made the same mistake or not, but the second you told us how you originally did it i was like "wtf why not use the map and run around it"^^
  67. leeyokum: Master? lol man I just want to complete this, its THE last thing i have to complete on the seasonal objectives, literally I just started this season a week or so ago and this is whats left ...I hate using condemn, curse you blizzard for making that a requirement for this dungeon
  68. Lee Heather: What armour is that you are using? It looks awesome!!!
  69. Clegfaced: I hate these fucking things.
  70. emmarawrfase: Umm, so what passives/ actives/ runes?
  71. Canpolat Genckaptan: hhahaa last part :D
  72. Mari: Couldn't you cube Frydehr's Wrath so that there is no cooldown on condemn?
  73. Martin Parmas: Got it done on PC whit 2 tries if i remember right. Now doing it again when S12 starts ob ps4. Tnx for the guild quin :)
  74. Otoribashi: How do you get the Templar Flag (at the beginning of the video)
  75. Dubbien: I did not follow the guide really. I did just kill them all with Condemn while having Akarath's up, having Bombardment as a secondary damaging ability. Took me maybe 7-8 tries. I found the Roland's one way harder, which I have to complete. Thanks for the video nonetheless !
  76. Haakon Nilsen: This is going to sound smug as f, but why did you attempt this for 4 hours? Atleast after 1 hour i would have stopped to think :P This method you are saying here i thought of this the moment you showed me the map. Way before you said anything :P Anyway, love your content bro and i am sorry for beeing negative ;) I guess some other will have the same problem as you had.
  77. Darkdragon: why do you have a modded sword
  78. Idk my name: This is the worst shit in the game, so frustrating that i wanna brake the life.
  79. Adrenar: What equipement do you use to do that please ? i can not do the same thing as you :'(
  80. Alexandre Giaccheri: This dg os really hard, and the ending of the video was priceless!
  81. Radko Madzharov: Thank you, master!
  82. ross blair: So smart papa
  83. Silviu Bogusevschi: The reaction at the end is priceless.
  84. Grzegorz Koski: i agree, it either got nerfed hard or quinn was overthinking things, did it 1st try with 17 sec remaining. just get rid of all thorns and companion, condemn-vacuum and you're good to go.
  85. Mikael Jakobsson: Awsome guide how to condem :D
  86. oingcelot: Da loop boyz!
  87. Lag gly: Why isn't the portal there for me
  88. GoZuHaZa: Why do these dungeon`s? Do we get the whole set or something?
  89. Ronald De Jesus: what is your transmog? and how to get it
  90. Filip Spataru: Hahahahahahaha that end though xD
  91. StarStalker: dont follow this anymore, just get 10 mobs to hit condemn, kill and move on. easy to do now. got it first try
  92. Azereus Manator: You know what bother me about these videos? ( i know these are great but there is one thing that bother me ) they never show you stats.. for example how much damage they have. I just got the full set, i get the same weapon, shield.. just like him. I go in and i only have 300k damage... and arround 20M thoughtness... i can not 1 shot like him. How do i get more damage? I have the same items in every guide out there and i cant pass 300k damage.
  93. Ricky Leung: In 2.4.1, 1.The total number of monsters has been increased 2. Enemies hit by a Condemn that didn't hit 10 enemies are no longer prevented from counting toward the objective on future cast That's why this set dungeon is easier now
  94. Barry Timmermann: It might be a bit light but I want to thank you. I just started doing all the set dungeons and your guides saved me a lot of nerves. So yeah, thanks a lot :)
  95. RealQuagmeister: do you even condemn bro ? nice tutorial, this dungeon has been pissing me off so badly
  96. Wubel Hutz: i almost did it without the loop method. It IS actually possible. I had 25 seconds for one last mob and just didn't find it in time. Otherwise i could've done it withouth the loop. Well, now i know that they just have a cd to be condemned again... that will make it easy as sh*t. Thanks for the guide.
  97. Gabriel Orellana: amm, so you got your character "perfectly tweaked" and you don't show your build? thats the hardest part for me right know, the map "method" is really the easiest thing to figure out...
  98. Michael Trier-hofby: I didnt even know this one was hard. Did it the second time i tried
  99. sw3link: Isn't it just one of the standard transmogs dyed white? think they are called shoulder plates and plated helmet..
  100. IzRizen: +Benhiko447 u have to mastery all sader dungeons
  101. Inishizbablut: The most hard is wich gear use ...
  102. Dominic Marcotte: As of 5th february 2018, well... I got master within 5-6 runs, within 20 mins. They boosted Akkarat quite a lot since! Use Condemn - Eternal Retaliation to further reduce Condemn CD per enemy hit, complete first objective as told by Quin, much quicker. Then use blessed shield - shattering throw to clean up the place while Akkarath champ is active, 2-3 BS will clean your screen. Quite easy. Thanks Quin.
  103. PsyrenXY: +Emil Happy It's not the farming, a lot of us just find the game itself to be fun (with the rush of finding an elusive item being an added bonus.) Many of us played Diablo 2 for _years_ back in the day, and D3 has even more staying power than D2 did.
  104. Nick P: Da loop boys da loop...
  105. Jaxson Bateman: I ended up having to go with such an absurd build to get this one done. The final build actually worked fairly well - got literally 4-5 misses by a single mob that I just could not locate on my map with ~20 seconds to go. Build is as follows: Non-set Equipment: * Strongarm Bracers * String of Ears * Endless Walk set * Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac (as I don't have two un-cubed Unities) * Golden Flense * Frydehr's Wrath Cube: In-Geom, Illusory Boots and Unity Full all-resist gems. Bane of the Trapped + Esoteric Alteration. Had Taeguk as the third (as none of my others were really useful) - if I had it at 25+ I certainly would have taken Bane of the Powerful with me as the third. Skills: Sweep (Gathering), Steed Charge (Endurance), Provoke (Too Scared), Condemn (Vacuum), Laws of Hope (Wings), Akarat's (Hasteful), Heavenly Strength, Finery, Long Arm, Holy Cause Paragon: 25% speed then strength, cooldown reduction then crit chance then crit damage, resist then life then armor, resource cost then area damage then life on hit. Essentially, I did a loop method, though I would kill any mobs in the first little nook (the one that's not part of the loop, where you zone in from). At the top left corner of the map, I would start actively finishing off any of the enemies - if I was going to need them again for a completion I had already failed. Sweep turned out to be a half decent move to spam on elites, and reduced important cooldowns thanks to Obsidian Ring. On that note, if I ever found an elite that wasn't too close to a pack of mobs I didn't want to finish, I'd take it down for an In-Geom proc, so I could blitz through the first loop. That was essentially the aim of the game - spring through the first loop trying to get 9-10 lots of the 12-condemn, then go through the second loop making sure to kill anything and everything. Another key point: Laws of Hope will dismount you from Steed Charge, but Steed Charge won't cancel out Laws. Basically, use the Laws first if they're both up. You'll travel at super sonic speeds, which is very useful, especially for the first lap. Otherwise, feel free to stagger them so you always have some sort of movement buff available between packs.
  106. Reiyan: that's so sad.... it should be a bug right!?
  107. Mikey: Have just done set dungeon with 20 seconds to spare and what a fecking nightmare it was to do.
  108. Whit3Powd3R: No other streamer reacts like this after completing something. Ur a one crazy MF and that's why I like to watch ur videos. Keep it up m8. Great work
  109. Douglas Pasqualin: Thanks man! Your map strategy was awesome!
  110. Feeling Good: Thank you so much for your vdo help me a lot
  111. Lucas Legramante: Never tried. Watched the video. Tried once. Made it. Thanks a lot. Period!
  112. Joshua Hubbs: I wish you would show your gear for each of these runs! Great otherwise!
  113. Macro marco: hey quin! love your guides specially on the crusaders part. can ya help a noobie out? im using the ps4 console and im having a hard time on clearing these dungeon quests. im at paragon 270+ and i still get my a$$ whooped..does it require a certain level to clear one dungeon set?
  114. Joseph VE: lol, I also have that kind of reaction after finishing a hard dungeon.
  115. OutOfOrderGaming: I think a big oversight in these videos (that your other videos don't have) are the gear and setup that you used. You go over it in your build guides, but these videos should be just as much of a build guide as anything else. The strat helps but knowing what rings/ammies/skills/passives/etc that you used (especially since you're transmogged) would help just as much.
  116. Narabedla: +Jaxson Bateman ehhh is there missing something ? xD
  117. Poskulis: +Uliana Buslovska you never HAD to master it
  118. Herosin Kero: im just about to master everything, dh and barb done now im on crusader and this is the second set im trying to master on him ... damn its really hard, those mobs hit so damn hard its not even funny
  119. Mostapha Bahy: i made it in 20 mins
  120. Smig SAW: Used Blessed Shield as L-click and condemn with reduce CD rune on R-click. I was able to complete this. Sheet dmg: ~1.3m Tough:~20m Cube: Gryfalcon,Leoric's crown, Unity
  121. Benteparle: Just for your crazy burst of joy this video was worth it. XD
  122. Mortechai: +Christopher Lee The default color is white...
  123. Espiritu: +Ryan Liu he first condem will count - all the rest will not! Quin has already said above :)
  124. Kiril Zdravkov: It was an epic stream man people went bat shit crazy with the lube :D fuckin love you rat #nohomo
  125. Gilgamesh: Suck my deck game? I don't understand..
  126. korkko: why not use the "commdemende" that hits instant when you press it
  127. Bluexin: Nice :D
  128. TodesKnecht: +Thomas Kennybrook of course not since its BE and AE. "Could of" doesnt make any sense is totally wrong and shouldnt be used by anybody with an IQ over 80. Its like americans are saying "per say" although its "per se". Its just wrong use of words and spelling like you hear it makes you look like a retard.
  129. Guido Viglietti: Great vids but would have been a lot more useful if you give us a breakdown of the filler items you need, rings, gems traites, could let let me know what you used as i find i get stuck a lot when i condemn.Thanks mate.
  130. kaj sibrandy: Hahahaha dat ending tho xD ur a freaking legend mate
  131. videoradeon: nice video Quin C!
  132. Bit Goblin: ROFL I know that victory dance all too well ! !
  133. Scott Edgar: Hey man... just want to shout out a huge thanks for the videos! between your vids and deadset's build advice, these runs were pretty easy. after a few hours of failed runs, I checked out your vids and within an hour I had them all mastered. thanks again! huge help!!
  134. jig ga: gimme the loop gimme the loop
  135. Stizzalith: +GoZuHaZa No, you need the dungeon's set to access it. The final reward for completing them all (24) is a pair of badass wings
  136. polishhockeyfan: Didnt have a levelled up Bane of the Powerful, so used a Furnace instead. Cant recommend either of them enough. Being able to nuke down the Champions saves you many precious seconds. For cube, use Swiftmount as many recommend, the movement is invaluable. Leorics Crown is another great cube addition to give you tons of CDR from a diamond in your helm.
  137. Efreitor Habibulin: i found this one super easy, unfortunately Quinn's way is very hard to do. Just do two things: get rid of the follower (to prevent distracting the enemies) and get rid of thorn damage, then just run into a group of mobs and condemn, clean, next group, finished with 1 minute remaining.
  138. Ranger A117: love ya man :)
  139. doom9888: HAHA! Right next door to hell playing in the background! Fuck yeah!
  140. Raymond Lei: @@ set dungeon is hard
  141. May Floydweather: Just an update as of 2.4.1, now you should go for as much damage as you can get, since there are easily enough mobs to get the objectives. The problem now is killing everything in the time given. (however if your 1 shotting the main packs you should only have to kill a few stragglers) Also following the loop technique from the video works great, rolands is now the hardest of crusader set dungeons to master.
  142. Herosin Kero: congratz my friend, i have no chance atm, either the mobs or i die to fast, im not even able to get the objective done lol
  143. Julio Arrioja: I completed it but I cant find the armor, wtf! do I have to complete all of them???
  144. Frane Niseteo: those elites goes very slow, i have furnace in cube... i dont get it...
  145. sherwinjtb: Just finished all the Set Dungeons for the Barbarian. I'll get to the other Classes one day. Well done.
  147. Mariusz Lisowski: dude I couldn't have made it without you, thanks for your time on doing these videos! And for those green flippin bad ass dragon wings I wish all the best in life!
  148. Jack_Blades: +Silviu Bogusevschi + the usernames of latest donors :D Quinsmum & Quins_papa :D:D:D
  149. Ken Kaulen: To DAMN funny!! The end is the best part!!
  150. TryHardGamer: 2nd try :P
  151. Menelker: *^⌒^* Wall face cannot be unseen.
  152. zakk williams: how do you get this dungeon to pop?
  153. Doug Landrum: ah man. the end of your videos when you win and go nuts is so funny. could we see a compilation video of those crazy moments strung together?
  154. Lowry Lo: 7:04 xD
  155. Octavio Augusto: you are Legend
  156. itsame32: I failed this with 1 enemy left, kept fucking it up for an hour. Then finally got it with like 2 seconds remaining. Intense
  157. TheBorkBork: quin69 thanks for making the funnest and best d3 videos on the internet
  158. King Wacky: What the fuck, I am in the armory and that thing never appear for me what the fuck is this shit.
  159. seen been: Just got this done, took 2-3 tries woooo
  160. Farming 4G: I really have a problem with the Condemn objective.... it is not realistic while playing regularly... instead of it being "10 different enemies simultaneously 12 times" it just should be "10 enemies simultaneously 12 times." If the latter, maybe make it to be 20 times or something... Don't you want condemn to hit as many enemies as possible?
  161. Uliana Buslovska: +Poskulis doing a set dungeon is to do the objectives, doing it in time means that you master it
  162. Peewee Mcmerm: Slap on an soj
  163. gameraxis: so you use provoke and do the instant blast rune on condem... or provoke and the extended radius.. solves half the problem.. doesn't sound all that bad, i'm sure i couldn't do it however lol
  164. Mickey Fadden: It's all in the stats that roll on the gear. crit chance, crit damage, special affixes like Frydehr's Wrath having the maximum 200% condemn dmg increase, gear (especially weapon) being ancient and those ancients being augmented, all these are factors.
  165. Nathanael de Lemos: I completed and mastered this set dungeon in 2 tries in my opinion its the easiest crusader set dungeon there is lol...
  166. Alex Abdullah: Bug: Set dungeon portal does not spawn if you don't ride your little horsey down into the little room there. Notice what he does at 0:30.
  167. Uliana Buslovska: +Poskulis I know, you just have to do one, it doesn't even have to be using the set they give you
  168. pvp: do you have to do this on campaign or any mode
  169. gameraxis: +gameraxis secondly is you use that item that takes the cooldown away from condem instead costing 40 wrath!... i'm a genius!! lol
  170. scienceguy2406: Yeah, this def helped me. I've been trying on and off for about 2 weeks, wanted to beat before end of season. Tried everything, finally got it last night! Runes and extracted powers that helped were: double time of steed charge, no cooldown for condemn along with instant explosion rune. I literally just ran from group to group, had 12 condemns in under 2 mins, then I used blessed shield to finish off the rest as a quick, direct attack.
  171. MillzthatKillz7: What helmet and shoulders are you using?? Can't find that helmet transmog anywhere. Thx!!
  172. CimoaGaming: +Poskulis doesn't matter, i already mastered it using this method anyway, great video man!
  173. Andreas RS: how much dmg did you need to have so you dont 1shot them?
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Diablo 3: Set Dungeon - Armor of Akkhan (Mastery | How To | Patch 2.4)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 23 Nov 2015

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