Diablo 3: GR72+ Uliana's Stratagem Monk (Update | 2.3 | Season 4) - games free

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

Diablo 3: GR72+ Uliana's Stratagem Monk (Update | 2.3 | Season 4)

  1. scottjl: +Andrew Peddle you definitely need the gear set for this to be viable, so start saving any drops you find. especially the lion's claw. that was the last and hardest piece for me to find, it was such a huge boost. most of my gear is non-ancient with so-so stats. i think it will be even better once i get optimal gear.
  2. Mika: If you want that you need a madstone
  3. RobKnapp1: I due better with Uliana's Exploding Palm . Need 50+ CDR and area damage . Practice required on both Builds I just crafted R6 and can not push as high GR as Uliana's . But it my be due to the fact I need more practice or the fact I play on PS4 . And can not control my Dashing Strike like PC player seem to due  My Diablofans build link to both R6 and Uliana Exploding Palm for other options with video's http://www.diablofans.com/members/531240-robknapp/builds
  4. Mos Reddo: +Unjust PlayerLP ok bro i wont go lower than torment 1
  5. Gabriel Teixeira: amazing guide!
  6. Ian Baines: Early in the video it looks like mobs are being pulled together, by use of a skill or item... how is this happening? his gear doesn't look like it does this. 1:20 for reference
  7. Jeremy White: snap shot explanation was great
  8. Dillon Adams: i saw a 27 bill
  9. F: my wizard is on 79
  10. FLY1NGSQU1RR3L76: +verno711 That has to be the topic of a keynote at the next BlizzCon.
  11. DeadAtrocity: Has the written guide been updated to season 5 patch 2.4? I am not sure what, if anything has changed since last season.
  12. Pplayed: +Xenn000 i have the same problem i cant seem to find the fist of az'turraq . I have been looking for it a long time
  13. Thomas Andersson: +Davinxoco Exactly what are you basing this accusation of cheating on?
  14. Mohammed Hijazi: I hope you answer this... Which is better now to use with Uliana's: 1- having high crit chance with convention of elements ring? 2- lowest possible crit chance but with broken promises ring?
  15. DecalMan: Whats your current cri chance/dmg/cool down reduction to shoot for? Also ,how far do u think you could make it in greater rifts without the lions claw? Im playing non season. thank you.
  16. DaneGame: Did someone say thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker ?
  17. LAZN: Hey quin, i would like to reach grift 60 solo. Thats not a big deal for you as i can see. The thing is, that im as fast as the time runs. Every death just ruins it for me. But i dont know why. My Gear isnt that bad i got good dmg and toughness but i won get it. In my friendlist are so many monks with really crappy gear (15% less cooldown, less crit chance and crit dmg) but they got grifts like 63 solo in 14 mins.. Do i need more luck in gettin a "good grift"?
  18. Thehighchild: lots of dix
  19. Alican Ozbay: you ' re now using in-goem instead of lion's claw? is it better?????
  20. Unjust PlayerLP: btw i think u have to play on tornment 1 or higher to get ulianas
  21. tier88: my god thats nice :).
  22. Stephen Silverman: Would Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac be viable over Convention of Elements to keep Epiphany up 100%?
  23. Phillip: I would stay it is still viable. Paragon 370 and doing 60 Grifts, but above that, everything one shots me to the point where i can not even apply EP. 1 Arrow from a random skeleton = 50% HP. Every big normal mob = Oneshot
  24. Apocalypse: yeah, same shit for me, have full ancient uliana setpices without critchance and now everyone on the leaderboard uses coe ...
  25. SpookeyClown: What's the total CDR in this build?
  26. Dillon Adams: Although you did forget to do the bracer Gundgo Gear or whatever
  27. SirWhizer: +Connor Strowbridge exploding palm
  28. Costa: +D RIP you need to enable elective mode first, you can find it in your settings
  29. David Zeile: +verno711 That's the kind of incisive analysis that I follow Quin for
  30. Geert Matthys: Plz get color webcam, pleeaaaseee
  31. jason barnhart: some reason my Ulianas pants wont alot me to roll phys resistance for 2nd not sure why its not even on list when i try
  32. JSculls52: Roughly how much CDR is recommended (not including % for SSS from cube)?
  33. Pablo Martín: I have problems wirh survivavility. How the hell you get to 71M toughness without dedert shroud and dash?
  34. noahbpm: SSS triggers the explosion from the buffed EP which is then spread at the same time because of Gundgos.
  35. Chop x: So just remember you want alot of dix so you can get the most juice :D
  36. Sethalos: Here's something I think can make the build better. Instead of Way of the Hundred Fist/Assimilation, I would go with Crippling Strike/Tsunami, it causes freeze/cold damage which gives you more time to SSS, and it's a 360 degree hit, rather than a bunch of mobs in front. It hits them all. Far more efficient for this build. Great vids.
  37. Hjelmen: +Quin C Now i'm not a very good Diablo player but should I make a seasonal monk and max level it? Or could I use my already maxed leveld monk and get everything from season 4? (Set armour,weapons etc.)
  38. Cupafail: I managed to get the uliana's gear for BP build pretty fast this season, but it's taking me forever to get the right rolls for CoE... so frustrating. GIVE ME MY CRIT.
  39. Erik Pearson: Does + 15% to Seven sided strike apply 15% to each hit of SSS? or is it 15% to the entirety of the damage?
  40. s3th: As far as .... goes
  41. F: +Erik Pearson im pretty sure the entirety
  42. Agustin Magnasco: Extreme noob alert! how do you get exploding palm on your right click, I can only put it on my 2 button.
  43. Pierre Pellerin: from what i understand then is if you are in a rift made of thin corridor and no wide open space (which is most of them), your build is far from ideal and would be awkward at best?
  44. axiompoetica: Why the Unity on your Templar? Do you swap out the Convention for Unity on certain fights? Seems like missed opportunity to to keep it equipped when you're not running one yourself (why not run, e.g. a Hellfire Ring or Leoric's Signet for bonus XP?)
  45. Edward: Why did you took crit chance back? You said 2 week ago that crit chance was bad with the new ring that gave 100% critchance
  46. BinaryHodder: +MCoterle If you're going for gear then T10 i'd imagine is preferable, simply because you will be getting DBs which allow you to target farm your gear in cube. GR45 gives you almost double the blood shards tho (bar blood gob) so I would say if you're after primarily armor pieces go GR, if you're after primarily weapon/ring/ammys then go T10.
  47. Filip lahoda: Be-est :-D
  48. Andrew Peddle: +scottjl Sounds good to me man, appreciate the help.
  49. MarkoSrbija01: +Quin C (Quin69) Hi Quin I haven't played Diablo 3 in several months and only came back to it a few days ago. I started playing my Monk again but need some help from you or another heavily experienced player. This is my profile - us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Sh0ckwave-2495/hero/58114885 - I need some tips on how to slowly start improving so I can solo GR 30 and over. I know that I need to farm a lot for the Green Uliana's set and for the legendary two - one hander weapons....then...and then finally craft the Hellfire Amulet to be geared properly which I'm aware will take me months, especially since the Season 5 changes are going to make the gearing up scene a bit easier. So do you or others have any advice for me? I'm a dedicated player looking to grind and understand the mechanics of the game, I now have a better knowledge base of the EP and how to use it, instead of wasting combo's on every 3-4 monsters.
  50. Timothy Wu: love it when you do the 1-2-3 punch thing lol
  51. Davy De Kemp: What about madstone?
  52. Mos Reddo: non season
  53. Chop x: +Richard Lannister fuck you too buddy
  54. Diavolo222: +Mikei The rank 1 EU player made a video about it some time ago :)
  55. Roberto Zuniga: do u like to paragon level up alone or with group which is Better?
  56. Raymond Lei: +Jack A "GR72+"
  57. OleUgly Sulivan: +scottjl​ thank you! Now I need to get to work on D3 when I get out of school
  58. bluethundermonkey: +Flawless no crit chance, that makes broken promises bad, or if you are going this exact build, then yes crit
  59. Lasheen: Amazing guide as always.. best Diablo guides ever
  60. Godsaiyan: Just a quick one. With the game as it currently is now at what would you say is the best setup gear and skill wise for the monk to solo? I currently use a uliana build but I still struggle to solo t10
  61. Alepap: +Tasdilan meh, broken promises is too broken. Doesn't proc a lot and makes your cdr kinda pointless after a certain point.
  62. Traa d robinson: nvm
  63. Marco Polo: my suggestion to figuring out if it's proceed is simply focusing on your generator until the EP is applied from your 2 piece bonus. since it requires the same amount of hits to apply the ep as it does to proc mythic rhythm it should work like that. then just don't attack with generator 3 times in a row again and your EP will always be buffed up EP  
  64. DemonstrativePronoun: Thank you for the MR and power pylon snapshot explanations! The written guides were great but without a visual I wasn't truly understanding it.
  65. Larbi: Merci pour cette vidéo explicative.
  66. Roberto Zuniga: do u like to paragon level up alone or with group which is Better?
  67. verno711: "avoid death as much as possible, especially if you're a hardcore character" Quin Sept 2015
  68. Dylan Sandgren: did you get banned?
  69. Umberto Castlunger: Genius !
  70. Clementine The Drone: +Bop Boop maybe dont just copy quin but rather keep checking leaderboards/reddit/use brain
  71. András Balikó: "dicks, vit ..."
  72. DeathadderOne: good vid my first monk learning this snapshot is my top goal
  73. Spawn118118: I have followed all of your guides, watched all of your videos. Great job man. I'm playing with BP. since all the items I have are for this build. Tried the coe build but my paper dps is around 850k. I think you need at least 1300k or so to make it work. my crits are low and only when it procs I see big numbers. with BP I see 1.5 - 2 billions all the time and it got me to finish a 60 grift much easier. I can't wait to get a couple of set pieces and optimise them for this spec. It must be better since you have guaranteed crit, plus the proc of course.
  74. Ya Boi Jesus: +chris cheslog well i am both XD
  75. twistedimagev2: YEEEEEEE BOIIIIIIIII
  76. claydawg003: Not sure if you'll see this since static has taken off but why are shoulders all res instead of regen with secondary res?
  77. SPACEDANCE: +Filip Ohlsson Yes.
  78. Tatsuo Kazuma: +Xenn000 Damn youre unlucky :/ i had my Lions Claw on my first normal rift and it was Ancient lol.. got my Fist of Az a couple of rifts after that. Recently got my Fist of Az Ancient as well without even trying to get it. On the other hand i had to cube over idk how many daibo's to get my Flow of Eternity though :/
  79. IDC_SAO: +bruce wayne because then u lose either dex vit regen or palm dmg 2ndary is there if ur rolls are perfect and then u can change those instead physical is best to have
  80. Diavolo222: +MotorMike tell that to the guys in top10 lol
  81. FyndeLPOE: is 20% cold dmg 10% crit and dex better on hellfire amulet then 10% crit 100% critdmg dex?
  82. The Bearded Ferret: is this only seasonal?
  83. D RIP: Does it not take cold damage to proc off EP?
  84. justespelund: +WarLordTR7 they wont release a new diablo for a while if ever, so dont worry about that, and the playerbase is far from dead, alot are still playing the game atleast on pc.
  85. TheMirrorYouDeserve: Hopefully Quin69 will answer :)
  86. Photekt: This whole snapshotting mechanic doesn't make any sense. SSS with Ulianas consumes the EP charge and Gungdo applies a new EP, why is this new EP buffed?
  87. Dauming: Can you do a db farming monk guide?
  88. DocSardo: Quin, thanks for the helpful videos. As a "casual" solo player, I find this build to be a lot of fun. I still need to find a few items (I haven't found/crafted CoE or BP yet) and it seems unlikely that I will ever get the optimized ancient gear that you have in this video, but it's pretty easy to find/craft decent enough items to use this build fairly quickly after reaching level 70. After only a couple of weeks I'm farming on T8 (that's only playing an hour or 2 a day). I just wish that I could find a WD leveling guide for this season that is as good as your monk leveling guide (I'm trying a WD on HC).
  89. xGuhx: Paragon 425, GR 55 and going on with this build, but ancients are making me mad cuz this shit dont drop!
  90.  SNIDGE M: Because broken promises doesn't get enough up time in good grifts because you hit too many mobs with your generator
  91. Charles Carnley: Quinn - long time follower, first time commentor - if you aren't playing a seasonal character, what weapons would you recommend to use with the uliana build? Or is a non-seasonal char better off using the Raiment or Generator builds?
  92. Victor Soto: I was wondering how those monks were pushing so high with uliana's. This is quite informative. I didn't realize you could snap shot power pylon in that manner.
  93. Smo Butter: +Ian Baines I'm guessing that his follower is equipped with an Ess of Johan, an amulet that has a chance of pulling mobs together on hit.
  94. Alepap: +bluethundermonkey Broken promises is annoying. Doesn't proc when you want it to and Conversion of Elements is way better since Broken Promises doesn't add real damage increase, just 100% crit chance, which if you have a lot of, most of your SSS EPs will crit.
  95. Thomas Andersson: LoL, me again, hoping for a S6 2.4.1 version of this build?
  96. Te do: "Avoid death as much as possible, especially on a hardcore character." Kappa
  97. Arokhantos: Oh wow another monk, playing something else besides monk or even barb ? how about playing DH and get rank 1 use the UE set and prepare for a mental breakdown.
  98. Zaru7t10: Have the fixed snapshotting? If not, why not? Will it be bannable?
  99. Bop Boop: God damn it, I just finished your Broken Promises build, now I need crit chance xD fml
  100. jmg741: keep it up rat boy
  101. Xenn000: Cubed over 50 fist weapons now... no luck T-T
  102. Alepap: +Pablo Martín  You get your toughness from: Dexterity, Vitality, Epiphany: Desert Shroud, Secondary resistances using Harmony passive, Seven Sided Strike belt, Dodge from Agility mantra, Blinding Speed dash and Guardian's Path passive, attacking with generator using Spirit Guards, Hellfire amulet 5th passive or other defensive amulets like the Eye of Elitch and elemental amulets like poison prevention amulet.
  103. Alepap: +Chop x xD
  104. MarkoTopchii: +verno711 i was so very sure to find that quote on the top comments.
  105. kriscross: Being already geared for BP probably going to stick with it over convention so I don't have to entirely re gear but will definitely give mythic snapshots a try
  106. Apostol Victor: But how is he playing and gesturing with his hands at the same time, this guy hax o_O !
  107. Grmigrim Kasper: I dont know the exact diffrences between the console and the ps version but on PC one can clear 100+ GR's. I personaly cleared a 78 but 79 could be possible with enough ''fishing''. If you can tell me what the top clears are on the console (since they are still diffrent games) I's like to know them.
  108. Nhum: gj quin
  109. Francisco Persichini: vary nice vid... sooo clear!!!! ... you are a fucking genius. ty quinC
  110. thedanath: My build is near the same as suggested here but i only have 700k dmg and 24m toughness. how in the world do i double my atk and triple my def.
  111. scottjl: +Andrew Peddle well i'm using it right now and doing grift 50 solo. so i'd say it is still useful for something!
  112. João Horta: Mythic Rhythm passive buffs the seven sided strike only, right? not the EP applied by the set. If thats true, isnt this crappy?
  113. Cupafail: Yeah that's what I meant. As I'd swap BP (which is in the cube atm) for CoE. 
  114. fnz382: +Mika Kroon i see what you did there and ruin your plans! :D
  115. D RIP: Ty
  116. noahbpm: +Photekt Gungdos spread the buffed EP on every Mob in Explosion Range. But thats Why it's important to have one single Mob with guranteed buffed ep on. Once you spread this one every one will have it. You are also doing a mistake thinking about this: Yeah first Hit of sss kinda "consumes" EP.. It triggers the explosion at that Moment it spreads to Every Mob in Range. Now sss wont apply a New EP. Why should it, Generators apply EP Not SSS. So your second SSS Hit Hits a Mob having the EP you spread with your first Hit. Now it triggers again and spreads to the whole grp of Mobs again. Third Hit triggers EP, spreads it again. You dont need to re-apply EP ever as long as you just spread the ones with SSS.
  117. Nemengedjobbat Gugli: looking for dicks on amulet still
  118. BinaryHodder: +Mos Reddo Ulianas is non-seasonal as well. Lion's Claw is seasonal only, which makes uliana's build sub-par compared to shenlong's for non-seasonal players.
  119. Thomas Andersson: Will there be a Season 5 version of this build ready for the season start? I know it's no longer the absolute top, but I really like it.
  120. fubuziom0: First time CRITS are bad, now CRITS are super wtf? My build is rubbish now. Thx
  121. BinaryHodder: +Xenn000 Cube is your friend:) and Sages for x2 DBs. I found my first fist of az at 350 and 200 para later only found 1 other one :P
  122. Alex Ander: +Mark Bedford thx bro !
  123. Gustavo B: Still good in 2.4.1?
  124. Matthew Harrington: i get how the EP works with the power pylon the snap shotting and all that but i guess for me i just like smashing buttons more than worrying about min/maxing that much. Leader board competitiveness is nothing i will achieve and im ok with that. Great Vid though to help me fully grasp how this build works.
  125. Alysson Paladini: quin your explanations are always good, thx bud. :D
  126. Die: Guys i really want to buy this game but is it too old atm? I mean are there still players, is it still popular and might they release a new diablo soon? I dont want to waste my money
  127. Cpt. Hotah: Thank you for this video. Can't wait for Season 5 to start so i can lvl up a monk with this build :P
  128. Ken Havens: lol I"d never play HC in this game. Random D/C, rubber banding etc.
  129. Anarcho-primitivism: anyone remember runewords, PK on hc, DC hunting and this gothic climate? Pink ponies do not appeal to me. RIP diablo
  130. Paulreveere: Damn, I'm looking for dix on every single pieces
  131. rhymin18: Hi,are all your items available for non season chars? I'm looking for the weapons for two weeks now but I never got even one of them.
  132. LittleBear Fits: How can he get all those skills ? because i cant my skill order is way different.
  133. Martin Janočko: templar gear ? :D
  134. jimmygott: +Oh Look The Pie! Shouldn't be using CoE you cube it lol, F/R is strictly better for Uliana's.
  135. Pirinos Gr: Helpful as always, 10/10 keep it up man.
  136. Derek: I like his comment "Don't die, you definitely don't want to die"...hahahaha
  137. Kieran Scott: im surprised that they dont care about snapshotting since blizzard really tried there hardest to stop it out in wow for affliction locks
  138. michael bruun pedersen: can't you use iceblink with the ep explotion for extra crit chance and then bane of the trapped?
  139. Jaime Mazus Ferreira: What is a snapshot?
  140. simone orlandini: sorry quinc...why you have exploding palm in the skill if other piece of gear grant you to applay the same effect?sorry for my english i'm italian :-)
  141. FyndeLPOE: why is lifereg better then armour? on his gear
  142. Jack A: Shit. I rolled all my crit chance off my stuff after your last guide. Guess I gotta re-roll my shit now.
  143. Waist Deep In Blood: Trying this build out on PTR (increased drop rates help) -- beastly! + from me. Respect!
  144. Andrew Peddle: Is this still viable in season 5?
  145. william palmer: Ok when fighting a rift guardian if i went with the old 1,2,3 punch, Now i have ep on rift guardian i then 1,2,3 again to apply mythic rythm to myself i then let the ep fall off then i manually apply ep on rg for the addative damage from mythic rythm, if i then went 1,2,3 would that ep overide my mythic rythm ep???
  146. Juan De Santis: In the game settings there is a box you need ro check. I don't remember exactly how it's called. It will allow you to put almost any ability in any button.
  147. Ricardo8388: +Xerenos Its probably like this because of the game lagging as it is. In giant groups exploiding palm, with gems, and all other damage affixes cause the servers to lagg sooo hard. To many calculations and area damage will be a difficult one also especially in large tight packs
  148. Filip Ohlsson: Hey Quin running in a group with heal monk would it better to run armor instead of regen on your armor? :)
  149. Grmigrim Kasper: You will go for the Raiment set for solo Greater Rifts. Aswell (if you want to speedfarm T11 - 13) you may use the Sunwoku build.
  150. D Ivanov: how much CDR u have? i have 42% but it seems u have atleast 50%
  151. TOCS: Ahhh, I see now. The 6 set bonus only detonates the EP, it doesn't apply it, which I thought. I didn't read the description closely enough.
  152. Davinxoco: U use the exploit hellfire amulet...... i decepcin..... :(
  153. Ace San: is this build still good?
  154. Shwaqq: he does it in group
  155. Frane Niseteo: now i see, he started to raise crit chance?
  156. Roberto Zuniga: +Fate ty and my goal is to lol up faster so I will be farming for paragon points just need a team as well and I'm around 690+ so do I just do grifts with exp gear right ?
  157. Myndness: nice work, thanks alot ;]
  158. Christian Sørensen: +jason barnhart if they have all res they can't roll a second res :)
  159. Alepap: Do you have colors?
  160. Thomas Andersson: For someone who couldn't come up with a build to save his life this is absolute awesomeness. I was told by guildie to set up my Monk like your previous build basically and then found your video and adjusted. I'm still not complete with gear and power though and now have everything set up with no crit chance anywhere (as per the previous version of the guide, maybe you could have mentioned/discussed that change a bit?) and using Broken Promises. Guess I need to get new gear and adjust. (But it's working great as is and I love it!).
  161. Rincedents: Avoid death at all costs, especially if you play a Hardcore character ~
  162. Ryan Crommelinck: What would be a good build for my monk while i am grinding for these set pieces? (no gear whatsoever besides some useful jewelry from my other character)
  163. gvvvv2300: i am sure bliz will fix this mechanism next season or patch... wait for the complains from other classes...
  164. D RIP: How did you make Exploding Palm, right click?
  165. FyndeLPOE: anyone know what potion hes using?
  166. Marco Polo: +Davy De Kemp from how I understand it madstone is only good for speed clears and not for pushing. The reason for this is when pushing you want to try and snapshot your Explosive palm damage and spread that buffed explosive palm damage around the map. madstone would make a completely new unsnapshotted explosive palm. This means you lose damage when pushing. Simply just speed farming though it doesn't matter nearly as much.
  167. pennereuli: +Thomas Andersson ~2:40 or sth
  168. Yuurekk: what about the bracers?
  169. Ken Havens: amazing quin...... simply amazing.
  170. JettBlackheart83: dig your vids, but what is a "hit" ,  Sort of like chance on hit. What is a chance?
  171. Fate: +Roberto Zuniga Groups are better for xp for sure man, strength in numbers plus the potential to gain more from their gear bonuses, if any, as well.
  172. Traa d robinson: Second
  173. Jacob Wiman: Hey man, love your vids. Is Uliana still a nice pick at S6? :)
  174. Ricardo8388: Does Area damage work on/in this build?
  175. dcarwin: Quin - does a new EP by punching 3 times carry forward the buffs, or generate a "new" EP? It's not fully clear. 1 - 7SS carries forward existing EP via gundos - keeps buffs 2 - manual EP (via right click) makes new EP and can drop the buffs 3 - EP from punching*3 - is this a new EP, or carry forward? thanks
  176. Chris: +CLG Jatt TSM Jatt > CLG Jatt
  177. Dromi: +Pablo Martín Dodge chance. Dodge (somewhat artificially) inflates your toughness like craaaazy.
  178. Cyphen: strange i have nearly the same equip, but half of the thoughness... i dont understand your 71 million, and how do you deal so high crits? with elements i do 4b and you 11b? wtf i wonder what i make wrong
  179. BinaryHodder: +MCoterle deaths breaths
  180. Martijn: What do you think of people using turbohud?
  181. Pink Grapefruit: Hi, nice build, but one question: Why "Flow of eternity" in Kanai's cube and not another "Lion's claw"? Wouldn't another "Lion's claw" gie you seven more hits on SSS? Or doesn't it count this way? Greetz
  182. Alex Haffner: Youre the Best Quin
  183. Alejandro Arturo Pumpido: +Andrew Zouki dont you have any previous seaosn sets? also the generator set is cheap to build in budget, just any two pieces on raiments, depth diggers, shenlongs and the rest its optional. Cindercoat, magefist, 2pcs inna, everything its up to you
  184. Tan Dao: is it still available for season 5 ?
  185. Envenomed: So how do you have exploding palm as a secondary? Was this patched out or something? Is it something else?
  186. Andreas D: i realy fealt the hit in hp when i switched to crit, but got gg glowes yesturday 3dex 1cdr off from max roll , so im happy.
  187. Quoc Tran: So what exactly is the BUGGED aspect for area dmg on US6? is EP not applying Area dmg correctly? Are the dmg multipliers for EP not calculated correctly? I don't understand what aspect is bugged
  188. amgeda: That necklace! oO Cold 19% / Crit Dmg 100% / CC 10% / Beacon of Ytar What else? Btw, everytime he says "dex" i hear "d*cks" :/
  189. schumix: +Jack A same for me aswell, still got to GR64 with no crit setup, which isnt bad, and a lot easier to gear for
  190. Clementine The Drone: it will never be better, just because of the aoe of your generator
  191. jacob gustavsson: For the Rune. Does not work without it
  192. Kappa: Clever use of exploited mechanics.
  193. Mire Vale: Love you Quin, following you =)
  194. Connor: What is an EP?
  195. Peter Mucha: thx . everything is usefull for me
  196. TigerBloodMan: Nice video, only comment about it is perhaps show or suggest alternative items that could be used lets say you don`t have a Fist of Az (I`m suing Logan`s Claw as its at least ancient) if you are missing an item. I only got a Gungdo today but it was a shit roll so I extracted it; either or will work obviously the cube gives you a bit of flexibility there. Anyway nice guide, I think you covered everything very well. Def. a fun build, just have to practice procing focus and restraint and snapshotting etc. Thanks!
  197. Jeremy Phipps: do you have any of the Dashing Strike Set build videos? It looks fun and i want to give it a go and see how it is.
  198. Ismael Machado: "You don't wanna die, dying's pretty bad". I loled
  199. Peter Lustig: Thats no monk... it´s Nicolas Cage... you can conclude this from the picture in the top left corner.
  200. Voroseeg: So, Madstone is shit for pushing high grifts because it fucks up snapshots.
  201. Mika: +simone orlandini To get the rune effect. It would be an EP without a rune if you didn't
  202. Mika: +fnz382 You hurt my feelings
  203. Marko J: +LittleBear Fits Check your Gamplay Options. There´s one option that makes your skills variable
  204. ABlack4: Quin try to do a monk pet build for fun - i think maximus in the cube and another 1 hand wepons spawn a pets, the bots of the duplicate mistic ally ,leoric amulet, legendary gems of the pets ingcreses the atack speed ,2 part of ulianas set for exploding palm and another things XD (for fun)
  205. D J: We need an updated video because blizz nerfed the power pylon snapshot with patch 2.4
  206. Raymond Ron: 1 2 3 Bam ! ヽ(◉◡◔)ノ AlkxD
  207. Tasdilan: +Bop Boop keep in mind that as a ulianas monk you should allways have seperate broken promise and coe gear :) Imo broken promises could get ahead at any time, especially when tiny hotfixes happen
  208. Matthew: I'm guessing South African. I hear "dicks" when he refers to dex lol
  209. Marxman: This looks extraordinarily overcomplicated. I'm not pushing 65+ GRs, so I assume I'm safe to ignore snapshotting for the most part.
  210. Mika: +Te do You sir, are right.
  211. RayZhaTV: fist of ass?
  212. 1AHOTT: what should the stats be on your gungdo gear?
  213. Photekt: +noahbpm But Gungdos spread the EP once per explosion and since the buffed EP was consumed on the first SSS hit it should be applying a completely new EP and re-spreading those new ones, I still don't get why the the rest of SSS hits besides the first one applies a buffed EP.
  214. Tasdilan: It might be if they patch exploding palms debuff to scale with damage dynamicly, they tend to remove snapshotting mechanics
  215. Alepap: +R Dietel 3 seconds. but even with 5% crit chance you can't proc it when you have a big pack.
  216. 조태희: why is the in-geon prefered for speed runs?
  217. Jay H: Today i was reading up on how MR works and couldnt make heads or tails out of it. great explanation, i finally get it :D
  218. jayen motay: do you know how to get flow of eternity?
  219. Frederik Staes: very helpfull video! thx man
  220. Clean Living: I'd love an update to this build. I know it's not top tier leaderboard pushing so Quin might not cover it, but it's still fun as heck to play and I think it could use a 2.4 refresh from the master
  221. Mos Reddo: I cant find any uliana pieces guys help me plz :(
  222. Harley V-Rod: Harmony(passive) gives you an additional 40% of the secondary Rez to all the remaining rez (EX: 200 Physical secondary Rez = 80 additional Rez to Cold, Arcane, Fire, Posion, Lightning)
  223. vu nguyen: Correct me if i'm wrong, but what i got from this are: (1) When execute Way of the Hundred Fists, U2 will apply EPs and ONE of those EPs had already consumed MR. (2) When you re-execute Way of the Hundred Fists the 2ND time on the same pack that already had EPs on them, MR is not consumed this time because U2 can't overwrite the existing EPs, therefore MR is waiting to be applied the next time you use a spender. (3) To ensure that you are applying a new MR EP, you have to find a new target without EP on them, then manually apply EP (equipped from your skill slot). This target now has MR EP and ready to spread.
  224. Anormos: +Alepap does broken promises add 100% chance for one hit or for 3 seconds xD?
  225. Rufgaudas: Very nice guide, i knew about snap shoting in WoW, but never thought that this would work in diablo as well. Thank you.
  226. Rich gAmA: Lol, still using this build for season 5 PTR since the SC Monk went nerfed
  227. Alex Fenn: The guides that you've put out and just watching gameplay in general has shot me from T7 struggling to GR 60 solo in just a week! Can't begin to say how helpful this content is! Stay gaming Quin
  228. Die: +justespelund im a pc gamer as well, before i go get a copy of d3 and the expansion i gotta ask something. is it grindy like WoW or lineage 2 if you know it? i cant invest that much time anymore. I also see alot of videos where they spam a single skill. is this game all about spamming a  single skill and mass murder the mobs with no effort? 
  229. MCoterle: Sorry, what is DBs?
  230. fnz382: !sheep
  231. Sandrigo Zoilo: Funny how he says "Dex". Sound like DICKS.
  232. Glacial Relic: crit crit dicks on my hellfire quin?
  233. Andrew Zouki: +Silver Pumpido Pretty new to the whole "seasonal" thing, thanks for the advice though. I've completed most of the other sets in the time spent trying to finish uliana's haha, maybe i'll just use those 
  234. Diaberu monk: update on the generator build would be great
  235. TheChaosilator: how do you have 71m toughness....I have the same gear but only 23m. Is it only because they are all ancient??
  236. sartevez: so much dicksterity stat on the items !! you need lots of dicks on your gear to enjoy the monk apparently
  238. luchhese: +axel lopez Play Rifts & then Greater Rifts, from the bottom to the top lvls, and wait until the items drop for you xD. There's no "recipe" to get the build. Just pray to RNG gods!
  239. Brendan Truong: How were you playing without hands on the keyboard in beginning. Please make a tutorial!
  240. Khorne88: @Quin C <3 rat
  241. Wouter Alleweireldt: Quin, very nice roundup and good info on the snapshotting, makes it quite clear how it works internally. However, when I try to snapshot myself, and being carefull not apply EP on the third hit, I'm runnin into resource issues sooner or later, having not enough spirit recovery to keep casting SSS to further apply my buffed EP's. That's even when running solo with Templar with inspire... How do you recover your spirit so fast?
  242. Jamulisprime: I cant even do a 60 solo, but to be fair, i cleared 4 whole grifts looking from pylons and didnt find a single one, so the quest continues.
  243. Daniel Zahra: +verno711 , haha fucking epic.
  244. Pablo Martín: +Keith Koons I know it, i'm using mantra of salvation-agility and the guardian's path passive but still can't even get close to it, it must be all about vit and resistances
  245. Davy De Kemp: +Marco Polo (PipeCleanerArtLessons) Yeah, that's also what i get out all of it.. I just wish mythic rythem had some visual effect to see when it's activated.. I think it would help to see when a good EP is applied.. Or i just probably suck..
  246. pigifi: Can you get the set pieces for the non seasonal monks from kadala?
  247. Andrew Peddle: +scottjl Sweet, I've been using a leapquake Barb for most of the season thus far and managed to complete a solo level 65 grift yesterday. I'm looking to switch things up a bit now though so I may give Monk a try
  248. Syns13: is there any update to this build?
  249. Alex Ander: How long does a seoson actualy last ? Any ideas ?
  250. Tink: +gglookgg Personally I'd try and go cold+crit + crit dmg. 100% crit dmg double your current crit dmg each time you get 100%. Whereas the dexterity is just a straight dmg increase.
  251. deegeeooh: thanks for all your builds en enthousiasm. You got me into monks :) gz on the 72
  252. Richard Grey: Came here for the build guide, left before it in order to ponder the coding behind "snapshotting"
  253. Ty Budd: 12:26 @ this point quin tells us officially, to end all debates CoE > Broken Promises
  254. jose pablo monge: thanks also for explain the snap-shoot thing :)
  255. TheBrokenFenix: +gglookgg because you will heal up while using SSS
  256. TheShamefulEquinox: Lol he didn't
  257. TheShamefulEquinox: Bp gives u 100% crit but coe doesn't so u need to stack it
  258. thedhbusiness: Snapshotting explained at 2:25
  259. Mark Bedford: +Alex Ander 3-4 months
  260. Torben Hornbak: May I ask what your CDR is Quin?
  261. J H: crit crit dicks? 17:04 ROFL
  262. Darrkstar420: +Kappa Kappa
  263. Jeff: Hey Quin, any chance you could show us aspiring monks some GRifting strategies?
  264. Juan Alfonso Solano Poveda: +SBBound thanks that was what I was looking for
  265. 3Spooky 5Me: this video explains more detail then any other monk video ive ever watched, therefor i understand it... for the first time in foreverrrrrrtrrr, at least i have a chance ;) xDxD
  266. claydawg003: Is CoE only winning out vs Broken Promises because of bugged AD (what is bugged exactly? would love some kind of link) or is it that much better for consistancy?
  267. F8L Fool: The gear affixes you list in this video aren't the ones you list in the DiabloFans guide. For example, Exploding Palm isn't listed for the boots and CDR isn't there for the Az'Turrasz, among other things.
  268. Deine Wahl: guys xD see at 55 sec botting
  269. sbRoyal: +Juan Alfonso Solano Poveda Go into your options menu, game-play, and select elective mode, it allows you to select (almost) any number of skills from the same category to reassign to the hotkeys.
  270. MCoterle: oh, thanks!
  271. Harley V-Rod: +bruce wayne ...I'm Batman...
  272. Martin Janočko: same gear my top 3bilion you 11.. :D wtf ? :D
  273. HelloThere: Fml i hate grinding paragon.
  274. 조태희: +조태희 and great vids as always!!
  275. Axel L.: It still works? And anyone know how to farm the set? I'm a noob on diablo 3, and i don't know where i have to farm :S
  276. Die: +justespelund ow okay :d thanks 
  277. jason barnhart: ah thanks, that sucks lol
  278. Long Huynh: why don't we use mad stone instead of gungo
  279. idk: i wonder what would happen if they fixed snapshotting
  280. Juan Alfonso Solano Poveda: How can you select dashing and exploding palm at the same time? on my computer it only allows me to select one, the layout for the buttons is also different so I can't use exploding palm as right click
  281. justespelund: +WarLordTR7 its grindy, its an arpg that is the whole point, and the way the game is designed you just buff 1 skill and own.
  282. Mikei: Finally a video which explains to me WTF is shanpshoting. Great job
  283. kieu ster: nicee trying to build my monk
  284. Flawless: Yo quin you forgot Gungdo. I guess you want 20%cold and CRit chance. Many thanks for the guide RatQing(you know like King but whit Q KAppa)
  285. Esteban M: +MarkoSrbija01 dude, i take 3 days of casual playing doing rift t6 and got my complete oriana and both weapons. Just go to help some para70 on t6 and boom, ulliana will drop like crazy
  286. fshow [Got Issues]: But this will!
  287. simone orlandini: ok thanks for your help
  288. TOCS: I'm still not sure I get how the Uliana 6 set bonus works... Isn't SSS supposed to apply EP regardless if I hit them with SG first? That's the way I understand it, but not how it seems to work. I've to do the 3-hit SG on a pack to actually apply EP, I can't just use SSS isolated. Am I misunderstanding something here?
  289. Poison Trail: +Long Huynh I find Madstone enforces bad habits, you're not going to care about getting the 50% from Hundred Fists, which once applied with Gungo on is going to let SSS spread EP to way more enemies than Madstone, which is only going to trigger an explosion if it hits the same enemy twice, without spreading to the rest. It's sort of an autopilot mode that doesn't reach full potential. Also because you can't have Spirit Guards, Gungo, Madstone and Convention of Elements together, one has to be dropped, two EP spreaders is just too much.
  290. Photekt: +noahbpm I never meant to say SSS on its own apply EP, the combination of Gungdo + Uliana 6p + SSS does. SSS doesn't kinda "consume" the charge it completely does, remove Gungdo from your gear and you will see EP damage once. So a buffed EP can never be overwritten by a non-buffed EP? Because we should be spreading non-buffed EPs besides the very first one. So what I'm getting from this is that Blizzard has some spaghetti code around this since it shouldn't work at all if we follow how the abilities and items work with other.
  291. Andrew Zouki: +Quin C I'm so confused... I keep seeing all these Uliana builds and about half of them have ABSOLUTELY ZERO crit chance and half of them utilize it as usual... Which is better?! No crit chance? Lots of crit chance?..
  292. CroMoBlood: After watching this video I now have a whole new respect for people reaching top on the leader board, the amount of concentration to make sure you are doing the best min-maxing while avoiding damage, etc is insane
  293. Sam Marin: +verno711 LOL!!
  294. Thomas Andersson: +Mikei I must have missed that bit and I'm wondering what he's going on about :) At what time roughly is the explanation?
  295. kabal54: is it possible to play this build not in season ?
  296. Jax: +Thomas Andersson At roughly the 3:20 mark he starts discussing snapshotting the power pylon.
  297. mrod: Thanks for the update Quin. I just need to try and understand this snapshot stuff.
  298. Te do: +Mika Kroon You can't tell me what to fucking like... although you can influence me with basic psychology.
  299. Jon Matle: +Mos Reddo That is not an accurate statement. Uliana's set is not only seasonal. You can get it in the regular live servers.
  300. FlubberSquid: they seriously need to to remove snapshots and all that crap from d3 and balance their game instead
  301. Qtri Nity: + SNIDGE M - No. Reason Non crit (broken promises) is not feasibIe is because Area Damage is bugged. If AD is working as intended, it out dpses CoE any time.
  302. Liga: +D RIP Press S, go to to the right-click-ability and then you see on the top of that window arrows, klick on them untril you find exploding palm
  303. Alex Sun: it always amazes me how people figure these crazy detailed mechanics out
  304. garyprimefluffy: someone please explain the EP sunwuko build with Wrath of the Bone King. using Uliannas and sunwuko with focus restraint for high greater rifts.
  305. Xerenos: +Ricardo8388 No, Area damage doesn't affect Exploding Palm and apparently won't be fixed until next season :P
  306. Davy De Kemp: +Marco Polo (PipeCleanerArtLessons) You are right, but in the chaos and mayhem on the screen, it's sometimes real hard to keep track of it all.. The pylon snapshot seems broken, but it is fun.. :D
  307. Matthew: What is wrong with area damage ATM? I am guessing it isn't working with EP's exploding or something
  308. strigoiimortii: Do we really dicks? I would rather stick to DEX... :)
  309. Mutio86: Is there any way to farm this set quickly? Or just farm and hope to have luck`?
  310. Truhalo: Is shenlong far weaker than ulianas?
  311. Jen: Why do we need the exploding palm skill when the uliana's set triggers exploding palm?
  312. TheMirrorYouDeserve: Why u dont use the Noncrit build anymore with broken promises bro?
  313. WrathOfShroom: +gglookgg Bottomless Potion of the Tower
  314. Unjust PlayerLP: +Mos Reddo but if u cant handle tornment its useless ^^ so only do tornment if u can beat the monsters :P
  315. FyndeLPOE: kk
  316. Fate: +jimmygott One could assume he meant getting crit rolls on his other gear so he CAN use it in the cube is causing him problems, considering the "GIVE ME MY CRIT." it's probably a safe assumption.
  317. MCoterle: Is there a video on what is the best way to farm your build? i mean, the drops must have very specific stats, and that's not really easy to drop... what i want to know is: Is it better to farm T10 rifts or GR45? I am doing GR45 under 5 mins right now but i am not droping anything that i want...
  318. Thenoisendadark: Wanted to say thanks a million for this build guide! took my monk from struggling in t6 to grift 57 tonight with about 10 mins to spare. Also the strongest on my friends list. Demons of t10 fear me! Great work bud, keep it up.
  319. Gherhes Sebastian: Quin, I am thinking on switching fist of az'turrasq with In-geom. What are your thoughts about this?
  320. Pepperavocado: neither will this :<
  321. Sequinox01: Why does he have exploding palm on second mouse button? I dont have that (ima newb)
  322. Xenn000: After 300+ paragon levels, I have yet to get a Fist of Az drop. I've gotten every other fist weapon dozens of times, but RNGeezus will not give me it at all, which prevents me from ever progressing! I do like this CoE ring build because I don't get crits often enough with the 100% crit chance ring that the old builds have.
  323. Szorrin: +simone orlandini 2 reasons, first it's to tell the 2 piece bonus what element of EP to use (in this case Cold). Second, when he has power pylon and the Mythic Rhythm buff, he wants to use EP manually to apply it to a single enemy so he can snapshot it.
  324. V E: still viable in 2.4?
  325. Eric Hall: Also because of the passive for monk that rewards single resists by also giving you all resist
  326. Mika: This comment won't get any likes at all.
  327. bruce wayne: can someone pls tell me why secondary resist is better than all resist? what if i have all resist on boots and shoulders and sec resist on everything else?
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Diablo 3: GR72+ Uliana's Stratagem Monk (Update | 2.3 | Season 4)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 18 Sep 2015

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