Diablo 3: GR66+ Vyr's Archon Wizard build (Patch 2.3) - games free

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

Diablo 3: GR66+ Vyr's Archon Wizard build (Patch 2.3)

  1. WasalPL: 15:44 Good to know that Firebird's set got necklace :P
  2. 『Asphixiem』: +Grim Reaper I'm not. I have a healthy live-in relationship with a beautiful woman. Also, I'm an Indian living in India. Says a lot about you, when an Indian can be more open-minded than you so called 'first world' people, doesn't it ? Hate mongering, oxygen stealing pieces of meat are getting outta control. Makes me sad.
  3. Christian Ariel Corujo: +SlashK Look at the Kanai's cube part. The Obsidian ring's pasive.
  4. Daniel Carroll: I know this video is old, but I'm only just looking into the Vyr's set.. Turns out, Chantodo's Will cannot roll life on hit.. so yeah.
  5. Joseth F: +Juck B. Me too! I build it with my non seasonal and is weak! I would like to see a PRO doing better without that belt.
  6. Andrea Seoane: thanks for the video!! its great!! I recently find your videos. Question: Did never tell you that you look like the footboll player Diego Forlan?? You are the same! Keep doing this videos about Diablo!
  7. lukanic: Why you have lightning damage on items, when in archon form you doing fire dmg?
  8. Joelhodoborgas: F4g.
  9. F:  better than you
  10. InfernoGaming: isn't the belt seasonal only?
  11. Trentan Snow: I am so erect
  12. Komminator: Have you any keybindings mybe for shift?
  13. Slowpoke: +Bellemit You da real MVP
  14. Hawu Awu: +Jon K (Sparky) You are welcome :)
  15. Max Olofsson Prissberg: I used the ones he has in the build.
  16. Jeremy Porta: This guy is fucking hot.
  17. ElefanteSincero: +Matthew Hudson You can enable this in config..
  18. Kaeldyr: +Nilas ljungberg none shall hinder me }:>
  19. finndrx: schlechter guide krassser müll
  20. Devils Slayer Trance: +CrocadilGena Vyr's set allows it because it makes archon have all the runes.
  21. Anton Mornlodan: Nicht jeder auf diesem Planeten kann Deutsch... ._.
  22. Grillchips: Why does your monk have other powers than mine? #notusedtoseeQuinplayanythingotherthanmonk
  23. caio reis: +fryloq the criteria for this is based on your highest elemental damage. If fire is your highest damage, it will explode with fire damage
  24. Renzen: Change force stop to spacebar firstly, shift is tiring
  25. taha berk: i didnt sub this channel for this shit. Aint got time for this. /unsub /unsub /unsub Kappa
  26. janusthe1337: +1AHOTT that one i can't help with as i play on PC, maybe check online and see if anyone else is having problems. Also fyi, consoles don't get the seasonal option, so that's probably why you weren't familiar with it. Seasonal is PC only :(
  27. Owen Davies: Well, I have a really nice HF amulet with cold blooded, so that's why i asked. :P
  28. Jacob: I don't like the cc changes to white mobs, I'm fine with them going immune after so much, but I feel like the threshold on lesser mobs is too low.
  29. MassDynamic: anyone know why there's only one G75 wiz in Americas board....and that wiz is para 875....some sort exploit?
  30. Matthew Hudson: I'm completely confused. How do you do Teleport and Frost Nova at the same time, when they're both under the number 1 button? You can only have one or the other. Did D3 change this and split them up?
  31. Quintin Crawford: +Santa didn't have a crit/crit ring
  32. Leah Agne: what do you have cubed?
  33. Jakub Čermák: +Quin C is there are reason not to have halo of arlyse in cube for max armor roll and wear zodiac instead ?
  34. rennerw1: dude, do you even sleep ? i watched a few videos and since the patch 2.3 its like you got natural sunglasses on you xD @ Quin69
  35. Bruce Reif: PARTHAN. It just says PARTHAN. what the fuck is a partherian
  36. ellie ellie: Should i create a new account? Cause my paragon lvl is 9914 and it ruins the game. Is it a form of cheating? Having a party with a hacked weapon? Pls help.
  37. Matt Hamidy: I want to try this build but I'm missing a few pieces. I have the belt, it's only a level 35 so I'm just going to cube it and that should bring it up to a 70. I also have the weapon, but not the off-hand. I do whoever have 2 of the helms and 2 of the pants. I plan on cubing one of each hopefully getting it to a 4 piece set. So should I just hold all of my blood shards for what ever pieces I don't get?
  38. Steve Patry: +caio reis no this guys is playing on console, 10k para gives you like 25k int or something so his comments are irrelevent.
  39. Mauricio Ferreyra: who is gem bane striken?
  40. Matt Hamidy: +janusthe1337 yeah I'm holding off until I get more set items. I have 2 helms and pants, plus 3 pairs of the weapons. I using a Del Rasha build until I find, gamble, or cube the rest.
  41. Brien McGill: Great video, Nice touch with the old school Diablo music. Thank you.
  42. Midora: Whats the name of the soundtrack at the end of this video?
  43. Sharpy NI: funny lookin monk
  44. EliteSalvi: The patch isn't live yet right? only pbe?
  45. 1AHOTT: +janusthe1337  ahhhhhh. makes sense now. appreciate all the info. and yeah, didn't know you could cheat either.
  46. Norbert Červený: So you basically spam left click when you are in archon or you just hold it? I noticed Its not hitting when im holding it and I am getting annoyed when I have to click all the freaking time therefore I use disintegrate, so whatcha say Quin?
  47. Furocious: When you're playing this moving / attacking, are you holding down shit and spamming the first archon skill?  In your guide, you say hold down left click while moving and using 1 while in archon form. I find myself having to spam shift to force attack and let the aoe hit the enemies. Any tips on sparing my hands would be much appreciated! LOL.
  48. Crihs95: i rreally have no idea what to do this season, i thought i'd be going DH again, but then i see Archon build is back, but also monk seems so juicy, fuck me i have no idea, who's better for groups?
  49. Stitches gets bitches: you know wht's useless conduit pylons at high g rifts.
  50. nazzyc: +Quin C Force of habit
  51. Владимир: Why not Bone Chill rune?
  52. ChrisGeezerWT: yo quin im trying this now, but my archon just seems to be on cooldown for so long, even with zodiac? Any suggestions?
  53. Evan Bacon: lmao GR60 "Mediocre" he says... how much time did you invest getting there?
  54. Benito Timpano: hello i have a question about this it isnt about the gear its for the mechanics is there any key bindings i should have done to not always single target a mob i see u just going around them doing damage. great build by the way
  55. Barial: Gig PogChamp
  56. Samuel Wildi: why did you reroll the damage type on chantodos will if you wanted life on hit for the vit?
  57. Krisztian Deak: +MrMotte0011 This build at the time might not have been perfectly refined. He used Movement Speed (MS) on Boots so he can spend paragon points into intelligence earlier to have more damage. Might also be the best choice imo, because the only other choice is armor or Life per Second and both aren't that good but if you want to spend the paragon points into 25% MS the boots would be best with armor as the fourth stat.
  58. EliteSalvi: LOL yea you're right i'm on league reddit way to much :P can't wait for it to go live most of my friends quit 
  59. fatalis arx: I was waiting for any good streamer do a right wizard season 4 guide, but not expected from Quin :) but  its really nice and benefit guide there! thx and keep update plz. btw, hellfire amulet with Illusion passive for example for more survivebility could be viable right ?!
  60. Distreua: Hi. I have a question concerning the damage roll on the weapon. Is it important to have lightning damage on it? Does ist scale with +ligthning damage? Have a ancient chantoda with: - fire damage - 957 int - +6% damage - socket I am thinking about - rerolling fire damge to lightning damage or - waiting for a socket relict and reroll the socket to CDR Thanks for an answer :)
  61. Rikimaru: Awesome Quin
  62. Jon K: So the frozen from nova counts as stunn for the bracers? Also my arch wont switch to the lightning element when I equip vry's set its really odd.
  63. TRanceLetrus: After archon form ends, I start spamming arcane barrage but it sucks up my whole mana/arcane power in just a few seconds and then I'm useless. What am I missing?
  64. Kaeldyr: +Ash G but he wants to having fun with other trash class
  65. Antares: But the bracers that you mentioned reduce dmg from stunned enemies not frozen, I'm guessing it also procs with frozen enemies?
  66. Me Me: unity is lame..
  67. Leorvm Time: We wizord now?
  68. BinaryHodder: yer a wizard quincy
  69. claw of snake: What do you think about Wyrdward in combination with arcane torrent ?
  70. janusthe1337: +1AHOTT i researched it and honestly it just sounds like there are very few people playing on consoles. And those that are seem to be cheaters. I actually didn't know cheating existed in D3 but apparently it does on consoles. Best bet is to go on the forums and find a thread about finding people to play with so you can add them and play together.
  71. Stinktierball: "this build works pretty well for fishing too" - quin c
  72. Krisztian Deak: +Winterhe4rt You basically just hold arcane torrent and press blizzard while doing so. That interrupts the animations of both attacks but he also mentions that it seems to be less consistent.
  73. viermidebutura: +sockbat25 u need AP on crit on ur orb
  74. Furocious: +Zafer DEPE Yea this was a thing back in the day, the good vanilla days.
  75. jay Chaminda: Nice build
  76. Ashley: Where you get the wallpaper that you use for thumbnail dude >?
  77. uber: +SavageLight *Sigh..* i give up. It's pointless talking to you.  Have a nice day. Imo ur whole attitude sucks. Talking to my cat makes more fun.
  78. Jamie Sydney: Would wand of woh work in this build?
  79. FREEZER: Hey Quin C. Hope you take time to answer this. I see you recommend useing Deep Freeze on frost nova for that 10% crit..witch obviously has a 100% uptime. But i wana challange that :P seeing that i reach 60% crit easily through gear only. How about drop Deep Freeze for Bone Chill. witch makes enemies frozen by frost nova take 33% more dmg. I know there is only a 5-8 sec before they become immune. but once you have the momentum of 200-300 stacks. jumping from enemy to enemy freezeing different ones...wouldnt that 33% dmg boost be a better choice ?
  80. joel: Why not us paralysis as a passive? Causes lightening skills to have a 15% chance to stun. I would think that would help the bracers even more.
  81. janusthe1337: +ChrisGeezerWT All about that 50%+ CDR and big mob packs. If you don't have enough CDR, increase it, or try Gogok of Swiftness. Should help you out.
  82. Purry: I have 3 youtuber for 3 classes. Quin C for monk, Wudigo for Demon Hunter, and Anthony Evans for Witch Doctor. You'll always ben Monkpai for me Quin <3
  83. Slowpoke: Hey quin, what is best class to do torment-10 rift under 3mins, journal thingy?
  84. SHAWN The Brickman: Really really good info bro thx u
  85. moneyafro: does the wand have to have lightning damage?
  86. ArturoPladeado: is it just me or does it seem like his using a macro to hold number 1 because i can see it being held the whole time almost and it always seem to release then like instantly goes back to being held again about every second or so
  87. 1AHOTT: Sorry if dumb question, but I noticed a few times you said a certain item was "seasonal". what does that mean?
  88. Current Mood: amazing build thank you, just found my ancient chantodo and i'm almost ready ;) the incremental damage and survival is really helping to finish the set dungeon
  89. DETERMINOLOGY: Archon the wizard would love this build
  90. janusthe1337: +Mike Hawksmall Nope. Youll be in archon most of the time which won't proc focus/restraint. And the rings he has are 100% necessary for the build to work properly.
  91. Angelou Winters: thanks! im using this now but i am using furnace coz im too slow on killing bosses xD
  92. Nathan Barnard: Awesome video Quin. Your diablo videos have changed the way I play the game. Thumbs up.
  93. Rick H: this reminds me of the CM wizard build from back in the day mixed with archaon, I am intrigued
  94. East Far: Bane of the Stricken season limited?
  95. Justin OConnell: I rolled a Hellfire amulet that got the paralysis passive. Is it complete junk in this set up because of the stacking stun resistances that monsters will be getting from the frost nova already?
  96. luckystriker: *runs to put on his Vyr's set*
  97. erkislerk: +Max Olofsson Prissberg you need the arcane power on crit on your source
  98. Reinder Veldman: how is your wave of desrtuction in electric form? Please someone explain
  99. GeeKAdemics: +GeeKAdemics I figured it out myself. So far i had 0 +elemental damage on my gear. Once I put on a piece with +xx% lightning damage, my archon turned all blue and the fulminator now works. Apparently, it is not the rune that determines your damage type (or at least it isn't, if you have no +xx% ele dmg), but the highest elemental damage type on your gear!
  100. skirne -: hey Quin. it's really nice to listen you talk. you seem like a really smart fella and you talk so fluently and you explain everything so everyone can understand
  101. Bob50520: ..wtf.. where was the back flip in the video.. WE WANT BACK FLIP FINALE!
  102. Max Olofsson Prissberg: When I try this build. I cant manage to keep up his insane arcane power. For example. When he loses his archon around 2:00. He uses arcane torrent to lower the cooldown. However, with the archon stacks your attack speed is insane. And thus for me it takes about 3-4 seconds of arcane torrent before my arcane power is diminished.. I dont have the entire set yet.. But I have full Vyr and the rings. And he has barely any reduced cost or gain arcane power stats. So why cant I maintain my arcane power like him? Even if I dont hold the button down but tap it. It still diminshes FAR faster than his does.. I only got 100 arcane power. What am I missing?!
  103. Newton Kim: is vyrs the hardest set to come by for wiz? haven't had 1 drop
  104. Pitler Bradolf: +Jozef Leonor I can tell you that this build is capable of critting damn high! I'm critting (with my build, same as in the video, but with furnace instead of fulminator in kanai's cube) around 10 Billion on elites. and i'm easily clearing white mobs.
  105. Ash G: +Defensor Pacis An achievement you say... Oh I bet I can make a GR40, gotta keep the good items I get that are useless :) Then GR40 here I come!
  106. Vincent Jack: +Quin C lol
  107. Robert Schäffer: Many THX for the guide. Helped me a lot. I just started a wizard in this season, but as it seams.....don't know why, i'm already paragon 300 but couldn't set up a gear whit i can do even a GR30 -_- :( I think wizard isn't my type of character. In 1/4 of that time built up a crusader which would slam my Wiz into the ground . (I'm still farming for the Swami) :( And somehow, i rarely find any Ancient Leg or Set. :S Bad luck i guess. But 1 question: Why are you using Arcane torrent? Is it better for the Obsidian ring CDR? I have tested it as well, but i thing there is no difference to e.g. Desintegrator. Or do you just like it more? :D
  108. Martin Jacobsen: issent hell riger amulet bedst for this
  109. One man army: 66+ with 900+ paragon and high end gear. Bullshit for ppl with real life.
  110. MrMotte0011: Why roll Movement Speed on your Boots? Isnt it better to get 25% through Paragon?
  111. Pasiveshift: +SadAtLife ptr* :P pbe is league XD and yeah this is on the ptr
  112. Lucky17thguy: If i plan to go for a Arcane vyr build with moonlight ward and what not, is it better for me to use cascase on arcane torrent since it benefits from my ele damage? Or does Static discharge still dmg it?
  113. Russell Smith: archon wizard aka if mob density is high enough and you manage to not get one shot and you happen to get like 200 stacks you can almost be as useful as a barb..for 20 seconds
  114. TheMrBugio: what about schaefer's hammer? Or wizardspike?
  115. One man army: yeah,66+ if u have bot and 0 normal life and u just want to spend 18+ hrs a day...
  116. etobiCRACKscorpions: I am not coming back unless we get the original CM wiz back! Permafreeze DPS baby.
  117. Rai Daiku: This build is only for season??
  118. MotherGood: If you aren't playing Season, which gem would you recommend to replace the "Bane of the stricken" gem? Having a hard time figuring out which one would be best! Super cool videos, keep up the good work, from Denmark! :D
  119. Lewis Bowyer: helmets, is it worth going 6%crit and 15% arcane torrent dmg?
  120. Johny Nguyen: Your d3planner guide has the wrong gems for Chest/Pants. They are Emeralds instead of Topaz.
  121. CrazyCircles1: Every wizard player should know that you stack armor instead of all resist on wizard. Because Int = All resist
  122. Mario Sergio: everyone and their mother is running "THE" build now... like, there is no other strong option for wizard other than archon. What I don't understand is why run with extra freeze in frost nova if your archon abilities already freeze. The one good thing in that ring is the 60% melee dmg reduction. "from ultimate god to peasant!" lol
  123. Quoc Tran: +TobiasMakesNoise you have to put one on yourself and one on your mercenary that if actively fighting at your side coupled with a "follower cannot die" accessory as well. With this archon wizard, you have to wear the Unity itself because obsidian ring is mandatory to use as a kanai power (the ring itself is subpar compared to possible rolls on a unity)
  124. Stacotto: How do you manage to sustain AP when casting torrent with high archon stacks?
  125. Charles lambert: Would Rimeheart work with this. cause its so un used but it does crazy dmg with this
  126. er ff: ty for the guide. from south korea.
  127. 2 YUNGZ: +Quin C (Quin69) do you need CDR?
  128. Azoron _: hm I don't quite agree with the frostnova on the bar, just for 10% crit and requires you to hit 5 enemies so you don't get any benefit for the rift guardian. I am pretty sure there is something better than that. I also have a question about the amulet slot, would it be worth to go for a hellfire amulet - if so, which one of the passives would be good to have in additon.
  129. Boosted Lúcio: +Jian Zhi Zhang What sorcery is this?!!
  130. The DadKage: holy. shit.
  131. Naxxaran: Is this Build only viable with season characters? In the ladder i only see Vyr set in season and Tal Rasha for normal. The belt is only for season chars so i guess this could be the reason (but i don't play that much so i don't really know)
  132. fryloq: Does selecting a specific rune give you the +Elemental damage bonus from your gear??? Or am I wrong on this? I have seen people say that it does matter if you choose the lightning rune so your lightning elem damage is used.
  133. christopher fieb: damn creepy dude srsly
  135. Quoc Tran: +Lewis Bowyer most definitely not. The majority of your damage is in archon mode and you are only using arcane torrent to get chantoto stacks and obsidian ring procs for getting back into archon. You are MUCH better off with Vit instead of 15% arcane torrent dmg
  136. Marc Henderson: Wi'ZORD needs food badly!
  137. Brax: can u realy be 100% sure that the bracers are working ? i investigated this bracers u know what it saids ,for me freeze is freeze other ways didnt have to call enemys effected by controll lost reduce ur dmg by (max) 12%?in combination with Bane of the Trapped and the Bracers would mean it should work with every class right? sorry my english sucks. great vid. keep going.
  138. Touch Me: There's a helm that you can get that gives you every rune from slow time and it also applies whenever you have archon up. It makes this quite stronger.
  139. Patrick Carlson: At 1:10 you forgot to mention that each stack increases your damage by 6% as well as the increased attack speed, armor and all resist.
  140. Larry Lewinsohn: Thanks for not being a douchebag, most ppl first go over all the items and skills, only to then show a build that does not live up to all the bla bla preceding it. Thanks for first showing the build at work and then explaining. Cheers.
  141. Ishla Corrin: +Marvolo From what I have seen this still works quite well.
  142. HelloThere: what do you think of the delsere set?
  143. Some asshole: For unity to be a 50% damage reduction, do you have to have two and put one on your follower? Or is that some kind of hidden default effect for when only one person has the ring?
  144. Din: I really don't want to spend tens if not hundreds of hours doing this. Damn I was really hoping for a nice smooth new wizard set this season.
  145. K FUNG: what !!!!!! you play wizard lol
  146. TuneOut: +141Jamison overall wizard is lacking too much
  147. InfernoGaming: instead of those two rings would focus and restraint work?
  148. Eric McIntyre: Thought that was Gary Bussey for a second
  149. Justus: It's nice to see, that you named your Wizard after the gigger <3
  150. Robert Fierce: How do you have a permanent magic find buff on? I don't get it
  151. Seth Eheart: appreciate it.. but need some minute markers on the content. really annoying trying to go back and find stuff.
  152. Juck B.: yo Quin is this playable without the belt on non-season cause its a season 4 exclusive? If yes, what do you recommend for a good equivalent (String of Ears?)
  153. Yuiko: Go outside, neckbeards. You're discussing sexuality on a Diablo 3 vid
  154. Chris Pinzon: Nevermind, forgot about the cube!
  155. Joseth F: Hey Quin great video, only wonder why u choose 10%crit chance on frost nova while Bone Chill rune gives 33% increase damage, 10% crit chance will not give you 33% increase damage so... any reason why u not using bone chill?
  156. OldFart75: Remarkable. I'm very low level and it's scary how long it will take to get to your level. Wonderful job. Many thanks.
  157. aboomination: +Owen Davies If you go for cold dmg: OBVIOUSLY. Good luck getting the HF amulet of your choice, tho.
  158. Nick Fleming: Wizard? thats a funny way of spelling MONK there Quinn
  159. Bellemit: +Sinera It is pretty easy if you do it in a group of four well geared characters. You just need to get a dense outdooor map and its done. Class doesnt matter at that point, you can do it with every class. Solo, either ww-barb (switch to an alternative ring with the stricken gem instead of pain enhancer in it at the boss fight), ulianas monk, manajuma/arachyr-WD or possibly this archon wizard should be suited to do it. But it will be much easier in a group.
  160. Jackson Mower: +Juck B. I have the same question.
  161. Fiusha Ironfoot: +Winterhe4rt Same problem here, what I've found that helps a bit, is hitting and running, it keeps you at 20% ArcPow, but it resets the CD of Archon pretty quickly, the only problem is that Chantodo's stacks are pretty slow, and by the time I hit 20 stacks, the previous buff is already gone :/
  162. miniNaz: epic
  163. GeeKAdemics: +myztikrice Now I got my fulminator and I'm pretty certain it does not work once I'm in Archon mode. That, and the fact that all of my ability effects are still purple, not blue, hint at my Archon abilities doing arcane damage, even though I have the lightning rune selected. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
  164. GIANT INTERNET NAME: Yo quin, this is chumly.  After more testing bubble is better than frost nova.  The rune carries over to Archon.
  165. Jackson Mower: Should I go for max damage or max CDR on my wand?
  166. deRRolph: What sets the color for the chanto's blast aura? Because yours is kind of blue,light blue, and mine is purple. Maybe it's the same what sets the color for the slow time bubbles, but I haven't figured out that either.
  167. Chris Pinzon: I thought you mentioned you were using the Swami helm.  But in the item breakdown you had Vyr's on.  What are your thoughts on which to use?
  168. KTB Schoko: Alter siehst du fertig aus :D Geh mal lieber wieder ne Nacht schlafen ^^
  169. Fungorrr: +Derek Zoolander Yeah it bolsters the average damage on your weapon by that amount. Once you hit 70 it becomes the least desirable of the damage stats on a ring/amulet. Always go for main stat, crit chance, crit damage, socket. There are some reasons to deviate from this but they are very specific so don't worry about it.
  170. Cody Copper: you ever thought about iceblink in this setup?
  171. Nilas ljungberg: +Ambrosia I c wut u did dere }:>
  172. TuneOut: +uber Maybe next time you will think stuff through before you write them down. "you don't know what he meant" neither do you. point blank you took his word. Point blank you also made mistakes and think you can talk about me like you know stuff, have fun with your cat, narrowminded person :)))
  173. level60mage: does it just use whatever your highest elemental damage type is? the set bonus kinda confuses me.
  174. Winterhe4rt: I found blizzard snowbound to be by far the best way to get chantodo stacks reset archon. there seems also some strange way of combining blizzard and arcane torrent to reset even quicker. quin mentions it in the video but doent really elaborate on how to do it properly, so yeah.
  175. amb221989: +joel it would overlap with perma frost nova proc, and since its impossible to perma cc mobs now its not really worth it. I have seen a few wizards using hellfire ammys with conflag or cold-blooded on though which could be intersting.
  176. Frabbledabble: Whats that song at the end?
  177. Mutu: +Marvolo *make
  178. Chaos Hunter: Firebirds still the best
  179. QuintessenceHD: Seems really weak compared to the monk build you showed before...
  180. Tim Crawford ⓥ: Diminishing Returns on all res and armor don't actually exist. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5149150485
  181. nerxxx: here is problem with D3 . Whenever they release new set, old set becomes sh*t . In the end, still no build diversity because of it. BTW, love your vids as always Quin.
  182. JianZZ: Can it really be? Quin playin' on wizard?!
  183. Cruward o: Holy shit the music at the end scared the shit out of me. So loud.
  184. Owen Davies: Would cold blooded be useful on an hellfire amulet?
  185. Jamie Sydney: More wizzard quin, more, more, more pls
  186. Diablo: An ultimate god, a peasant, and a rat king. This video guide has it all. Thank you for sharing, Quin!
  187. Fernando Freitas: WHAT?? A MONK WITH WIZARD SKILLS??? TOO DAMN OP!!
  188. Josh Scipio: Very helpfull video buddy, I was doing many things like you with my Wiz but didn't realise about frost nova being so vital with the damage reduciton. Cheers mate, Wizards for the Win or as I call my female Wizard... ----- >Wizadroa!! ^^
  189. Marcus Lundgren: lvl 74 stricken.. that's crazy!
  190. Irithyl: +jafeae I wasnt going to play a wizard season 4 (despite being my favourite flavour class), but now after seeing the master using it, Im going full wizard!!! Thanks QUIN! #bestd3playereverquin
  191. Jozef Leonor: you don't finish off your enemies because you have to keep moving to freeze more enemies. this build sucks
  192. RagnarokDA: +Grim Reaper I guess as long as you don't all of sudden "catch the gay" then you'll be fine, right?  No one straight has ever gotten a STD, right? =)  You'll be fine sweet prince, don't worry your head over it!
  193. rawrbearification: wizord
  194. Ptr: WTF is the pleb class?
  195. Renzen: Look at his wiz that he did the 70 on. Most of his gear isn't ancient....
  196. ognava: Did you ever try using familiar with the cannoneer rune? (240% dmg explosion on every attack) I think if I would replace anything for it, it would probably be magic weapon.
  197. Soulprayer: the wizard is more CC, right? it generates the whole damage from CC sources, instead of raw DPS like monk or barb with their insane billion DPS builds. or am I wrong? yesterday an online friend with WD said, "if you don't have at least a billion dps you do something wrong" But i just love the wiz and barely play another class.
  198. FullMetalViking: I got a dream roll Chantodo's Will. LoH, CDR, Int, Lightning Damage. So glad.
  199. Tommy Pham: LOl, his comment. Going from a god to a peasant lol
  200. Ricardo Albano: Your a Wizard Quin ... I mean Harry O_o
  201. felipe jaime: omg ur mara amulet D:
  202. Chris French: This build is only fun when there's mobs. I'm having a lot of trouble with the grift boss'. like A LOT! Can only pass GR46 on a good day. I finish the map super quick, but the boss takes at least half the time and i'm dying all the damn time. My profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/ctfrenchy-1873/hero/56093677
  203. TheDetrox93: so here is my question. this sets only season, or not. i gues the rings not. PS: Great vid and thx for sharing this nice builds Quin C
  204. ShinDagore: thanks for sharing. Oficcially you are my hero. greetings from Chile!
  205. Nikkjis: love your accent :D
  206. SamzerSamz: nice guide
  207. LootHunter: You know your shit. Nice to listen to the reasoning. I was struggling to get back in before the stacks dropped, so will try the arcane torrent. I was trying a Tal Rasha hybrid and when you stack Tal before you hit Archon it gives you a massive leap of power for a few secs. I'm gonna see if I can get it working, some of the damage was mentalz :-) 23Billion....  But i'm on ps4 so don't have the season gear.
  208. EMSDemeBeast: Why does the written guide say that you should use the Furnace but in the video he uses a Fulminator?
  209. Able Ponce: Thx for this Quin, really good video and great explanation.
  210. Aleksandr Šapovalov: Where can i get Vyr's armor? Just started playing and dont know much about this game.
  211. Roman Semenov: Overlapping archon stacks are so good. I call that double ascended state ;)
  212. Richasaurus Rex: Elective mode
  213. caio reis: +Tzvetomir Todorov i guess that was on the ptr.
  214. Defensor Pacis: +Tim Stout I know you didn't want to hear it man, but no classes kick "big ass" with only one set item. There's an achievement for doing GR40 with no class sets, which is certainly possible, but nothing even comes close to class sets. For the most part, anyway. Don't talk about the Shadow Set for DH. Everyone would like to just forget about it.
  215. Din: I keep running out of arcane power when trying to get archon off cooldown.
  216. jeffrey belarmino: it just I'm not used to seeing Quin playing w/o a monk :)
  217. Minh Vu: how could u turn your wave of force and your atk while in archon form into lighting?
  218. Santouryu3: Shocking to see the monkfish is back on the saddle. If you excuse me while I take a wiz in the toilet, I'll be right bac... WTH is this! Do my eyes deceive me? What type of sorcery is this, QuinRat? *Jedi Mind Trick* ">_<"
  219. Santa: k thx for the quick reply
  220. Conrad Ramirez: quin c looking fine and gaming finer.
  221. 1AHOTT: +janusthe1337 Thanks for taking the time to explain. one other thing I have a problem with. hopefully you can help. I play on xbox one system and for some reason I cant figure out how to play online with other people. again, might sound idiotic, but I have my network settings open but cant find option to find other players.
  222. Gharbad the weak: Oh yea.. great builds man. About 15:45, u meant: Tal Rashas belt and amu, right? ;) Also, is Thundergods belt crap for this to use? Im not doing seas, so .. either w.hour or string i guess?
  223. Jonathon Gregory: EloBoostNow on Skype for Rift/GRift/Item/PL services. No bots, no scams, no account share required, just legit high quality service.
  224. Joe Hurshman: I found that using Slow Time - Time Warp or Exhaustion are better options than keeping frost nova in your bar. Both affect your Archon Slow Time, one gives 15% more damage, the other reduces damage by 25%, both options I think are better than 10% crit, especially if you are in a group. What do you think?
  225. Furocious: +Yammy Yams What? Modded gem?
  226. Santa: hey quin, why are u using dmg on coe and not 50% dmg? iv seen this more often but isnt 50% crit dmg way better with just 1 weapon than ~150 dmg?
  227. Hawu Awu: +Jon K (Sparky) I think you need to have %lighting, because archon takes you highest elemental modifier and take it like primary element. I read it yesterday somewhere, because i was wondering same thing :) And frost nova counts as stun, i tested it after i got them :) toughness increases like hell. Cheer
  228. F: why are you doing the build wrong
  229. Tribal Vibes: +Jian Zhi Zhang The Name says GiG, idk if thats quin it might be GoodIdeaGaming who plays wizard a shit ton. but idk
  230. Dafttonio: Great vid Quin ! Which 5th passive should we use if we have a really good hellfire amulet ?? :)
  231. Tysen: thnx quin nobody makes guides like you
  232. Toue D: your voice is fkin annoying m8
  233. F: what he shouhld be doing it a 4 vrys 4 delers crown of primus
  234. Winterhe4rt: what I wonder is: when u come out of archon with say 100 stacks and start spamming arcane torrent, it alo has 100% atack speed and will drain out the mana in a heartbeat without actually resetting the archon fully (happns pretty often to me) whats ur trick here?
  236. Tobias Terfort: let's say you got 120 archon stacks. That's 720% more Dmg. Adding the 33% of bone chill would make you get 753% more Dmg, whats about 4,6% more Dmg throughout bone chill . So 10%crit is way more efficient.
  237. ludvig nordin: love the sound track at the end memorys man
  238. Jaxzyn: Purple Monk build OP
  239. Jesus Planas: nice first
  240. janusthe1337: +1AHOTT Seasonal is when you start a character as a seasonal character, and you start all over. It's separate from your non-seasonal and hardcore characters, in that you don't retain any items, gold or crafter levels. Each season introduces new legendaries, so you have to start all over each season to take advantage of these. In this case, Fazula's will only drop for seasonal characters until the season ends and it becomes available for everyone.
  241. One Man: I wish you would do a guide for every class Quin
  242. Andrew Hyland: You can move your abilities and put anything anywhere
  243. Marcus Holmqvist: Anyone knows the armory URL for this char?
  244. WhaoIfeelgood: Does the build work better while showing nips, or is that optional :D ?
  245. Mirsset: Very good Guide!
  246. TheMrfrodough: +TheMrfrodough cant edit you started this comment lol. kinda hard to do a better wizard build on barb....
  247. Myztik: Yes, the damage listed on the rune you choose for Archon form is the damage type you will deal, which is why it's important if you have +lighting skill damage to use the Lightning rune for Archon, Quin is wrong when he said it doesn't matter.
  248. MarcusTheDane: What is the best skills?
  249. Lord Nitro: say it is not so, what Wizard... so fail bro... good guild tho!
  250. Andreas D: Not a hellfire nec?
  251. Sintér: +Tanner P You suck balls mate, get good.
  252. Mutu: Is this still good? (Found a 50 stack ancient fazula w/ almost perfect stacks and would love to use it ^^)
  253. Francisco Galan: +Marvolo This still works a lot the only thing u need to keep in mind is not full spamming arcane torrent.
  254. Bin Zhao: Is there any other reason of choosing lightning damage on bracer other than triggering the weapon in the cube? If I use furnace can I switch damage on bracer and change my left click skill?
  255. hubbcap18: Is there any character you can play for solo 60+ Grift that does NOT require full ancient gears?
  256. Kyle Walker: what gear do you have arcane on crit on?
  257. Yamedo: Oh I was just giving my personal experience, and no I only had a modded gem that I didn't make, which boosted me a level a kill in a gr.
  258. caio reis: +TheMrBugio what about Scourge and fire damage instead of lightning damage ?
  259. Irbis: filthy causal
  260. JT Gee: +One man army your paragon gets thrown over to non seasonal and adds up
  261. Furocious: +Chop x vitality for survivability. Either roll CDR on your gloves or source.
  262. WoWBeater: wasn't super paying attention but is this only gonna work on seasonal or is there no seasonal loot in there
  263. TRanceLetrus: +TRanceLetrus Hmm. I increased my CDR and it seems that im able to go back into archon form before my mana depletes.
  264. MassDynamic: anyone else notice the toad tongues getting stuck in the bubble field? =)
  265. caio reis: +Justin OConnell yes, paralysis is utter shit. With the nerf to crowd control, the cc passives should get buffed imo. Now passives like this are the lowest shit ever.
  266. eric311: Drop rates this season for me have been horrible. I'm at paragon 442 and have yet to find one convention of the elements. Still no ancient source or weapon. Ancients for every other Wizard set have dropped but Vyrs. I'm thinking about just scrapping this build and moving on to Firebirds which sucks because i'm having so much fun playing it but I cant find the gear I need.
  267. Neku HD: wait shouldnt audacity say "30% increased dmg" for it to be multiplicative?
  268. Ishla Corrin: +Frabbledabble The music at the end was the blizzard Tristram Town music track from Diablo 1. I have spent so long listening to that from playing back in the day.
  269. Ishla Corrin: This set when played right is OP as, I'm working on it was well.
  270. Fiusha Ironfoot: Ok, I just round that Scaefer's Hammer is a better option for thi build, rather than Fulminaror, because it deals more dmg and has a 100% chance to proc.
  271. V Bosche: i run out of arcane power all the time when off-archon, what to do ? cant play this build effectively
  272. Jon K: Sweet tyvm I had an ammy on fire instead and it fixed it I appreciate it.😀
  273. 1981lookasz: THIS BUILD would be good if it wasnt for the Grift bosses..they take foooooorever to kill. So my score is 5/10
  274. r0delaa: What about scourge instead of fulminator in the cube?
  275. Petar Mihaylov: Hey Quin! Just a quick question. Should I drop Bane of the Trapped on seasonal if I want to go with Gogok of Swiftness, so that I could remove CDR from my gear? I am kind of struggling with this thing - obviously Pain Enhancer and Bane of the Stricken remain.
  276. omega.revolution: whats better maras? or hellfire amulet?
  277. Laura: You missed 1% crit damage on your neck. Go min max that you filthy plebs Kappa
  278. Helgi Páll Eiríksson: I have a problem with going out of AP too fast trying to get to 20 stacks after getting out of archon, any ideas?
  279. Niels Vitus Nielsen: Thanks for the guide. I went from Grift 40 to almost 70 in a couple of weeks with vyrs
  280. Casey Coffman: Much respect for the D1 music for the "rift clear" portion of the video.
  281. Viet Nguyen Tuan: Damn nice Video thx you
  282. WajtoChan: Wait am I really the only one who noticed the wizard's name lol. I see what you did there
  283. TheMirrorYouDeserve: Is the Desintegration in Archon form on many mobs not worth ?
  284. unixtreme: +Winterhe4rt I can reset in a full AP bar, ap on main hand, off hand and 4 APOC + proper CDR. If you can't you porbably nneed more CDR
  285. ACkayla: This is a really good guide. Ty so much for putting it out there.
  286. Richasaurus Rex: APoC Arcane Power on Crit
  287. Maciej: What about using "odyn son" affixs insted of fulminator.... i think chain lighning will more stacks faster bouth chantodo's will and more important archon stacks ? am i wrong?
  288. GreedyBastard: Thanks man, awesome build.
  289. caio reis: +KratosDivine frozen enemies are stunned enemies, so that's how it works
  290. Eugene Man: +Distreua the element type ON the weapon makes no difference. Just make sure you have the right rune on Archon - thats what dictates what element archon form is.
  291. Kima 0ne: +Break the Chain Madness ? This is (wait for it...) SPARTAAA!!
  292. CrocadilGena: i am a noob srry, but how do u have more skills while in archon form? i mean ur 2 and 3 hotkeys u have teleport how is that?
  293. Fabian: Are you fucking kidding me? Here i am... having a hard time deciding between monk and wizz. Finally decided for monk due to wizz being super clunky, not really good for speed farming (and super annoying doing so for an extended periode of time), aber super stressfull on top of that... (a super cool idea tho). I was like, hey lets sub to Quin again and get full monk mood. And the next think you little fucker (<3) do is upload a wizz video... for like the first time in your life xD Goddamn life is trolling me.
  294. LordHisoka: +Max Olofsson Prissberg maybe paragon ?
  295. 141Jamison: hahaha wow this comment section geesh never thought a comment can get dissected like this.... but yeah staying on topic,,, i agree the archon build is awesome.. once you get the momentum. but can be unforgiving and stressful, dying costs a lot more than just the timer but your dmg and toughness as well. death means a whole lot more with this build and you cant just get up and go again.
  296. Quoc Tran: +moneyafro it doesn't matter what type of damage the weapon has because the rune of your Archon changes the elemental damage. The only time weapon damage type matters is when you're using it on a follower/helper and using a ring/amulet that is affected by elemental damage (ie. wyward ring)
  297. Diculas: Quin, the Archon stacks are *ADDITIVE* damage, not multiplicative, so wouldn't all the items/procs and everything would just add the total damage or am i stupid?
  298. TigerBloodMan: Thx for the video Quin! :)
  299. Talthbane: Can you go with a really good Hellfire amulet instead of any of those amulets? Like, like a Hellfire Amulet with Audacity, and then take another defensive passive instead? - If you need extra defensive
  300. GeeKAdemics: When your Archon rune is set to Lightning, all the attacks should deal lightning damage, right? I also notice that your abilities (including the chantodo wave) have blueish effects. I tried the build out today and all of my abilities still have their purple look. Also, the tooltip of all of my Damage Abilities in Archon form still says it's Arcane damage (even though the tooltip of the Archon abiliy itself informs me that it should all deal Lightning). Am I doing something wrong here, or is this normal? and if so, why is my stuff still purple and not pretty blue? I'm lost. I can't test whether the Fulminator gets progged, since I don't have it yet... Does anybody know what's going on?
  301. Troy Moore: Was going to main a monk after watching your last guide, but now I'm really considering a wizard.
  302. Joseph Swindell: When I drop out of archon form for that brief amount of time I seem to spend all of my arcane energy in about 5 seconds. Am I missing out on a key item/skill or something? Great vid, thank you!
  303. Filip Kovačević: i have 10k armor and more all resis then him and cant play even on t45...wtf
  304. Dennis VoidElsword: There's a Vyr's Wizard that reached Grift 80 on EU
  305. Zafer DEPE: Melee wizard, is this a joke... I am sure melee players like barbs/monks wanted this set to be brought back... Now they have another melee class to be played.
  306. aymen alharbi: Wizord boys.
  307. Omega_Ultima: +Quin C (Quin69) Have you tried a fire version of this build using scourge in the cube?
  308. Mutu: +Ishla Corrin Cool ^^ gotta male use of it just found 2 well rolled vyr ancients as well :D
  309. janusthe1337: +Matthew Hamidy This build desperately needs pretty much every piece to work right. All the legendary affixes and set bonuses work in synergy with each other. One piece missing can cause the whole build to be pretty much worthless. I used my WD main and spent my shards on my wizard and cube transmuted rares and was able to get every piece in a couple days. Good luck!
  310. Derek Zoolander: What does +damage on a ring do? Does it add to your weapon damage?
  311. SlashK: I am new to Diablo. Can you explain pls, why your archon CDR goes down when you hit enemies?
  312. WhiteMale: Ancient Parthan Defenders proc of freeze? O:
  313. mikecf97: update the build pls :)
  314. Sliph: Thx for posting this. I was getting super frustrated with my wiz just not being able to keep up with anyone else. At least now i have something to shoot for cause firebirds is pretty fucking useless now and i've always wanted archon to be badass like this.
  315. Cam Ross: Nice video, great to see you branching out. This is a similar build to what I'm planning for the new season. Have you tried swapping a RRoG for your Convention of Elements so that you can equip a Crown of the Primus? The new patch makes the helm affect the Archon Slow Time (I think). Don't even need to equip the skill, but could add it in over Teleport(?).
  316. Ash G: But...but... all classes are trash but monk...You said...
  317. surphninja: Since the Halo has a range, why not cube that and wear the ring of the zodiac instead?
  318. Animetic: Really appreciate the in-depth review. It answered all my questions. I learned a lot, thanks!
  319. khmarabroona: how do you not run out of arcane power when you're spamming arcane torrent?
  320. sockbat25: I keep running out of arcane while casting arcane torrent. is there something i'm doing wrong?
  321. F: not really
  322. Kilian Varela Pérez: wizard? who are u and what did u do with Quin? xD
  323. Zoratsu: power overwhelming  }8^)~
  324. uber: +SavageLight Where did i say i'd know what he meant though? I just analyzed his comment/s for you, told you what i've read there and what my understanding was.  I did a mistake, yes, the worst one. I jumped into this conversation. Talking. To. You. Is. Pointless.  My cat's nice, cuddling with me while i talk with it. :) Why am i still here? Can someone make it stahp pls?
  325. lettic: Can schaefer's hammer Be a good alternative to Fulminator/Furnace? I havent got any of those to drop yet.
  326. Swordsman: Is this still viable for 2.4 ?
  327. Sharpy NI: chris weiner mighty keyboard warrior i salute you kappa
  328. Chop x: For Chantodos force if I have cdr on gloves should I go for area dmg or a socket?
  329. RagnarokDA: +Jeremy Porta Take solace in the fact that all of the gay-haters are becoming the minority and this world is becoming more accepting of what is different. Peace be with you.
  330. Kopfnuss Kalli | Original: one of your options might be 4 arcane power on crit? It really helps one keeping his source up :)
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Diablo 3: GR66+ Vyr's Archon Wizard build (Patch 2.3)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 18 Aug 2015

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