D3: GR100+ Support Monk (2.4 | Group | Globe build) - games free

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 3, 2019

D3: GR100+ Support Monk (2.4 | Group | Globe build)

  1. Carts: hide the video yoo
  2. Xx_Ultimate_Noscoper_xX: Kappa!!
  3. rikke Jensen: +Quin69 Is there comming up a Uliana guide soon? :)
  4. GunvorPlays: Paragon 1028... seriously.
  5. Flor Xxx: y la 100?? donde esta.... :/
  6. Kikaha: +keddz kedds because aside from its AS monk brings 55%+20%+40% damage reduction. Roland crusader may or may not be better than a WD though, as it will spawn more globes but give less additive damage buff (it does give more crit based buff however so it's not bad).
  7. Antim8: Use Tal rasha chest Piece 😂
  8. Guille Acosta: lol... your face is disagreeable dude.
  9. IsigaIseN: +Sun Shower You get the wings from completing mastery set dungs
  10. Dante Trevisan: +senkyou somebody please cut that part of the video
  11. Stormik: WTH? The boots are not ILLUSIONARY??
  12. Tommy Booker: *As you can see, I'm using a broken dagger, -5.0% attack speed, OP, OP.*
  13. Jason Lenovich: quin are u on European server ,' ? I wanne try some grifts with u dmo wizard here
  14. Mic_Glow: Quin 4% chance on 10 monsters is not 40% xP
  15. Philipp Meyer: a3 amulet sucks in my opinion. when monsters are confused, no pulling possible.
  16. kiffbohne: you said: best stats for the obsidian ring. as cr and cdr. but the website says. cr, cdr, vit. so whats right?
  17. Anton Karpeyev: More crumbs for the monks? )
  18. Floops: LOL at that hellfire hoarding
  19. Sephir66: i hate how suddenly the only way to do highest greater rift is with the wizard, i hope something happens cause this is not very fair i want to see other builds and such to be able to as high if not higher. ever since this so called meta, every class became "support" and only wizard is a dmg dealer. its like when last season only class people would play is monks, come on blizzard throw some nurfs or buffs or something.
  20. Boba Fit: why all my friends are retarded? FeelsBadMan
  21. Despian: Kappa
  22. Esartar: Great Guide. My Group will be crashing the ladder :D
  23. Yukari Yoshisaki: why is noone playing 0% crit with borken promises? i mean, its basically 100% crit chance and 1 more affix for each piece that used to have crit chance.
  24. Yukari Yoshisaki: +BartekSWT i mean broken promises in general
  25. Stiwiz: +Blizzardo better than dex for tank
  26. Guno Yasai: Uh ye
  27. The future is Unity: Anybody else notice his joke character portrait?
  28. Isaberry: Is there any guide for that twister wizard mentioned here? :D
  29. Mirko Di Rodi: n1 as usual
  30. Cpt. Hotah: I REFUSE TO BE ANYONES MONK SERVANT. RISE UP FELLOW MONKS. BOMBARD BLIZZARD FORUMS. LET THEM KNOW WE ARE NO ONES SUPPORT. I would feel more proud as a monk saying that i did GR70 with Uliana (wich i have, dunno anyone else that did this from all my monk friends) than saying i did gr100 while i grouped the mobs the entire run while other guy killed them lol... PS : Thank you for another video thou :P Keep it up.
  31. yetisports0815: How can you have >70 Mio. toughness unbuffed? I have the same equipment and focused on cr, chc and as as well as vita/resistance and only have about 30 Mio toughness unbuffed.
  32. Credit Card The Real End Game: I actually got invited to try monk.. after 3 season's gave it a shot.. Ye. Sorry Cruzader , we will see you zpds in the future i guess, but right now.. Monk . Why? Super good , And SUPER FUN!
  33. Drakostyle: +JJC kappa means "idiot" ...
  34. 2 YUNGZ: still viable?????
  35. GoZuHaZa: D3 getting slightly more stupid every season, im out..
  36. 1981lookasz: wtf is up with this 'kappa' sh%t>?????
  37. Mickaël Pesquet: Lefebvre is pronounced Lefevre, just avoid the b ;) We Frenchies are complicated.
  38. JgHaverty: So if attack speed is the goal, then my pre RoS echoing fury should be the bees knees for this build...
  39. Nick Anema: Ugh.. Icy-Veins is annoying. I prefer DiabloFans :(!
  40. SAVAGE!: +Cameron JOhnson word!
  41. VanorstusTV: +Xander Ellem haha rkt
  42. Dreadloacks: whats the best support class/build for group casual gr ?
  43. sakulreyel1: 9:40 best moment :D
  44. Robdoggierob: Wish Quin still streamed Diablo.
  45. Phillip Bryant: if 2 supports are going to wear oculus rings anyways, would it be better to just strip crit and use ring of broken promises for max health globes?
  46. Richasaurus Rex: Set dungeon mastery.
  47. Aaron Yen: Go sleep, please! Thank you~
  48. TheDallasLegend: +Drakostyle *zDps = zero damage per second*
  49. OhmBoy T.X: great video bro, you take alot of time and care and it shows. Thx for the hard work you put into this, i enjoyed it
  50. Christopher Villanueva: Awesome guide. Even lag factor of skills/items are taken into consideration. So if you're in a bad mood and want to kill some time do the opposite of what the guide tells you to avoid crashing the servers lol
  51. Sun Shower: Someone explain the wings please? What about the market transactions? They ever come out?
  52. format00f: sherapow
  53. Devlin: Hype!
  54. SAVAGE!: Who needs sleep when u can play diablo!!????
  55. D Whitt: HeyGuys
  56. BartekSWT: +Michael Scherling If You commenting the build from the video then it won't work. the reasons are in my other comment here. Additionally other 3 rings are pretty much best in slot anyway and there is 0 pieces when you would need to swap chc to cdr. You can have both on every piece of equip that can have those affixes. Area Damage is BAD for this build and you should avoid it. Reduced cost is not needed. You attack super fast with your generator and that's your main attack so Spirit is not a problem.
  57. Hubert Farnsworth: +Jacob Wheaton Quin sleeps?
  58. Joachim Jacobs: I saw this build online before, they also suggest the set Istvan's Paired Blades (Little Rogue & The Slanderer and the mace in the cube... But then no flying dragon) for the armor and attack speed buff. Now I have both ancient and the mace aswell... Made a seperate monk for support for me and my friends to push higher GR runs. Just need to lvl my gems some more, but wasn't sure what to use just yet.
  59. Teodor Parvu: thanks for this!
  60. PKTEK: Why not use glass of life for more globe spawn?
  61. Liio: 10 x 4% =/= 40%
  62. Alexander Norsker: Why did you use Icy-Veins... It's so much easier to get an overlook on Diablofans.. Icy-Veins works for WoW. Diablofans works for Diablo. Please do a written guide on Diablofans instead of Icy-Veins.
  63. The Gaming Seshion: why not cube the crown and wear the boots? (obviously adjust set to compensate)
  64. Errol Desfossés: Hi Quin   i think i will create a ZDPS MONK in season 6,  what do you advice in term of skills, build and items for the  new season. TYVM in advance
  65. Isaberry: +MrFirestalker Thanks a lot :)
  66. LxxPxRD: +Despond I'd agree if people hadn't been crying so hard at losing heal monk, which was just as stupid.
  67. Emil Jørgensen: Please make a video about the best Barb set :) don't know what set I should use :)
  68. Hazanarko: +fuzzwho20 to be honest the only reason to do it the way Quin has it setup is if you have the god roll Leoric. Almost all supports on leaderboards are running leoric in cube. Having said that they also all run Ilusiory boots. This i think comes down to the mentality of the roll in your group. You cant get caught up on mobs, you need to get in there first and gather up the density so the ability to move unhindered is pretty much mandatory.
  69. Euphytose: From Monk and 3 supports, to Wizard and 3 supports. G fucking G Blizztard.
  70. CatreinaTV: Wonder why not Rakoffs glass?
  71. MrFirestalker: there is no link for the written guide
  72. James: +Drakostyle no.
  73. x13ert86: Brother Chris uses this build
  74. MassDynamic: ah, monk goes back to being support again. such is the "game" that blizz is playing with the players; bring a class to the top and then bring a different class to the top on the next season while simultaneously hammering down the previous "champion" class...
  75. adanvey: So is Demon Hunters aren't in the Meta again? :(
  76. Kilian Varela Pérez: how did u put the old numbers of damage?
  77. Rolex Denn: Tipi kaymış ak
  78. Joseph Saeteurn: Everything is OP eh?
  79. Hakami Hoang: so how would rakoffs glass be ,it does spawn health globes as well doesnt it?
  80. WorthlessSnypeR: +darthblade (darthblade) Yeah its more like 33.52% :P (thats including the chance to spawn more than 1 health globe). Diablo 3 teaching probability and statistics since 2012
  81. Xeratas: +Aaron Clavero plus, minus 200 or 300 paragon doesnt say anything. important is 1000 or 2000 and thats the same since greater rift exists...thats not something specific for sseason 5....
  82. SinFFX: do a twist wizard guide pls
  83. Mokgore: Why don't we dual wield Solarium?
  84. Talthbane: That Int stat on your crown tho xD
  85. David Redford: What do you mean you don't know the shoulders? Their Profane's
  86. Steve Props: +XDfreak00 I think it wont work cuz this build does his core dmg because of the the LoN Ring set, which only affects if u dont wear any other setitems. This means u lose like 1300% damage (100% for each ancient legendary item youre wearing). just use these mystic ally boots plus mages fist (20% fire damage) and use nemesis, leorics (cooldown gem x 2 = 25% cdr) or the bracers he is using which gains u movespeed for destroying stuff.
  87. TheDallasLegend: +Supanut Vathunyoupracha *seasonal conquest achievements*
  88. MrMadmaxi77: the numbers are just too low to Show in the new style ;)
  89. Its Fast Its Fun: Lizard Squad send their regards Kappa
  90. NPC #0I1V313: +darthblade (darthblade) it's about 33% chance
  91. Tony Quach: Hmm.....that toughness/recovery at 2:47 though.....and you're not a healer monk.....dayum....
  92. Spencer Martin: Are you going to toss this build up on blizzard?
  93. Sven Tertainer: +Hakami Pham only on killing a mob... not really worth it
  94. Shwaqq: FeelsGoodMan
  95. FinioVega: @Quin69 Do Proc-Coeficients affect Solaium?!?!??!
  96. Dmen05: dirty console peasant here, your innas generator monk is life! thanks for that guide, also got my wings for the set dungeons :)
  97. FLAMINGO: oliver pocher
  98. James Passarelli: which party role would you think is best to use nemesis bracers? ...would it be useful?
  99. BartekSWT: +Yukari Yoshisaki In general for solo you just need other rings. Mainly Focus and Restraint for double +50% multiplicative damage and Convention of Elements in cube.
  100. keddz kedds: monk just because of AS? why not warrior or something crazy like crusader with roland?
  101. yue soonlye: FINALLY your hair is back !
  102. BartekSWT: +Encythies See my response to Yukari Yoshisaki
  103. leesin cruz: anyone else pause the video at 5:35 cause they thought it was there yt buffering lol
  104. Zombie Designs: He hasn't slept in a week.. nice to see you here, Gunvor. :D
  105. Main YT: need your wings :(
  106. Genkakuzai: As always the lack of endgame bothers the shit out of me. got my barb up to paragon 802 did grift 76 and got on leaderboards and there is absolutely nothing left to do except for getting more paragon lvls farming the boring meta groups and maybe reach up to 80.. BAARIN.
  107. Tyler Dyrdan: 9:40 ftw
  108. Supanut Vathunyoupracha: Hey! I have one question. How can you have two tabs in second stash???
  109. MrFirestalker: +Onineko have fun
  110. Dominik Holzapfel: hey Quin i tryed the build mith my frriend also with the twisters and in large monster groups i spawn a lot of globs and we role through the rift. till riftguardin... i dont realy spawn any health globe wile fighting the rift guarding do i have to do somthing special? my gear is not the best but an usual trash it works perfectly
  111. Rodion: Niceeee Quin niceeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
  112. Mitchelluppy66: Nice one you have here Kappa
  113. yetisports0815: +yetisports0815 Ah, it is the esoteric gem. Only level 10 atm xD. Thought this would not be calculated into the "paper-characteristics"
  114. GlitchMaster888: jesus all those puzzle rings
  115. MrFirestalker: +Onineko http://www.diablofans.com/builds/69867-2-4-gr100-delsere-energy-twister
  116. Dean Spence: new meta, every class is a support because wizards are stupid
  117. Jean Ramos: i didnt understand the reason to do not have area damage, can you explain?
  118. Aaron Clavero: +Superfreakyy they can still go on youtube unfortunately. haha
  119. XDfreak00: +Steve Props (Steve Props Gaming) Thx men <3
  120. Brian Wiegand: Oh look... another season where DH is absolutely useless and Monks are an incredible support toon. And I GET IT that Monks are fun and my comment has really nothing to do with Monks, I'm just so disappointed that DH is suck for two seasons now.
  121. Roman Srebny: How to get Deathwish? Its just a drop? I'm playing D3 since release (yes vanila release, over 2K hrs played on varied characters) I missed s2 and s3 and well i have multiple problems here and there with buff bar display (nothing displayed on monk, empty squares on wizard e.t.c.) I have problems with transmoging gear - archon shoulders on barb missing textures and i just don't even try to group up with others - time sync problems we clear grift, no mobs there, all dead, guardian dead, im picking up loot and boom - I die. It's Russian locale of the game, but I've been said I should report the bug on us forums, but well, I don't know what is the bug, it's pretty random broken things here and there. Sorry for bad English, russian is native.
  122. Alex Pawlus: Kappa123
  123. James Graves: Will this build be good for 2.1?
  124. Adventures of Deanr: 4% chance when hitting 10 targets is 33% chance
  125. James Graves: 2.41
  126. LxxPxRD: what happened to "monks are worthless because no more static charge or healing rip monks no one ever play a monk again" ?
  127. Drakostyle: Where do you get damage from? What is primary focus? I made the build but i cant deal any damage ><
  128. Aleksander Olsen: +Brian Wiegand DH are amazing supports for 80-90s btw, builds on diablofans
  129. Jonasan-san: +Felipe Cristiano okay thank you ^^
  130. hower4o: will you be making a dps monk build for solo grifts this season?
  131. Reptonix: This meta is worst than last season.
  132. Sam Dumon: +Superfreakyy Probably still not clear enough, might want to use pictures to explain...
  133. poisontoothpick: Yeah Boi!!!!!
  134. Imorteus: What about rakoffs?
  135. Voxized: This game has gone stale.
  136. Sugar Butt: lol you look very very tired.... great video(s) though lots of love
  137. Wicked: Picked this up and did a 70 (highest at the time) with un-optimized gear, low level legendary gems and some crappy normal gems. The thing is a beast when it comes to keeping everyone alive and grouping up nicely ^_^
  138. Johan Hultin: +NONAME Gabynator, with brother chris he can afford to!
  139. Felipe Cristiano: +Yukari Yoshisaki Because the minimun CHC you can have is 10% if I recall correctly, and this ring has an internal cooldown on the ticks for those 5 non crits. So the way it works you need to hit 5 non crits, each one an X amount of frames appart and any crit during this period will restart the count. So the problem is: if you hit 10 enemies at once, only one of those hits will count towards your 5 non crits (quin has a very good explanation about area damage and internal cooldowns on his bane of the stricken guide), but any crit among those will break your streak. And during density, it will be almost impossible to proc the 100% crit chance. Right now, this ring if kinda useless because of this mechanic. If you could have 0% crit it would be OP as hell, though.
  140. AwesomeFussele: if you top kek you top comment
  141. Bilbo Baggins the Wise: +1981lookasz I don't know exactly what its supposed to mean but it's simply the current internet retardation of choice it would seem.
  142. juszczu17: Quin can you make guide for Energy twister wizard? im not sure how to play with it
  143. Jacob P: Gabynator 👌
  144. Jordan: Kappa123 bois
  145. Amoxil: +Mokgore Unique passif doesn't stack, you can't have twice the same ring
  146. GrindaNL: Will you be doing a guide about DMO Twister group wizard? I've been trying to find more info about it but havent really been able to find too much.
  147. Aaron Clavero: +Xeratas He's saying that it is now possible that someone with a higher paragon might do worse in grifts because they are bad at positioning than someone with less paragon but understands positioning well.
  148. Euphoria One: +Jean Ramos cuz when u have lots of mobs the game starts lo lag like shit
  149. Cameron JOhnson: None of us have slept in 10 days. haha
  150. fatalis arx: was waiting for the tuto of this build. thx man. can you make a video about how to get the season wings you currently playing with !? thx
  151. Cynical Possum: I have Oculus ring on my companion, even when he isn't in my party the ring procs. is this a bug? lol
  152. BartekSWT: +Yukari Yoshisaki This build doesn't work at all in solo. It's a support build. You do almost zero damage with it.
  153. Robert Stan: Are blind and/or immobilize susceptible to mob CC DR/immunity?
  154. Bloodybarbie: +Drakostyle the wizard.
  155. Andrew Roberts: would using blazing fists not open up item prefixes to add to crit in place of using attack speed ?
  156. IsigaIseN: +Niels Vandevorst He's from aus, so he's probably on american servers
  157. Anton A: FailFish
  158. Olek_Gannon: well barb's done higher.
  159. tosh salt: "Health globe seller... I require your strongest health globes..."
  160. XDfreak00: I will one shoot to?
  161. Superfreakyy: +Xeratas You're missing the point. Now retards cant do well and thats a good thing... 
  162. Xephenon: The meta is really dull right now - get 3 classes and just buff the Wizards DPS as much as possible mostly due to Solanium. Combined with the almost instant T10 capability, this season got real old, real fast.
  163. Frank Laurn: Quin I have a Globe Monk and was wondering what you thought the best augmented stat would be for this char. Last season it was vitality, but this season is a bit different. Could it possibly be that dexterity (for the armor) or intelligence (for the all resist) be viable. Let me know what you think, and thanks again for all your videos.
  164. tahu1235: Thank you for everything you do
  165. Spirit ZP: hey quin i got a question .... what ur basically saying ... ull get more globes from fists of fury than blazing fists? thats 15% more attack speed... btw..thx for ur build...and also for orb wiz, hit 82 few days ago..
  166. Ecton Asmr: You cut your hair! :P Anyway, hey :) I've watched a lot of your videos for D3, you explain things really well. I am making a website at the moment and in the gaming section I am adding a D3 section covering builds and new patch info as more patches get made, I was wanted to ask you as the first person if you would like or mind me posting some of your class build videos on my website in the D3 builds section?
  167. UsmValor: +roydamanna Gotta see this now, get some good laughs from it xD
  168. Anonymous Anonymous: It says 1080p, this is 10SHITP, please get a better fucking c you scrub.
  169. MrZhilvinas: +Drakostyle Your group. You are not supposed to deal any damage, only buff other's so you solely rely on your group. You cannot solo with this build
  170. xlongyujax: I was told Toxin causes lag in high grifts... I did play in grift 83 with Toxin and lag was real... Anyways so its pain enhancer that causes the actual lag?
  171. Halldor H.: KAPPA LORD 154 TAINT RATS
  172. TheDallasLegend: +Hakami Pham most globe builds are zDPS - zero damage per second
  173. TraianusImperator: Can you see it.
  174. GunvorPlays: +Agar.io - Zombie :D
  175. Rikitikisiki: Also if there's a DH in the group, he's the scout.
  177. rehab: Hey Quin. Great guides as always (I was slightly confused when the link for the written guide linked to Icy Veins, thought you were writing for icy-veins now) what do you think about a support variant, where you're not spawning globes (2s version or something alike) and switch out some stuff for more +damage? examples would be: blinding flash for EP: the flesh is weak and rainment for 2set Ulianas; also what do you think about Epiphany: Soothing Mist for group setups?
  178. Jacob Wheaton: Quin looks like he hasn't slept in a week :'D
  179. Xeratas: iam not casual iam P1000 + aswell but i hate this current meta this is so stupid and doesnt feel good to play espcially with this mega important positioning. its so annyoing.
  180. adiksaff: Just out of curiosity, since the main DPS was the wizard, what were the Barb & WD doing? =)
  181. Felipe Cristiano: Its just a heal.
  182. Ken Havens: incredible how people donate hundreds of dollars to his stream...just insane.
  183. Taskin Karadeniz: hi quin, in your footage in 2:16 when you open your char sheet, i see you toughness becomes 800 million and up to 1 milliard 600 million. what affects this? how can you do that? I also tried this build mine becomes 200 million toughness. and I died time to time , people were saying bad support monk about me :( waiting your reply about this.
  184. Dougal Skanes: Sorry, what ring are you using in the cube?
  185. senkyou: 7:52
  186. CFFT: Retarted damage lol
  187. DJ Smith: it is amazing how fast this game gets boring.
  188. steinarne79: Isn't the twister gonna be fixed now ?
  189. Joshua Ceres: 2.4 Refreshment Monk - "Get your Globes Here!" "Sir!! I'll take two, I am parched from Playing Twister"
  190. Despond: lol this is the only reason for ppl to take monks now, some support servant.
  191. Wupday: everything is OP in this game :D
  192. Bloodybarbie: +Joseph Saeteurn OPOP
  193. Mateusz Nowosiad: Is this build really better than Inna's Generator? I'm asking because i want to try something new and i cant decide what is better for now.
  194. pantelas70r: Nice guides, as always mate. Could you make videos for Innas pet built, Tempest rush lon build and Swk torch build too?
  195. Basheer Anani: +Liio I've been looking for this! Thank you.
  196. Despond: +LxxPxRD Yay you get to be a globe bitch for 3 months. Awesome gameplay man.
  197. Antim8: Use Tal rasha chest Piece 😂
  198. Tom Müller: 100+ i dont think so. I hope u be swated.
  199. Bobzgfx: +David Redford No.
  200. Kurochy00: yo Quin, does IK-Raekor build Barb good for this setup.? party wise i mean.. thanks in advance.
  201. Vladimir Serov: +senkyou Literally shared my wife
  202. Mmt: So, what about attack speed diminishing returns?
  203. flyingflippy: +Liio maybe ask your maths teacher about that. ;) but in the context of solanium procc, y your right
  204. XDfreak00: Quin. on the one punch monk build u can get off the hands and bots, and put the sages botts and hands. PD: I put the boots tht u use on the usual build on Kaneis Cube
  205. ixuzTV@Twitch/Twitter: Haha, Was it only me who reacted to his pronunciation 9:40:P
  206. Xander Ellem: i miss my heal monk, stand there and afk.
  208. Carts: oh noooo
  209. Cam Booth: Thanks for mentioning HC players. I played SC for a few months in vanilla to get used to the mechanics of the game, but that was it. I always watch your vids Quin, and of course Tony's for wd's lol Thanks bro, your builds are awesome, and honestly without videos like this, I would move onto another game. Keep rockin those builds man! \m/
  210. Jonasan-san: does simplicity strength actually add life on hit? or is it just a heal?
  211. Encythies: Coulld u not just do this with broken promises?
  212. PerseusKarvasius: happy australia day quin
  213. TheTehMaster: Does the oculus ring work on our follower?
  214. MrFreonize: +Wupday if everything is OP, then nothing is op, since its balaced?
  215. Ranger A117: lol
  216. fuzzwho20: Would it also be an option to sub Leoric in cube and go 4 and 4 innas and rainment. More dashes not using damage reduction chest piece or is illusory boots still more prominent over dashes as your only spender? @Quin69
  217. Despond: +Xephenon Yep. Boring as fuk. Grind instanced pve doing this for 3 months, yeah no thanks.
  218. 9595alle: Crash servers... lets do it!:D
  219. Silent One: whats the change in 2.4.1 with heal monks has everyone got life per hit and boon of the inspiration ?? on monk since the weapon got a nerf of icd of 8 seconds
  220. Jed Scratchard: Can you make a video on that twister wizard build?
  221. Robert Degner: Thoughts on Crippling Wave [Breaking Wave] ?
  222. roydamanna: Twister is so 1997
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D3: GR100+ Support Monk (2.4 | Group | Globe build)

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Diablo III Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 25 Jan 2016

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